Do you use video websites? How to upload videos to Expert Village?

United States
July 27, 2008 5:14pm CST
Recently me and my hubby recorded few videos on general subject, which we would like to upload to several videos websites. I mange to do it in YouTube, HowCast, so far. I am trying to upload our videos to expertvillage and graspr. THere is no way to upload videos in expert village, even after registering with them. They want first to e-mail them the description of videos. That is what we did it, but we have never got any response from them. gives me problem as well. There are 2 choices to upload videos, either through their Graspr Desktop Uploader or web uploader. I tried both ways- I get the error (server had a problem encoding the video). Does anybody experience same problems? Do you know of any other videos websites, that are not giving similar problems? Do you use your videos online at all,to make extra money or for other purposes?
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