How to teach your kids to be color blind,when there so much racism all around?..
@xXxMikesWifeyxXx (3072)
United States
July 26, 2008 10:47am CST
I am wondering, it is hard, i live in jacksonville nc.
it is the south yes. BUT here in the south we have a mix of people. black,white,mexican,hawaiian,italian,portarican and many more so its not just white as some poeple think.
most of us, in each race,i know are trying to raise our kids to be color blind to stop the racism. but there are still thoes ones who raise their kids to be that way. so while were saying it is wrong to be like that. they are at school getting picked on and called names because of their race.
so my question is.. how do your raise your kids to be color blind, when there is racism all around you?.
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9 responses
@coopstar (282)
• United States
26 Jul 08
First and foremost lead by example.Treating people the same regardless of color or creed works great.By no means am Insinuating you don't already do that.Besides there is a lot more things then just racism to deal with in there little lives, its hard all the way around.In my opinion a child's life is like water rolling down a mountain, it can go in many directions. We as parents should try to guide them to the river.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
27 Jul 08
when my kids were little I taught them to respect all races
'and when my son got to kindergarten and first grade he had
no problems getting along with mexicans, negroes, and asiastic kids as well as white kids.later he had to go to a school for
gifted kids and there they were all white. but he never was racist towards kids of other colors.Now he is fity and we live in a large apt complex with just about everynationality you cou ld think of . It does not bother us in the least.
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@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
27 Jul 08
Hi MikesWifey,
I know how hard it is but constant talking to them about it will just help in the long run, especially if you will be giving stories for them having a value of respecting other people as well as with different races! If this is their environment at home, it will be manifested and who knows they will influence friends to respect other races!

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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
27 Jul 08
You must explain to your kids why there is racism.
It is usually passed down from generation to generation. None of these generations seems to feel the need to question it! I'd say that racism is the worst among the poor, the less intelligent and the less educated people. They tend to take life as it is dealt without trying to make it better and, when told they must hate this race or that race, they believe it as if it were written in stone!
Education is the key. Talk to your kids about racism, why it exists and why it is so wrong! Tell them that people who are racist really don't know any better. They hate because they were taught to hate, just as your children are taught not to hate.
I was raised that way. I didn't even know what it was until I was out on my own! There was a girl in my high school who, during an assembly in the auditorium to speak about racism, jumped up and yelled, "If you cut open our skin, we all look the same on the inside!". Everyone applauded!
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
26 Jul 08
You continue to repeat your views on racism to your kids whenever the subject comes up. Parents have more influence on their children then other kids do so let them know that the kids who are racist are wrong, ugly and not someone they want to be like. Teach your kids to be proud of who they are and of who their friends are. Also, if the situation at school is a bad one, go there and talk to the Principal about it. The school is not supposed to be permitting this type of behavior on school property.
@JTerrasi (199)
• United States
27 Jul 08
You as their mom are the best teacher they will ever have. I had to go through some pretty times with my kids when they were younger. Now they are adults and still remember all the comments and names they were called. It is so sad. We try to tech them right from wrong while others are tearing it all down. Ignorance has no cure. I also live in the south. Ga. to be exact. There will always be racism I am afraid. This is due to their up bringing in their homes. What they hear at home they take out into the streets. And kids can be crueler than adults. So trying to teach your children to be 'color blind' is all fine but there will still be people to see them for what color they are and not for the people they are.
Good luck to you. Janet
@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
27 Jul 08
Routine is the best wy to bring up a child, my kids know, every morning, each of them have a chore to perform before they get breakfast, anyone who fails in his reoutine knows Daddy will not be happy, so they try very hard to comply
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@xXxMikesWifeyxXx (3072)
• United States
27 Jul 08
Sorry academic. you usually give good answers.though your answer today didnt have anything to do with what i was asking.or my story...
but thanks for responding anyways:)
@soccermom (3198)
• United States
27 Jul 08
I think the best way to combat racism is to lead by example. My husband and I have always surrounded ourselves with a group of mixed races, and our "color blindness" has just seemed to rub off on our kids. This discussion reminds me of a moment we had last year when my 12 year old had a slumber party. THere were white kids, blacks kids, hispanic kids, asian kids, a whole mix of cultures. And I remember looking at my husband and telling him how proud I was that our daughter hadn't just boxed herself in to an all white circle of friends. There has been racial flair ups at her school, and when we have disussed them I've told my daughter (and my other two children also) that at the end of the day we all bleed the same color, and intolerance is based upon fear and ignorance, and we hold them to a higher standard. As most everyone else here has said, it starts at home. Racism is taught, not caught.
@4mymak (1793)
• Malaysia
30 Jul 08
i trully agree with you..
we also live in a multi-racial country...
when i was a child.. almost all of us went to the same public school.. we befriended each other without even thinking or noticing what race we are...
but nowadays.. when i have my own children...
parents (usually the ones with more money) tend to send their children to 'private schools' which may be attended by 'one/single' race.. and nowadays.. the young children's circle of friends are very much 'limited'... and i do worry that in these (private) schools, that they might teach 'differently'.. the children in the public schools are no longer exposed to having friends from different races.. i dont see how the government is going to promote 'unity'.. 'mutual understanding'.. 'racial intregration' in the future...
what makes things worse.. some parents who also dont care about teaching their children about 'mixing with others'... not that they teach their children to hate others, but they dont put the emphasis or importance in knowing the other race, becoming friends with others.. and that worries me...