Are People REALLY This Stupid..??
By tessah
@tessah (6617)
United States
July 23, 2008 10:55am CST
yet another shaken baby dies at the hands of a "loving" parent..
with all of the information and news of this worldwide.. how the HELL can people be SO very ignorant? they sob and cry and say "they just wouldnt stop crying.. i didnt know what to do.. i just wanted them to stop!!" well heres a tip of info people.. BABIES CRY!!! its what they DO! its their JOB! they cant talk and tell you what they need.. they CRY! they cant get up and walk over and get their own food.. they CRY!! they cant change their own butts or wipe their own noses or do ANYTHING.. YOU are to do it ALL as you are the PARENT!! its what you signed on for when you got to rolling around in the sheets and if you cannot grasp that fact and cant handle that without flipping the f*ck out and shaking yer baby till its dead.. get yer tubes tied.. get a vasectomy.. do NOT have children!! its THAT simple!!!
ive heard some mothers griping that their infant is doing things on purpose to drive them crazy.. and they need to learn. hello.. this tiny little creature thats only been breathing air for a couple months hasnt got a clue.. they react as they feel.. and the ONLY way they react is to .. guess what.. CRY!! i had one mother actually ANGRY over the fact her newborn of 3 weeks had spit up and was suffocating on it and she actually had the audacity to say he was doing it just for attention and needed to understand she wasnt going to run everytime he wanted her so she let him turn blue before she went over and screamed at him for his bad behavior!! ..;bangs head on desk repeatedly;.. yet another who screamed in the face of a 5 month old for reppeatedly soiling his diaper and NOW he was just going to sit in it if he wanted to be so hateful to her and LEFT him there!!
WHAT is wrong with you people?!?! if you cannot handle the commitment and responsiblities that come along with a child.. DONT HAVE ANY!!!
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38 responses
@gemini_rose (16264)
23 Jul 08
Again you are right, it is what we sign up for although I must admit with my first I did not entirely realise what exactly I was letting myself in for. Soon found out though and also found out that when I could not take no more of his constant crying I could put him safely upstairs out of the way in his cot to cry for a while until I had just calmed down a bit.
In fact I had to do it with all of them as all of mine did not a lot but cry! But I never came to the point of screaming at them, or ever wanting to pick them up and shake them. If it got too much and I did not know what else to do for them then I would just put them in their beds for a while.
Are you sure they dont do it on purpose though, cos just sometimes....... LOL
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@heartonfire (4119)
• Denmark
23 Jul 08
Wow,you seem to be really angry on the subject,and yes i can see why... I am quite young myself, I am 23 and the main reason why i chose not to have babies yet is among the ones you mentioned..i don't feel ready ,prepared,mature enough,patient enough,to take care of a little creature that will definately need my whole attention and love and caring and patience in the world... i have to form him into becoming someone,and i am afraid i might fail at this point of my life.
Saying that a child should learn by the hard way is stupid even at 6-7-8-9-10-11-12... kids should not be treated with violence,they will understand nothing of it at any age..actually,to go even further, not even an adult would understand anything by violence..
I know some mothers have the post-natal depression,but then it would be the father's duty to take care of that kid and be careful of how she treats him, until she gets/feels better.
I can imagine it's very frustrating and tyering ,the mom job,but even animals treat their kids the best way they can,it's an instinct..have we lost our instincts for good, with the whole evolution stuff?hmm..
@tessah (6617)
• United States
23 Jul 08
i am angry to be sure. im a fulltime mommy and housewife.. i take great pride in the carreer ive chosen. im also actively trying to have another child (#3) and all these people having them without thought without want who downright HATE being a parent because of how much time it takes just piss me off to no end. same as you.. i couldnt toss a kitten or a puppy away.. hell even some bugs get some TLC from me alot of the time.. but a baby?? one that spent near a year growing underneath my heart that *I* created?? its unfathomable.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
24 Jul 08
tessah it just goes to prove that women should pass a test'
before they are allowed to have a baby.if they are too stupid they should not be allowed to reproduce. I hate it when grown
women get angry at a small baby and shake it, or spank it, or
otherwise tried to harm it to makeit quit doing what babies
do do. Perhaps we should educate our less dumb mothers as to what to expect from a baby.I think in some women the maternal instinct is just absolutely missing which would account for some of the
irrational behavior of some mothers who actually hit their little babes for being a baby.Some mothers should never have become pregnantas they haven't a clue.
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@blackmantra_x (2732)
• Philippines
23 Jul 08
good day... I don't know what's happening but I'm sure me and my fiancee won't be like that, We will be responsible parents. The morality of the world as with mothers seemed so low this century. Here, every week if not every day there would be news like finding fetus near a trashcan, abandoned at the hospital, just like yesterday they found a twin fetus in a box near a vehicle. I mean what's our society turning into? This is a sign that we as a people are morally lacking and we really need to do something about it, if not just imagine what kind of younger generation we would have.
@thebohemianheart (8827)
• United States
23 Jul 08
This is exactly why I tell my kids that it is ok that they don't have children. They are not ready to be parents. While I would like to have grandchildren, I will be happy with "some day, maybe" if they don't feel they are ready to take on that responsibility.
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@kbkbooks (7022)
• Canada
25 Jul 08
I can only say I totally agree with you. There are so many ways to avoid having children, and people should just generally know whether or not they have a short fuse. The exception is the young teen who thinks it is cute and romantic to have a baby, without having real expectations. I also think it's up to mothers like this to be sure their children don't get left alone with an untrustworthy father. Quite often we hear stories of fathers being the ones who shake the babies. An immature girl who gives birth from a relationship with her boyfriend is quite likely to have a boyfriend who is even more immature than she is. There needs maybe to be more supervision for these young unwed parents, whether it is by public health care organizations or helpful neighbors and family members.
@tessah (6617)
• United States
25 Jul 08
while the person in question was a male.. he wasnt a child. the couple was married, and he was in his 30s. not a child by a long shot. i agree that there needs to be more support and more education for the younger sect who have babies.. but not all destructive parents are under the age of 20.
@sylvia13 (1850)
• Nelson Bay, Australia
23 Jul 08
It comes as a shock to read all what you say! How can people be so self-centered and lacking in common sense to act the way they do! Poor kids! I read in the paper that yet another small kid was left in the car in the middle of summer to cook himself!
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@ellie333 (21016)
23 Jul 08
Hi Tessah, I really can't understand how anyone could hurt an innocent child and I do so agree with everything you have said here. I'm quite a passive person but I would kill anyone that tried to hurt my babies not kill my babies because they cried, UNBLOODYBELIEVABLE some people eh! Ellie :D
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@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
23 Jul 08
HOLY COW! I had no idea there were people out there that are really THAT STUPID!
How could you treat your child like that? A teeny, weeny helpless baby? OMG! Just makes me sick to my stomach.
I'll crawl back inmy hermit hole now that protects me from these atrocities. If I am too exposed to this kind of behaviour, I seem to get too depressed since I feel helpless to do anything to rectify it.
Humans can really be disgusting creatures sometimes. I prefer animals mostly. They don't act like this at all, ever.
Good point, Tess. I agree with your disgust with those epsilon semi-morons wholeheartedly.
@thebeaddoodler (4262)
• Lubbock, Texas
23 Jul 08
Commitment and responsibilities are not strong points of people like this. They make babies for fun, but don't realize that nine months later it's not gonna be all fun and games. At the moment of conception all they're thinking of is their own gratification. After the baby's born that's still all they're thinking of.
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@1richgirl (126)
• United States
24 Jul 08
so here in salt lake city this week a 23 year old father(loosely speaking) locked his two year old in the car for a midnight show of batman because he was asleep and 'didn't want him kidnapped' people saw him crying inside the 90 degree car at 1:00 am in the morning and called police. These people are babies having babies. They haven't been taught the sanctity of human life and shouldn't be allowed to have children.
@tessah (6617)
• United States
24 Jul 08
age has absolutely nothing to do with this type of behavior. i was just 20 when my first child was born.. my husband was just 20 when my second child was born.. and ive seen some 16 year olds be better more responsible parents than alot of 30-40 year olds!

@stagewhisper (901)
• United States
23 Jul 08
Sadly, yes, people are this stupid, though it's also a psychological thing. I've heard of several disorders/issues that new mothers especially might have- you know, depression immediately after the babe leaves the womb, that sort of thing. And I can understand their frustration to a point; you know, when you get so angry and upset that you'll blame anything in order to try and fix things somehow.
It's sad, and yes, in some cases stupid, but it happens, unfortunately. 

@carrieandjohn (554)
• United States
31 Jul 08
i know where you are coming from in this discussion... i am a mother of 4 beautiful girls. also i am a young mother. i know that this is going to sound bad, but i am a mother of a child who was shaken when she was young. i was working at night and her father would come to my house and babysit her and her sisters. she had colic and cried alot. while i was at work he shock her and did alot more than that to her. when i got home the next morning. he started to rush out door and would not wait for me to get inside. when i got inside i went start to the girls and i saw my daughter. well i took her to the hospital and told them what he done that morning and told them i had found her in her bed like this and the cops found him and arrested him and he is in jail for 30 years... she spent 3 months of her life in a hospital with me right there with her. while my other two daughters spend 3 months with out us there for them. i thank my mother and father for helping me through it and taken care of my kids when this happened. just so fyi the kids were 18 mths,and (2) was 4 months old.... when this happened and now they are 9,(2) 8 and got a little sister who is 5
@carrieandjohn (554)
• United States
1 Aug 08
there was more he did to her.. but she only has scars left and lately is remembering
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
24 Jul 08
Yes, exactly, what’s wrong with these people!
Children are not rag dolls to be played when new and then discarded in the trash-can when the novelty of the concept wears off
AND (I don’t know about fathers) for mothers it’s a 24x7x365 job…no individual life, no socialising, no partying, not even the luxury of a day out till at least your child is 5 or 6. At least this is what I believe in, I would not trust even the baby-sitters where my child is concerned. My child is my most precious gift in life and once gone, its gone for ever (God forbid)

@sunshinelady (7609)
• United States
24 Jul 08
This has always amazed me. Let me see now the baby is crying so they get shook to make them stop crying. How ignorant people are. I agree with evey single thing you said in your post one hundred percent. What saddens me is there are couples that would love to have a baby and can't have one of their own. What is this world coming to. I wonder sometimes.
@tessah (6617)
• United States
24 Jul 08
when a child is first born.. what you want to hear most is their first scream of breath into this world. my second baby didnt cry.. she just sorta looked around and yawned a little. i couldnt see her, and my insides crumbled waiting to hear her breath. when she finally did cry.. the relief i felt was indescribable, and every sound shes made thereafter has been music on the wind to me. shes now 8.. and when shes in school, the one thing i miss the very most is the sound of her echoing off the walls. i dont even want to imagine not hearing her. these parents.. they wanted them to shut up so much, they silenced them forever. its heartbreaking really.
@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
28 Jul 08
I guess many people who think they can, cannot when the full reality of life smack them right in the face.
Not everyone is able to handle the same thing the same way.
The same situation when faced by different people, will yield different results.
I know of some who think that they are all well and ready to go into parenthood. But when the child is born, they feel so helpless.
If not for the support of family members, I am sure they would have gone mad!
But there are others who grew up so fast and handled parenthood so maturely, you'd be amazed!
@firefire (15)
• China
26 Jul 08
i hate this behavior,but it is a universal social phenomenon,i don't know
why the parent are so selfish and ruthless,the baby is innocent,parent give them
life,why do not they better? they are your baby,on there body have your blood,
in china,buddhists(god) says:do bad things will be punished,just matter of time before,i believed it
@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
25 Jul 08
I'm going to have to ask it. What the He!! is wrong with people??
I have five kids my oldest son had colic and never stopped crying no matter what I did. you know what not once did I yell or say he was doing on purpose or shook him. I lived with little to no sleep and took care of both him and my daughter and sucked it up and did what needed to be down. He was a baby he couldn't tell me what hurt or didn't or how to fix him.
When you become a parent be prepared for hell and then when it goes smoothly be pleasantly surprised and happy. As you said they can't do anything for themselves they have us to depend on and I hate it when parents say that the poor three month old is crying for attention becuase they are spoiled.
I had a friend when I was in Kansas and she had her daughter 2 weeks before my daughter was born and when we went any where if her baby started crying she would forcefully shove a pacifier in her mouth and tell her to be quiet or shut up ... I remember going over to her house and the baby started crying. She was 2 months old and my friend just told her to shut up becuase dady was going to be home soon and that he didn't want a winey baby and took her and put her in her crib. ..She was horrid she lost her temper often and screamed and yelled in her daughters face and everything.
I remember going to her wedding after she and her 1st hubby got a divorce and she was pregnant and had her two other kids on visitation for when I came up I was supposed to be the maid of honor and it ended up I got to babysit both of her kids. grrrr. Her daughter was thrilled to be with me and she was up since 5am getting ready for this day with her mom and when we were at the reception and we changed to go swimming she wanted to come in with me and was scared to get in the pool I was being patient with her on the ladder and waiting for her and then comes her mom and starts screaming at her to get in the damn pool or to get the f out. I was in shock as most of her guests were just shaking their heads and she wonders why she lost custody to her ex husband.
Also that day it was 6pm and the daughter was only 4 and hadn't had a nap took one on my lap mind you I wasn't told to keep her up or anything and the poor kid had been up for 12 hrs straight. I got screamed at about letting her nap and then the child was woken up and yelled at for napping ..
I no longer talk to her as that was my breaking point.
I changed the plans and told her that we would be heading back to Pa after the reception and we actually ended up staying at the grooms families house and got an open invite to come back anytime we wanted because they couldn't stand the bride ....
Some people where meant to never have kids she was one of them.
@4ofmyown (1119)
• United States
24 Jul 08
I can completely understand your frustration and anger about reading stories like that. They are really heartbreaking. Most mothers or parents find it hard to understand why or how people can do things like that. My first child had EXTREME colic....EXTREME. Looking back know, 10 years later, I can actually admit that I can understand (not approve) how some people can get pushed to a certain point...and I stress certain. I remember calling my mom and telling her she had to come to my house because I just couldn't take the crying. And she did come. The difference here is I knew to call for help and had someone to call. I was young, frustrated and inexperienced but I thank God I had the sense to pick up the phone. I am sure part of that was taught to me by my own parents. Babies can be frustrating, not purposely of course. People need to learn how to ask for help and know that it doesn't make them a failure at parenting...if anything it makes them a good parent. If my neighbor knocked on my door right now and said I just need 5 minutes, I would say take as much time as you need!!!! People need to be educated!!!!
@tessah (6617)
• United States
24 Jul 08
my second had horrendous colic. everyday from about 3pm until 7pm shed scream uncontrollably.. everyday, for 4 months straight. i didnt get angry, i didnt get frustrated, i didnt get impatient.. i took the opportunity to cuddle and rock and sing to her. really.. how long do they let you cuddle them? shes now 8.. isnt much for being cuddled anymore.. but sometimes, after a bad dream or she cant sleep for whatever reason.. i'll cuddle her up and brush my fingers lightly over her forehead and sing to her.. same as i did then, and she will drift off. unlike you, i didnt have anyone TO call, and i sure didnt have any decent examples of being a parent other than a bad one (ive got a pic i snapped of my fathers ex who raised us practically strangling my then 4 month old brother and choking him with a spoon screaming at him cause he kept puking up what she was force feeding him.. she didnt know i had the camera.. idve gotten same treatement if she did) maybe im lucky all the way around.. i have more patience, more tolerance, more maternals than most.. i dunno. but i cant see nor understand someone flipping out on an infant for being an infant. tired? sure.. overwelmed? of course.. but shaking them or beating on them until they are limp and still and lifeless? never.