What do symbols mean to you??
@edgyk8inmomma (2157)
United States
July 22, 2008 10:29am CST
I have been digging and researching, and really discovering a lot about the "truths" I have been taught growing up. I am now at a curious point, where I would like to hear what you all have to say...
The Cross...did you know that Jesus didn't really die on a cross. Well, at least the symbol we know as the cross. It would be more accurate to say a pole or a large stake. It would not have been possible for him to die the way he did on a cross. He would have died of blood loss, which would have been a lot quicker. If you get into the physiology of it all, arms raised directly above the head would have slowly and savagely suffocate a person.
...do you think God approves of his followers basically worshipping the tool that killed his son? Wouldn't this be a form of idolatry in his eyes.
Easter...did you know that Easter, more specifically Ostras, was/is a pagan god, who was worshipped at spring time? And the church bent its beliefs and created a religious holiday to entice pagans to join them?
...do you think God approves of his followers worshipping him in the name of another god? Wouldn't this go against the first commandment?
The Trinity...do you realize that Jesus is God's only son...not a piece of him?? He created Jesus who then created everything else...So Jesus is the created creator, NOT God himself. He even said so himself...look it up!
...do you think God approves of his followers worshipping his son as himself? This is not just against God but his son as well.
...did you know that the Holy Ghost is not an actual being, but the power of God?
I am not writing this as a non-believer, trying to get you over to the dark side. I am writing this as a believer who is really truly studying what and why I believe, and would like to hear your comments on these things...and more if you are willing and able to share.
~peace and blessings to ALL
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6 responses
@terilee79720 (3621)
• United States
23 Jul 08
I hope you continue digging and researching edgy. Here's my take on the subject...
Without knowing what 'religion' you were raised in (not that it matters a great deal), I started digging and researching when I was very young. Things I was taught (from our religion), somehow, didn't seem to line up. In some instances, they didn't make much sense at all.
Like many of us do, I left the religion I grew up in, in search of answers no one seemed to be able to give me. I studied many religions, books, writings, and other things that I thought would bring me closer to the 'truth', or at least closer to a better understanding. I don't think there is a religion I haven't fully studied.
At any given time, anyone could walk into my home and find me surrounded with different versions of the Bible, other religions books, writings and other material. I was 'hungry' for answers. I studied history, science, mythology, language, the ancient world, more history, psychology, metaphysics, paganism, Mesopotamia, early civilization, the origin of religions and so on, and so on.
I soon discovered many of the things I grew up being told 'the Bible says' just isn't so. The things that were taught by ministers and preachers and such was so far from what is actually said (and meant) that, the more I dug, the more I researched, the more I had to search deeper, until I believe I found the answers I was searching for. At least sufficiently for me.
I discovered the origin of holidays. I even discovered the meaning of 'holidays', where they came from, who instituted them and why. I discovered (through my continued faith and beliefs) what I believe fits and makes sense. I discovered so much that I can't begin to tell you the level of disappointment I experienced over the things I was taught in my childhood. Neither can I begin to fully express the measure of experiences; physical, emotional and spiritual. It led me to where I am today.
I didn't actually 'know' God until this journey introduced us. (At least it's my interpretation of Him). God sent 'His Holy Spirit' to teach me. I discovered the sovereigness of God, as well as discovering who Jesus Christ is (and who he is not), and discovered too, the comforter, the teacher, The Holy Spirit.
I discovered what and who the angels are, both bad and good and why they are. I discoverd curses and blessings. I even discovered what 'my purpose' was/is. I discovered 'His Rest' and 'His favor'. I even found out who/what the 'Bride' actually is. I discovered who 'Israel' is. I discovered that peace and love you hear some 'Christians' talk about, but have a hard time expressing. I discovered evil and good, right and wrong, Heaven and Hell. I discovered that EVERYONE will enter Heaven. Now there's a controversial issue. But as you stated in a comment earlier, "read it, it's there". I developed and understanding of 'wisdom and knowledge' that I don't understand. Neither do I understand 'the love that surpasses all understanding'.
When I found the answers I was seeking, as I continued to search, I was given this message; "My people will perish for lack of knowledge". I was also given this revelation; "It's not that we don't have the knowledge or the ability to acquire the wisdom. It's simple because we have listened to lies. It's also because we don't seek that wisdom and truth, which is so plainly set forth for us. We expect someone else to tell us what it all means, therefore, we are so easily deceived that we will listen to what 'our itching ears want to hear'."
The knowledge is there, for all to see. It's readily available to everyone who seeks the 'truth'. We only have to be open and available to receive that knowledge and wisdom. We have to have the desire to want to know. The best scripture I can use to express the value of this 'knowledge' is, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and all these things will added unto you". 'All these things' refers to wisdom, knowledge, peace, blessings, joy unspeakable, truth, rest, love, - - - all of it, even knowledge....but the first of these is Love.
I hope you continue your digging and searching, and I hope you find the answers you are looking for. I believe, indeed, I know,,,,,the answers are right in front of you.
@edgyk8inmomma (2157)
• United States
31 Dec 08
Wow! I had forgotten I started this post, but decided to clean up my unresolveds today. Thank you for your response, even though I am 6 months late at it! lol....I hope you are still here and mylotting, and I will look for more of your thought provoking responses!
Thanks again.
@Harley009 (1416)
• India
26 Jul 08
Hi edgy,
Religion is not science, so it can't be fully proved by scientific theory, it includes something that is out of our physics.
I'm not a Christian, but a Muslim. When ever I study about anything or I learn about other religions It helped only to increase my trust and faith in Islam. I didn't read Bible much. I had asked questions about brief concept of Christianity, God, salvation etc. to real Christians in personal and in discussion as well, I never received an acceptable answer rather than saying:- Jesus is Love, He is savior, just believe in him he will take our sins, we will not be evaluated based on our deeds.
But I have clear answers for all those from Islam, and it increased my faith every time.
What do you say?

@Harley009 (1416)
• India
27 Jul 08
Oh sorry, my comments went another way (Did I?) :)
The title of your discussion is "What do symbols mean to you?"
But you asked many questions in the description.
We don't have any symbols, there are something that came up traditionally or culturally like the crescent and star, In Islamic view it has no meaning and it nowhere related to our belief.
Cross was a symbol of bad thing. It was used only to punish, disgrace, or torture people. There was a system of punishment; carrying a big cross on shoulder across the town. Now it is being worshiped by some group of Christians!
Judas betrayed Jesus, and the bad people crucified him, and that torture took all sins of the people. If Judas didn't betray him all of us will be bathing in sin.
And hence Judas should be respected more.
Anyway as a Muslim I don't believe in Crucifixion.
God will not approve in praying with Cross, as God or Jesus didn't taught it.
Easter, I don't know much about the history of it. But I heard it came from Pagan festival.
And hence I don't think worshiping in the name of Another God is correct.
Trinity is a mystery, Jesus is human and same time God, God shrink himself to a human and die on cross. Jesus prayed to God, so he shouldn't be God? I don't think it is correct.
Jesus taught to pray to God, And Jesus prayed to God as well. So all Christians are supposed to pray to God only, not to cross or Jesus.
About Holy Ghost, I analyzed the quotes of Bible with Islamic concept that having the Holy Ghost, I identified Holy Ghost is the arch angel Gabriel. As Gabriel is the messaging angel, Gabriel is known as inspiration giver or spirit. So I think Holy Ghost is the Angel Gabriel. But it is not correct everywhere though. Actually The God, The prophet and the Angel who convey message from God to prophet turned into a new concept called trinity ... I think.
I'm a Muslim, and I'm eager to know about other beliefs and how their followers find it.
No worries,
@edgyk8inmomma (2157)
• United States
26 Jul 08
I say, you answered this as a true muslim. I don't mean that in any negative way. But you totally avoided the question, and that is what I tend to get from said religion. I have studied your ways, "truths" and such as I have had a family member convert. I am not doing my research or studying by a scientific method. I am going at it from a theological and historical perspective. There is more truth in these to "sciences", I believe, than any religion can offer me.
I get what you are saying. But it doesn't answer my questions. Would you like to share your thoughts on the matter??

@Bluepatch (2476)
• Trinidad And Tobago
22 Jul 08
The statues and symbols remind me of the God I love.
You can pray to the father and son as one because they enjoy real unity which has no jealousy.
The Holy Spirit is a separate person in the Trinity not just a power.
I really don't see why we should question all these aspects of God. We are humans, way below God in every way, and yet we put Him into our line of questioning as if we can be judges of God.
We are not judges, we are subjects and God reveals these things to us out of love.
Why must we question it ?
@edgyk8inmomma (2157)
• United States
22 Jul 08
I am not questioning. I have a strong faith in my lord and my savior.
But I can't help but notice you ignored the other topics I posted about. Do you have any wisdom to share on those?
@baileycows (3665)
• United States
22 Jul 08
Are you actually researching the Bible or an unconfirmed website that someone just wrote. I would suggest that you really search the Bible for these truths. It sounds as if you are little confused.
@edgyk8inmomma (2157)
• United States
22 Jul 08
No confusion here, but I suggest you dig in and research the history an culture of the times the bible was written dear:)
@edgyk8inmomma (2157)
• United States
22 Jul 08
Don't blieve me about Easter?? Read this thread written by a fellow mylotter who clears it up a bit:)
@petiksmode (2983)
• Philippines
23 Jul 08
hmmm you have pretty strong ideas there...well as you say so you in more discovery well i will not comment on the things you have just said since you are still in discovery period..what i do suggest is for you to open the bible read it yourself and meditate it...you will discvoer thngs that no one can tell..bible will teach you and provide you the truth about God and His deity..i am disturbed about what you said about Christ well try to read and work hard on the bible...you may start with 1 john 1:1 and from there you will know more...
@edgyk8inmomma (2157)
• United States
24 Jul 08
Aren't we all still in the "discovery mode", or rather, shouldn't we be? If we stop seeking and discovering than we are assuming we know it all and hold all the answers. I don't think that is humanly possible. With that said. What was it I said about Christ that disturbed you? The whole first chapter of first John declares Jesus as God's first son...not God himself. So I guess I don't really get what you are getting at.
@edgyk8inmomma (2157)
• United States
25 Jul 08
I have three translations that I use. But I am also studying ancient cultures and the history of civilizations and customs. So I am getting a very well-rounded view, not only of the stories written in the Bible, but the context in which they were written.