The Crazy Things Teens Do

@winterose (39887)
July 28, 2008 12:41pm CST okay most of us have crazy teen stories, and this one, is one of mine, excerpt: Being the shy person that I was in high school it was difficult for me to approach boys let alone flirt with them. But the hormones were raging and after all I was a teenager. I was 15 years old and starting to feel oh so grown up! I bought 16 Magazine faithfully. Like all my girl friends at the time, we had our lockers plastered with posters of Davey Jones, from the Monkeys, and all the other larger than life teen idols. It is really funny but I can't even remember my most beloved teen idol. All I remember was that he was blond and gorgeous; the all American male, just like Ken (Barbie and Ken). As far as I know he was probably a one hit wonder. For the life of me as I write this piece I cannot even remember the song that he sang. Nevertheless his face was plastered all over my locker, inside and out. My high school crush had been my grade 9 history teacher; a person I knew that I would never date anyhow. Since I was always over weight I did not get many boys paying attention to me during those all important years. Even if some boys did approach me I was too shy to ever consider flirting let alone date them. But there were a few boys that I did admire from afar. Did you ever try to get your friend to go to a boy or girl to promote you to them like I did? Have your ever done it for anyone else? How did you get or try to get the boy or girl you liked to take notice of you?
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15 responses
@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
28 Jul 08
I think if we are all truthful we can honestly say at one time or another we did have our friends try to get something told to that special guy that we so madly fell in love with that didn't even know we existed. hahaha I know that some of my friends have talked to a guy for me and I have done the same for my friends as well. It was all so cute back then and done in good taste. I think just to let that person know that we thought they were so cute just made our day.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
28 Jul 08
psst tyc415, my friend likes you, but he is shy!
@Cammeel1 (372)
• United States
28 Jul 08
Wow you brought back memories for me. My teen idol was Leif Garret. I thought he was the most amazing guy I had ever laid eyes on. Sure I used my girlfriends to go talk to guys for me. They used me to do the same. It was a part of everyday life. Everyone did that. Of course to get noticed you tried to wear the "cool" clothes, have the "cool" hairdo and it was so important that you never ever were seen doing something stupid, like homework! LOL
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
28 Jul 08
yeah in a strange way that was fun, and teen life, kinda ironic though. So many times I heard "my friend likes you" lol, as if that was going to change who the guys liked as you saw in my story.
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
28 Jul 08
We basically just passed notes to the boys, I myself was way to shy and afraid of rejection and being laughed at to ever approach a boy. I and from what I observed I learned to never approach one if they were with their friends, they were totally different when they had friends surrounding them. My thing is that a guy could like a girl but not date her because of his friends opinions. I have talked to a friend who talked to their friend about dating for a friend of mine. I Didn't date but 2 boys in High School and one I had started dating in the summer on school break. I really only had two guys approach me to ask me to date in High school. One is my husband that I have been with for 18 years married 17 years. I guess to get noticed yo could spiffy up change your style to get noticed or change your hair or makeup.
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
29 Jul 08
Yep! that or very popular. Most guys went for the looks on the outside never really realizing that the ones they passed up as not good enough were just as good and in some cases better then those that had the pretty shell.
@chertsy (3798)
• United States
29 Jul 08
Being a teen in a house with two older brother's wasn't fun. I never had trouble talking to boys, my problem was keeping them once I got them, . My middle older brother was my main problem. If he didn't think the boy I liked was ok to be around me, he made sure we didn't see each other. He was very protective over his little sister's, he did the same with my sister as well. I will never forget the shortest time that I had a boyfriend. The guy asked me to be his girlfriend on Friday, my brother found out on Saturday, and the guy dumped me that Monday at school. I just thought the guy didn't like me anymore, then I turned around, and there was my brother. He was making sure that the guy was dumping me. So sad to say, I only dated about 3 boys while in school. Liked a few more from afar, only because my brother had the reputation of running off boys that liked his sisters. So getting a friend to talk to a boy for me, wouldn't have done me any good. To get boys to notice me that I liked, I just started talking to them. I had many likes that they liked, so talking came naturally.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
30 Jul 08
wow what a brother, when did he stop scaring your boyfriends off?
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@ellie333 (21016)
28 Jul 08
Hi Winerose, My screen is freezing on the first section of Adonis which is pretty much the extract here but I will answer discussion questions, but apologies for not having read in full. I for one used to have a crush on my geography teacher and funnily enough that was the subject I excelled in LOL, I wonder why, trying to impress I suppose. I met the guy who I adored when I was 12 and worshipped him from afar until he asked me out when I was fifteen, with a little help from his sister who knew I really liked him, and we were together on and off until I was almost 23, a definite first love scenario there. Other than a bit of prompting from his sister I never engaged in anyone actively trying to get him to go out with me but I did have one frined who was besotted with the boy who lived next door but one to me and she suddenly became my new best friend but spent most of her time looking out of my lounge window to see if she could see him, eventually it paid of and she would squeal with excitement when she got to see him. The things teenage girls do eh, he moved and so she she on to another friend who lived close to his new house, but I was okay with it as knew what she was about. Over the years I used to bump into her and I think she did get to date him for a while but married someone from a different town but I bet she still thinks about him from time to time with a fondest eh! Ellie :D
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
29 Jul 08
great story, if you would like my story I will send it in email, just pm me, I don't think I have your email address
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@ellie333 (21016)
29 Jul 08
Hi Winterose, I will try link again today as my PMs don't seem to send for some reason but I will try to sen you my email address anyway but if you don't receive that is the reason why. Ellie :D
• Australia
28 Jul 08
Yesi have done all of that!! How embarrassing i think everyone has most the young guys get one of their friends to speak to you and find out if you like their friend. Guys at that age are just as nervous as you are it is more embarrassing with an older boyfriend, who would just think it is kinda weird. I think it is cute looking back on it. I am still kinda shy around guys.... most of the time, atleast i am usually quieter than most of my friends, there are always guys interested in me when we go out so i try not to try as hard, sometimes it looks cheap.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
28 Jul 08
as we get older it is just cold fixing your friend up on a blind date, I have had a few of them as well.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
28 Jul 08
very ood story and one that every one needs to see what goes wrong with well laid plans . and no I really never di after I sort of got well I cant say snub he never did that but what the boy said that I wasnt sick just before I passed out and went home with the flu never looked at him again . And I didnt ever try to make a boy look at me again in that way. The 2 I married did every thing on thier own with really no help from me,
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
29 Jul 08
I was never really good at getting a boy to like me, the ones I didn't want liked me though, it was awful that way.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
29 Jul 08
yes ya dont like the attention they give you if ya dont like tham
@babystar1 (4233)
• United States
28 Jul 08
]Yes I member those good old days. If I wanted a boy to take notice I would walk out in front of him all dressed up in really nice clothes. I would ask my friends to try to fine out what he thought of me.Than I would do the same thing for my friends. I was really in love with Davey Jones.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
29 Jul 08
I was really in love with davey jones too, I think my girls were.
@ElicBxn (63798)
• United States
29 Jul 08
For some reason I was so disliked that I would never have considered any one at school. There was a boy, an outcast like me, that I was nice too and he got interested in me. I had to finally explain that he wasn't for me, he was not smart, he might've even been considered mildly retarded, not for me.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
29 Jul 08
I always wondered why the guys I didn't like it high school like me, it seemed a twisted fate
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@ElicBxn (63798)
• United States
29 Jul 08
They figured if you were also an outcast like they were, they might have a chance. Of course, I never really wanted to get married, I figured out at 4 that it took a mommy and a daddy to have a baby, and I didn't want one. I figured if I stayed away from potential daddies, I'd never become a mommy. Its worked GREAT I might add.
• Italy
29 Jul 08
i am still going through all this life which you pplz have gone through. Untill now i am quite shy like you but now i wann change my mind. I think i should try to move ahed in social life with many beautiful girls instaed of being stay shy and then writing some lines like you wrote here after 30 or 40 yrs. Soo fron now and today i pesesnt myself here on my lot is anyone out there wann hang on??
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
29 Jul 08
yes hon, live your life now and make the best of it.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
28 Jul 08
hi winterrose I had a crush on my biology teacher in the ninth grade, he was safe like you say. I was also overweight too and had a time getting any boy to pay attention to me. I was shy and was a farm girl in town. I had a crush on couple of boys but never got to go out with them. and the ugliestboy in our class had a crush on girlfriend tried to intercede for me but it didnt work. sad to say I never dated during high school. sounds impossible but it was true. I always thought of my self as an ugly duckling so I was thirty before I met my husban to be and he taught me that I was not ugly I was somebody,I was uniqe, I liked myself. so I married the man. lol.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
29 Jul 08
I was never popular in high school because of my weight but I did date a much older guy when I was 16, you will read about him in later stories, but I know exactly how you feel I spent all my teen years wishing I had a boyfriend, but except for that one time when I was 16 I never did.
@Elixiress (3878)
29 Jul 08
I never really go anyone to go over to someone and say "oh Jane is fabulous you should date her", because I think that would creep anyone out. I did however have friends that if they were also friends with the guy would subtle ask them if they liked me etc, so then I knew whether or not it was wish to make a move as like everyone I did not want to be rejected more than necessary. I also asked people the question myself, but rarely in person, usually over text or msn or some other non-face to face medium. I have never had a crush on any of my teachers, although people thought I was having "extra lessons" with them. I have also never really had a crush on a celebrity ever, I have never had posters everywhere.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
30 Jul 08
thank you so much for responding and sharing your stories,it is true not everyone asked other people about their friends, but teenagers, especially young teenagers did that in my day.
@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
28 Jul 08
No, I never did try anything like this with my friends. We were all too shy, even to make friends with boys.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
29 Jul 08
well at 14 our hormones were just a popping out everywhere.
@vimaal (3361)
• India
29 Jul 08
hi ya i have many friends, i have done all of that.
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• India
29 Jul 08
what a lady why are u big and were are u from may i know about u what is your work
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
30 Jul 08
those questions in our culture are considered rude