Opinion on Welfare...

United States
July 25, 2008 10:05pm CST
OK we all have one, what is yours? Good, bad, good idea taken advantage of, bad idea all around? Welfare is my topic of the week. Earlier this week I went grocery shopping, you know pulling out the calculator, getting cheap toilet paper, off brand stuff, save every dime I possibly can. Then I get up to the check out and the girl (sorry I can't call her a woman she was only 24-25 tops) with 4 kids, name brand everything, paid using WIC, and had her nails freshly done, hair done, you name it... I can't afford insurance for my daughter, but I am sure I am paying for all of her 4 kids and herself with my tax money, along with helping with her rent, while I have no assistance and 1/3 of my check taken... Yes, it ticks me off! I think the idea was good to start, but has gotten way out of control and many abuse it to the point they won't even try to get a job because they are doing better than we are (my husband and I) working 40-60 hrs a week.
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15 responses
• United States
26 Jul 08
First of all please don't minus me for my opinion. I am 23 years old, and I consider myself a woman. Yes, there are many people on welfare who live in subsidized housing, have nice cars, and have a nice weave and their nails done. I would say that I am the exception to that. I honestly don't know how they afford it. I have two kids, I have received assistance on and off for the past 3 years, due to an abusive relationship. Sometimes I couldn't have a job because I had to go to a shelter far away. I lost a good job because of that once. I am on welfare, and in the past 6 months, I think I have bought myself 1 new shirt, and that was from Walmart. Otherwise the last time I shopped was when income taxes came in and that was at the Salvation Army.I lost my job and went back on assistance this month, but for August I will no longer receive it because I got a job at Burger King. I am willing to work anywhere so that I can be on welfare. Also welfare has new rules so people can't stay on it long, and people will get sanctioned if they don't follow the rules or give all the neccessary documentation whenever it is asked for. So yes, there are many people who get welfare and abuse it. I am not one of those people, and know many people who truly need it. I don't make a lot of money so yes I get foodstamps, medical insurance, and help with daycare, but I am a survivor of domestic violence trying to get back on my feet. Thanks for the great topic!
• United States
26 Jul 08
Typo: I meant to say that I am willing to work anywhere so that I can't be on welfare.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
27 Jul 08
You do what you have to when it comes to taking care of your kids. We've done a tax return Christmas for the last few years, but my kids are older now and understand how things are.
• United States
27 Jul 08
Very true and best of luck!
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
26 Jul 08
First off, with WIC you don't have a choice on what you buy. From what I remember, all that is on the allowed list is name branded items. Anyways, yes, she should be working. Odds are she barely has an education, so she can't afford to get a good job to put the kids in daycare. I'd bet even if she could, the daycare would cost more than she made per week (average seems to be about $120/week so *4...yeah) and if she was working, we would be paying for that too. It is a no win situation. They should make her get her tubers tied.
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• United States
26 Jul 08
I agree with you, I know she is in a no win, and I do feel sorry for her, but I also get so mad that my daughter goes without, and I can't get any help because I was older when I had her and my husband and I are contributing memebers of society...
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
26 Jul 08
Wic is different from welfare. Maybe when I responded, i misunderstood your question. WIC is a program to ensure that pregnant women and small children ages 5 and under get proper nutrition. They base their criteria on payscales much higher than welfare does. They do have certain brands that are only wic acceptable and that is because they are most nutricious. They also encourage thrifty spending habits and teach nutrition and provide recipes for nutritional and healthy snacks and meals. They also do checkups on the children to make sure they are recieving the proper nutrition. It really is a great program. I have no problem with anyone on the WIC program and you see very few abuses. They moniter it pretty well. You won't see a wic person buying sugary cereal or junk food. Wic recipients are not paid for by you. It is a government sponsered program and one that is run quite well. it helps a lot of people and even those with 2 income families.
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
26 Jul 08
With WIC they only can buy certain items. Also, it is pretty hard to actually get WIC. Even if I was the only one working and I was working a 40 hour week making $14/hour, I don't think we would qualify for it. I know darn well that pay from a $14/hour job isn't going to even pay 1/2 of our monthly bills.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
26 Jul 08
I'm with you. I don't have a problem at all in helping someone in need but the system needs some vamping over. There are too many loopholes for people to take advantage of. Years ago, I found myself in a bad spot with 3 kids to raise..single and no child support coming in and i'd lost my job. I had no choice but to apply for welfare..hardest thing i'd ever done. I was honest and played by the rules. In doing so...there was no way I could get ahead. we lived very poorly for that short time. If I were to blow my money alotted on name brand things, then we'd have been starving at the end of the month. We lived very frugally and my goal was to get a job and get off it asap...and I did. What I see is that women can have boyfriends live with them and if the boyfriend is not the father of any of their children then his income is not considered. That boyfriend pays the bills and they use the welfare for extras. They take food stamps or ebt cards and get people to swap them cash for groceries. sometimes they will give like 70.00 worth of ebt for 60.00 worth of cash. I get very angry at the abuse of the system and angrier at the systems lack of fixing it. it has been going on for years. you can report it and nothing seems to change.
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• United States
26 Jul 08
These are the people that are getting me and it seems like they are more the "norm" than the unsual any more. I am sorry you had to go through what you did, and I understand that some people really do need a hand up at times. I just think that too many have abused the system and continue to do so. Espically when someone is already on welfare/wic/etc and gets pregnant again, they know they can't afford the children they do have, how can they afford another? And why do I have to pay for that child too? I think serious regulations need to be placed, and it is not "profiling" or "discrimination" if you don't follow the rules you don't get the money. For example if you are on welfare and get pregnant you can not get additional funds for that child. You will incur the debt of that child being born. I know this is not PC, but I am really concerned about our society and where it is going, I have a daughter who will have to live in this world after I am gone.
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• United States
29 Jul 08
I agree with you 100%, my husband and I have talked many times that if we had not gotten married then I would qualify for assistance, but that is not what we want to teach our children! I just don't know how in the world to change it, but we are already seeing the repercussions of the past 4 generations and it is only going to get worse if something doesn't change soon!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
26 Jul 08
blogging 2 for every one you see like that woman, there are amany more who shop just like you only thry no fault of their own haved had to turn to welfare, and it hurts their very soul. these peope will get off it as soon as they get their feet under them, so dont judge everyone by the one person you saw, i hate people coming on here and judging all of any class by one person they saw when they are doing big injustices to allthe other non cheating people on welfare.welfare for alotof people helps them to get back on their feet, find jobs and yes pay the damned taxes everyone is complaining about. I was wo rking in my local library one day when a very rude patron shoved right in frontof me where i was shelving books and I asked her politely to wait untilI had sheleved these five books, and she snapped at me,no you wait for me my taxes pay your wages.I looked at her and snapped back, then you must not pay much tax by the size of my wages. I weent on shelving and she shut up.I pay taxes too if it was anyof her damned business.
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• United States
26 Jul 08
like I said above, a lot of these social workers live on very modest themselves and I found are friends with some people who come through and they just work the system because they CAN. There is no oversight inside and when they send their paperwork elsewhere of course they know how to word things right so their friends can get the maximum benefits even if they do not qualify.
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• United States
27 Jul 08
I just wish there was someway to stop those from using the system because they CAN, but maybe anytime you have a system people will figure out how to use it!
• United States
26 Jul 08
I guess it maybe where I live, but I see this happen over and over, VERY rarely do I see the person who looks like they truly are down on their luck and feel bad about their situation. I DO believe that something should be in place for people who have legitmate concerns and issues. We all have hard times and I do know that sometimes all you need is a little help, but most of the people (in this area) appear to be using the system 100%. I work in the retail industry so it is something we see quite a bit and I have talked with many cashiers about. I just wish there were better regulations and that people who were abusing it were held accountable which doesn't seem to happen in our society anymore. That is not just with welfare but anything I don't think our society is really held accountable the way we should be.
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@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
26 Jul 08
Calm down. Yes, there are some people who abuse the sytem. But.. First, as someone else pointed out, WIC is different than welfare. We want children to have the best start they can have, don't we? Secondly, judging someone because their nails are painted doesn't make sense to me. That reminds me of something that happened to me when I was a single mom, had been injured at work, had the worker's comp people telling me that I had reached "maximum medicall improvement" so they couldn't pay me anymore...but doctors who were telling me they could not and WOULD NOT release me to work yet. When I applied for assistance, there was nothing. I applied for Social Security disability, but have still not received that - after over 5 years of waiting!!! I did get my county's medical care, which included seeing a "teledoctor" for things that were not serious. You know...we had to "say ahhh" in front of a web cam. For more serious medical concerns, we had to go 45 miles to another county because that's what our county contracted for. I had to ask my church for gas money to get to my first appointment. Then when I got there, the doctor refused to see me. Why? Because my clothes were ironed!!!! What?!?!?!!?!? Sure, it seems that some people believe that "poor people don't iron their clothes." With so many people living on the edge of poverty and homelessness, it's hard to judge, don't you think? When I moved to another state (and my son moved to even another state to live with friends and got 2 jobs to try to support himself), I did receive the state disability. $284 a month. Try living on that. I also got $129 in food stamps. And you know what? I bought healthy foods - lots of fresh fruits and veggies. I WAS NOT going to be caught in the trap of eating cheap mac and cheese and gaining weight just to please people who watched me grocery shop. I also bought shrimp. Yessirree I did. But at the grocery where I shopped it was always 2 for the price of 1 and I got enough shrimp to eat for a week for $3.99. When I had people stare at me, I told them that very thing. That the shrimp lasted me a week and cost $3.99.
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
27 Jul 08
Kenzie I have to agree with you completely. As I had stated in my response, I was looked down on because I had gotten off work one day and I worked in an office so I had to look professional, I stopped to get a few gorceries for the house. I was looked down on because I didn't look like I needed assistance. I used my EBT card at the regester and the girl behind the counter started talking about people that abuse the system. People tend to look at apperances, and not knowing what the actual situation is going on. I will agree that there are people that abuse the system, however the majority of people don't. Its the ones that abuse the system that stand out more then the people that are hard working or in your case have been injured and need the help to get by.
@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
27 Jul 08
I can understand that, my clothes are also name brand, they were either bought by me before i became a single mom or given to me by friends and I take care of my clothing very well so they always look new and fresh no matter how old they are. My hair is also professional done, my sister is a hair dresser and does it for free. She knows a girl in the shop she works in that does nails and she trades favors with her and gets my nails done for me. I defiantly do not look like that type of person that needs assistance simply because I take care of my clothing and I have a sister that works in a salon and helps me out. I do on occasion buy name brand things also because they have more nutritional value. I do budget SEVERELY, and account for every penny I spend. The only point I am trying to make is that you can't go by apperances alone. I understand where you are comming from I really do but you are looking at the apperance of the woman and seeing what she looked like and what she was buying. On WIC you can only chose from brands that they specifically have on their list. I am not trying to argue with you, and I do understand where you are comming from on this, but just becasue she looked a certian way, you don't know all of the circumstances surrounding her apperance.
• United States
27 Jul 08
While I hear what you are saying, let me explain that I am not talking about that her clothes were ironed/well kept. I am saying they were name brand (I have not bought name brand clothes in over 4 years). When I say her hair was done, I don't mean it was brushed and ironed, I mean it was professionally colored (yes I can tell the difference) with highlights and a style that has to be maintained every 4-6 weeks (I had one long ago can't afford that now!). When I say that she was buying name brand I mean name brand food that I can not afford for my daughter. Why should that be considered OK, good or right? Why should I calm down when I see her with all this food that I can not afford to get for my daughter? Why should my husband work every day and we can't afford these things? Why should you have to wait 5 years to get medical assistance you need, when others know the right things to say and abuse the system? Why should we calm down and not address this? I have one child because that is all I can afford, you sound like you look at your budget and get the best that you can afford with what you have with the assistance you get. I admire that, this person was not that way, which I believe from the things I noted above. As I have said before if we all agreed it would be a boring world! But I don't understand.
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@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
26 Jul 08
Once many years ago I felt the same way you did when someone handed me their Medicaid card at the hospital I worked at. I was very irritated. Now, more than 20 years later I think of things differently. Maybe because now its me needing help. WIC is (as many here have said) alot different than welfare. But be it WIC or be it Welfare we are not the ones to judge others on appearances. I've learned may younger ones these days don't have a clue how to shop wisely and spend less. And as many have said she may not have had an option in what she was buying. As for her nails - maybe she does them herself? I know I do my own. And as for getting a job - can you imagine trying to make ends meet and pay for a sitter for four kids? Maybe she does have a job, but still needs WIC to get by. We never know what situation someone is in simply by judging their shopping cart. Maybe she recently got fired, maybe she has gone thru a divorce. Or, she could be like my stepsister - who is raising not only HER children but her daughter's as well. She works, but has 5 kids to support and needs help. I'd hate to think someone would judge her this way....
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@AnnaB7 (756)
• United States
26 Jul 08
I agree with you, you never know why someone is getting assistance, but I think that sometimes the people in the welfare office just pick and choose who they want to help whether or not they are supposed to or if it is legal. the reason I think that is because I know for a fact we don't have any income whatsoever that could be called reliable, at all, no one is working here, our savings are nearly gone, and both my husband and me have been very sick recently. yet my husband was told if we apply we would be committing fraud. And I know people who are working and have a lot of kids and have at different times had to use assistance. Also in the area we live in recently several big companies shut down so a lot of people are out of work, and a lot of people are finding they have to apply for assistance when they had never thought they would be in that number who needed extra help for a while. i try not to think bad of anyone on welfare because I know there can be all kinds of reasons and some people do know how to fix their nails cheaply not to mention sometimes a lot of things are donated to people on welfare or even those not on welfare. you just never really know unless your in their shoes
@AnnaB7 (756)
• United States
26 Jul 08
That is what i mean, how is it that the welfare office counts the gross that you don't see, and then someone can call the welfare office and make a report that you don't have enough food, or power or whatever else in your home, but when you applied for assistance you are told you do not qualify? It makes no sense whatsoever, in my opinion. I mean most normal people are not going to go apply for something they do not need, especially when the welfare office people speak to you like your nothing but trash, especially if you are trying to go by the rules,. but if someone is deciding to just break all the rules they seem to get away with it? Makes no sense whatsoever to me.
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@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
26 Jul 08
Some choice, she either raises her granddchildren or they end up in foster care. All because their mother abandoned them and hasn't been heard of in years. I understand trying to survive. My household income is about 1700.00 a month for two people. Sounds feasable until we take into consideration rent, electric, insurance etc etc. I also understand the frustration with the immigrants that someone else mentioned. I live in South Texas. I am disabled and applied for help. I was refused, but told if I had been an immigrant or I had dependent children then yes I'd qualify. Go figure.
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@bdugas (3578)
• United States
25 Aug 08
While I think the welfare program is a good program when it is used to help people that are down due to being laid off, or sickness, or mother's that are single and going to school to better there lives. There are also the ones that you speak of. That see a free ride as long as they are having kids. And yes it has been proven that a woman with 4 or 5 kids have an income higher than someone that works a 40 hour week. I see then in the store all the time, and they are buying steaks with the food stamps, something at 6.99 a pound I can't afford. I like you buy at Aldi's where you have to bag your own groceries and buy the sacks to put them in, just to get some items cheaper, they can afford to buy the best. I think it time that they redo the system and anyone on it have to go to work, if they have small children then they can put them in day care, welfares pays for everything else, let it pay for day care so that the moms can work or go to school and if they dont' want to do that then cut them off. i heard a welfare worker say once that they can't do that cause then the kids don't eat, well if you can't feed your kids then you don't need them. No matter what the government does to try to help the elderly or handicapped or the sick, there is always a bunch that learns to work the system. I think if you have to be on welfare then after you have the second kid, they should tie your tubes. yes they had to pay for the baby too. Some where you have to put a stop to it.
• United States
25 Aug 08
I agree 110%. Personally I think that if they are worried aboutthe child not eating that child needs to be taken from the parent. Period. The parent is not teaching them anything and lord knows I make sacrifices for my daughter every day. I do it willingly, but do it all the same. many of these and while some will come on here and yell at me that there are many the other way, the fact is MANY abuse the system the way it is set up. Sick of it, if the parent is even thought to not be providing or that they won't provide, or can't I would rather pay a foster parent to give the child a fighting chance.
@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
27 Jul 08
I can understand where you are comming from, and being a single parent most of my kids lives, I feel I can have some insight here. There has been a LOT of welfare refom that has been put into place, now you can only be on assistance for a specific period of time and only have so much that you can get lifetime. I do work and I recieve foodstamps for my daughter. $168 a month does not go far. For a special occasion I will splurge for her and get some brand name items, but it does not happen often. I also go through Angel Food ministries and get a lot of my gorceries through them. There are people that do abuse the system, and with the regualtions in place they have made it harder to do so. Of course there are people that still go around the system. All in all most people that are on assistance are on it becasue they need it and it is not a long period of time and they are working. The ones that don't appear to need it are the ones that stick out. People who are on it because they need the help are more discreet about it and are much less noticable. One of the things that got to me is that for my job I have to dress in busines clothes, so that I look professional. I went into the store after work one day to pick up a few things and the girl behind the counter gave me a dirty look when I used my EBT card. She had started a conversation with the girl that was bagging groceries about this very topic and I knew it was directed torwards me. Just because I looked professional, she didn't think I needed it. People need to look beyond the "apperiences" of others and not judge by what they see. Like you I also get upset at the people that abuse the system, yet there are people that are being judged harshly by the actions of what is actually a select few.
@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
27 Jul 08
That is possible and I am not again as i said above trying to start a fight or anything. The ones that do abuse the system do tend to get more than others and they stick out more than other people. If you saw me in the sotore after me getting off of work, you would probably feel the same way about me. Just by going on apperances.
• United States
27 Jul 08
Could part of it be as well that many of the ones who stick out are also the ones that clearly know how to use the system so they are getting more? Just a thought after reading your post...
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• United States
28 Jul 08
No fights :) Just debates which are good. Our society is in serious danger and I have a young daughter growing up in it, it scares me what has happened and what the children now on welfare/WIC/etc are going to become because honestly I don't see it being anything good. Not starting a fight either just my observations and tonight was another bad night dealing with panhandeling children at Chuckie Cheese
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
27 Jul 08
I think you need to educate yourself about WIC. It isn't just the dirt poor that qualify for it. You can work and still be eligible. It is not the same as welfare.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
27 Jul 08
It is hard on everyone these days. I do qualify for some programs and did them when my kids were little. You couldn't pay me enough these days. I'd rather do without. I never did understand those who used it for a lifestyle. You are treated less than human and who would want to go through something like that? I don't hold it against anyone who actually needs it, but the last time I took my neighbor to the welfare office I saw just as many able-bodied men as I did young mothers.
• United States
27 Jul 08
For the purposes of this discussion as I have said previously I am grouping all government assistance programs whatever name you want to call them by. I know that I can't get any assistance because I make enough to live, which as little as 2-3 years ago I agreed, today I don't. I cannot live on what I make anymore if you read the discussions you will see the math. Welfare/WIC/DHS Support/Kid Care, whatever you want to call it, taxes pay for them all.
• United States
27 Jul 08
Great point on the men as well! As a mother I can say I was VERY remiss in sterotyping it to women. I guess as women we generally (again not always!) but often the women have the children where the men don't. So that would be why women with children stand out to me, they are buying the same things that I want/need for my own child, a man I don't tend to notice as much.
• United States
26 Jul 08
WIC is just plain corn flakes, slice cheese, milk, and baby products stuff like that. Anyways, what does WIC have to do with her clothes....I think you may be thinking of CHILD SUPPORT because I know exactly what you mean, plenty of young girls getting pregnant for a check and its despicable but I guess when your poor and can only afford a 6/minimum job a check looks for appealing.
• United States
27 Jul 08
I am grouping Child Care/Welfare/WIC/Kid Care/etc for the sake of this discussion. If I had WIC I could afford to get insurance for my daughter and family (I would settle for a major medical plan for about $110 per month with a $10k deductable), just something so I know how far I can drop if there is a medical emergency, and the bottom doesn't drop out of our family. Child support I see the same thing happening, that is another topic as well, but where the parent is using the child support for themselves instead of for the child, that ticks me off as well though!
26 Jul 08
Hello blogging2, I do agree with you there it is just as bad here in the U.K i see people on welfare with flash cars you name it they got and also they can go on their annual holiday, but i can't so how do they do it? Tamarafireheart.
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• United States
27 Jul 08
Maybe I am just mad that I don't know how to do it too? Seriously if it was something I could afford I really would, but I really can not afford health care for my child without help and I can't get it... I go without, I have not bought clothes in over 4 years, I use hand me downs, still bills are going up and pay is going down, math isn't too hard to figure out, if I put $110 towards insurance then it has to come out from somewhere else.
@jasyjen (162)
• United States
26 Jul 08
Yes it makes me mad too! I get tired of seeing people milk the system. However....I feel that there are times when people really do need a little assistance, and they should receive. For a short time. I think there should be a limit, say six months. When that time is up, if they haven't been able to come up with a way to better their situation, then they should either be cut off or receive a deduction in benefits. Depending on the situation. I work with a girl who has a nice house w/ inground pool, she drives a Mustang, she's always taking vacations, she & her husband both drive a Harley, and she received medical assistance for both her kids!!!!! WHAT IN THE HELL???? It's just not right.
• United States
27 Jul 08
Those are the people I am talking about... I literally have to make the choice that my daughter does not have insurance (which she really does need she is a dare devil)or I can not pay the electric bill. I am not making this up, she really doesn't have insurance while others COULD afford it but they clearly know how to use the system so they have assistance while others who really do need it go without. Or maybe I am just mad that they know what to say, and I am being honest so I don't "qualify."
• United States
26 Jul 08
uhh i hate it in a way because it is taken adavantage of really badlyand while she seemsas if she was taking advantage of it with name brand etc while we have to work for it and others that have welfare get it easy i think they should change their rules a bit
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• United States
27 Jul 08
I agree... that is about all I can say!
@tigger44 (144)
• United States
26 Jul 08
I poersonaly dont agree with welfare myself. My thing is I have to go to work everyday and work my butt off just so other people on welfare get to live and eat for free. I believe that if you dont work then you dont eat. Thats just me. I know that times are ruff and it is hard to find a job but everyone is going through it I am. I am working a full time job makeing decent money and still have trouble sometimes makeing bills meet. Sometimes I do without for a while. I makes me mad big time when I and everyone else have to go and work for a living just to make it ourselfs.
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• United States
27 Jul 08
I understand your view completely, and agree. My husband and I have to work, if we don't work and bust our butts then we go without. Daily I look for more jobs and things I can do to make money at home, since I am a stay at home mom. Why do they get the help and ohers don't?
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
27 Jul 08
100% agree here. I have actually started writing a story I hope to get published somewhere on this very thought. We have Senior citizens who are on Medicare, and most of them worked all of their lives to get that who have to pay big time for Medical, food, etc. and most just barely get by, and then we have the people on Welfare, etc. who they just hand everything too, and never expect anything back from them as well. Personally, why do some States continue to help out young Single moms with $$, etc. and never help out those who work with kids? I will admit I struggle sometimes financially without kids with things with 2 people working, but nothing like those of you with kids. I personally would rather see my $$ helping out people with kids who are working, or trying to work, and keep from getting benefits more than those who never want to work, and just want to live off the system. Personally the reason the US is having a lot of the problems like they are, is they offer help only if you have nothing, and then never require anything more of you from there. No wonder they have it better than most of us that work.
• United States
27 Jul 08
Thank you for your words, I like you have no problem with my taxes going to help people who need it, if they are trying to help themselves. Personally if there is lets say $1k to give, I would rather $100 go to 10 families who are working, to help them get the "luxuries" you know like insurance/better food/etc, than all $1k go to someone who is not even trying to get off the system but is trying to have another child to get a higher check. Also a great point about our older generation who is having so much trouble now due to the fact that medications are so high they can't afford to live. Yet they have worked all their lives! We should be giving back to these people!