By tessah
@tessah (6617)
United States
July 22, 2008 8:24pm CST
yeah thats a decent way to describe my brain right now.. perturbed. another discussion someone was flipping out over someone ratting out some kid to the lot admins for TOS violations (apparently they had multiple accounts.. anyways they lumped this person to be a filthy pedaphile simply because they were an adult and the one who was breaking the rules was underage. violation of a childs trust blahblahblah.. worried over the kids state of mind after being reported by an adult for their wrong doing.. whatever. its these types of people who are more worried over the kids poor little esteems when theyve done something wrong that is whats wrong with alot of the youth today. too many pattig them on the head saying there there dear.. yer just a kid.. its aiight. the types who tried to outlaw keeping score in sports for juvenilles i my state because it hurt their feelings to lose.. the same types who pass kids along in school when they do NOTHING but everyones afraid of damaging their already infalted egos thinking they can do no wrong. these kids never learn to deal with disapointments.. they never learn any discipline.. what happened to learning good sportsmanship? being a graceful loser? working for what you have, and taking responsibility for ones own actions?? THIS is why youve got kids climbing towers and leveling a rifle scope on their classmates ecause they didnt get something they wanted.. why youve got students shooting their principles in the face for handing out detentions.. why parents are set on fire while they sleep for taking away video games for bad behaviors. wake the hell up people!!! all yer worry about yer kids feeling badly for misbehaving is whats destroying them!!!
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6 responses
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
24 Jul 08
Is your brain still perturbed, because I am late coming to this discussion.
Kids learn from their parents and I don't care what the social workers say about that. Too many damn bleeding heart liberals with limited brain power running the show today, so what the hell else can we expect of the younger generation when their boundaries are taken away while those of their parents are tightened. I am soooooooooo glad I'm no longer raising kids in today's world. I'd end up killing them, their social workers, their friends, their friends parents, their teachers, the list is endless. Further proof that Mickey Mouse rules the world and Heaven is really a place called Disney Land!
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
24 Jul 08
No I didn't. Where would I find.
I'm so technically challenged it's a joke! LOL
@tessah (6617)
• United States
24 Jul 08
i guess check my recent activity.. there should be a thingy there that says i added you as an interest, and you can add it as well from there.. OR hit yer interests button, and hunt through alla the "people i admire" area for yer name, and add it from there
OR i could be sweet and kind and wonderful.. and start a discussion in that category and make it easier for ya 

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@ayumitakashi (4462)
• United States
23 Jul 08
I leave for a few hours and miss this!
I actually know what your talking about. I opened up your discussion to see what it was about and then when I figured it out I remembered something. I responded to the discussion of the person that was flipping out and I didn't understand why he wanted to leave. But then I saw that some more stuff was written in that discussion now and I read it. Through various investigations I was able to get the whole story. But I didn't add to anything of that because that is none of my business. I'm 19 but my mother taught me well. I work hard for what I have even though it's not much. I may curse here and there but I don't curse out people like that unless they have done something to me really badly. In fact come to think of it I haven't cursed any out. And all that stuff about kids behaving that way. Yeah it is because of that. There are parents that pat them on their head and take care of them way too much like someone in my family does. Have a nice evening Tessah.

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@bluerubymoon53 (3286)
• United States
23 Jul 08
It sounds to me that you will do well in life kiddo. 

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@edgyk8inmomma (2157)
• United States
23 Jul 08
I love being at the foot of your soap box Tess!!
I cannot agree with you more, nor could I have spoke it better myself. I'm also with ya on the beating thing. My kids have all had a swat or two, and they know what time out is. But more importantly than how I discipline... is what I teach them. They know all about respect, self-discipline, disappointment, and consequences for ones own actions.
It is a sad unjust world we live in today, and until more see it and speak out on it, it will only get worse.
The son of a friend of ours was taking his skateboard home yesterday and got jumped by some neighborhood boys. He told his dad about it, so our friend went to confront the boys father. Instead of this father talking with our friend, he jumped on him and all his friends were about to get violent with our friend. The boy never received any form of punishment. Instead the lesson he learned was that he could pick on the younger neighborhood kids and his dad would stand up for him. What a freagin crock!!!
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@tessah (6617)
• United States
23 Jul 08
ive dealt with same sort of parents in the past. with the kid all of 11 years old cussing them out and yellng at them and them standing there all "im sorry, please calm down.. i didnt mean to upset you.. i love you!!" its crap.. if they LOVED their children theyd teach them right from wrong. and im a perfect example that not ALL deplorable children are due to the parents.. my oldest is a demon spawn.. but with schools negating everything you say, and the state threatoning you constantly everytime you do anything.. mix that in with a willful lazy spiteful child.. and its a very bad combination. these organizations should be more willing to work with a parent thats trying to raise a child of substance, than jump their a55 for trying to teach right from wrong
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@RedFeather (427)
• United States
24 Jul 08
i totally agree that this a sick state of circumstances
where is this "village" that it takes to raise a child?
when i was a kid, it was nothing for the parents of our friends to punish us, along with their own
my own son has been patted on the hand so many times by the school system and the courts that he's going to be exhibiting some seriously deviant behavior - AFTER he comes of age, that he will be in the system for many, many years!
i feel that part of the reason that so many more "unsavory individuals" are known to us now, is that we no longer allow (require, demand) our youth to take responsibility for their own actions
i'm guilty of a lot of it, as i've tried to give my kids an easier life than i had - that was a bad idea -
all i needed to do was protect them from a father physically and emotionally abusing them...instead, i did not require them to do chores, etc - now that younger is as lazy as the day is long
i wish i could say that one generation did a better job with their kids than another - but there will always be "wrong" ways to raise a child
i also wish that there was an end in sight, but i don't think it will get better before it gets worse - now these kids that we've made so many mistakes with are having children of their own...{slaps forehead}

@tessah (6617)
• United States
24 Jul 08
i had the same problems with my oldest. the more i said you need to work for what you have, earn what you want, do your best always.. the more the school said ut uh, yer mommy is mean, yer cute ;pat pat pat; heres an A for yer cuteness.. the end result is a now grown woman who cannot hold a job because she feels the paycheck should just be given to her for showing up.. an evictee from high school with no education because she was finally in a school system that handed out the grades shed EARNED (or didnt as it were) and when she was still a sophomore at the age of 18.. they asked her to leave. a lazy spiteful selfish person who uses people up and discards them like so much trash. not always the parents fault i assure you.. not much a parent can do when the state is breathing down yer neck at every move you make and the kid is thumbing their nose atcha saying ha ha F*CK YOU you cant make me!!! (can ya beleive i actually got into trouble with the state for feeding her apples and carrot sicks instead of cake and cookies?? indeed i did) i hope and pray everyday that she will someday PLEASE GODS realize that the things i taught her are needed to be known in order to get ahead in this world and have a decent life. someday...
@RedFeather (427)
• United States
24 Jul 08
ok - i'm sending this one to myself in a few places, as it will require time to respond properly - i shall return...this really hits home with me
@fxcash (105)
• Canada
24 Jul 08
Well I have to just say that you are absolutely 110% right here, people are way to quick to say just because someone is young that they do not have to abide by the same laws and/or rules as everyone else. We all have to learn how to accept responsibility for our actions and I have seen way too many adults who have never grown up to be able to do this, so maybe by having this child penalized will be the thing to wake them up in the future as they mature and learn how to get along in the real world. As for putting anyone in the same category of a pedophile simply for reporting a breach of TOS. This person who did this obviously has some major issues. Abusing a child and teaching them right from wrong is two very different things and you are 100% right to be as outraged as you seem to be from this, I think sometimes that if adults would start acting their age and be better role models for the younger generation than we might have a much safer and happier world for everyone.