The baby is healthy!
By dizzblnd
@dizzblnd (3073)
United States
July 28, 2008 6:33am CST
About 6 months ago, I state a discussion about parents having kids with downs syndrome or other serious conditions.
My friend had the test taken and there was a 1:145 chance her child might have Downs Syndrome. he was given the option to abort or keep. She chose to keep the baby.
I am here today to report that her baby boy was born June 17th, 2008... with NO signs of Down Syndrome. Obviously she is very happy.
Just think, if she would have chosen to abort.. she would never had known the joys of the baby's first cry, first breath, and above all life!
I posted to give hope to others who may be pregnant and were given this test with similar results. They aren't always 100% correct.. but even if it was correct, even not knowing, you choose to keep.. you will probably experience more love and joy than you ever thought possible.
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14 responses
@gemini_rose (16264)
28 Jul 08
I have heard of a lot of cases where tests showed chances of a child having downs syndrome and yet it was born healthy. But the tests can also be picking up other things instead, a friend of mine has a daughter who is 16, at 15 the daughter became pregnant and during the tests was told that there was a 1 in 100 chance of her baby having downs syndrome.
Even though she was only 15 at the time, she decided to keep the baby. At 16 she gave birth and the baby was healthy but at just 10 days old suffered liver failure and a problem with her blood. The doctors managed to save her life but she was found to have a number of problems, one being a severe allergy to wheat, lactose etc, she has no ovaries and so will never be able to give birth, a heart murmer, a hollow hip and a possibility of her going deaf and blind.
But it is great that your friends baby has been born healthy and it does just show that serious consideration needs to be taken over these matters.
@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
28 Jul 08
I will pray for your friends baby. That is very sad. I agree.. ALL things need to be considered before deciding to end a life. Because it just may end up not to be as bad as one might perceive it to be.
You should keep this avatar for a while.. its pretty
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
28 Jul 08
That's so great! Babies are so cute! I worked with Downs adults and they were the greatest! Enjoy the baby they grow up so fast, my "baby" will be a teen soon, and he is already making me crazy.
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@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
28 Jul 08
From what I understand, and have seen on TV (no personal experience) people with Downs are the most loving happy people around babies.
I haven't held my friends' baby yet.. I can't wait!
I know all to well how quickly they grow.. mine will be 18 in Dec and 17 in Nov
Please forgive the double post.. I got sidetracked and when I cam back... hit "post" and realized I didn't finish my thought 

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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
29 Jul 08

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@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
28 Jul 08
Dizz that is wonderful... I had a scare of downs syndrome with Jake, there was 4 weeks of utter worry and stress before we got the DNA and genetic tests back. He was fine in the long run, but if I had to do it all over again I would not have let my Doctor do that initial test. It would not have mattered anyway. But the worry at a time that you should be celebrating and preparing for the birth of your child, is unfair. You feel more than blessed when it turns out good, but that time is gone forever.
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@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
29 Jul 08
I agree 100% Angel, why put parents through such stress and angst, isn't pre-parenthood stressful enough already. I am glad all is well with Jake. When I was pregnant with my kids almost 18 years ago, I don't remember taking a test like that.. I think I would have declined taking it. I would have reacted with fear and worry. Possibly stressing the baby and I over nothing
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@ellie333 (21016)
28 Jul 08
That is absolutely fantastic news, please send congratulations to your frined on the healthy birth of her child. As an older mother I was offered the test but chose not to have as I knew whatever baby I had I would love and care for and my friend has a Downs girl the same age as my son and she was digusted when she gave birth that the hospital seemed to want to push her to giving the baby up and put into care, no way, and her daughter is adorable, hard work at times but is starting a state school in September so has achieved much already. Ellie @:D
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@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
28 Jul 08
I will pass your good wishes on to my friend.
It is such a shame that hospitals and doctors even mention the option of abortion. I am pro choice... but i lean pro-life.
I can only imagine how difficult it must be raising a child that has some challenges. I am glad to hear everyone is doing well.
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@newtondak (3946)
• United States
28 Jul 08
That is absolutely wonderful and definitely proof that we can't always trust modern science!
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@newtondak (3946)
• United States
29 Jul 08
It's always nice to have a healthy child but there are many "special" children who go on to live very productive lives and bring great joy to their friends and families. My daughter teaches at a special needs daycare and it continues to amaze me just how far these children can go and how much they can learn. Many of the children she works with, because of early intervention, are able to be mainstreamed into the public school system and excel.
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@queenofarms (1659)
• United States
28 Jul 08
I'm happy to hear she chose to keep the baby and he was born health.

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@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
29 Jul 08
I thank God she allowed her faith to get the better of her-Faith is powerful force-they say, faith can move mountains-it defied all scientic inquiries and a shamed the human technology! am really happy for her
@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
29 Jul 08
Only God really can tell situatons-even the most advanced techonologies have erros-i thank God your firend invoked her faith in God to change situations-it is a mistake to ely completely rely on human driven wisdom for action
@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
28 Jul 08
I had this happen with my youngest son they said he had down syndrome but i went ahead and had the amniocentis done. My hubby at the time did not want to keep the baby if he had downs but for me it didnt matter I was keeping the baby so for two weeks we waited fighting the whole time. Came back good no downs so i can also vouch those tests are inacurate. i skipped the test this time around and my new hubby agreed it doesnt matter this is our baby no matter what.
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@olivemai (4738)
• United States
29 Jul 08
I have to wonder what kind of test was it? The chance of having a baby with down syndrome is already high, even with younger women. After the first discussion you mentioned, I looked it up online. The website for down syndrome says that people born with down syndrome are not all retarded, although the schools may treat them that way! Life is different from when we were kids. It is good that she did not abort! I wonder why doctors are so much more willing to do those tests before the baby is born than after a baby is born with developmental disabilities. So many families wait for years to get a proper diagnosis, and early intervention is very important! 

@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
30 Jul 08
I had that same test twice with both kids. It came out positive both times. I have 2 healthy children. What they don't tell you is that test is more inaccurate than accurate. If I had another child, I would choose not to have that test. Same thing happened to my sister as well.
I would keep my baby regardless of the outcome of any test or any birth. You can just give up on your own flesh and blood, disabled or not.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
28 Jul 08
Wonderful! I'm very happy for her!
The same thing happened to an internet friend of mine about 7 years ago. He and his wife hadn't planned to have children, but there it was and the doc said the same thing. They were in an agony of indecision when we chatted and I encouraged him to keep the baby. We chatted often about this and after a week or so they decided to keep the baby instead of aborting it. Now they have a healthy, bright little boy who plays drums (at 7!) and is dabbling in guitar and a precious little girl that bring them joy every day.

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@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
28 Jul 08
What great friends you are to encourage them to keep the baby.
I just don't understand why they even test for it. To me, it would be too stressful knowing there was a possibility of something threatening the baby.. and something like this would make it worse.. but what do I know
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@kezabelle (2974)
28 Jul 08
It happens a lot the chances/risks of having a baby with downs is very high, however its not just as simple as keep or abort there is an amnio test they will do if the parents wish for it to be done so the parents know for sure, you are never just told abort or keep without knowing 100% if the child has it or not.
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@excellence7 (3655)
• Mauritius
28 Jul 08
It is often said that things that are seen or heard need not necessarily be true.