Who Can Vote For Someone Who Thinks There Are 57 States!I
By anniepa
@anniepa (27955)
United States
July 23, 2008 3:27pm CST
I mean, really, seriously, let's get real here! Not only that, but someone who didn't know what city he was in!
That's right, presumptive Democratic nominee Barack Obama, the man who is leading most polls is so dense he thinks we have 57 states in the USA and he doesn't remember what city he's in! How could anything John McCain flubs up be as serious as these major gaffes? Sunni-Shiite, who knows the difference anyway? Iraq-Pakistan border, hey, many Americans don't even have MAPS as we learned from a teen beauty contestant! Steelers, Packers - what's the difference! But 57 states? Confusing Sioux City with Sioux Falls? Now that's real serious stuff.
Here is what Obama said when he made the "57 states" gaffe:
"It is just wonderful to be back in Oregon, and over the last 15 months we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in fifty .... seven states? I think one left to go. One left to go. Alaska and Hawaii, I was not allowed to go to even though I really wanted to visit but my staff would not justify it."
Notice there was a pause between fifty and seven; it's obvious he simply said "fifty" when he meant "forty", but that's too easy an explanation, isn't it? As for the Sioux Falls-Sioux City mix-up, that's one I can honestly identify with because I've done that myself regarding former sprint car racer Doug Wolfgang who is from Sioux Falls, South Dakota - or IS it Sioux City?
But anyway, let's not take any chances on voting for someone this stupid, don't you all agree? Especially not when you have an alternative, someone who is only about 15 years behind in world events, heck, how many of us would be expected to know there's no Yugoslavia or Czechoslovakia anymore or where in the world Pakistan and Iraq are?
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32 responses
@sandyrusty (278)
• Canada
23 Jul 08
The best thing about American politics being such an international news item is that we around the world get daily chuckles at the American politicians expense. LOL
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@ClarusVisum (2163)
• United States
23 Jul 08
lol, nice satire.
But seriously, flaunting yourself as being strong on national security while being so bluntly unaware of what's going on in the world is a big mistake. What's next, worrying abour relations in Zaire? We have to make sure we're in good standing with non-existent countries, after all!
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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
24 Jul 08
I think that he just made a little mistake in his speech, he was probably trying to remember how many states he had been in and how many more he had left to go. He is doing a lot and he is really doing his best to keep up with everything that he is doing.
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
23 Jul 08
When I was a teen, I worked on a campaign for a State Candidate. He traveled from city to ciy, county to county on very little sleep and a lot of adrenaline. Tonge slips happen. For a man who has traveled all over the US on fewer hours of sleep, Tongue slips are common place. I'm shocked that there have not been more. As you know, I am not an obama supporter, simply because of his experience level. But this is nothing that I would jump on him for. It makes him tired, but not necessarily stupid. Plus, with all the flubs Bush has made while in office, this is nothing that anyone should be on Obama's back about.
If I hear Bush say "Nucular" instead of "Nuclear" one more time, I might scream. 57 states? can get over that, unless it were to become a habit.
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@dfollin (25543)
• United States
24 Jul 08
Even when Iam not tired,which is rarely,I have plenty slips of the toungue and Iam not stupid.I am not the smartest cookie on the block,but...... People criticise Bush for have slips of the toungue as well as Obama.They are only human and never claimed to be otherwise.They are both tired people.When Obama asked how he was he said he was standing.And none of you with kids can not say that you have never called one the other's name.Heck when I was a kid,I even got called the dogs name.

@ClarusVisum (2163)
• United States
23 Jul 08
"57 states? can get over that, unless it were to become a habit."
Yeah, making the mistake over and over is a different story, of course. You know, like stating at least four different times that Iran (which is Shiite) was training Al Qaeda (a Sunni extremist group), including at least once AFTER being corrected on it?
Enter John McCain.
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@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
23 Jul 08
What seems to be really ironic here is that Obama gets a free pass with his "tongue slips" because he's operating on very little sleep and McCain is crucified for his! I guess John gets ALL 8 hours of his beauty sleep each night! Rubbish!
Tell me why Obama refuses to debate McCain in a town hall setting! I'll tell you why; without his teleprompter he will look like the village idiot!

@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
23 Jul 08
The fact is that every word a politician says will be placed under immense scrutiny. The problem happens when people only apply such scrutiny to the candidate they don't like. Obama minions will constantly criticize every slip of the tounge McCain makes such as naming the wrong country when referrin to Pakistan's border, but hurry to the defense of Obama when he says he's been to 57 states. It goes both ways.
In the end I think most people know that these statements are just minor slips of the tounge, but it's way too easy to jump all over someone and act like they are retarded, or too old to remember simple facts. If you accidentally call your best friend by the wrong name, does it mean you are stupid? Does it mean that you truly are too old or foolish to remember the name of your closest friend for many years? No, it's a simple mistake and you forget about it quickly. Of course, you don't get that luxury when you're running for president.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
24 Jul 08
Taskr36, I know you know this was really meant to be tongue-in-cheek, and it was also meant to put things into perspective a bit. Of course we all have slips of the tongue, trust me I'd never deny that, I've had my share of doozies...lol! You have to admit the things that McCain has "slipped" on haven't been reported nearly as much as those that Obama has had. If I were able to take a poll of every myLot member from the U.S. and everyone answered and answered HONESTLY I'd bet less than 10% ever heard about McCain claiming in Pittsburgh that he'd named the Steelers line-up when being interrogated as a POW while he'd said it was the Packers for years prior to that. The way that story was told there was no way it was a "slip of the tongue". I couldn't agree more about if you accidentally call your best friend by the wrong name doesn't mean you're old or foolish or whatever. My mom has called me by my aunt and her sister's name many times and long before she was "old". I've called my granddaughter by my daughter's name, my brother by my son-in-law's name and the list could go on and on. You know I'm pro-choice, right? Well, I've already said "pro-life" when I meant "pro-choice" and I didn't realize I'd said it until it was pointed out to me. THAT is the kind of "slip" Obama had when he said there are 57 states. At least some of McCain's "misspeaks" have been a bit more complex than that and they've been repeated too frequently in some cases to be just a slip of the tongue but nobody seems to care. You said, "Of course, you don't get that luxury when you're running for president." I have to add to that, "Unless you're John McCain".
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
24 Jul 08
You and I must not be getting our news from the same sources. I've seen every one of McCain's mistakes from the Germany/Russia mistake, to the Iraq/Afghanistan mistake. People like David Letterman and Jay Leno poke fun at McCain at every possible opportunity, but say nothing about Obama's mistakes. When asked about it they both claimed he just isn't making those mistakes so they don't have much to work with. Apparently they aren't seeing the news report Obama's mistakes either. I only hear about his mistakes here on mylot for the most part.
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@ClarusVisum (2163)
• United States
24 Jul 08
It isn't exactly the same, to be fair. Obama, like any other human being, has slips of the tongue. But take, for example, McCain making the incorrect statement that Iran was training Al Qaeda (Shiites training Sunni extremists? In what reality?). Now, this wasn't a statement he made once--he made it at least three or four times. Then Joe Lieberman corrected him in public with the ol' whisper in the ear.
Soon after, he made the same incorrect statement AGAIN.
You can't hand-wave something like that away. Either McCain was intentionally lying there, or he TRULY is ignorant of who's who in the Middle East.
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
24 Jul 08
Have you read any of Obama's books yet? If you haven't, you should. I don't mean the out of context quotes that are floating around on the net. I mean the meat! They are scary. I have read 2 so far and I will not read any more. Even if he was the only person running, I would find a way to vote against him and I was one of the people that was thrilled to see him running at first. He changed MY mind.
Anyone can get tired and make mistakes when they are speaking publicly no matter how savey they are. When they put pen to paper in the quiet of a study, now that is another matter.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
24 Jul 08
I think he only wrote two, didn't he? To answer your question, no I haven't read either, or any, of his books but please, tell me what you mean about being "scary". I've read posts from others here who gave his books good reviews and highly recommended them so I'm really interested in what you got from them that was so different from these other people.
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@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
24 Jul 08
Why would you say that his books are scary, there are high intellectual and influential persons worldwide that has endorsed his books. So I would like you to elaborate why you describe it as scary.
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@dfollin (25543)
• United States
23 Jul 08
First I want to make it clear that Iam not for Obama yet.I will either vote for him or nobody.I definitley will not vote for McCain.It is kind of ironic,just before I started reading this discussion on the news they were saying that a reporter asked Obama as he was coming back from his trip,how he was and he said he was standing,lol.All the reporters said,"I know that feeling"He was so exausted he probably could not think or talk straight.

@dfollin (25543)
• United States
24 Jul 08
I have only been to a different time zone once.I went from east coast to west coast as well,but on a bus.I too was messed up.Then,I came back.UGH! That was when I was a teenager.Then,I had 2 children 3 years apart.My first baby was colicy and had monthly ear infections.When he just turned 3 and I was 6 months pregnant he woke up with a horrible ear ache in the middle of the night.I was in th ER on a Friday night in my condition.Tired! Wow ! Then when my boys were teenagers coming in at late hours I had my third baby.As soon as I get her back to sleep after the feeding,they'd come in being loud teenagers as usual.Now I homeschool my daughter and babysit my 20 month old grandaughter.So,I know what it is to not be able to talk or think right.

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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
24 Jul 08
You know, I really do feel for all of the candidates with all the traveling they have to do in different time zones and going without sleep and having no semblance of a "normal" schedule. I've only traveled into a different time zone a few times in my life, in my case it was from the east coast to the west coast of the U.S. and I have to tell you, everything I'd ever heard about "jet-lag" is true and then some. I honestly don't know how they do it! For me, it took several days for me to get used to the Pacific time and by the time I did it was time to come home and I was all screwed up here for days...lol
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@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
23 Jul 08
I really don't believe he thinks there is 57 states. I think he misspoke, and unfortunately, when every single word you say is being scrutinized, there's bound to be mistakes that people jump all over.
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
24 Jul 08
I definitely won't be voting for him!
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@redkathy (3374)
• United States
24 Jul 08
This discussion was poking at how a slip of the tongue is taken out of text and run with forever. To that I agree. I think all parties do that stuff. Like I could say how all that media who are traveling with Mr Obama haven't even offered that to Mr McCain, let alone all go with.
Springlady, I won't vote for him either. I don't agree with his position where Christianity is concerned. I know that isn't supposed to be part of politics but that has been laid on my heart. And, I don't like how the other day while meeting with the Iraqi leaders, he acted as though he was setting policy! Talking like he is the president already, how arrogant!
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@kingcrapper (1536)
• United States
23 Jul 08
I am personally concerned about his health care plan. For what I hear it will cost more than the Pentegon budget! Here is my thing though, being the democrat he is, you know he wants to keep the border open with Mexico. So here comes more Mexican tromping over the border for their food stamps, reduced houseing, jobs in abundance and now, thanks for Obama free health care for everyone! Yeah! Let's let the average working American who works everyday and pays taxes and flies a Stars and Stripes flag pay for the health care of illegals. Oh, I'm sorry did I say 'illegals', That's a bad word to a democrat, what I ment to say 'guest workers'. Hmm, guests know they need to leave after awhile though!

@tigertang (1749)
• Singapore
26 Jul 08
Government's all over the world are masters at accounting tricks. They give with one hand but take even more with the other. America's figures just look larger than everyone else because the US of A has the world's largest economy.
Here in tinny Singapore, the government plays the books brilliantly. We raise our sales tax by 2 percent and then cut corporate tax rates by 3 percent, claiming that its very necessary for the poor people to pay more than rich corporations, who have loopholes. Of course, after raising the sales tax, the guys who run the place promptly increased their salaries - our Prime Minister makes four times more than the President of the USA for running a country that is only a suburb of Washington DC.
So, what I'm saying is, don't put too much faith into figures provided by politicians because statistics can always be massaged and certain aspects of a budget can be highlighted to such an extent that you are distracted from doing any math into how this whole thing actually works out.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
24 Jul 08
Right now the Guest workers are not coming across the border in the numbers that they used to. Partly because our job market is slipping and partly because they are demanding more money for their menial labor. Yeah they want more than $16 an hour and free medical and whatever else they can get. That is another reason famers are growing corn and other crops that can be machine processed. No expensive labor!
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@TantrooM (61)
• United States
25 Jul 08
When McCain's adviser said we've become a nation of whiners, I wonder if in his mind he included people who are blaming Mexicans just because they can't find a job. Instead of getting rid of the illegals, the next time we want to raise minimum wage, we lower income taxes instead. Think about this if minimum wage is $7.50 after taxes you keep about 2/3 on average so now you have $5.00 an hour. When the government raises min wage to $8.00 you get .50C more an hour right? no. 2/3 of 8 is 5.33 an hour. So you get a .33 cent raise and the government gets one to.
How large? @ 7.50 - 5.00 = 2.50 the government gets every hour you work
@ 8.00 - 5.33 = 2.67
Now multiply that .17 by the number of minimum wage workers, for ten they make 1.70, for a hundred they make 17.50 for a thousand 175.00.
For the 1.6 million said to be on it $286,110 an hour, an eight hour day? $2,228,880. A 40 hour week? 11 million. A 52 week year? 595 million. And this is just the amount of increase not the total number made off of minimum wagers. After raising minimum wage the government makes 595 million more a year, while an individual makes .33 * 8 * 7 * 52 = $960.96, which isn't so bad, except the strain on the company is the full .50 per employee... or .50 * 8 * 7 * 52 = $1,456/minimum wager
7.50 * 66.667% (intake) = 5.00
7.50 * X = 5.33? 5.33 / 7.50 = 71.06 (intake) 100 - 71.06 = ~29%
So if you decreased income tax by 4% for minimum wagers, they would gain the same benefit if the government raised minimum wage by 7% (8.00 * X = 7.50; X = .9375; 1 - X = .0725.) The employers would maintain the same pay rate for their employees, the employees would get the same benefit... however the government would be out a little bit (4% on min wage earners). However the government could easily add that 4% onto something else... like luxury items, or those who make over 200,000... (heck for those that make that much an hour could could probably raise it by 1% and still make more then the 4% on the min wagers)
Whoa, that was long, I shall have to put that in a blog now.
Instead, if the government peeled back the income tax a bit (from 33% to
Where if instead of raising the rate per hour and sucking that money out of these people and the companies they work for you could drop the income tax rate from 33% to about.
Without the 7% increase strain on companies, they may be less likely to outsource workers.
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@Wyldrose (1216)
• United States
24 Jul 08
I don't want to get into a political argument or anything, I just am not going to vote for him. I am Republican, not Democrat. I have seen a picture of him not saluting the American flag and read where he refuses to. And yes, the things you mentioned are a few things I have heard. Whether they are true or not makes no difference to me because like I said.. I am NOT voting for him anyway. Have a nice day. :)
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
24 Jul 08
Thanks for your response and for replying back to me so soon just now. That's certainly your choice to not vote for him, I was just curious about what the negatives things were that you'd mentioned. For what it's worth, the stories that he refuses to salute the flag aren't true and the picture you've seen it probably the one where the National Anthem is playing but they claim it was during the Pledge of Allegiance. Some people place their hands over their heart during the Anthem just as they do during the Pledge but in my area very few do that during the Anthem and those few that do are mostly the elderly, such as World War II veterans.

@babykeka80 (2084)
• United States
23 Jul 08
He is an idiot in more ways than that how about the brilliant statement by his wife after his nomination "this is the first time we are proud to be americans" That was beautiful right? Not to mention he did attend an islamic radical school as a child and still refuses to place his hand over his heart or be sworn in on the bible. I read an email of a statefarm sign that said "Americans voting for Obama is like chickens voting for Colonel Sanders" How funny is that? How much more truthful can you get?
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
23 Jul 08
All of these assertions about obama are complete myths or outright lies. I'm not an obama supporter because I don't like his experience level. But the lies are out of control.
@ClarusVisum (2163)
• United States
23 Jul 08
"how about the brilliant statement by his wife after his nomination "this is the first time we are proud to be americans""
That's not what she said, and you should be ashamed of spreading false information.
She was talking about seeing, for the first time in her adult life, a really massive outpouring of participation and support in the election process. If you would have listened to:
1. The actual words (giving you the benefit of the doubt that you were lied to, as opposed to knowing the real quote and lying about it intentionally)
2. The entire statement, not just the sound bite Fox News paraded around
You wouldn't have made such an embarassing mistake. Even Laura Bush came to Michelle's defense on this issue, yet here people like you still are, parading BS around as if it's the truth. You really should be ashamed of yourself.
"Not to mention he did attend an islamic radical school as a child"
Nonsense. There was no religious instruction at the overseas school he attended at ALL. Interviews with the people who run the actual school have shown that they welcome people of all faiths and there's nothing radical about it at all.
"still refuses to place his hand over his heart"
He has never REFUSED to do that--in fact, he's LED the Pledge of Allegiance several times as a Senator. Here's video of him doing exactly that:
"or be sworn in on the bible"
He WAS sworn in on the Bible, doofus. This is a matter of public record. Don't you fact-check any of the nonsense right-wingers feed you?
"I read an email of a statefarm sign that said "Americans voting for Obama is like chickens voting for Colonel Sanders" How funny is that? How much more truthful can you get?"
Uh, infinitely more. Obama's never killed any Americans, so how does that analogy make any sense whatsoever? Whoever came up with it has neither wit nor sense.
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@blkmage1214 (151)
• United States
24 Jul 08
I would never wote for Obama.I can beleive he
thinks there's 57 states!and he doesnt know what city he's in!!
thats so funny(lol)
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@blkmage1214 (151)
• United States
25 Jul 08
Well either he thinks there 57 states.That or he has a bit of stage fright.
Well,then which do you think it is?
@ngaspero (851)
• Italy
24 Jul 08
why? you ask that and may be you voted 2 times for g w bush!! if you and million of people voted for such a presindent a really id**t lougth in all the word and in all US talkshow, you can vote also for a donkey and it will be better then him!! but i think that America is until not ready for a president like Obama..and if you look only this little gaffes it means that thre's nothing better that you can take
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
24 Jul 08
I'm seriously roflmao!!! Did you really take me seriously? Please rest assured I did NOT vote for Bush and there's no possible way I'd ever have even thought of doing such a thing! I meant this as satire, not to be taken at face value, to point out the double standards of people and the silly things they pick at instead of worrying about real problems. Unfortunately, there are people who do take these things seriously and who believe every stupid rumors that are being e-mailed everyday but those who are making up stories about Obama being a radical Muslim and not being a U.S. citizen. Since there's now evidence there may have been life on Mars, that's what I expect to read next - Obama may be a Martian!

@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
23 Jul 08
I went on Scopes, and they made excuses for Obama, that he was tired. If McCain did that, they would not have made excuses, so I guess it depends on whether you are a Democrat who can get away with anything and a Republican who can get away with nothing. Now I can understand McCain still talking about Yugoslavia and Czchoslovakia because I am around eight years younger and for most of my life that is what they were called. It is hard to call them by their new name when their new names were not known for that long. Oh and I am into opera and when that was popular, they called Czechoslovakia, Bohemia.
Still the same, tiredness and habit are no excuse. There should be someone to remind the two candidates that they are going to make a booboo. Maybe they should hand them memo pads.
Oh if anyone other than anniepa, comment on my response, their name is mud.

@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
26 Jul 08
I must reply, suspense, but only because you told me not to. I have 5 kids and I spend my life tired as a result. When I am calling them, I go through all of the names, including the dog and the cat and the rabbit. And for this, I do not have to brush up on my history. Walking in their shoes, I can fault neither of them for their slip ups.
OK, that is my reply.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
24 Jul 08
Now, Suspenseful, I must agree if you or I or most anyone here were to mistakenly use the former names of these countries it wouldn't be a big deal but WE'RE not running for President. You wrote, "If McCain did that, they would not have made excuses, so I guess it depends on whether you are a Democrat who can get away with anything and a Republican who can get away with nothing." I must respectfully disagree here. I'm not sure how much, if any, U.S. news you watch but I can assure you, McCain has made numerous blunders which have received almost no airtime leading me to suspect there have been others that nobody has heard about at all. For me, "forgetting" which NFL team he named while being interrogated as a POW and giving credit for something happening to the surge when it actually happened before the surge are far more important than getting one digit wrong. Calling the former Russian President the President of Germany is rather important as well but I'll give him a bit of a pass there because maybe he meant to say Russia but had Obama done that we'd never hear the end of it.
One more thing - do you mind if I ask you what you meant by your last sentence?
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@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
24 Jul 08
LOL...Just that, I'm pretty speechless otherwise!!!
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@Bebs08 (10681)
• United States
24 Jul 08

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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
24 Jul 08
I'm beginning to almost regret having started this post. I don't want to offend anyone, believe me I don't, but I can't believe after all the responses here there are still people who seem to take this seriously or are they joking? Of course Obama KNOWS how many states there are! He misspoke, that's it.
@AlabamaBookWorm (40)
• Battle Creek, Michigan
24 Jul 08
Personally, I am hoping for a more intelligent President.
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@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
24 Jul 08
I have to wonder if you kept the pace they are keeping if YOU would remember every little detail and the names of every town you've been in? I wouldn't call a simple slip of speech for someone who surely has to be exhausted by now "stupid."
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
24 Jul 08
You're right and that was my point exactly. I know it was a simple slip of the tongue, which if I got attacked for every one I've had I'd be in pretty bad shape by now! I was trying to make the point of how people are making a major issue out of someone making a very simple mistake while they're overlooking some far more serious gaffes by his opponent which aren't nearly so easily explained away.
@StarChild517 (657)
• United States
24 Jul 08
I cant vote for someone who lacks intellgence/common sense, because well could lead americans into a deeper hole than what we are now. Its kinda sad how he thinks there are 57 states.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
24 Jul 08
OK, is it me or is it everyone else? Obviously he knows how many states there are, this wasn't meant to be taken seriously. We currently have a President with no intelligence/common sense so I think we've already been led into a deep enough hole. I'm sorry I guess I didn't make the intent of this post clear enough.