To all Filipinos here on mylot, did you watch the SONA?

@Zelmarq (12585)
Cebu City, Philippines
July 28, 2008 5:40am CST
I was not planning to watch the State of the nation address but when I opened my tv at around 4pm today I just didnt have the choice since we only have regular tv connection and all the free stations showed the sate of the nation address. There were good points during here address and I just hope everything she promised will be implemented, its hard to just say them all without the action side of everything. Life is getting hard for the Filipino people with almost all the prices of prime commodities rising and lots of more issues that were kept in the dark for the benefit of those who are in the higher positions. I just heard applause every after statement of the president, I feel tired for those who were one of those who applauded. LOL Have a nice day and take care and happy mylotting!!!
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20 responses
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
28 Jul 08
Hi Zelmarq! No, I didn't watch the State of the Nation address of our president. I just don't feel listening to her and just feel sad for the country and our countrymen. How can I be hopeful and believe in her when I am seeing so many poor people around me? These poor people who are around me are not lazy..they lost their small businesses to ever increasing taxes and commodities and most have lost their jobs. Sigh! Just don't want to defend nor be against the president..nothing good will come out of it anyway. The poor will still be hungry after her SONA. Take care and God Bless!
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@Zelmarq (12585)
• Cebu City, Philippines
28 Jul 08
Its so sad but its the reality, those rich people wont feel the effect of the crisis that our country is experiencing right now but the poor people will feel the blow.
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@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
29 Jul 08
Hi Zelmarq! I just saw some short clips in the late news last night of her SONA and the grand entrance made by these politicians and their wives on a red carpet. My, my they are delusional people thinking that they are like Hollywood celebrities. And they talked about who made their wardrobe........aaaaaaaaaahh! This is sick, makes my blood boil! Sorry, but I am really angry with these people. It is really disheartening and frustrating when you see and hear them talk..trying to make us all fools. Take care always..God Help the Philippines!
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@checapricorn (16061)
• United States
28 Jul 08
Hi Zel, Thanks for relaying this information..I am trying to search if it is possible for me to watch it online if ever there is a coverage available! I hope The President will really do something for all our social and economic problems, I know it's not easy in her part but wish she will and the rest of the people in the position will set aside their self-interest this time and give attention to what is best for everyone!
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• Philippines
29 Jul 08
please check the youtube. for sure it is uploaded there if you want to see it.
• Philippines
28 Jul 08
i dont bother to watch our president making those lies, promises. i will just see what will hapend to our country. i hope we can have election now and change that dwarf president.i dont know how will i able to feed my family now.everything is a mess now in the philippines.
@roniroxas (10560)
• Philippines
28 Jul 08
no. i did not. i know it will just plain promises promises. it will also be something that she rehearsed to say but not truly from the heart. i just watch the news to see the reaction of the politician and the people who had watched it. i would rather spend my time washing clothes or mylotting than listening to her.
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@aendzie (571)
• Philippines
28 Jul 08
I did watch, which I didn't intend to, when I turn on the TV it was GMA talking so I might as well listen to her "lies" lol. I think I'd listened for 2-3 minutes, and that's it..the good thing that I've just heard is the .50c text message, like what? that's the best she can do? so I turned on my DVD and watched Trainspotting instead.
• Philippines
28 Jul 08
no, I didnt.. Im tired of hearing promises.. I was able to watch one of her SONA before.. It's like to good to be true..
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@Zelmarq (12585)
• Cebu City, Philippines
28 Jul 08
Thats what I have thought about, of coure its very easy to say all those wonderful words, I hope that they make it come true not just fool the people with their sweet words.
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• Philippines
29 Jul 08
Nope, I didn't watched it I was in front of the computer the whole day, I just don't like to hear any other lies and lots of promises that will just add up to anger with the government. Though its good to be aware of your surroundings but if I will just have the feeling of anger and hate better not listen to it.
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@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
28 Jul 08
nope i havent got the chance since..i had to accompany my daughter to go the beauty parlor..and not actually like to hear the president's sona since it was all the same just was a selected kind help that she had extended to...remember the 3 model children? theyre the only i guess who had feel the accomplishments of the govt.but the rest was still struggling..i pity my fellow country men who had less food...
• Philippines
29 Jul 08
well, there is really two sides of the coin. and the same is true for every person. but this time, she is a president and it so happens that her life is publicly advertized and broadcasted. so whatever she does, whethere good or bad ( as we all do also) is being watch and known by everyone.. so it is still the same. i guess, it is with us that needs to change first before there will be huge changes, now that we are talking nationwide.. then, we will surely be making changes. it may not be that huge enough, but surely the ONE will recognize it. and as HE said, HE will be the one to judge others.. hehe.. Go and Make a DIfference for CHRIST!
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@ayessa (1583)
• Philippines
29 Jul 08
Unfortunately I failed to watched her best actress portrayal on her sona. But it was fine with me atleast, I wouldn't have to expect nor count how many promises she made yesterday.
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@kaezy_kulet (2465)
• Philippines
29 Jul 08
NO i did will just be a waste of time to listen to her lies. I just stayed here in mylot the whole time that she is talking lies.
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@magojordan (3252)
• Philippines
29 Jul 08
I watched it via webcast but my ears just ached from all the clapping for those empty promises again. Also I became more irritated with her stand on EVAT. I jut hope that she addressed the real problems of this country not make promises again.
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@ganda8831 (816)
• Philippines
29 Jul 08
My dad watched but I didn't even bother to get a glimpse of her. I'll just be wasting my time.
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@iyah10 (4115)
• Kuwait
28 Jul 08
We have the same thought i am no t planning to listened to her on the SONA thing she have but the television from GMA in which it is the only channel I have here in Kuwait as a Cable Connection from the Philippines is automatically having an exclusive and "Live Broadcast" of her so I listened for a while but there is nothing good really it is tiring and just keep on telling that she could not removed the VAT from the Gasoline or Diesel thing because it is the only budget they have for helping the entire nation so as an OFW worker and having my own family out of the Country make me feel safe a little bit.......but just worried for my family back there especially for my Mother, niece, and nephew......
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@kissie34 (2294)
• Philippines
29 Jul 08
Since, I was in my work I didn't watch the Sona of PGMA.. And besides even I'm at home I still don't like watching her lie speech and hear her broken promises.. No matter how wonderful to hear all of her promises to the Filipino people still the minds of the people is still against her.. She still have a low ratings and people want her to go down from her position being the president of this country... She can't never convince us the Filipino people in all of her promises...
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• Philippines
29 Jul 08
i did, she promised to all the filipino the P0.50 cents text message to any network just to impress people!!! lol i hate her doing that!!!
• Philippines
29 Jul 08
i did, she promised to keep the P0.50 cents in every text message you sent haha!! lol
@reckon21 (3479)
• Philippines
29 Jul 08
So theres' another sona again? Sorry, but i don't trust her anymore. Could she make all that promises and do something about it and make it happen. Maybe she could gain again my trust.
@dhalev78 (104)
• Philippines
29 Jul 08
nope. it's just a waste of time hearing promises...
• China
29 Jul 08
hey ,gal ,I know a famous song as the same name as what u refered,which is of band Secrect Garden.
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