Where's the coldest place you've ever lived?
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
United States
July 24, 2008 11:42pm CST
Earlier I was thinking about the heat and
wishing for cold weather. And that brought to mind
the coldest places I've ever lived.
The coldest place I ever lived was in upstate New York.
Constant snow and storms! Only one month out of the year
was warm and that was only about eighty degrees (F).
And that's the time everyone went water skiing.
Most times temperatures hovered around zero degrees (F).
Much too cold for me. I didn't stay there longer than
six months. Only went there originally for a job, but
the money wasn't worth the cold.
The first time I went out, I threw on a denim jumper, shirt
and denim coat and got a chill on my chest the minute I stepped out the door.
I was so sick for almost a week! That's when I learned the lesson about
many layers of clothing.
I didn't see a blade of green grass the entire time I was there.
And the snow wasn't pretty the way it is in the movies.
Instead, the snow was all mixed with mud and looked ugly gray.
On the day I moved, it was storming and about eight degrees (F),
so I had to wait for things to warm up a bit.
I gave in when it turned 19 degrees and got in the car and left!
Never looked back. Could barely see the road on the way out of town
it was storming so bad. Would have waited another day to leave, but
I was afraid that I would change my mind and get stuck in that town
Halfway down the country, the weather was much warmer,
maybe forty degrees and locals were complaining about possible
snow flurries.
I looked around at all the beautiful green grass on the ground
and laughed my head off. Some people just don't know how blessed
they are!
Where is the coldest place you've ever lived?
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35 responses
@Ldyjarhead (10233)
• United States
25 Jul 08
I was born and raised in NH so I know about cold, and was stationed in Massachusetts for a few years too.
None of that compares to the cold in MN, though. I live up in Minnesota from 2002-2005 and ohmygoodness, it gets cold. What made it even more fun was that I had horses to take care of so I was out there rain or shine, snow, whatever, before 6 a.m. every day. It didn't bother them, though. It could be 25 below with wind and they'd still stand outside, ice growing from their manes and frosted eyelashes.
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@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
26 Jul 08

@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
25 Jul 08
I'm just south of the NY border and this is where I've lived my whole life. I know I just said in your other discussion that I am not a summer person but I also do not care for our winter days of it barely getting over 0 degrees if at all and the windchills of 10-15 below. Luckily that's the worst of it here.
S/o used to live in Alaska, way up north in Alaska too. I always thought that must have been a horrible kind of cold. He's assured me that it wasn't as bad as it sounds...."anything colder than 20 below all feels the same" he says "the second the air touches your skin, it freezes and you can't feel it anymore!" and then he just laughs at the look on my face because he knows the mere thought of going outside when it's colder than 20 below just makes me want to drag out the flannel pj's and curl up under a pile of blankets.
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@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
25 Jul 08
I'm about the same way.
I don't like extreme heat or
extreme cold.
I could easily live in a place
where temperatures are sixty degrees (F)
year round. It would be slightly chilly, but
fine enough to go out everyday without
fear of getting burned or coming down with
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@moonchild1au (6237)
• Australia
25 Jul 08
I currently live in North Queensland where the climate is similar to Florida or California (QLD is the Sunshine State just like Florida :P) We are in winter at the moment...normally our cold of a night time is 15C but lately we have been getting it down to 10C. The coldest I have felt is 0C which I guess would be like 20F. Although I went to NZ a few years back, it was November which is spring & it was 12C during the day!!! I froze coz I'd just come from 30C plus temps!! I guess you can say I hate the cold!! BRING ON SUMMER

@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
26 Jul 08
North Queensland? I'll have to remember that when I start
traveling. Sounds like a nice place to visit.
When my daughter gets old enough I want
to take her around the world with me.
@moonchild1au (6237)
• Australia
25 Jul 08
The coldest temps I felt was in Brisbane where I grew up which is what I forgot to mention up top
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@moonchild1au (6237)
• Australia
30 Jul 08
It is beautiful here & where I am, I just drive for an hour north & I can be in the Witsundays. At the moment you wouldn't want to be here as we are having a cold snap - it's 9am & it's 13C in my lounge room & I have the heater on!!! Please send me some of your summer temperatures :p
@TheManager24 (1302)
• Philippines
25 Jul 08
I live in the Philippines which is expected to be a warm country being at the equatorial regions of the globe. I lived in Baguio City, a mountain city, that has a lot of flowers and has relatively cold temperature.
I studied there for 4 years and I loved it. That was the time that I can wear jacket even at noon time. You can not do that downhill.
Even if I live in a city located at the mid-section of the country, where white sand beaches are located, I still make sure that I visit Baguio at least 3 times a year.

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@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
25 Jul 08
That sounds like a lovely place to visit!
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@blkmage1214 (151)
• United States
25 Jul 08
Well,the coledst place I lived was ,Fargo North DAkota.It commonly got below zero in the winter time.When it did get below zero they rearely canceled school.I now live in Oklahoma,if it get below 20 degrees,they cancel school.It was a big change for me.From freezing col,to steaming hot =D.
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@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
25 Jul 08

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@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
1 Apr 09
Well, I've only ever lived in Guelph Ontario Canada. I did temporarily relocate to Sedona Arizona USA, which was a hell of a lot warmer than Guelph. but while I was there i still kept up the apartment in guelph. LOL this question would probably be better answered by my husband who lived in all kinds of places. LOL I'll send this right along to him.
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
13 Oct 08
I live in NY right now and have all my life. I live close to Buffalo, right in the snowbelt area! In the winter, it is cold, cold, cold! I don't go outside if I don't have to once it starts snowing. You have described a typical winter for me.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
17 Oct 08
But you know what they say about weather in upstate NY, if you don't like it... wait a minute.. it will change, lol.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
25 Jul 08
Oh beautyqueen.... we have something in common! I lived in upstate New York too and I can't agree more, it's waaaaaay too cold for me too! I moved up there shortly after I married my first husband, which is where he's from and it was just before Christmas! It was horrible getting up there through the mountains of ice and snow but we made it. What should've been an 8 hour drive turned into about a 12 hour or more drive. It was a nightmare that I didn't want to live again! I'm sure you sympathize! lol Once at our destination, the snow was past my knees and I'm 5'5" which is average height for a gal. When I first got out of the car, I was thinking "oh sh!t!! What have I gotten myself into?!?!" Well after the long harsh winter and into the spring, job after job and getting laid off, I wanted to move back home to Virginia. I had lost 4 pants sizes because of not having enough to eat because of the lack of jobs up there and if one were to get one, they'd get laid off. Finally at the end of July, I'd had enough and packed my belongings and left and never looked back. Hubby soon followed and later on we divorced and he went back to New York where he belonged. lol
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
26 Jul 08
I had the same thoughts when I first
saw all that snow.
I had no idea any place could be so cold.
I've never been so poor in my entire life!
I ate lots of beans and cornbread.
That's down home cooking in the South.
Lucky I knew how to cook cheap or I would have
never gotten a good meal.
Taught me a lot about saving money and not spending
I'm happy to hear that you found a good place
for yourself after everything you had to endure!
@snowy22315 (186342)
• United States
1 Apr 09
I once lived ont the Pennsylvania New York border in Bradford, Pa. it is very cold there and sometimes is the cold spot in the US. I think that place is sometimes the cold spot in the US. I liked it, but it was cold. I think that winter that I lived there they did not have alot of snow for some reason. cold though.
@gemini_rose (16264)
25 Jul 08
UK! Mind you that is the only place I have ever lived and it has been cold for most of the last two years, in winter its cold and in spring, summer and autumn it is cold. With perhaps the odd one or two hot days thrown in just to give us all the flu!
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@bournecaindelta (2477)
• India
13 Oct 08
The coldest place I have been is the Himalayas. I was at a place that was around 2000ft above the sea level in the Himalayas and it was really cold. I was expecting cold, but never - temperatures. I was wearing open shoes and I wasn't even having a sweater on. It was great because the cold was like another feeling. I stay in a city where the temperatures usually touch 50 degrees centigrade and feeling -5 and 6 was really great. But what surprised me was the ease with which people live at that place. And I was walking. Well, the place is a shrine and I was accompanying my family to it. And we had to walk 14 kilometers, uphill, or upmountain I should say.
. I twas fine until I walked for 12-13, but then it started snowing and we entered the colder regions. It was fun, and I'm planning to do it again.

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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
17 Oct 08
I live in upstate New York. I've never been anywhere colder, but then again I don't travel.
We've had some brutal winters, but I guess I'm just used to it from living here my whole life. But it's really not as bad as you say. It all depends on the year. Last year we didn't get our first snow fall until after Christmas, and spring started in February.
Seems to be much of the same this year. Here it is mid-October and I still haven't put our summer clothes away. We've had 80 degree weather earlier this week. Yesterday and today are the first days we've seen chilly weather, and it's only gotten down to the 60's.
But I enjoy the cold. I think the summer's last too long. We have had days where it got up near 100, and that's practically unbearable. We get summer droughts, just not as bad as they do out west.
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@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
25 Jul 08
Hmmm coldest place would be Iowa. The blizzard of 1996 that buried cars and trapped people at work, or on the highways. The national guard was called out to rescue people. Then there was the winter of 2000. That year we had more than 18 inches of snow on the ground for more than 90 days straight! Even my St. Bernard got sick of the snow! LOL I'd open the door and he'd just look at me with those big brown eyes like really? do I have to? Believe it or not I sometimes miss the seasons and the snow. Down here all I have is warm and hot now.
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@1grnthmb (2055)
• United States
30 Jul 08
The coldest place I ever lived was Morro Bay. It is cold and foggy all year round. The average temperature is 55 degrees regardless as to what time of year it was. The fog would often get depressing as you would go for weeks with out seeing the sun. I would often leave and just ten mile away it was often sunny and warm.
@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
13 Oct 08
I live just a few miles from the Canada border in North Dakota now. It gets pretty cold here. We have had days on end where the high never reaches 0 F. We got our first frost in August this year.
We got our first snow that stuck around last night. We had flurries a couple of times in September, though. Anyway, we got snow last night, but it's almost all melted now. We're supposed to get more tonight and tomorrow, though.
@bfarrier1 (2082)
• United States
13 Oct 08
I would have to say right here in good ole Missouri,it gets pretty cold somtimes down in the single digits and colder by Feb.This year is suppose to be a year for alot of snow according to the Squirrel's nest and the prissimion has a spoon in it and the hornets nset or high in the trees.But of course these or all just old sayings so winter will be what it is.You have a great evening.
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
12 Oct 08
There is no place colder than northern Manitoba. We would get 40 below celecious weather for weeks on end. No let up for sometimes 6 weeks at a time. And with the wind chill it gets to 60 below. I lived there, in Winnipeg, most of my life and that is a lot of years, and hated every wintery day. I moved away from Winnipeg for 5 years, to a warmer city, Calgary, and here we don't get as cold in the winter or as hot in the summer, just the way I like it. But after 5 years we moved back to Winnipeg and after two more winters there, I couldn't handle it and I have moved back to Calgary. This will be my first winter since I moved back and I hope it is a mild winter. At least here in Calgary we get Schnooks which brings in warm winds and warms up the weather. Some days it can be 20 below one day and 20 above the next. I love it.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
13 Oct 08
hi beautyqueesn 26 I was born and raised in South Dakota where in the winter it could and did often get down to forty below.I lived through blizzards, and snow storms, and sub zero weather for
thirty years until I moved to tempe Arizona, met my hubby started a family then movedforty six years ago to here in C alifornia. So South Dakota was the coldest place I have everyh lived.Oh at times the snow was pretty but also could be deadly to anyone who did not know how to survive in those kind of winters. I would not go back there to live even though the summers are awesome in the Black HIlls. I hate cold weather and snow so much. yuck,
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
26 Jul 08
hi beautyqueen I was born andraised on a farm in South Dakota
about thirty miles from the Black Hills Our winters were very
cold and a lot of snow. we sometimes had blizzards and the temperature would go down to 24 below zero quite ofter. S.D.
is beautiful in the summer but the winters are just godawful
cold and snowy. I am content to live here in S.Ca. and enjoy the mice warm winters. not so good in summer but you cannot have