Summer is great are things going with you? Are you on vacation?
@Perspectives (7131)
July 24, 2008 10:14pm CST
Warm, breezy, summer greetings from sunny Manitoba!
I have been enjoying life and summer so much that I haven't been spending any time in Mylot land lately. With our cold, dark winters Manitoba residents spend as much time as possible outside. My hubs David and I decided to vacation at home this year and go somewhere during the winter. We have worked for a number of years to landscape our property and create a lovely little retreat in our own back yard. I have included a photo of our 'outdoor living space.'
We have a hammock, two water ponds, a shaded courtyard area, barbecue, deck with sitting area, swing and firepit. There is a community swimming pool right across the street from our house and a a lake about 15 minutes from our home where we can swim and canoe.
After moving from the hustle and bustle of our home town Winnipeg in 1994 we realized that the peace, quiet of our day-by-day experience is what many seek out on the weekends. David and I are self-employed and have the luxury of setting our own schedules and during the summer we are inclined to work less...and relax more.
So we are loving summer and life in general. How about you? What have you been doing lately? I understand those living in other parts of the world may be experiencing something other than balmy, sunny weather...and that is of interest to me too. For those who drop by and comment it will be good to catch up and share some news...whatever that might be.
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15 responses
@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
26 Jul 08
It has been really cold here since the 21st of June.
Much colder than previous winters.
It even did snow one morning... but it melted as soon as it hit the ground.
Early this week... all my water pipes were frozen.
Another month to go... and things will start to get warmer hopefully.
Unlike Canada and Europe... the winter only last 3 months in Australia.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
27 Jul 08
Hi...good to hear from you. I sent you an e-mail today to let you know we've been wondering how things have been going. Now I know.
It is great to be back and getting some 'situation reports' and life's happenings with friends here.
We have a little more spare time and so I plan to spend some of it Mylotting. Hope it warms up for you soon. Frozen pipes are not fun...we had that happen when we lived on our acreage in Ontario. How is the feline family coming along? With their fur coats I am sure the colder weather is not as much of a problem for them.
So stay warm...and hang on...good to know warmer weather is only a month away and that our colder weather is hopefully at least 3 months away. Fall is a gorgeous time of year and if we are lucky it doesn't start to get really cold until November.
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
27 Jul 08
Hi Raia
I did reply to your last email on the 8th of July... but you obviously lost it again... lol... This is no good Raia... lol
Will try to reply today to your last one.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
27 Jul 08
No, it is not good...sorry about that.
The drop off could have happened when David was doing upgrades on my computer. There were a few other e-mails that when missing during that time.
Cyber space...lots of e-mails must be floating around out there. Oh well, good to be back in touch...when we don't hear from you...I will be back. I value our exchanges and friendship.
Thanks for the prompt response...and now we know!
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
25 Jul 08
Hi Raia, I'm happy that you are experiencing some warm sunny weather after the turmoil of the past winter. We too have been enjoying some sunny weather but with probably more rain than you've been seeing. As you say, some parts of the world haven't been as fortunate, so I must not complain. Blessings.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
27 Jul 08
Wonderful to see you here again. Hope all is going well with you and your family. You certainly had a lot of looses the last time we spoke and I have though of you and what you were going through while I was away.
Yes, it is great to have balmy, warm weather. It has been great and the garden is flourishing. The nights cool down and makes it comfortable sleeping. I agree we have nothing to complain about when we see what is going on in other parts of the world. An 'attitude of gratitude'...yep, it works all the time.
Take care and continue to enjoy the goes by very quickly.
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@Darkwing (21583)
27 Jul 08
Hello, my dear friend. I too have a countryside retreat in my own back yard. I can walk up, beyond the hedge and I'm in a different world. I love to sit out in the Summer, especially close to sunset, but also during the day, when the blackbird comes to chat with me. The robin is also present and sits close by, picking up the gossip! lol.
However, I still like to wander further abroad. I've been to an annual barbecue this evening which I've just written about and which was great fun. Then, next week, I plan to go to the Lammas festival in Eastbourne which is held over the Lammas weekend each year. There's a parade, Morris dancers, folk music, metal music and a pagan craft fair, and I intend to make it there this year, hoping the weather holds.
In October, I'm taking a short break in Suffolk, which will be a nice change. It'll be my first time in a very historic part of England and I'm looking forward to that. Otherwise, I get up and go as the mood takes me. I've done a lot already this Summer, and I'm enjoying every minute.
Brightest Blessings my friend and soul sister. Love to you both. xxx

@Darkwing (21583)
27 Jul 08
I love the picture... he looks a bit like a hawke, but a little dark for me to see properly, against the bright, blue sky. Thank you for sharing, my friend.
The birds seem to have planted their own survival patch in my back garden. Over the years, they've managed to plant four redcurrant bushes, three wild strawberry plants and an oak tree, which I keep in a large pot because it will take over my reasonably small garden. lol. They get to the strawberries and redcurrants before I even know they've appeared, but I don't begrudge them, as they were the ones who put them there.

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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
27 Jul 08
Oh wonderful to hear how well you are doing. I spoke to Lakota on the phone last week but she was unsure how things were going there. How is your leg injury progressing...from the sound of your activity level it would appear that you are doing much better. Really happy to hear that and how you are spending the summer.
After seeing only a few photos of your magical back yard and beyond I can appreciate your love for your surroundings. We are truly blessed to be able to step out the door and into a sacred space we co-created with Nature and all the various elementals that reside there.
Yes, birds love our space as well. The two water ponds, bird bath and abundance of berries are quite a haven for them. I have included a photo of one sharing a little time with me while I was on the deck and Mylotting on my laptop.
Next week's festivities sound very interesting. I am sure you will post updates of the events and I will look forward to hearing more.
I love dusk time walks too...there is a special feeling to that time of day...and we both are attuned to the 'between world' influences.
I am sure you will pick up many interesting energies and images on your visit to Suffolk. Do let us know how things went when you return as you so frequently do in your "show rather than tell" writing abilities.
Yes, David and I are happy, healthy and loving the way we are finally living within our means on every level. The pace is much more peaceful and creative without the frenetic pace we used to keep. Blooming where we are planted...and loving it!
Much love and light being sent your way from both of us. We are planning a re-commitment ceremony on September 27th and calling it a celebration of love and friendship. Makes me wish I boodles of money so I could fly you, Lakota, Gabs and LittleOwl, Pye and a few others here to join us. Maybe someday!In the meantime continue to enjoy the season...and we will too. Hopefully I will have more time to be here..I missed you although I always feel the strength of our soul sister bond when we are not in touch.
Big warm hugs to you!

@sunshinecup (7871)
26 Jul 08
Our summer it wonderful! Not that we have gone anywhere or done anything, but the tempts have been great for just getting out in the back yard all day and having fun! We are having a summer like I remember when I was a kid. So we have been swimming, playing games, and staying out in the backyard till it's late telling creepy scary stories to one another.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
27 Jul 08
Oh my are back! Yipee!!! I have missed you and your sunny disposition. When did you decide to start participating again? I wasn't around much the last couple of months and always miss valued friends when I am not Mylotting.
What a wonderful 'welcome back' for me to wee you here. Hope all is well with you and yours...and from the sound of it you and your family are having a blast! Hope that continues...and to have more opportunities to share ideas. It was always a pleasure to chat with you...and now we can again.
Wishing you and yours many bright, beautiful, bountiful blessings.
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
27 Jul 08
Big my enthusiastic response I accidentally put I am happy to 'wee' you here. I am not sure whether it is kinky...or funny...maybe a bit of both.
Sorry...maybe it was a big..."WEEEEEE...Sunshinecup is back. Who knows?
So long for now,
@jeweledbluerose (3061)
• United States
25 Jul 08
Summer thus far has been great here in the Dunning household. We haven't done any vacationing this year, but we did go camping out at the lake nearby, which was a blast. I guess one could view that as sort of a mini
Though that is about all we have done this summer, since my husband's work hasn't been giving him much time off like they usually do over the summer months. We are hoping to get in one more camping trip before summer is over though, so keeping my fingers crossed he'll be able to get the time off for it.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
27 Jul 08
We have been out of touch for awhile and last time your husband was not working. Sounds as though your family has had a turn around in that department...even though it is "cramping your camping." (giggles).
Sorry the corny poet in me could not resist that silly comment.
Anyway, I am truly happy to hear that you are enjoying the summer with one mini vacation and possibly a second one before the season is over. I bet the kids love it. We used to camp...but not so much now.
We have an open fire pit in our backyard and are so close to pools and lakes within a short driving distance that we just enjoy the ambiance of where we are...and have the comforts of home to boot!
Great catching up...take care and I know we'll do more as time permits. I have included just one of many scenic areas close by. Yes, the lazy, hazy days of summer are relaxing alright.
. Know you enjoy the do I.

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@jeweledbluerose (3061)
• United States
27 Jul 08
Wow, that is beautiful, none of the lakes around this area are as clear as that, could swear I could see the! Seeing that picture reminds me of living in Alaska, how I miss that place.
Yeah, things here are getting better. Thankfully, was getting scared for awhile there that we'd end up out on the street. But a whole lot of praying, keeping our fingers crossed, and keeping as positive as we could about our situation got us through and now our luck seems to be changing for the better.
My husband is trying to get the week of birthday off next month, so we all can go camping again. He will know Monday whether or not they have given him the vacation time. Am hoping cause the kids will be going back to school towards the end of next month here. FREEDOM!!! LOL! just kidding! I love my kids and enjoy spending time with them.
Well wishes and hugs I send to you and your's. Have a great day my friend. 

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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
29 Jul 08
Thanks for your comments on the photo...glad you liked it. I thought you might! There are so many places like this in our picturesque part of the country. This area used to be a Lake...and then things changed with glacier movements. The soil is rich and excellent for farming.
It is great that all our lives are moving within positive flows...lets keep that going. Like the McDonald's commercial..."WE DESERVE THIS BREAK TODAY"...and tomorrow...and many more after that.
Will look forward to updates on your camping experience...and how your cats are faring in their new space.
We have friends visiting tomorrow...but I will be be Wednesday.
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@littleowl (7157)
26 Jul 08
Hi Raia here in the uk the weather has been a bit of everything June was a funny month but this month it has been lovely and the sun has been out full belt and the evenings warm now and then though we have had the odd cold rainy day but so far am enjoying the sun and warmth for as long as I can
your friend littleowl

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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
27 Jul 08
Hello again to a valued pal from across the pond. Sounds as though you have had some unpredictable weather patterns there.
Glad you are soaking up the balmier weather for as long as it lasts. Although I have never been to the UK my husband David has and he told me how chilling and damp it can get there. His family is from Ireland...and relatives on both sides of my family are from Scotland, Ireland, England and Wales. We'd both like to visit the UK. It would be wonderful to have a group meeting with you, Darkwing, Gabs and others friends I have made from there. Who knows maybe it could happen...would be fun!
In the meantime we'll continue to enjoy the connection we have...and I truly appreciate it.
Big huggers my owl loving friend..
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
27 Jul 08
Ah yes...we have met...we are already connected and appreciate the bonds. I would love to have the friendships 'materialize' where we'd have real 'face time.' I can already feel the love, light, laughter, mutual respect and pure enjoyment within that envisioning.
We both know the power of to me it is not a pipe dream of wishing...I know such a meeting is gaining the realms of possibility.
Great to be back in Mylot Land and hearing from precious people like both of you!
Hugs and blessings..

@cwilson26 (2735)
• United States
27 Jul 08
Hi we are not doing much for Summer. Staying home since we can't afford to do anything. We have plenty of stuff that needs done here anyway like fixing up our trailer, working on our yard, and taking care of our pets. Anyway glad you guys are vacationing at home. I guess we are too except I have a lot of work I have been doing every day. Enjoy your vacation! :)
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@cwilson26 (2735)
• United States
27 Jul 08
Hi. Yes we are definitely taking a break here and there while we get things done. I am also working on the computer, writing articles for a couple of sites that pay me while I work on my short stories! Hubby and I are both trying to get things done around here. Yes I agree that most people are probably staying home because of the gas prices. I would love to get away somewhere though. Just for a little while. Enjoy your vacation! :)
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
27 Jul 08
Hi again..
Your experiences were akin to ours a few years ago. Owning a property takes a lot of time and effort and it seems there is something "else" on the to-do list. With the price of gas I think more people are taking time to relax and appreciate their home and communities. I like the feel of it because it truly makes me appreciate how grateful I feel to be living in such a clean, safe, supportive and beautiful area of the country.
So good luck with what sounds like a lot of projects. I do hope you will be able to enjoy some breathing space and R & R. You know the all work and no play scenario! (smiles)
Great catching up with you...and we will continue. I'm signing off shortly, but will be back!
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@roniroxas (10559)
• Philippines
28 Jul 08
nice to see you here again. hugs hugs hugs. your summer is just here and our summers are finish already though most of the time it still feels like summer for we only have two seasons the hot and rainy season. yes! it sounds boring lol. but during summer here we didnt have much outing for as you know the budget will not allow. my chilfren just got bored and just watch tv. now the school season started last june so they are quite busy
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
2 Aug 08
Hi friend,
It is good to be here and catching up with you and others. I can appreciate when the budget does not allow for extras. With the price of gas many here are vacationing at home as well. With the situation in the Middle East that may continue indefinitely. Oh well, helps us become resourceful and maybe even get back to basics where we all find ways to enjoy ourselves without the same financial costs involved.
Even when we are not chatting I think of you and your kids and send you a lot of love and light.
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
26 Jul 08
Glad to know that you and hubby are enjoying this wonderful summer. I can certainly understand how you would choose to stay outside as possible after such hard winter weather.
I love the hammock and specially the water ponds - water running always makes me feel so good and peaceful:):):) THen after that the fire pit would make my day as well LOL I"M thinking roasted marshmallows every once in a while heheheh
TO continue brightening my day,you go ahead and talk about like with the two most important key words: Swimming and canoing. Oh my, that just sounds like Heaven to me. I'm sold, packing my bags and moving to Manitoba... wait.. wait a second.. I also have that here hehehe just haven't had the chance to do it lately.
Well, in any case, you guys are all set for the most wonderful summer time, and I'm so glad for you.
What have we been doing.. well not much. MY daughter started working and has been doing as many hours as she can because she bought a car and wants to have enough money saved now for when she works less during school time. MY soon was really sick last month but is well know - thankfully because it was a big scare - and is now starting to do what all 15 year old kids do - lazy around, play video games, go outside to play soccer and basketball with his friends etc. etc. etc. HUbby is working for which we're grateful of course:) ANd I have been taking some time to really rest, I've been sleeping a lot - sleep is one of the things I lack the most during the time I"m working -.
MY mom is here with us, and it has been nice although there have also been a few things that have to be compromised and talked.
THe main one being that she is a person that needs a lot of personal attention and is used to a different kind of life from what we have here. She is used to go out every day, do some window shopping, buy whatever she likes, then sit down at the cafe or restaurant and have her lunch.... she's used to go out basically every weekend to some nice place and sleep in a nice hotel. We can't really do that. And she is missing it. We did go out a few weekends but only stayed out for the two days once = last week when we went to kingston's thousand islands and then to Montreal - . We took her to some places close by, some she had already visited before and didn't really pay much attention to. In any case she needed to understand that our life here is not what it was back home and we can't do the same things.
To top it of, I am not a person that likes to go to a mall and spend my afternoon there - I get a headache after a bit more than half an hour. - and I don't like to window shop. WHen I need something I go and buy it, but if I don't need anything or can't afford it I hate to go around and look at it LOL
Oh well.... I"m still very happy that she's here and I hope that she will stay until November, but from what I can see, she might decided to go a bit earlier.
Have a beautiful saturday, Raia
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
27 Jul 08
Hello again,I just noticed your credits and that you are pushing towards your 5,000th post. Boy have I been inactive compared to you. As I recall we were not that far apart last year...good going!It is great to be back in touch and chatting with you again.
I do appreciate our kinship and our chats always feel so open and comfortable. From the sound of your itinerary your and your whole family are enjoying summer and each other. What a blessing that your son's health has improved and that your daughter is working. Have the problems you were having with her changed?
Yes, the running water and relaxing around the fire pit and sky watching are wonderful things to have...right outside our door. I have included a photo of the smaller pond...the other one is huge compared to this one. Some years we put fish in them and them move them to indoor tanks when the weather turns. Interesting that we both enjoy swimming and canoeing among our other commonalities.
How wonderful for you to have your mother visiting. My Mom passed away 3 years ago in April and I miss her and our fun gal-pals times together and probably will for the rest of my life. So enjoy the time you one can ever quite replace the bonds we have with them. Hopefully, she will stay until November.
My thoughts and well wishes are coming your way.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
27 Jul 08
Wow--Perspectives just love that photo and your backyard does look like a bit of paradise to relax and chill out in. I too am correction "planning" to have a home and would absolutely love to have as much land with a lot of trees as possible. I've always been a nature gal and feel my soul is alive when I'm surrounded by nature's beauty.
As for what I've been doing..still keeping busy as usual, with writing articles, my novel...but have to admit to slowing down a bit more and not at my frantic pace that I'm normally at. I haven't been mylotting as much either but actually have taken time to browse about on ebay which is something I haven't done in ages....and got a number of bargains lately....Since I subscribe to James Arthur Ray's website I get updates on what's going on...and sometime back there was an actual invite to watch his Harmonic Wealth DVD on the computer for FREE...the trick? One had to register at a clear and specific designated time was 8:00 in the morning....a time which I confess I'm still asleep..LOL. So I guess I must have "programed" my mind...I wanted to be up in time to register. Well, as you can guess...a few minutes before that time I was wide awake, rushed over to the computer and registered...LOL. The free showing was good anytime of the day once registered..So just think I was able to watch the Harmonic Wealth for free that way....but then...I thought...I would love to have a copy. So last week at ebay there were a number of the DVDs a steal from the original price..and of course I won it...I also won Louise Hay's wonderful "You Can Heal Your Life DVD also at a bargain and watched it last night...she is SOME woman! I've had her book for years.
Things are falling into place for me....I got that IRS check refund issue resolved and am using the money to buy a lot of necessities...and I won't kid feels GREAT to have money to burn and spend...there might be some other prospects there to go after and claim monetary wise which I want to go after next week. It's almost as if whatever "resistance" or negative energies that had been around me have lifted somehow...and I know you know what I mean on that score..LOL
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
27 Jul 08
Hi Pye! I am truly happy to hear from you. Even when I am not Mylotting my mind wanders in your direction and I think of you in the warmest way. It is uplifting to read that things are improving for you in a variety of areas. I appreciate hearing about your prosperity reduced prices. I read somewhere many years ago that if we affirm that we get things at 80% less...or free it works. David and I have done that for the longest time and we truly did get a lot of things that were...greatly discounted or free.
Whatever changes you have implemented in the past year appear to be coming to fruition...and I trust they will continue. You really do your work Pye and deserve all good things. I am also delighted to hear your sense that the resistance and "neggies" have lifted. Perhaps you know who is finally out of synch with your energy field and has moved to a different and more compatible resonance within her own realsm. You know the expression...those who do not grow with us eventually grow apart. Interesting outworking...thanks for sharing it.
I also appreciate your positive feedback about our 'sacred space.' David and I spent long, laborious hours getting it to this point...and other than weeding it is very self-sustaining. We have a veggie garden and a variety of fruit trees that nourish our bodies as much as the flowers, shrubs and trees feed our spirits. I have included another photo. This one is of the courtyard David built so we could have some much needed shade. The area is covered in climbing vines (Hops and Virginia Creepers) that come back every year. Speaking of bargains...the white chairs and love seat were castaways someone left at the dump. We found them when we were going up to drop things off. Just one of many 80% or "free" gifts form the Universe!
It is such a pleasure catching up with good friends like you. I have a little more time right now and can take the laptop outside so I will be more included to spend time here.
Take care Pye...and may the good flow you are in continue to expand and bless your life in all ways that are for your highest and greatest good.
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@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
15 Aug 08
I love your little retreat at home. I am still on medical leave, at least until November (injury to wrist), and I am now not concerned with getting back to work til next spring, since all the seasonal workers are going on leave at the end of September this year (government budget restraints). So I've been spending most days at home. My s/o has bought me several hanging baskets, and potted plants, so I have a little 'garden' on my back porch now. I love sitting out there with my dog. She loves to lay out there when I'm on my laptop. We have been having rain showers come through in the afternoon and evening the past few days, but the weather has been unseasonably cool for this time of year. We are going for a little day trip tomorrow, to a place near here called Hawk Mountain, there is bird watching look out there, I'm hoping to get some awesome pictures of the hawks and other migratory birds. Glad to hear you are having an enjoyable summer.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
24 Sep 08
Hello again,
Good to hear from you and have updates on what is going on. From the sound of it you are quite settled in. I commented on your lovely hanging baskets. Your back porch sounds quite idyllic too.
Great to have a respite where we can enjoy the outdoors without leaving our homes. Your bird watching trip sounds great. If you have any special photos please post them. If you do a discussion about your "photo finds" please send me a PM so I can check them out.
Hope your wrist continues to heal and that you take good care of yourself.
Warm regards,
@cyberbucks (199)
• India
2 Aug 08
I think you are enjoying your summer's pretty well there but here in India it's rainy seasons ,it rains a lot here during this seasons,i love this season because it brings the nature in it's true color,greenery and freshness seems to be distributed in every part of the environment.It effects the work here too,raining all the time,but who cares ,its awesome.
@bamakelly (5191)
• United States
25 Jul 08
It does sound like you have a nice atmosphere where you are at. I am sure it does get pretty cold up there during the winter so I imagine you enjoy your summers.
I am a bit further south than you! It is quite hot and humid here and we have been a little dry lately. I have been a stay at home mother and my husband works.
We do like to barbecue every once in a while or sit out on the deck. I like to sit outside in the evening sometimes and enjoy the cool air if there is any! Other than that we have just been trying to keep cool.

@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
27 Jul 08
Hello and thanks for dropping by to share your summer activities with me. Yes, it does get cold...but our long, warm days with 16 hours of light do make up for it...although we tend to forget that in the midst of our bitterly cold, dark days in January. But for is "Ahhhhh...breathing space in sun time."
Sitting on the deck is one of our favorite things too. We eat a lot of meals out there and love the ambiance. Birds chirping and flying around, wind touching the hair and cheeks, scent of flowers in the air...hmmmm better cut that out or I'll be logging off and not finishing my goal of responding to every response before logging off!
So hope you and your family manage to stay cool...and keep on soaking up the atmosphere of balmy days.
I have included another photo of where we sit on our deck. It was taken in the Fall of last year. We have the downstairs area and a screened in one one top. So when the bugs get back we move up to the bug-free zone and sit and survey things from there.
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@ashleecook (199)
• Canada
29 Jul 08
i would like to go to mahone bay and lunenburg, right here in my home of nova scotia.
i've never been to either of those historic fishing towns, so i'd love to see them.
i'm interested in photography and i am sure there are tons of opportunities there for sightseeing, picture taking, etc.
i hear there are some fantastic walking trails along the shore as well.
however, with the cost of gas rising, i am not sure i will get there this year! they are day trips for me..i could probably be there in an hour or two...but filling up my tank costs 60 dollars!
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
2 Aug 08
Friends of ours went to Nova Scotia a couple of years ago and loved the scenic beauty of the country. I love taking photos and it would be great to visit there too.
Your reluctance to fill up the tank with today's prices is something many of us share with you. We are much more aware of travel costs these days. As I was saying to the gal in the post before yours...we may as well get accustomed to it...doesn't look like it is going to improve in the foreseeable future.
Could you car pool with friends to take your day trips...that is an option my hubby and I take advantage of with our friends. Just a thought.
Enjoy the rest of your summer!
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
26 Jul 08
So far I have had a busy summer. The grandsons have been spending lots of time with us. They will be moving soon a few hours away. I am not happy about it but there isn't anything I can do about it. I keep telling myself at least its not across the country. I have also been busy with my mom, last week we went on a long drive, to a flea market. It was 3 hours away and I did the driving. We had a nice time and she was happy. We used to go to an outdoor flea market every year. The one we went to this time was indoors, with AC, fans and benches to sit and rest. Since my moms heart condition has gotten worse she sometimes gets dizzy spells and has to sit, she also can't be out in the sun for long periods. I don't do well with the heat neither. Today has been much nicer, its cooler and less humidity. I get uncomfortable when it gets in the 90's with high humidity. A few days ago, my DIL, grandson and granddaughter went to the county fair, we all had a nice time there. I like spending time with the kids. My backyard is a haven for kids. Lots of toys, a large wooden swing set, a basketball court and the best part....a pool. Its hard to believe that its the last of July already, it seems that winter just ended. It will be back all too soon. We have started harvesting fresh vegies from the garden, that is always such a treat. We have also down some outside BBQ'ing. I have an ice cream maker, I have been giving that a work out. My little cookie monster is an ice cream monster too. All in all its been a good summer so far. Its nice seeing you again, take care and enjoy the rest of the summer.
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
27 Jul 08
My goodness what a fun-filled summer you are having...that is wonderful to hear Polly.
I love flea markets, garage/yard sales and thrift stores too. When our little berg held their yearly garage sale my friend and I went around together...and did we ever get some great things! I do my best NOT to buy new if I can find things as seconds. I think it is the combination of my Scottish ancestry and the recycle/reuse and "live more with less" philosophy David and I endeavor to live by.
Whatever it is your flea market experiences in a cool place with benches for your Mom sounds like a great experience. Country fairs are also something we enjoy so we have that in common as well.
Wonderful to know you are surrounded with the love and support of your family and that your grandchildren have such a positive role model in you. I wish you and yours a lot more summer cookie munching and ice cream pleasures. They are great treats...and I like them too. Lots of similar interests here...but that isn't surprising. Friends do tend to share and care...and we do that in Mylot land as well.
We will keep in touch...thanks for your consistent support of all my discussions. I value that...and you sooooo much.