Spoiled Brat?
By marcroswell
@marcroswell (473)
July 23, 2008 3:55pm CST
When do you consider a child a "spoiled brat"?
I have a son who is 2 1/2 yrs old. My husband and other members of his family claim that at an early age my son is already spoiled brat. And according to my husband it's because of my doings. I mean, it's the way I deal with my son. If my son commited a mistake, I never beat and shout at him. I talk to him in a manner which I think he would understand what I am trying to convey. Coz in my opinion, beating him won't even help in disciplining a child this will just aggravate the situation, i mean the child might just detach himself from the person beating him. And since my husband does the exact opposite of what I am doing, my son is more closer to me tthan he is. Yes, I give what my son needs and wants to the best of my abilities and I am making sure that I won't go beyond the limits, but my husband thinks, it's too much.
I don't know which is which. Coz in my opinion, I am doing the right thing. What do you think? Anyone?
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22 responses
@thayes1106 (156)
• United States
23 Jul 08
I have kids like that...trust me, it can be frustrating. I am also told that it is my fault they are like that. First, wait and watch...he might have some sort of problem...not serious, of course. My daughter is bi-polar, a son with anti-social personality disorder and a son with autism. Be consistent in your discipline. I know it's hard to not give in to his whims. Second, within reason let him experience some natural consequences...I mean don't let him get hurt..but sometimes kids have to see things themselves even at 2 1/2 especially if they are stubborn.
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@cyberfluf (4996)
• Netherlands
23 Jul 08
That sounds very tough, you must have some great consistancy around the house to make everything go smoothly. I'm doing an internship with children with autism and/or ADHD and they have a hard time if we do anything not according to shedule, it's pretty hard when you are not used to it. I admire people who do this on a day to day basis, I really enjoy my internship it's very interesting.
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@marcroswell (473)
• Philippines
24 Jul 08
Though I am pampering my son, I make sure that I won't go beyond the limits. I am scolding him, of course. I am explaining him things in a manner that he can understand. And I know, tantrums on toddlers is a natural thing. I just hate my husband whenever he beats my son coz it seems that he doesn't understand how toddlers behave.
@Aidensmommy821 (171)
• United States
23 Jul 08
Everyone says the same about my son also. I dont think he is spoiled he just likes to be with me alot. Alot of people says he is a mommas boy and I understand why he is that way. All he has been around is me. I have only worked a month since he has been born and he is 2. I just like to spend time with my son and the same with him he likes to be with me. So does that really make him a mommas boy if I am all he really knows?
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@marcroswell (473)
• Philippines
24 Jul 08
My son is closer to me than anybody else in the house. He comes to me a lot if he needs something. I am a working mom but when I get home, he's with me all the time. I can't even get a good sleep coz it's me he wants to play with me. I guess in your case, since it's you and your son alone, I don't think your son is a mom's boy.
@cyberfluf (4996)
• Netherlands
23 Jul 08
In my opinion a child is spoiled once he looses appreciation of what he's got.
You can give a child the world, but as long as he is thankfull for it I don't consider him spoiled. If a child gets a present or his way and he takes it for granted, that is spoiled behaviour and it makes my toes curl.
Not smacking a child for disciplining is a good thing, hitting and shouting is a lack of words I allways say. If you can tell your son why you think something should or shouldn't be done he can make his own thoughts about that and it will help him grow as a person. Being able to say sorry and meaning it is very important, he has to contemplate and think about what he's done.
Getting on the same level with your husband is important. He will get scared by his father and will only move further away from him. It can also become an issue in your own relationship when you aren't on the same level. At the time being it might not be the case but your son may start putting you up against each other, not because he wants to but because he's lost and doesn't know what to do.
Take care!
@marcroswell (473)
• Philippines
24 Jul 08
Thanks for the response. I am actually alarmed since my husband treats my son differently the way I am treating my son. Of course, I know that my husband wants my son to be disciplined. But the thing is, sometimes my son is moving away from his father and as a mother and a wife, I don't want that to happen. I want a harmonious relationship in our family.
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@mychattime (1013)
23 Jul 08
I don't think your son is a spoiled brat, my son gets spoiled but knows the difference between right and wrong, I deal with him defferently than my hubby does and my father in law thinks hes not a nice child as he answers back and doesn't always do as hes told and plays up . . hello thats kids in my opinion!!! To me a spolied brat is someone who HAS to get their own way all the time and if not then are mega mega naughty. My son will use the naughty step or like yesterday he wouldn't get changed so I left him in his room and told him not to come downstairs until he was changed (he's 5). I do loads for my son and he does take advantage but the way I see it hes only young once and he sees me doing stuff for his dad so I might as well do it for them both, he does help me and is good generally. I feel its important to explain what they have done wrong, if you shout and scream etc they don't understand and get frightened. i think you are being a great mum and no your child is not spoilt after all you do let him know when he has done wrong.
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@marcroswell (473)
• Philippines
24 Jul 08
Yeah, I certainly agree with you. As a mother, it's hard for me to beat neither scream at my son. Coz if he gets hurt, i feel what he feels...I feel hurt as well. For me, i really don't consider my son a spoiled brat. Yes, husband and wife treat their child differently that's why a father wouldn't understand why a mother treats his son differently. And you know what. when my son is having tantrums nobody can stop him except me. He does not listen to his father.
@blackmantra_x (2732)
• Philippines
24 Jul 08
good day I considered a child spoiled when he/she gets everything she wants, even things she/he doesn't need and brag or shows it off to friends and relative making them envy that's my definition of spoiled brat. Knowing the difference between what is right and wrong only defines a child's judgment but doing what is right defines the child's character.
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@marcroswell (473)
• Philippines
24 Jul 08
Thanks! At least, I know now that my son is not yet a spoiled brat and never will be.
@click50 (68)
• United States
24 Jul 08
I would have to ask you to you give him everything he wants or everything that he needs? Do you discipline him at all? Discipline doesn't necessarily mean hitting it means reinforcing your rules with a definite consequence and then consistently following through.
I am having a problem with my daughter and her 2/12 year old son. She lets him get into everything, like my dishwasher where there are knives and simply yells at him. He ignores her. When I catch him, I time him out. He understands that he doesn't like being timed out so he listens to me and not her.
Is your child a spoiled brat? Probably not, he probably is just an intelligent child that knows who will let him get away with everything.
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@marcroswell (473)
• Philippines
24 Jul 08
I must admit that I am pampering my son to the best I can give him. But of course, I have set limitations as well. If he's done wrong I really talk to him. And, I give punishments too. But, I don't hit him, not a bit. What I usually do to give him punishment is I deprive him of some things that he's getting if he did something wrong. I am first time mom, that's why it hurts me if somebody hits him.
@click50 (68)
• United States
24 Jul 08
I don't believe in spanking much either. The only exception is when a little one is approaching something far more dangerous like a light socket, a hot stove or the street. If the child is old enough to walk but too young to understand having a privilege removed, a quick tap to the butt may be the right thing.
However, by 2/12 they can understand an act and its consequence. As long as you are consistent in your discipline he should be fine.
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
24 Jul 08
I consider a child a "spoiled brat" when that child is getting everything that they want. My boyfriend has a cousin who just turned five, and he is a "spoiled brat". He gets whatever he wants, and his parents do not yell at him when he is acting up. He was trying to get into a lot of trouble when I was around him, and I put the boy in his place. His parents did not even care what he was doing. They just gave him whatever he wanted and let him run around causing trouble. I have older cousins who are the same way. One of my cousin's is 24 and she is the most spoiled person that I have ever met. Her mother and father do everything for her. I have to work my @$$ off for things while she gets everything.

@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
25 Jul 08
If you do not want him to be a "spoiled brat", then make him work for everything that he has. Show him that he has to do something in order to earn something. Does he want the latest game console, then tell him to do the dishes or take the trash for a month or more and he will eventually get it. Again, make him work for it. WORK is the key word here. See, the problem with children today is that they do not know what hard work and sacrifice is. Everything is handed to these children and they are suffering in the end for it. My generation is learning that in order to get what they want, they must work tooth and nail for it. We should not have to learn it, we should know it already. I know what hard work, my boyfriend, on the other hand, does not know this, and now he is going to see what life will be like if he does not get his act together.
@marcroswell (473)
• Philippines
24 Jul 08
I don't want my son to be a spoiled brat. That's why as early as now, I am asking opinion from different people to determine what needs to be done and how to react on such situations.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
24 Jul 08
I think and in fact, I am convinced you are right.
I have only one son and he is an angelic child right from young-only difference from what you have written is that my husband also used to discipline him in a very firm, kind way. I too used to treat him as an adult from when he was 1 year old-for e.g.; I used to tell him clearly that he had no choice except to take the medicine however bitter it was and if he had to get an injection I would tell him beforehand that he had to bear the pain for a few minutes and he could just squeeze his eyes shut and chant the name of god.
He is an extraordinary well behaved youngster [now he is 26] and is a brilliant fellow who is highly qualified and is among the negligible 5 or 6 % of I India [emerged as a rank holder in C.A, a management grad now from the topmost institute in India. nad is a consultant in a good American Consultancy firm.
He still is haphazard with his clothes and would not do any household work but he could devote his time to study and extra curricular activities and now to his career.. When he was young, some people used to say that as an only child he would be spoilt but now after seeing his achievements people praise and claim to be his closest relatives-I am writing these stories to tell you that it is an outdated concept to say that only harsh regimentation can yield results. Children can be dealt in kinder ways provided they get all time devotion [we gave him our cent percent attention allowing him free space at the same time.]
I feel that your husband feels inadequate when his people criticize him regarding his child and he wants to discipline him so that he would rise in their estimate. Your husband may not be too aware of child psychology and as what you pointed out he is only driving his son away from him. The love and affection and time [this is the most important-where the child’s intellectual needs are satisfied] we devote to our son should be to such an extent that he would not feel like deviating from good behavior.
If your son tends to throw tantrums then you be very strict with him and tell him that you would not tolerate unruly behavior and that he will be seeing a different facet of his mother. Just frighten him gently and that would do the trick. It all depends on how you curb bad behavior right at the start by nipping it at its bud-just a glance should be enough to show you are displeased...
From what you have written I feel that your child is an easy kid [some are by nature very rough and I do not think your son would be like that -on the other hand if he is rough then he would need a firm hand and a beating [where it would not have a terrible impact-never beat him on his cheek but threaten to give one on his backside].
My guess is that he is a gentle kid and in that case your approach is right and don’t bother about others.
Children do not ask to be born and if we do not have the patience then there is no point calling ourselves mothers-you are absolutely right in your kind approach-don’t worry.

@kalav56 (11464)
• India
24 Jul 08
Thank you very much for the best response and those kind words. I only thank God for His grace in giving me the greatest gift on earth in an inherently gentle brilliant child. Whatever your husband’s people may feel no mother would like to see her son be badly behaved and you are taking the best action possible. He is after all a young child and as you rightly pointed out we should never ever let our children down in front of others. That would have a bad effect on the child’s psyche and would not help him achieve his full potential. Nothing works better than the gentle kind approach and frequent encouragement for the most mundane task possible.
Children should be nurtured and many parents do not have the patience.
You have an excellent open minded approach and so you would certainly succeed one day-
I wish you all the best!
@marcroswell (473)
• Philippines
24 Jul 08
You see, as a first time mom I've been collecting information in parenting. Either, I read books, articles or I ask other person's opinion on parenthood. As much as possible, I do want to impose beating my son coz the very first person who'll get hurt is me. I have set limitations too when it comes to pampering him. And, everytime he's committed a mistake, I really talk to him heart to heart and privately. I don't want to scold him in public, of course.
I admire you for raising such a successful son. I am hoping I'll do the same, some day.
Have a nice day!
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@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
24 Jul 08
I think you are doing a great job as a mom. You are not resorting to violence or abuse to punish your son. However, children do need boundaries and discipline. There are appropriate ways to discipline toddlers by using a time out or taking away a privilege. Eventually, they learn that a certain behavior is not acceptable. However, toddlers have limited verbal skills and they will often act out because they are frustrated. That doesn't mean the child is spoiled. It just means that they can't express themselves.
@marcroswell (473)
• Philippines
24 Jul 08
I agree with you. As a first time mom, I've been reading books regarding toddler. And, I know what you mean. I've experienced that already. that's why, I avoid hitting my toddler. I believe he's too young to be hit. Yeah, I know my limits as well.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
24 Jul 08
Do you consider your son,'a spoiled brat?' If you do, are you prepared to do something about it? A spoiled Brat is not fun to be around, and especially not fun to live with. Here's what you need to Know- When you make a rule for him to follow, Never Never change your mind. Kids demand rules to live and grow by. When they do not have these firm guidelines they Rebel. When they rebel they make their own rules (and their Parents live by their rules.)This is a Bad scene when they are young and very bad or Dangerous when they are older. They become out-of-control adults, and anything can, and will Happen. You are right not to beat your son. Show him the respect you want him to show you. Sit down with him and make a deal. "You clean your room for me and I'll bake a chocolate cake for you. Or, you pick up your toys, and we will go shopping together." If he refuses, then fine, you don't need to keep your end of the bargain either. When he throws a tantrum,just ignore him and start to sing, or turn on the TV. after a short while (when he sees hes not getting results he will calm right down) (Tantrums are hard work!) In short, why don't you take control of his life? He will come to Thank you for It!
@marcroswell (473)
• Philippines
24 Jul 08
I don't consider my son a spoiled brat but my husband does. I am actually doing the thing that you mention, the reward method. Like if you do this, you'll get this if not...And, it's actually working. My worry is my husband, how would I make him realized that my son is not a spoiled brat, that he's only a toddler?
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
24 Jul 08
marcroswell hi no I dont think your little 2 1\2 yr old is
spoiled at all. Spanking or beating a little guy is just
awful,it does nothing but make him hate the spanker.You are
doing just fine, so keep it up. all men think kids should be disciplined more than they need to be, but thats just plain wrong. talk to your husband. modern people do not beat their toddlers, thats barbaric. I think yuou are doing the right
thing and that your husband should back you up, not critize
@marcroswell (473)
• Philippines
24 Jul 08
That is what I am trying to tell my husband that hitting a toddler won't do anything good coz at his age, they won't understand yet. And now, the result my son always comes to me whenever he needs anything coz he's not comfortable with his father.
@ella1bella (839)
24 Jul 08
Its very difficult not to spoil children nowadays,there are so many toys and gadgets on the market and they want them a.Its very difficult to realise when your child is becoming too spoilt,and often it will take someone else to point it out to you,but the main thing is that the child is developing normally and is not being let get out of hand.If a father and a mother have very different ideas of parenting then htat becomes an issue,you may tend to fight between yourselves as to who has the right opinion.But if a child becomes too spoilt then they will become unnaceptable to the people that they meet every day,there is no one who likes a little bratlet.Bu as long as you feel you are doing your level best to keep eveything under control,and that the child is not being allowed to run riot,then you are doing a good job.
@marcroswell (473)
• Philippines
24 Jul 08
Sometimes, my husband and I do argue when it comes to disciplining our toddler. I don't want arguments of course. But as a mother, i don't want see my son gets hurt. My son actually listens to me. In fact, when he's in tantrums i am the only one who can pacify him, no one else does. I can make him follow my order without scolding and beating him. And, i think that's one thing I can be proud of!
@marcroswell (473)
• Philippines
24 Jul 08
He's like that when we're at the mall, sometimes. But, I don't give in. If it's out of budget already, I won't buy it. and, if it's not something that will do him good, i don't buy it. I also have limitations when it comes to pampering him.
@bryanna4 (49)
• United States
24 Jul 08
I think a two year old is going to be a two year old. They are going to be more attached to the person who lets them get away with more. but no i dont think that is spoiling them. And i dont agree beating does anygood. as far as disciplining, I would just take away the things your son enjoys until he learns that what he is doing is wrong
@marcroswell (473)
• Philippines
24 Jul 08
You're right, beating a toddler is not a good form of disciplining him. He'll just hate the person beating him and make gaps between them.
@michele_villasenor (624)
• Philippines
24 Jul 08
In my opinion, you're just doing the right thing. Talking to your son is better than hitting him. Making your son understand the wrong in what he's done is better than hitting him as a form of discipline. In most cases, parents may seem successful in disciplining their children but the truth is that they just scare them. They would not to it again not because they realized that what they did was wrong but because they do not want to be hit again.
@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
24 Jul 08
I never shout or beat any of my children for a simple mistake. Once I was very angry at my son and I let him have it. Afterwards I explained to him why I was angry and apologized for being so. I only beat my other son once and this was for getting into a fight. I wanted him to think really hard before getting into a fight and beat him with my belt so that he will remember. He remembers that one beating and he knows why it was done.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
6 Oct 08
Your approach to discipline has nothing to do with whether or not he's a brat.. and no you don't need to hit or yell to discipline. A child of that age doesn't really understand hitting or yelling and doesn't deserve that sort of punishment.
But you must stay consistant with concequences, otherwise a child can think they can get away with anything.. and will try to. You and your husband should set real clear guidelines as to what you expect from your son, and what you will just let go. When your son does something he shouldn't, you need to correct him and tell him that was wrong. If he does it again, a time out may be in order along with another correction. Everytime he does it he should get the same punishment, then eventually he will learn that doing this action causes him to get a punishment, and he will choose not to do it anymore.
@slyvixen42 (926)
• United States
24 Jul 08
I don't know if your son is a spoiled brat or not because I don't know him. I was spanked by both my parents and am not detached from either of them. I didn't like it but who knows what kind of trouble I'd be in if they didn't teach me that way. They didn't spank me for every thing, just the big things. I'm not saying it's the only way to discipline I just ended up well behaved because of it. I definitely think people should do what they think is right no matter what other people say. So keep doing what you feel is right and time will tell whether it is or not.
@liltunergirl (467)
• Canada
24 Jul 08
I try to give my daughter everything she wants and desires as well but I aslo make sure she is always behaving. I don't "beat" my daughter ever! but when she does something wrong, she will surely know about it. I will give her a stern warning and if she keeps it up she gets a time out. If she still decides to misbehave during the time out then she gets half her toys (the one's she really really like to play with) taken away from her for the rest of the day. I want a well behaved child who doesn't act like a brat but can still be spoiled. People tell me I'm sometimes too hard on her but they also tell me what a well behaved little girl she is. If I needed to take her to tea with the queen, I'd be able to. You must DISCIPLINE a child when they do something wrong. It doesn't mean you don't LOVE them. Once the punishment is over, you talk to them about what they did wrong and how they could have done it right and then give them a hug and say you love them. The child won't loose how close they are with you because you are PARENTING. If you don't listen to the crying now, you'll be the one crying when the child is older and really misbehaving.
@Paper_Doll (2373)
• Philippines
10 Jul 12
We have a 2 year old spoiled brat in our house. His parents just left him with my mother in law since the kid was only days old. You are right when you said that they tend to detached themselves to those who do not give or do what they want especially to those they know that would spank them once they continued they bad behaviour. At first, I would always take the kid to our place because I pity the child and the kid really likes going with me because during that time, I would always give him what he wants once he started crying and throwing everything his hand would reach. He even destroyed my TV and cellphone. He would do so many weird things just to get what he wants. And later on, I realized that being nice and just talking won't really do. I angrily told him once to behave properly and the kid started to cry and bang his head on the wall. I did not pay attention and he stopped. Then after a while that I still do not give him attention, he started putting his fingers inside her mouth to make himself vomit. I told him hurting himself won't do as well and left. I told him to seat properly, stop crying and behave properly. He started to cry again and that time, I knew already that the cry is now for real. He usually fakes it. I just let him do all the crying and just give him a glass of water which he just throw back at me. I left him after that. I have encountered the same situation a couple of times and I do the same thing. I just told him that he should behave properly and that I am not happy about it. I am consistent about it and I noticed that the child no longer wants to be with me. He would only go to the first person that he knew would let him do everything he wants. But when he started to throw tantrums again, I would usually tell him to stop. He would usually go back in his seat and would stop there for sometime. I really think that they have been spoiling to kid too much and I am worried of what would be the outcome of this.