What's something you always run out of?

@o2bnocn (2992)
United States
July 24, 2008 11:02am CST
Maybe it is toilet paper, pens, a type of food. You can list as many things as you want. We always seem to run out of toilet paper. We have started to buy the bigger packs and that does help. Another thing we seem to run out of is pens, because we loose them! I keep my pens in my purse and in one of my drawers so that every one can't use them and end up loosing them.
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23 responses
@Humbug25 (12540)
24 Jul 08
Hi o2bnocn I like this question it's a good'un. My friend has just gone away on holday for a week and asked me and my 3 kids if we would look after her 2 gineapigs while she was away and we obliged. So now we keep running out of cucumber because my son keeps on insisting they are hungry and need feeding.
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@o2bnocn (2992)
• United States
25 Jul 08
Your son probably likes feeding the gineapigs. We have a hamster and we will occasionally feed him by hand, mostly my little sister will. Once my sister forgot to close the top of the cage and he got out of the cage, well the funny thing is that he got back in there on his own.
@Humbug25 (12540)
25 Jul 08
Me and my brother's had hamster when we were younger too and my brother's one got out. We later saw he that evening coming down the chimney. Lucky it was the middle of summer and we hadn't lit the fire.
@Bluepatch (2476)
• Trinidad And Tobago
24 Jul 08
I am always running out of little items like soap, bacon, butter and other things like that. I usually make sure I have enough tiolet paper for an entire month at home all the time. Right now I need several items but have no money to buy anything because my payday is Saturday and its Thursday today. Know what I mean ?
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@o2bnocn (2992)
• United States
25 Jul 08
Yes I do. That is when the dollar store comes in handy. Also when samples I get in the mailbox come in handy. Sometimes you just have to wait it out though.
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
25 Jul 08
Toilet paper, eggs, bread, cat food and, most importantly money, of which I have not a cent of now. I'm waiting for two checks (1 for $200, 1 for $150), and then my government check will be for $700 something and arrive August 1st. The first check, $200 was supposed to have arrived already, but it hasn't gotten here yet. The second check is a month and a half late and now (as of today) supposed to arrive by next Tuesday. But I'm not bitter, oh no... At least the government is always on time! I have good friends who will help me through the next week and our local food pantry has groceries, which I'm going to get tomorrow. I haven't needed to visit there in five months for food (although I give them stuff I don't need anymore when I can and I sometimes volunteer there), because I have a job and food stamps and can buy my own. But with checks so late, it's been hard this month.
@o2bnocn (2992)
• United States
25 Jul 08
Yeah sometimes it can get hard. We also have food stamps but they never last us the whole month. It helps a lot though, could be worse and we not get any at all. It's good that you have friends that will help you out at times. Well good luck to you and I hope you get all of the checks you are supposed to on time or sooner.
• United States
24 Jul 08
I am for ever seeming to run out of every thing paper towels, toilet paper, food, cleaners, ect. it can get frustrateing at times for I will forget to put them on my list of things to get at times.I am going to have to to do better with this. I think I will just start going to Sams Club and getting the large quanity of things that way they last alot longer I guess we can all improve one way or another and this will be mine.
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@deem1977 (242)
• United States
24 Jul 08
I run out of toilet paper, paper towels, cleaners, cat litter, and cat food. The cat food is tough because I have several cats and I have a large plastic bin that I usually put the dry cat food in and then scoop it out as needed. It's easy to miscalculate how much dry cat food is left in there and I often overestimate the amount remaining. The problem, too, is that with all these items if I run out at night, then I go to work the next day and tend to forget about it, until after I get home the next day and try to use one of the items I have run out of.
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@o2bnocn (2992)
• United States
25 Jul 08
Yes we seem to run out of cat food quite often. I only have one cat now and he eats a lot. He is really big for a cat. We seem to run out of cat food all of the time so we try to keep a can of tuna fish for those times. We also eat tuna fish sandwiches but we keep the tuna fish for both reasons.
@Ricky007 (512)
24 Jul 08
its very hot here in my country..I usually run out of water while travelling..another thing i usually run out of is my hanky (handkerchief)..i usually lost it..
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
29 Jul 08
For me, it would lately either have to be $$, or milk. For some reason lately it just never seems to be that my paycheck seems to last long enough. It is always gone within a week even if I try not to spend it. The only way I seem to ever hang on to one longer is if I am sick, as then I cannot go out anywhere to spend some of it.
@TheDevil (840)
• India
25 Jul 08
I always run out of pens..no matter whether i bring a whole packet of pens ..its sumhow gets misplaced or i don't remember where i kept it last ...the other things is money :)
@sylvia13 (1850)
• Nelson Bay, Australia
25 Jul 08
Yes, we also run out of toilet paper, but one year some Brazilian friends of ours solved the problem by bringing a few rolls, nicely wrapped up in Xmas wrapping paper for us!
@o2bnocn (2992)
• United States
25 Jul 08
That's funny. My cousin joked one time that she was going to buy us toilet paper, she never did. She was just joking.
@lizzyt2007 (1312)
• Craig, Alaska
25 Jul 08
Mozzarella cheese. - this is my families favorite cheese I buy thru out the month.
buy the first of everymonth I am always out of toilet paper and paper towels. probably don't help I only buy 3 rolls of paper towels, thats the only deal I can afford. I buy 4 to 6 pack of toilet paper and sometimes it lasts to 1 1/2 months. Every month I have to buy 1 gallon, and sandwich size ziplock bags. I use them for left over food so no bugs get in my cupboard food, and my food in the fridge and freezer do last longer I notice. also I have to buy tin foil usually monthly but last month I got a good sell and deal. 2 rolls of tinfoil for $3. at walmart. cool thing is that one of the rolls is non-stick. I love using them in my toaster oven. plastic wrap last me 2 to 3 months because I don't use it much. seems every two weeks I got to buy a another 2lb of cheese though. My son and I eat it on almost every meal, the same goes for bread. We seem to run out of it every 2weeks. Snacks in this house are gone within a week at times. I try to buy low in sugar snacks because of that very reason. every month I run out of diapers to, my son is being potty trained but he hasn't learned to wake up and go to the toilet yet, or use toilet at preschool. thats it for my list.
@o2bnocn (2992)
• United States
25 Jul 08
We always seem to run out of toilet paper. It does help a lot if you buy the bigger packs. At times when we were really low on money we would buy the 4 pack rolls, it was no point to it. So we started buying the bigger packs and we don't run out of it as nearly as quick as we used to. We run out of bread also. Another thing would have to be sweets they are also gone in about a week here like you said. Some of the box sweets only come in 6 and there are 5 people living here so you figure all of us eat one and there is only one left. I guess we all need to just cut back on it. Thanks for responding.
• United States
25 Jul 08
I am always running out of toilet paper. It is most of the time just my husband and myself. We do run out of toilet paper but when my three grandkids are over it is worse. I think they must eat the toilet paper. I just don't know. I also run out of dish soap. But I can't blame that on them since I am the one that does the dishes. Other than those two items I don't run out of anything else.
@o2bnocn (2992)
• United States
25 Jul 08
Maybe they eat the dish soap also
@Mare73 (1335)
• United States
25 Jul 08
@p_vadla (1685)
• India
25 Jul 08
I generally run out of money.So, my life passes on struggling between one money run out to the next one.
@chenmeiyi (972)
• China
25 Jul 08
WATER,i like drinking pure water,so i have to buy it everyday.
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@angelface23 (2494)
• United States
25 Jul 08
I always run out of body wash and face wash. Also my daughters body wash so I end up having to use my body wash on her. Milk is another big one. I agree with the pens, you can buy a pack and they're gone in a week. Then you randomly find them around the house.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
25 Jul 08
I never run out of pens..I just could never find any LOL I realized last night though that there are at least 10 in my purse LOL... something I always run out of? PATIENCE!!
@enola1692 (3323)
• United States
25 Jul 08
I always run out of toilet paper an no matter how smart i think i am being by hiding a few pens they still come up missing an the number one thing I always seems to run out of is MONEY I guess that happens alot with teens
25 Jul 08
It's always toilet paper and washing powder, and fresh fruit and vegetables.
• United States
25 Jul 08
milk. i try not to count on having it so i personally don't use it that much, but then i go to use it and it's gone. or i used it once and it was so nice to have it that i go to use it the next day and it's all gone, even though the day before there was half a container left. it just evaporates. and it doesn't seem to matter how much we get. sometimes too many jugs are bought, but they don't last long.
• Australia
25 Jul 08
Stationary. Whenever I am doing some work at home I always have trouble finding an eraser, or liquid paper. It doesn't help that I also have a bad habit of losing stationary. Another thing I always run out of is ink for my printer. I really seem to chew it up fast, and it gets expensive.