Who out there keeps a journal?
By krystine
@krystine (87)
United States
July 27, 2008 10:13am CST
For the last couple of years i've tried to keep a journal but I have had my days of forgetting or just simply had nothin to write about. Some say that it's a way to keep organized and get your thoughts out on paper to feel better. I don't know how the organized part works because it seems that when I keep a journal everyday that in a way it's making me less organized. Like one more thing to do or write in and not lose. But then again i'm not so sure so just curious on how many people find it helpful to keep a journal or how don't and would never keep one. I guess it would good to look back in a few years and see what was going on in your life and to show your kids stuff like that. In my journal I also write down things I search on the internet and get very overwhelmed maybe that's my problem. I do find it helpful letting my thoughts just flow out of me at times but it's also kind of difficult. I write alot of songs and I also put them in my journal. Maybe the way I went about writing in my journal is the problem like I should get a index or something. Well I did some research on journaling and found that most people or at least this is what the website says is that most keep there thoughts in the journal. I do go weeks not writing in mine because I forget but is a journal something I should be forgetting about? When I opened it againg I found entries in there from high school about my ex boyfriend and it made me laugh looking back now and how different things are now. But anyways sometimes I wonder about keeping a journal. In high school I had this teacher who would make us write I page every friday in a notebook about anything we wanted he said it helps open the mind and helps to get the writing flowing for other assingments. Which in a way I guess it did.
2 responses
@ella1bella (839)
27 Jul 08
Journals or iaries asw we know them here are the most intersting of things.I like the ones that were kept many years ago,as they highlight the way that life was at that time.I wished in a way that I had kept a sort of record of my life in some way or another,but lol it wouldnt have been terribly interesting really.The major ones like Samuel Pepys were truly amazing diarists.I really enjoy looking at the records that have been written and are on show at the local museums,the world war memories are just something else.
@krystine (87)
• United States
28 Jul 08
Hmmm I never thought about looking old diaries from history. That sounds very interesting and fun. I kind of wish I written in mine every day to but who's to say I can't. I heard that even if you haven't written in one for a while or haven't kept one at all it's never to late to start if you want to. You could start now and see what happens. It would be interesting to look back and read what was happening then in your life and see where you are now. I'll have to check out some old diaries from history thanks for the comment.
@Wizzywig (7847)
27 Jul 08
Yes, I have kept a journal/diary for quite a few years. I like to look back over them and, even if I've only written something fairly trivial, I can get a sense of how I was feeling from the style or the words I've used. Sometimes it makes me smile, sometimes it makes me cry. I can remember all the happy times and realise that I DID find the strength to deal with the difficult times. I often wonder if anyone will read them after I've gone and how they will feel if they do.
@krystine (87)
• United States
27 Jul 08
Yeah i've written my fellings down in my journal also. I look back and wonder sometimes why I got so upset over silly things or over boys in high school that i've actually forgotten about. It's kind of weird that soemthing so big at the time has been forgotten over the years. Hmmm well I wonder if the same thing is bound to happen in a couple more years to. Guess i'll keep writing and we'll find out.