I want to save my marriage - ideas?

@ebsharer (5515)
United States
July 22, 2008 8:48am CST
My marriage is on the rocks. We are in marriage counseling now and after only one session I think I am more confused then ever. Let me give you the short of the story. My husband came to me about 6 weeks ago and said he wasn't happy. He said that he wanted a divorce. I told him that wasn't an option and we talked through things. We told each other the issues we were having with each other. We both were working on them. About 5 weeks after the talk our 4 year anniversary was coming up and we talked again. He said the same thing. At first I thought I didn't have a choice and said okay. I'll call my attorney and get things started. The more I thought about it the more I realized "NO" I don't want a divorce I want to work it out. I as did he promised to love the other for better or worse and I am sticking to that. So I called a marriage counselor instead. He was dead set against it at first and I talked him into going. The result MORE confusion! He says that he doesn't know if he wants to try and work it out. Says that he doesn't see a future with us. I say we are worth fighting for because we were good together at one point. He uses the words "I don't know" very often to the point where I want to hurt him if he says those words again! I just don't understand how you spend 5 years (4 years married) with some one and just give up. So my question is - HOW DO I SAVE MY MARRIAGE??? I know that you don't know every thing that is going on, but if you have been in this situation or know some one that was tell me about it. What are the things you do to keep the 'spice' in your relationship? I will respond to any questions you may have. Thanks in advance for your tips, input, opinions and any advice.
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53 responses
@penny64 (1106)
• Australia
26 Jul 08
My new friend, I only just saw this discussion and am sorry that I missed it earlier. I don't really have any advice about your marriage, because every single marriage is different. However, I do think there is hope because he says he doesn't know. It's like he is looking for a reason for it to work out, but is going through some kind of personal crisis. If he really wanted to leave, he would just leave. It might be passe now, but I can recommend the book Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus. I re-read it recently, and surprisingly it has helped us get over a trouble spot, even though my husband hasn't read a word of it. Most importantly, you are beautiful and special. Don't let anyone make you think otherwise. This is not your fault. Your husband has had lots and lots of time to mull this over in his own head - you have only had a few weeks to come to grips with it. No wonder you're confused!
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
28 Jul 08
He is deffinatly going through some thing personal these days. I just wish he would confide in me more. Counsling is going very well after our second appointment I felt much better. I have been reading so many books these days I don't know if I could take another one! Thank you for the suggestion maybe I'll check it out. Yes he has had more time to think about it. Don't get me wrong I knew some thing was up but I didn't think it was this bad. And really I don't think things are this bad I think he just doesnt know what to do with him self right now. He will figure it out and I will be here for him. Fighting enough for both of us to keep this marriage going.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
28 Jul 08
Thank you for the words of encourgement. Funny thing is we are in a pretty good financial position! Don't get me wrong the gas prices are effecting us too BUT our bills are paid and we have a little extra for fun money. Maybe thats the problem - we were better when we were having financial problems! Go figure!
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@penny64 (1106)
• Australia
28 Jul 08
I'm so glad that counselling is working out better now. That must be a huge relief. I admire you for your determination to make it work, and your strength in supporting your husband through this, especially as he is taking whatever it is out on you. You are amazing. I do think that financial problems can also be a huge strain on a marriage. We used to fight most when money was tight - it's just one more pressure. I hope that you two can work things out. Please keep in touch and let me know how you are doing.
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@Bebs08 (10681)
• United States
22 Jul 08
Hello ebsharer, I admire your decision to stick to the marriage and willing to work out even if your partner is not cooperating with what you want to happen. I'm sure your husband still loves you based on what you said, she gives you a card on your anniversary stating that "NEW BEGINNING". No offense but I could tell that there is something in your attitude that your husband don't like and he is sick of it. Sometimes, women talks too much. Nagging and keep on repeating the discussion all the time. You said, you keep on talking and he is quiet but when he can't bear it anymore he has a loud burst. You know your weaknesses that your husband do not like in you. If we want a change, we will start it in ourselves. We will not require others to do the same. We must have a big room to understand others, no judging, hurting words, or negative comments of anything when we see something we don't like. ACCEPTANCE each other's attitude could help. No comments or insults if we see something we don't like. My husband has so many things I don't like but I don't insult him. Instead I look for good things he does and admire or appreciate him. That's what he said, He needs appreciation and I could tell he is happy when I do that. One thing he told me, He doesn't like to see me gaining weight. So.. what I can share is that, be sweet to your husband, no nagging, talking too much wouldn't help. Stay sexy and appealing to him, take good care of him and his needs. Make a change in YOU. Don't force him to change himself, he will eventually do that if he can see your changes. Be positive and happy all the time. You can do it because you are have the determination to hold on to the marriage and you said you will do everything. GOOD!!!
@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
23 Jul 08
Please see other comments for more info if you would like. As I said you have to live our life to get it. I will NOT submit to my husband as I don't expect he would to me. We are equal in our relationship. Most every thing is done EQUAL. We both work full time, we both take care of our daughter. He has his regular list of things to do as do I. My husband is WELL taken care of he has issues that he needs to work on. I am not saying that he is the only one at fault here. I should have noticed earlier that there was some thing wrong. No I should have made him tell me what was wrong sooner. I did notice but when some one tells you every thing is FINE and OKAY and GOOD then thats what you believe.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
22 Jul 08
He has said he still loves me - he doesn't know if he is "in" love with me any more. I partly understand that. We don't see each other very often as our schedules are very different. I work days he works evenings. In less I stay up till midnight I don't see him untill Saturdays and Sunday mornings. I have to be up at 630am so staying up till midnight is LATE for me. I do stay up and wait for him pretty often - more often then I should. I end up tired at work and tired at home. I keep my house clean - the laundry done - dinner is made almost every night and the nights its not I have some thing else planned for him to eat when he gets home. The only thing I 'nag' about is the fact that he doesn't kiss me when he comes home from work. I do every thing I should for him and then some. I am changing things about myself that have always been one way but he doesn't like any more. Its NO breaking news that I have a strong personality. I have been the way that I am for a long time. I am not forcing him to change what I expect and derserve from him is Love, Respect, Trust, and Companionship. I expect a husband not a roommate. We share a bank account and a bed - that doesn't make us a couple. It has been his choice to live like this lately NOT mine. I don't know how to be happy and pleasent when my husband is telling me he wants a divorce and chooses not to work on things because he just doesn't want to. There is some thing wrong with that. It is much easier to just walk away - I am not going to do that. I am willing to work on any thing and every thing - It is in his hands now. If he chooses to leave so be it but I WON'T be the one to leave first. I WON'T be the one to give up. I love my husband even the things that bother me about him I have come to ACCEPT. He needs to do the same for me. As for the weight issue - He has always said I was fine - 6 weeks ago he suggested I go on a diet. I have done that and have lost 10 pounds since then. It is not some thing I can change over night. I put forth effort and end up crapped on. I put forth effort and he does not. With all that said - With all the pushing away he does - With all unappreciation he shows me - I still love him and will still fight for our marriage.
@Bebs08 (10681)
• United States
23 Jul 08
That is the very reason why he doesn't like it anymore. You have no time spend for each other. As you said, you have a strong personality, men do not want women who is dominating. They want to feel that they are the head and the women will submit to them not like a slave but to respect them as a husband. Maybe he should understand that also in return he has to respect your opinions too. But if both of you should know how to humble yourselves and accept who is wrong and don't demand for a change. It will eventually come if you know how to humble yourselves. Give time for each other, If he doesn't kiss you, try to be attractive and and sexy... stop nagging.. NAG can kills love. I have a friend whose wife is a nagger then he said, he lost all the appetite he has for his wife. He said, he doesn't fell like he loves him anymore. Therefore, nagging and too much talking and blaming can kills love. Try another strategy... you said you are willing to do all you can to save the marriage!! You are right!!!! you can still do something!!!!Be nice, be loving, don't nag, don't talk too much, try to express your love, be the one to hug him first? appreciate him. do everything to make him feel good..
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
14 Aug 08
you can only save a relationship that both people want to save. I mean if you are going to counseling continue to do that. see how that works out. but you can't keep anyone in a relationship if they don't want to be in one. the most important thing to do is be honest with yourself. know that it's not your job to make him happy. he has to be happy with who he is and then want to share that with you. once you sit down and be totally honest with yourself then be honest with him. honesty is the key. not anger or fear. after that if he wants to go then honey you have to let him go. i know that is not what you want to hear, but i am telling you girl it's the truth and the only way you are going to be able to deal with what ever happens. be honest with yourself then him, and if he wants to go let him go with love.
@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
15 Aug 08
http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/1636454.aspx Take a look at the update. Things are getting better.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
18 Aug 08
Its not perfect yet - but will get there. At least to "our" perfect!
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
17 Aug 08
yes i read that and i am so happy for you. i am happy to see that he was honest with you and you guys worked through it. good for you girl
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@rsa101 (38208)
• Philippines
22 Jul 08
I am just sad to see any marriage go away just like that. I really do not know what the real facts are there to make your husband feel that it's not working anymore. Is there a child that is invloved? Or a third party is the most likely cause of such being so disinterested in your partnership. Was the marriage forced upon him? There are really many questions i would like to kow to really pass judgment between the two of you. But for me, when one party is already saying 'It's not working anymore' I don't really see any future in that. He even showed to that he wasn't really interested in patching things up in front of a counselor which means there is nothing to patch up anymore. It would be hard what happened in the four years of marriage there may be something that triggered that made it what it is today. But I do still h ope that he would change his mind but the way you describe him in your post he really is determined to give up the commitment he made four years ago.`
@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
22 Jul 08
Yes we have a daughter she is 19 months old. No there is no third party. Neither one of us have time to cheat. The marriage was not forced upon. I believe your last statement is true but its not what I want to hear or believe.
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@rsa101 (38208)
• Philippines
22 Jul 08
Well I cannot give any advice right now since I am seeing that your husband is refusing to have your marriage workout. Maybe during one of your sessions the true reasons behind his giving up the marriage might be revealed and you might as well decide too to give up or fight something that is not worth fighting for.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
22 Jul 08
Yes I agree that in time I will figure out the real reason and at that point decide if its time to just let go. Thank you!
@anawar (2404)
• United States
22 Jul 08
ebsharer- hi! How can you hold onto a brick walk or move a mountain? You can't. When you talk to your husband, he won't respond, it's like talking to a brick wall. You've asked him over and over again to try and work things out with you. He's not going to change his mind. You can't move a mountain and you can't change someone's mind. Go ahead and make him file for the divorce. It will cost him more money than it will cost you. If it comes down to that bitter end, you'll finally have one victory. Are you holding onto the memory of who he was or who you think he was? Take a good look at who he is today and listen to what he's telling you.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
22 Jul 08
Thank you. I agree that this could be stressful for a child. We do have a daughter who is 19 months. We don't discuss any thing around her and realty is we aren't both in the same room very often. Most of our talks are late at night and she is asleep. I will fight for it till he ends it. Thank you for every thing you said I respect your opinion and appreciate every thing you have said.
@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
22 Jul 08
Although every thing you said is true its not what I want to hear. I guess I am still holding on to the glimmer of hope that it will all be okay and things will work out. I guess I am to the point now where if I keep trying and he still files for a divorce or leaves then I will accept it. I just can't no I just WON'T give up. I'll fight till the end, because I believe in us. Its in his hands. HE needs to make the choice and either way I'll accept it.
@anawar (2404)
• United States
22 Jul 08
You have your answer then. Nothing will change your mind because you are set in your path and intend to keep fighting. Give it you all. I think I read you have a child. This is in no way a judgment, but what you are going through is stressful for a child of any age. I'm sure you're sheltering her from any negativity. It's amazing what these kids soak up from what's going on around them! So, hold on until he goes for the divorce. That's what you want and for you, that is the correct choice. You don't need to ask others what they think. You are strong in your beliefs. All of these factors added together, I agree with your decision, because it's right for you.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
22 Jul 08
I don't know how to save a marriage if one person doesn't want to. I can't really offer much knowledge into this because my marriage isn't in the best of shape either. I do know from my first marriage that if one person doesn't really honestly want the marriage to work, it can't. I am not saying give up but you will have to fight very hard to save it and make him want to stay. Best of luck to you!
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
22 Jul 08
Thats my point - how do I make him want to stay. What do I have to do? He asked that I change a few things and I have been working on them. They are not things I can change over night - All I ask for is time and for him to try.
@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
22 Jul 08
He knows I can't change over night. I am already seeing the differance in myself I don't see a differance in him. I communicate with him - he doesn't talk to me. Talking to a wall gets more response. My husband is a great man in many ways. Its just the part where he does't talk so every thing builds up and in the end he explodes, not physcially not even loudly just says every thing at once. Things that I am like where did that come from. And it was some thing that happened 3 months ago. We don't fight. I fight some times but he doesn't and if I get loud he will leave the room. I could be nicer but at times I just don't want to I just want to get it out.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
22 Jul 08
You have to explain to him that you can't change over night and I don't think that he should expect you to but, if you aren't making a full effort to it then he will see that as well. Marriage are very hard to make work. It is more difficult if you both want different things. If you have good communication it will make your work much less hard. I don't have good communication with my husband, I wish I did because it would make our marriage so much better. Yes we can talk about general things but anything else pretty much turns into a huge verbal fight about different things. I stay in my marriage because I know that my husband is a good man, he just lacks communication skills, I have asked him to change that, and he is and is working hard at it. I know that he won't change over night and when I feel that everything is right back to the way it was before, I tell him. It's so difficult and I really hope and wish you all of the very best!
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@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
23 Jul 08
I am going to give you an opinion (or experience) from a guy's point of view. It is also, of course, my personal experience, so it may or may not be relevant. I have been married for 39 years. About 5 years ago, when my youngest child turned 18 and was talking of getting married, I realised with horror that, for at least the last 20 years, I had been using the kids as a barrier or go-between between myself and my wife and that I had not felt comfortable in her company for a long time. It's not that I hated her - it was more a lack of the feeling that I felt should be love: enjoying and wanting someone else's company. I felt that, basically, I had made a mistake in marrying her. Sure, we have three lovely kids who appear to be well-balanced and 'grown up' in their way. They are a joy to my life, indeed, but something must have changed because I now see their mother as becoming 'all mothering' ... in other words, she clucks and mother-hens over me as well and I dislike that intensely! Either I have changed or she has (or maybe both) and I don't see that I can give her the companionship that she needs nor do I see her giving me the kind of incentive or sparky relationship that I seem to want. You can, perhaps, guess that, after 39 years of marriage, I am no spring chicken and am, indeed, recently retired. Retirement was a blow and also felt like a new beginning. I think, in many ways, I feel younger and more alive now than I did at 30 and that is probably what is bugging me. Now, you have been married four years. You need to ask yourself very carefully what marriage actually means to you. Is it the actual framework of married life (the security and predictability) that is really important? Imagine, for example, that your husband were replaced by another (hypothetical) male who did the same day-to-day habitual and sometimes apparently caring things, would you be happy to go on as before or would the fact that this was not the man you married be a big problem? We are all individuals and, as such, we all have different things that are important to us. In a marriage (or, indeed, any other kind of relationship) we agree to assume that some (but rarely all) of our goals and important things are compatible, at least - never make the mistake of assuming that they are identical! At different times of our lives, different issues come to the fore and others tend to recede. This is an individual thing and often a relationship is built (by one or the other person) so rigidly that it doesn't allow for our own changes, let alone those of the partner. You want to 'save your marriage'. In all of what you said, you never mentioned the word 'love' once, though I imagine you would say "Well, of course I love ...". The big question is, whom or what do you really love? Your marriage? Your husband - as he was when you married him or as he is now? Did you, perhaps, 'fall in love' with an image you had of this guy and how it would be to be married to him? These are things that, though it may be painful to contemplate, you really owe it to yourself to be asking. Your husband has said that he is not happy and (by the number of 'I don't know's he uses), he may not be entirely sure what 'happiness' is except that it is not where he's at at the moment. If you truly love him (and not some image that is in your mind), then you will accept that he needs to find out what exactly will make him feel happy. Even if he thinks that his solution would be another woman/person, though you don't imply that, then your love should ideally allow him to test that option - or any other that he feels might answer. At the moment he seems to be in denial of the relationship that you have together. Is it because you have dictated the parameters of it and he feels that he has had not enough say? The fact is that you do have a relationship and always will have. It may be one that he (and, maybe eventually, you) will want to put in the past but it is still a relationship from which both of you, hopefully, will have learned. How much that learning is a negative or positive thing for each of you, depends a great deal on how lovingly you deal with it now.
@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
23 Jul 08
First of all thank you for taking the time to read more then just my post. It is obvous that you read some of my comments, I appreciate that. My husband and I have both changed. He has changed into this person I don't know. I believe that he has other things going on in his mind. I belive that my husband is feeling scared. He had a pretty crappy childhood some will say that doesn't matter others will say thats all that matters. I think that some thing recently happened to make him remember how many times he was hurt in the past. I feel like he is trying to do the hurting before the hurting is done to him. Not that I would hurt him - I would do any thing to be sure he was NEVER hurt again. If I could prevent him from getting a paper cut I would. You ask me if he was some one else would I still be doing the same thing. My answer varies. If Brian was never my husband and say Jack was then yes I would be doing the same thing. I believe that a marrige should be carried out through better or worse, richer or poorer, sickness and health and all the other things we promissed eachother. I am a Christian woman even though I don't regulary go to church. I don't belive in divorce. I believe that if your spouse is cheating on you or abusing you then you should leave as that person is NOT doing what they promissed to do. I belive that if you still love each other and you really are trying to do right by your vows then you should work things out. Before I married Brian I asked him if he was always going to be willing to try always willing to wrok things out and he said yes. We agreed that once married that was it. I wouldn't have married him if I didn't invision spending my entire life with him yes him. Not just to have a husband or have some one to lean on but HIM. DIRECTLY HIM. When I met my husband it was not a set up or any thing like it. A friend had asked me to go out with him and some friends. I really didn't want to but did any way. When we were walking to the table where every one was sitting I said to my friend J see that guy there in the black shirt - I want him. That was that. Brian and I were introduced and we spent basically every night together since. I later found out he had been talking about the girl we would marry would be the girl that found him. He wasn't looking for some one when it happened it would happen I felt the same way. Your right through all of this discussion I have not said that I loved him - that I want to stay because I love him. Its NOT because I don't love him. I do if I didn't I would be here pouring my heart out to strangers looking for advice on what to do next. Now do I love him or his image or his before? I can honestly say I love him even when I don't like him I still love him. Am I in love with him? In a way yes - in a way no. I was once head over heals in love with him. Now its more comfort now its a love thats there but with no spark. I want the spark back and I could have it if he didn't push me away. I know I am still in love with him but I don't know how to continue to love some one that has outright said I don't know if I can still love you. My feelings on the love in love are confused. I do truly love him but right now he is a hard man to love. Every day it gets more difficult to love some one that pushes me away. Today I am to the point that if he chooses to leave and file for a divorce I will accept it. But I won't be the one to walk away, I won't be the one to give up. I do love him I do believe he loves me. I belive that he needs to work through his issues before he can work on ours. In all this all I want is for him to say - I want to work on it and I am willing to do so or I want a divorce and leave. Again thank you for your input. It has helped me think about more things.
@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
4 Aug 08
Hey here is the update on us. http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/1636454.aspx
• India
23 Jul 08
Before I answered, I read some responses here and my frank opinion is that your effort is not worth it anymore and don’t blame yourself for that. I felt like crying when I read your response to Floridachick wherein you say that your hubby doesn’t find you attractive anymore and you are trying to lose pounds…oh but why, why is it that around the globe it’s the same with us women bending backwards to accommodate every whim and fancy of the guys dammit you’re his wife, not some fancy mannequin or model on the ramp. And if he doesn’t find you attractive, then he doesn’t know the inside of you and that’s too bad for him and not for you or us. My advice is forget counseling, call your attorney and start proceedings for the best financial deals possible. Screw him financially as tight as you can and let us know how it goes… Believe (and I know this is hard) there is no turning around once they start saying ‘ummmmmmm I don’t know…’ they KNOW EVERYTHING, what they want and how they want and with whom. Ba*stards Wish I could hug you right now
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
23 Jul 08
Thank you Thank you and Thank you. I have to stick up for him on the weight thing. When we married I was a size 5 when I got pregnant I was in a size 9 at the start and after went back down to a 7/9. That wasn't a big deal - I had gained but not like now. Since my daughter I LOST every pound of baby weight and then some. About 6 months later I was not fiting into my paints. I am now up to a 14/16. So in 5 years time I went from a 5 to 14/16 I can understand that it bothers him - it bothers me too. Please understand that as much as he sounds like a bad guy he isn't. My husband had a really crappy childhood and it really screwed him up. More then I knew. After the first counsleing session I realized I NEED to be more understanding to what he is dealing with personally. I am NOT a 'soft' person. I tell it like it is, I have a temper, I am quick to speak befor I think. I was always like this but I have become worse. Its a cycle I push he pulls which makes me push harder and him pull farther. I understand your point that I should say screw it, BUT I just can't I know that once he works through what ever it is he is going through we will be okay again. We were a great couple. We were the couple that made you sick! We were the couple that every one looked at and said I want that! I believe we can have that again. I may just believe that because its what I want to believe but until he moves out and or files for a divorce I will do what ever I can to keep US. Some one else asked me what I was fighting for and why. My answer I am fighting for the vows I made 4 years ago. I am fighting for the life I was promissed. I am fighting for the love we had and have. I am fighting for my daguhter to have a mom and a dad. I am fighting for US.
• India
24 Jul 08
How truly wonderful…your passion, your commitments emanates thru every word (and it’s a rarity today when divorce has become the norm rather than the exception)…I really really wish I could interact with both of you personally, you seem to be a great couple and I also wish I could tell your hubby what a wonderfully strong wife you are. My hugs to you again…I may not be able to partake your every battle but you will be in my mind…do let us know whatever happens, good or bad and always remember there are friends out here
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
4 Aug 08
Hey here is the update on us. http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/1636454.aspx
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
23 Jul 08
If I could answer that I'd still be with my first husband instead of where I'm at now. We started having problems right after our son was born. He got stressed about the whole "family responsibility" thing, the more he pulled away, the more I pulled him back in (which was really just making him pull away further). It was a vicious cycle that went on for months. After that little episode we settled in for a couple months but then we moved. That's when the "you need to change" stuff started (mind you this was around our 1st anniversary). I worked on things and tried to make him happy...it worked. Then I got a job to take some financial stress off him. It seemed like the right thing to do...until his insecurities started. In the next 6 months I had a total of 3 jobs none lasting more than one month. The first and second jobs he restricted the hours I could work by not being available to watch the kids even though he'd agreed to when I got hired. The third job I was forced to leave because I was making enough money to leave him and he felt threatened. Things settle down again for a short time and I got pregnant again. Most of the pregnancy things were good. We even started looking for a nicer home to put on our land. But once the baby was born everything immediately fell apart again...the day after we came home from the hospital he went to the bar "for an hour or two" to celebrate his birthday, he came home at 7am. That next night he went out with my current s/o (lol yes I did the "husband's best friend thing" after the divorce!) and didn't come home until 8 am. Basically I was on my own with 3 small children because he either worked, slept, or went out. I was still doing everything I could to keep him happy but it wasn't working (I was being "too clingy" when I made him dinner ever night and expected him to come home but I was a bad wife when I quit bothering because he rarely came home at dinner time anyway) Anyway when our daughter was just 6 months old I'd had enough of the no win situation. I gave up. I left him a few months later. And ultimately he realized how badly he'd behaved and wanted me back. I didn't go through with it because I didn't believe him...now we're several years later. We both see our mistakes but don't know what to do about them since we're both in relationship we can't really leave. I know I've rambled and none of my issues may have anything to do with yours. I think it's great that you want to save your marriage but your zealousness might be freaking your husband out. He's definitely got issues he needs to work out. You are a wonderful person for trying to make him happy and make lots of changes but when will it end? Are you willing to lose yourself, the woman he married in the first place in an attempt to please the man he is now? Maybe it will work but more than likely you will wind up resentful and he'll claim that you aren't the woman you used to be (men are just as fickle as women). If I could do things over again I would sit my hubby down and tell him to listen to me and don't say a word. I would then tell him that I knew we were both unhappy, that we both had things to work on, and that our marriage wasn't working out. I'd then tell him that we had 6 months (or 3 months) to figure out what we should do. In that time we would see a counselor and spend a lot of time on making plans. The emphasis would not be on saving the marriage but on a workable future as a family, together or not, since their were children involved. I think if we had given ourselves time to face and deal with the realities of divorce without the pressure of saving the marriage, we could have solved things.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
23 Jul 08
Thank you for your story. Every post so far has given me some thing to think about. The part where you talk about you pulling and him pushing is my husband and I exactly and its actually what the counsler said. The more I push the more he pulls that makes me angery so I lash out, yell, and nag. It is as you put it a vicious cycle. My husband doesn't go out - he goes to work. He changed his schedule around to the point where we see each other on Sats and Sun mornings and has been working Sats more often lately. Your saying am I will to lose myself for him - It opened my eyes. NO I'm not willing to lose myself BUT I am willing to try and be a better person. He said that I snap a lot and I know that I do. Again its that cycle I push he pulls I snap. He says that I am not understanding in that I don't understand his past. And honestly I don't. I know that he had a pretty crappy childhood but I can't relate because as disfunctional as my childhood was I still ALWAYS had a mom that loved me and was there for me. We did the I'm gonna talk your gonna listen thing. I should have talked to the wall I would have got a better response. In the end I have told him plain and simple. I will stand by your side through your time of need thats what this is. I will do what ever I can do to help you and help myself as well as help US. If you choose to leave so be it - I will accept it, but until you make that decision I'll be here. Again thank you for your words of wisdom and your story.
@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
4 Aug 08
Hey here is the update on us. http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/1636454.aspx
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
22 Jul 08
I wouldn't know what to do if my husband told me one day out of the blue that he wasn't happy and wanted a divorce. I would automatically think there was another women in his life or he has just had enough of "US" and wanted out. I would want him to tell me why he felt this way, all the things he wasn't happy about and what he would suggest would make him happy to keep our marriage together. I would get him to talk to me and open up and tell me why he feels this way - all out honest deep conversation, no ifs or buts, bring it all out on the table and go from there. If he's not willing to open up to you, then I'm not sure there is anything you can do to save your marriage. He needs to be honest and upfront and so do you. That's probably where I would start.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
22 Jul 08
There isn't another woman - please see my other comments for more on that. It could be that he has had enough of 'us' but we don't see each other as I work days he works evenings. Saturdays and Sunday mornings were spent together but now he makes his own plans so we don't see each other even then any more. We share a bank and bed thats about it. I want more as does he. I am willing to open up he is not. I agree that there may not be much I can personally do, but I won't be the one to leave. I'll work on it for as long as I can.
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
22 Jul 08
Good for you :) I hope it all works out for you both!
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
23 Jul 08
You know, the more I read and think about this, the more I am thinking that in the absence of somebody else, maybe he just doesn't want to be MARRIED any more, and it has nothing to do with you. This may be why so many people are suggesting a trial separation where he moves out - because even though you are living as 'roommates', it is still the same house that you both go to, he helps you to take care of the baby, etc. If he were really gone from the house and not there at all, involved in any daily actions or day to day things, and you just planned dates to see each other, that may bring back some of the spark for him, as well as you. I have to say though, if his problem is just that he doesn't want to be married any more (at all), that it may continue to go downhill anyway, even if it doesn't have to do with you. He might really want to be alone, not to explore any options but because he's realized that marriage isn't for him. I don't understand that viewpoint but I do know people who never got married and are happy being that way.
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@relundad (2310)
• United States
22 Jul 08
It sounds like prior to him asking for the divorce that you guys lacked in communication. And that is always the root of the problem. If the two of you had been communicating you would not have been bamboozeled by his statement. Often times when we are in a relationship we get in and stop talking about our likes,dislikes,wants, desires etc. And we assume that since all is well with us that it must be the same way for our partners. But unless you ask you don't know. We tend to take so much for granted. We think that its enough to say that we will love each other for life. We don't realize that we have to work really hard at ensuring that it happens. Time doesn't ensure that. I think that marriage counselors serve the purpose of a non-interested party but in truth, the two of you know how and why you got to that point. If you can ever get past the denial of the situation and make a conscious effort to correct them. I suggest that you first start working on your communciation skills. I know that its a really hard place to start but you had it before and you can get it again if both people are willing to work it out and not try to find blame. Ask him where it started to go down hill and from there build. And the same from you. Hopefully you can both end up on the same page. Realize that often when a person wants out of the relationship its not because they don't love you anymore, its because they want what they had before. They want love to feel like it used to. They wanna still feel like they are the center of your life. They still want to feel like you are working to keep the relationship alive. The day to day hustles and bustles of life seem to make everything and every body else a priority. We assume that our partners will always be there and we can get back to them when all else is well. But for a successful relationship you need to make home your priority and all other stuff will fall into place.
@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
22 Jul 08
Yes the communication was basically non existant. I talk he doesn't. I really talk, I really tell him what is on my mind how I am feeling, and every thing else. He is the type of person to hold it all in and explode all at once. I knew he wasn't really happy but when I would ask him what was going on I didn't receive an answer. I want to agree that he wants what we had, but when I say we can have it again we have to work on it. He says he doesn't want to work on it. It should just be there. I say no a marriage takes work even a good one.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
23 Jul 08
Every marriage takes work, heck, every RELATIONSHIP takes work. People who do not think so never take into account why long marriages and long friendships survive, even through things like geographical distance due to jobs, deployments, or simply moving away from somebody. It is definitely all in communication, AND (you'll think this is funny) in the way you fight. Everything is not fair in love and war. If you love somebody, you may disagree, FERVENTLY disagree at that, but because you love them you would (or should) be more likely just to let them disagree and not start cussing and screaming at them and calling them an idiot because you don't agree. EB, not only is your husband refusing to communicate, he has the wrong idea about marriage. A good marriage may LOOK easy. My best friend's husband has the same problem. He thinks he does not have to communicate with her, but he expects her to read his mind! He also believes for some odd reason that MY husband thinks like he does and therefore comes to the same conclusions he does, which could not be further from the truth. He also figures that since my husband and I don't have many problems, that I must be bending over backwards kissing his butt, which is again pretty far from the truth. My husband is not a controlling nutjob, like my ex lol.
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@msedge (4011)
• United States
30 Jul 08
In saving your marriage both of you should work together.If its one sided it would be hard for you to save it specially when he refused to do things that would help your marriage to work.Theres something wrong but i couldn't tell.Only you and him knows about it.If you still want him maybe you should do things that would help him convinced to stay with your marriage.I know no one could be a perfect wife but you can try.Do all your responsibilities liker cooking, cleaning the house, take care of your children and also do your responsiblities for him.Take care of his needs and desire.Do anything to please him.If these things still won't work, i guess something is holding him to keep your marriage.
@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
30 Jul 08
We both work full time and we both care for our daughter when not at work. I do most of the house work and all the cooking. But I'm not going to take on his 3 chores too. I do a lot for him its about time he step up and do some for me like try in our marriage. Its just easier to walk away and he is good at taking the easy way out.
@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
5 Aug 08
Hey here is the update on us. http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/1636454.aspx
@msedge (4011)
• United States
5 Aug 08
I am sorry about that.I hope things will be better for you.Take care!
1 person likes this
• United States
22 Jul 08
if you guys dont really have a history of butting heads and you seemed to think your marriage was pretty good, chances are, he is having an affair. Have you asked him about this? Even if he denies it, tell him that you guys have a history together and if he is preparing to throw his marriage away for another woman, let him know you are willing to work through and forgive him if that is the case. Tell him if he is doing this for another woman, there is lots of unknowns with another woman, but with you, he has offered a life long commitment and you want him to honor that and work through any issues. You must be willing to work through it as well if he does come clean and tell you he is seeing another woman. Often, people stray and feel they are now comitted to the person they strayed with and think they have done something aweful and have no choice but to end the marriage. Good luck to you..I feel for you.
@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
22 Jul 08
There is no affair. I know it for a fact. You would have to live a day in our live to understand it fully. But there is literally NO time for it. From when he gets up in the morning till its time for him to go to work he has our daugeter with him - he would NEVER bring her some where he shouldn't. When he is at work he is at work nothing more then that. After work IF by chance he goes out its with people from work that I know and would never cover for him. It is an EXTREAM rareity for him to go out after work. I can be sure with out a doubt he is not cheating. I know where he is at all times as he does me. Its not because I am demanding of knowing where he is - its just the way things are. Cheating is NOT the issue. He says that we have grown apart, but can't tell me how.
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
25 Jul 08
Ebsharer, I know what I told you in the other discussion you posted and I stand by it, I don't assume anything, but let me tell you a story: MY best friend's husband was/is a wonderful person. THey were so goog together even friends joked with them sometimes. Some of the friendly jokes were about the fact that they always went everywhere together. Even to go out with the dog he would ask her to go with him. He would go to work just at the exact time to be there on time, come back at the proper time to come straight without stopping anywhere. Other than that they were always together or if she wasn't there for some reason he was with the kids. Thye went grocery shopping together, they went out for coffee together, etc. etc. Very rarely he would go out with her cousin and some friends, and believe me the cousin would tell if something was going on.We would meet them often here and there, and they were always together. One day he told her he didn't want to stay together anymore. She couldn't understand why. He couldn't explain why, he didn't know - he kept saying.She suggested counseling and he didn't want to go. He told her that it wasn't that things could not be fixed - they probably could - but he didn't really want to fix them. They did go to counseling but it didn't work that much, every time he went he was already defensive. Turns out he actually was having an affair - with a coworker and during work time.Only during work time including lunches, brakes and well.... the time they should be working.The rest of the time, he was home or with my friend and kids. He never went out with his other woman outside work hours, he never called her, he never had contact with her outside the work time. THey did email each other but trough his work email. Please don't think I am assuming anything. I'm not. Just telling you a real life story that I know is true because I was the one that my friend came to when she was confused and hurt, and I am the one that was able to give her all the emails they sent to each other. Neither of us could believe what we were seeing. Once someone goes to work we tend to think that what the person will be doing is work. SO now it's my turn to tell you: never assume anything, you might be wrong. WIsh you the best of luck and hope you are and your husband are able to work things out. By the way, my best friend did. And they went for counseling a second time, this time with all cards on the table. Counseling helped them but the main thing that helped was when all facts were known.
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
25 Jul 08
P.S I just want to stress here that I told you a real story, it doesn't mean that I am assuming that this is something even remotely close to your situation. Just that when I read your comment to the response I felt that your reason for thinking that is not an affair was based on the same premises as my friend have - How can it be if the only time he goes out alone is for work. What can he do at work? Well as it turned out, plenty. SO I just meant to point to you that your reasoning for it not being an affair is flawed. It can happen. It doesn't mean that it's happening. All the best to you.
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• Philippines
4 Aug 08
Have you ever ask him why he is not happy. Have you ever thought that maybe he has someone else. If that's the case... would you still fight for him. Just let him go...and if he realize how important you are... he will come back to you. Sometimes to work things out is to let things go. He just don't know for now your importance in his life. Let him experience a life without you. And when he chooses to be free...it's not your lost. It's his. Meanwhile make yourself more beautiful and sexy.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
4 Aug 08
Yes I have - Please see my comments for more info and the link to my update discussioin.
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• Philippines
5 Aug 08
Yup I've read your update. Very happy for you. In fact your story is close to mine. So happy for you. Good day.
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@Modestah (11177)
• United States
15 Aug 08
ah that is a tough situation. People are happy or unhappy as they choose to be. as far as spice - I think that is a big part of the problem for many marriages - the expectation of excitement and "spice" and then the let down when it ceases... Reality is it can not always be that way and as a marriage matures and family and responsibilities change so do the other dynamics. The best thing is what you said .... that is not an option. stick with it. marriage is not dissolved because of boredom or laxity or even because of divorce. something is going on with your husband, some sort of crisis. try to stay compassionate despite the temptations that come with this sort of revelation and shock which is so injurious.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
15 Aug 08
http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/1636454.aspx Take a look at the update. Things are getting better.
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• Canada
23 Jul 08
Well hun, I know some of what I am going to say may not be what you are looking to hear as I know in your heart of hearts you want to save your marriage. I know that you are right to want to fight for what you have, I think any woman would do the same. The thing is, this marriage can only be saved if you are BOTH willing to work on it. It doesn't sound like he is. I am sorry but him saying he doesn't find you attractive anymore is a pretty big thing, not only is it hurtful and rude towards you, but it does send a pretty big signal that he has fallen out of love with you because if you truely love someone for who they are, you really aren't going to notice too much that they have gained weight, and if you do notice, it isn't apt to bother you. I am sure that with pregnancy and marriage he too has put on a couple pounds, tell me does that bother you? Would you ever stop loving him because of the physical changes since you met? likely the answer is probably not. I think that you should not be having to jump through hoops to please any man, even your husband. Every extra pound says that you were able to carry children, love them and nurture them to life outside of you, that should earn respect and adoration, not anything less. The thing is here HE said HE is not happy...So I don't think that there is anyway for YOU to do more than you have tried to save your marriage. HE has to figure out will make HIM happy, what would make him WANT to stay, how HE could fall in love with you again, then you need to figure out if what it would take is what you are willing to try/do, without demeaning, or harming your mental/emotional self. Because going through this all or not...you have children, and you cannot sacrifice your mental/emotional self because they need you. Your one and only commitment in this world is those kids. I will add a bit more that I think could help you as getting started discussions with hubby. I just have to go take my sister to work. Bless you, this is a very difficult place for you to be, and I have been there so I feel for you alot.
@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
18 Aug 08
Hey here is the update on us. http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/1636454.aspx By the way he did answer the questions. He read every response and responded to them to me. It was nice to hear his point of view on things too.
• Canada
14 Aug 08
Tyvm for answering and sharing :) I was Kinda hoping you might ask HIM to answer these questions for you :) I hope you find a way, that you find a light to lead you through it!
1 person likes this
• United States
23 Jul 08
I have seen this happen to a far too many women and it really takes both people to make a marriage work and he has given up. Guys just seem to get it in their head that they aren't happy because the honeymoon years are over and think divorce is the easy way out instead of working things through. He is the only one who really knows why and whether he is telling you the real reasons you may never know. If he is in a rush, I would throw it out there that he is getting attention from another woman. I admire that you are going to fight for him and are letting him know that this is not what you want to happen. Here are some questions you may want to ask yourself: Do you really want to be with someone who isn't giving you what you deserve? How many more years are you going to feel like you wasted on him if he is not willing to work in your marriage as hard as you are? Good luck - you sound like a devoted loving wife and it would be his loss!
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
24 Jul 08
SID - Thank you for the words of encourgment. I do appreciate them. I thought about him seeing this and I told him that I had a lot for him to read. I want to talk to him about a lot of what I have learned from this disucssion. I didn't quite get the answers I was looking for but I did learn a lot. First and formost I learned that too many people are just willing to give up. Most of the responses here are tell me to do so. Divorce really is TOO easy. I never thought that I would have to deal with the word 'divorce' as sooo many people have. I truly think that if its ment to be it will be and I truly think we are ment to be.
@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
23 Jul 08
You asked me a few questions - I said I would answer all questions so here it goes... Q- Do you really want to be with someone who isn't giving you what you deserve? A- No I don't want to be with some one that isn't giving me what I deserve, BUT I truly feel like once he works through what ever it is he is going through we will be okay again. I believe in my heart of hearts in my soul that things will be okay if HE can get through this. Again I am not saying I am perfect but I do believe once he realizes that the grass isn't always greener on the other side he will understand what we have IS good. Q- How many more years are you going to feel like you wasted on him if he is not willing to work in your marriage as hard as you are? A- Time with him - good or bad will never feel wasted. Even if things don't work out the way I want I have learned a lot from him. I have a beautiful daughter because of him and no matter what he will always have a place in my heart. I will never regret any time spent with him. I try to be a devoted and loving wife and I will continue to do so for as long as he will allow me to.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
23 Jul 08
Oh my...sorry to cut in but I have to commend you on such a good response. Your hubby is so lucky to have you and I hope that he sees this. You are very wise. If just IF this does not work out...you will walk away with the knowing that you did all you could and guilt free. hang in there...know it must be tough but i think in the end you'll feel better for the effort.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
23 Jul 08
Well, let's see. I have been married and divorced and remarried. There was abuse in my prior relationship though. My ex REFUSED to go to marriage counseling, he said that it was my fault I was unhappy or my fault that I had any problem with him. He would not admit to anything being even partially his responsibility. OH, and he didn't want any children. EVER. I would have gone to counseling, I was thinking about going by myself for myself to try and figure things out. I had gone from the point where I hated myself and felt like a bad person and a failure as a wife and a woman to realizing that he caused me to feel that way by projecting all of his problems on me instead of trying to figure out how to solve them. I'm a solver, if things are 'not right', I want to fix them. I want to see what I'm doing to hurt or cause a situation and take care of what *I* can do, know what I mean? What kind of issues are you having, such as what subjects? My largest one that resulted in the divorce was his stance on kids, which was never going to change. That was the deciding factor for me. The other secondary one was the verbal abuse because it was not getting better, if anything it got worse and I was sick of it. Verbal and emotional abuse leads to physical abuse, he had broken things and started threatening my friends. IF you can get him to go to counseling, together as well as some separate sessions, maybe he can come to terms with all this 'I don't know' stuff. He might be saying that but I don't think in marriages that people really don't know. They have an idea, sometimes the ideas are scary though so they just supress them. I will warn you, HE has to be influential in coming together with you to compromise and save this marriage. If he refuses to admit any responsibility and doesn't seem willing to make any changes in order to save things, it will not happen. There was nothing I could do to change my ex, if I could have fixed things by myself I would have tried! As far as keeping the spice in my current relationship, we try to have a 'date' now and then, at least once a month, more often if the opportunity presents itself or we aren't so busy. We have time in the evening we spend together every night, we generally eat dinner together. We try to snuggle up often when the kids are asleep. It's really just about making the relationship a priority, asking questions, making sure things are okay with each of us on a continual basis.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
23 Jul 08
I have always been the one that had to iniciate affection my husband isn't an affectionate person. I have come to accept that except for I do expect him to kiss me when he walks in the door. He is willing to try the counsleing but again even after that he still can't say if he wants to work on it. Our issues are pretty simple - he says we have grown apart. my response to that is of course we have - we NEVER see each other there is NO effort on your part - we have more of a marriage of convenious then any thing- we share a bank account and bed thats about it. He says that I b!tch too much. And he is right I do. BUT in my defence I do it because I am unhappy with the way he is to me. I b!tch about us not spending time together - he does nothing to fix that in fact he does just the oppsite and takes on more things to do out side of the house. My husband is basically a good guy. He would NEVER lay a hand on me, he has never been verbaly abusive, we agree on our daughter and how to raise her. We don't have money issues. We don't fight about any thing but time. I don't get it. The more I push myself to him the farther he goes away. In turn making me madder and more hurt. I will accept his choice I just wish he would make the choice to work it out or walk away. I hate being on this yo yo string!
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
4 Aug 08
Hey here is the update on us. http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/1636454.aspx
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
23 Jul 08
Ok, well I have seen you talk about things and changes you have made in order to try and get him to work on things. He needs to work on things and make changes too. First of all, the time situation. If he is always working or doing things alone without you, he NEEDS to make an effort to spend some time with you. I know that he would grumble and wonder how that would improve things, but it would. I am a grumpy crabby evil person if I don't get to see my husband. When our youngest daughter was an infant, he was moved to swing shift and it was so awful for me. I literally felt like a single parent. Between being a constant milk jug or having a tiny person SCREAM and having loads of teenage 'i hate you!' and 'whatever' from the older kids, I thought I might go crazy. I begged him to get back on days so we could have our evenings together and so he could see the kids, because basically he left for work while they were still at school, and then he got home at like 2 AM, when they were sleeping. He would be sleeping when they got UP to go to school and I'd be getting up at 5 am to make sure they were up and ate breakfast and then I'd drive them to the bus stop, go home, and of course not get to go back to sleep because of the baby. When I DID see him, I was so miserable that I was grumpy towards him which did not help at all. I didn't sleep at all because I would stay up till he got home, then I had to be up of course to feed the baby every time she fussed, and then I was up at 5 because of the big kids. My experience was that all of the issues went away when he went back on a regular schedule and we had time together every day. I'm extremely selfish of this time, I mean he is my husband and I really need to have couple time daily. I know this about myself, I don't think I would ever be in a situation where I wouldn't mind. I'm not the type of person who would survive working different shifts, a deployment, long haul trucking, a lot of traveling for business, or things of that nature. Some people are built for that, in fact they thrive that way. I think something like that would kill me. It would not end the relationship but it would certainly hurt it severely.
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@bryanna4 (49)
• United States
23 Jul 08
As hard as it may be , you should not want to be with a man who does not want to be there. I made my husband promise me to never stay around if he does not want to. Yes i do believe you should do everything in your power to keep your marriage going but you can only do so much.. good luck ( you may end happier than ever!)
2 people like this
@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
23 Jul 08
Not trying to be redundent here - but I can see you didn't read my comments so it will be a first you hear. Anyway I will work on it as long as I can. I will do every thing I can do. If he wants to file for a divorce so be it. I will accept it but I won't be the one to walk away.
• United States
9 Sep 08
Well for a change I will say this. I am a man that is trying to save my marriage from eternal damnation. I strayed a few years ago and my wife can't forgive me for it and she can't forget about the past. I am doing things that no other man would do to try and save his marriage. I don't know what to do right now. I moved almost 100 miles away from her for one of these trial seperations. I want nothing more than to be with her and our son. I can give you some advice though, go to this website. It has helped me become more creative and its amazing what you will find. www.lovingyou.com if anyone has advice for me it would be great. any female advice would be wonderful.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
9 Sep 08
Here is my update: http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/1686666.aspx