Strange Things Indeed!

United States
July 22, 2008 8:31am CST
This year has been a rather strange one for me. It's a little over half way through and things just keep getting stranger by the day. But before I get to far ahead let me explain how it started out. Most around the area I live in know that I generally stay to myself and we all basically get along. Around February a new family moved into the trailer park next door to where I live. Since people are constantly moving in and out of this block, I didn't think much of it, until their children started causing havoc in our usually quiet neighborhood. Now how is that strange, well I don't know, but since that time odd occurrences have happened since. After the problems started to arise, I started to believe I was gonna go out of my head and do something I may have regretted, but before it ever came to that other things started to fall into place. My husband and I for the months prior had been having a hard time keeping ahead of the bills, with his hours cut back and me not doing so well with the business front, but in May we started getting notices that we had credits posted to our utility bills, when called and asked about it, they simply told us we had paid over the amount, so the extra money was credited towards our next bill. Not gonna argue with them over it, but still it baffles me on where (and if there is one) the error was made. Than a couple weeks ago, my husband paid off his car loan. Over the weekend he received a $600 refund in the mail from the company he got the loan from. This really has him baffled, since while going over his records he could find no over payment, but when he called they told him that he had over payed. hmmm. All the while, during this streak of good luck, our electronic equipment and other items seem to have taken on a life of their own. I know how odd that sounds, but hear me out, before our luck in money started changing, my husband told me about the cable box changing channels on it's own, not thinking much about it, I just told him he might have hit the remote without realizing it, than the stereo turned on and that don't have a remote and no one one was standing near it at the time. After such, the alarm clock would go off on it's own, the computer would come on, lights and fans go on and off at different times and there's no real set pattern to the "events", it just happens when it wants to. I have had everything checked throughly, making sure we aren't having electrical issues, but everything is in top condition. And I believe the electrician is getting annoyed to have to keep coming out here to keep on checking the wiring within our home and appliances. lol Than today, I got a case of star and moon shaped beads in blue hues, was not post marked and did not have a return address on it. Was still sealed and had instructions on how to make some bracelets or necklaces with the beads. This could only be a coincidence, but I love star and moon shaped beads in blue hues. No one around here knows that, and have asked the neighbors if they saw anyone around my house dropping something off on the porch. No one saw a thing. HMMMM! This has been one heck of a year for me indeed. So has anything strange gone on with any of you out there? If so, please do feel free to share. And yes I probably have lost my mind, I sure feel like I have.
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2 responses
• Canada
28 Jul 08
Wow...what interesting experiences you are having. My first thought when I read the bountiful blessings that are coming your way the first one and your family deserve it! Do you have anyone that you can think of that you have assisted in the past year that might be a benevolent benefactor? From what you have shared on Mylot you are a giver...perhaps someone has appreciated your efforts on behalf of others and they want to give to you and your family without creating a low comfort level about receiving. The other possibility is the "like attracts like" energy within a philosophy of "what goes around comes around." Some of the examples you describe with your electronics equipment could be coming from higher frequency energies your have opened yourself up to...and they are connected to the positive flow of good things into your lives. Whatever it view is...ENJOY!!! Sometimes we stop the flow by throwing our confusion or fixation about the WHY of things rather than riding the horse in the direction it is going and focusing on the good times. There is a general belief that whatever we focus attention I am celebrating your bounty with you and sincerely hope it grows and expands and that there is no ceiling to how good it can be for you and yours. Really interesting discussion...glad you shared it! Raia
• United States
28 Jul 08
Thanks for your response. Though the twist in fate has lead to some confusion, I try not to dwell on it, since in a way I do not want to jinx myself into the state in which we were in prior. I do not want to go through that scary stage of my life again, so doing everything I can to prevent it from happening. I have a vast list of those I have helped online and offline, whether it be with money troubles of their own or just by being an extra listening ear, and I already know that if one of them were helping me out, not a one would admit to it if I were to ask, if it is one of them I am greatly thankful for the help they have provided to me and my family. I am truly greatful for this turn of events and I thank my lucky stars everyday for the blessings my family and I have received.
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• Canada
29 Jul 08
Whatever the reason...I am happy for you too. Your approach to 'getting yourself out of the way" and not stopping the flow by thinking about it sounds like a good approach. Whatever the reason...the blessings are a-flowing...and I am happy to hear it. The rough, daunting, scary stages in life sure make us appreciate the good times while we have them. As I said last time...hope all the good keeps on coming!! Raia
@BarBaraPrz (49095)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
26 Jul 08
Wow! Strange indeed. But now that you mention it, I got a $110 credit on my phone bill this time around. I meant to check it out with the phone company but didn't have time when I opened the bill, and then forgot about it. I checked the bill just now and was surprised at how large the credit was... and of course it's Friday night now so I won't get an answer anytime soon. I'm putting the bill under my keyboard so I don't forget about it again.
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• United States
26 Jul 08
That's nice that you got that much credited to your phone bill. The credits to my utility bills have been no where near that amount, but are still in the $50 to $60 range, which is still a considerable amount when one thinks about it. We got our electric bill last week and again it had a $40 credit on it. I've either hit an incredible amount of luck, or there are some sort of error on their end and if that is the case me thinks they need to start double checking before sending out the bill. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that your's is not an error.
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@BarBaraPrz (49095)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
26 Jul 08
Thanks, and I'll wish the same for you.
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