What do you think of our country now?
By txylwroz
@txylwroz (23)
United States
July 25, 2008 1:06pm CST
What do you think of our country now?
How is the economy treating you?
Can you still make ends meet?
How do you feel about Obama going to Berlin and giving a speech while he is only a presidential candidate and not the president?
Where do you think our country will be in 20 yrs.?
Does anyone have a scorecard, is anyone keeping up, cause I lost track.
Let me know how you feel about all these issues with your comments, please.
I feel as though our country is in serious trouble and if we don't stand up and voice our opinions we won't have a country to leave to our children.
Who does Obama think he is by going to Berlin and giving a speech. Pretty coccky if you ask me, as if he were trying to let the world know that this will be a one world government. Gee, that is a scary thought.
And what about the gas prices? Do we really need to continue to bring oil and gas in from foreign countries. What happened to reopening resources here and bringing back jobs for our people.
Oh, and don't even get me started on the hunger issue. We have people here who are starving yet we go to foreign countries with assistance.
Is anyone else worried about the housing issue? I heard just this morning on the news how there are 2.2 million forclosed homes in the US right now, and they say it will only get worse before it gets any better.
Is there any hope in sight. Give me your opinions and feedback on this.
3 responses
@greenglitterturtle (2750)
• United States
25 Jul 08
i'm barely keeping my head above water financially. and about obama going to berlin. i was so surprised and wondered why, they're not voting for him. it is becoming more of a circus. we do look like we're in serious trouble. i can't barely watch the news anymore, it's scary.
@txylwroz (23)
• United States
29 Jul 08
You are so right greenglitterturtle,
I believe we are all having problems keeping our heads above water. The government just doesn't seem to care about what the american people want anymore, but what they can do to pad their pockets.
Give me your feedback on this.
Good post, I marked it best response.
@greenglitterturtle (2750)
• United States
29 Jul 08
it is very clear they have their own agenda to use their power for their own good. i believe there are some congressman to sincerely care about the american people, but they are out numbered and don't have listening ears. many of those in power either don't know what they're are doing, or are just taking care of their need for power and playing with our money.
@gitfiddleplayer (10362)
• United States
30 Jul 08
Okay, I had to read your post twice just to take it all in. Now, I need you to take a deep breath and also know that I'm on your side about Snobama thinking he's the only one who can lead us. Notice I didn't say "lead us to greatness", he's a puppet of politics, he'll say anything to get elected and then do whatever he wants if he does get the coveted prize of leader of the "free" world. His idea of change is based on government changing things to suit his agenda. I'll admit it looks scary but even if he's elected it will only be for 4 years, that might seem like a long time but think back to when 9/11 happened, its been almost 8 years, time goes on. To answer your questions, 1. I think our country is great, we are blessed by extraordinary people who love this country more than the people who hate it, we are free and blessed beyond measure, so are you if you stop and think about it. The ecomony is treating me just fine, our family travels and I'm a stay at home dad who home schools my wonderful children. My wife is a nurse. I can make ends meet because money although tight because of gas and food prices is still coming in to our household. B.O. doesn't like America, he was taught to hate it and he'll last about five seconds with that attitude if he gets to be in charge. The housing market is much like the credit card industry. People who shouldn't have bought a house because they couldn't afford it are also the people who max out their credit cards because they can't afford to buy things with cash. I think you need to look at how great you are and the things that you can do for your family. It might mean taking a second job but if you just throw your hands up and expect the government to take care of you then you'll be beholden to what they think is best. Don't let them think for you, when has government ever taking an interest in your family? Never! The problem with the government is the damocrats, they don't want to drill because it will kill some stupid spotted owl or some other animal. Check your recs, we are higher on the food chain, above animals, trees and earth. Saving the earth won't save us, that's a ploy by those damocrats in Washington to keep global warming forefront so you'll feel sorry for some species besides yourself and rally with them to not drill for oil. Meanwhile, you'll hate the rich oil companies for gouging you at the pump, its absurd but you won't hear the media telling you its the dumocrats who are raising oil because we have plenty hear in America and we should drill for it. There is hope in sight, look in the mirror, you are the greatest individual to make a difference in this world. Do what you can, don't wait on somebody else, it will be hard but you'll teach the younger generation the importance of human freedom, not government control. If I've ticked you off, good, but I think that you're an important person and you know that you're full of ideas, thoughts and uncompromising truths. We have the power, not a Junior senator from Chitown. Remember where you were before this dolt came on to the scene. Think for yourself and watch the walls become sand beneathe your feet.
@lyy284891086 (623)
• China
27 Jul 08
Allthough i am not a American,but also kown a little about it.As a chinese pople i think there are some pitfull,but this is the acture we should face maybe some will changed some days latter.do you think so ,we should be moer stronger