Should i FAIL him or give him GRACE marks???
By karjyo
@karjyo (830)
July 29, 2008 4:54am CST
Hi everybody, i have mentioned in my earlier discussion that i am a teacher by profession and exams are going on in our school. I was checking MATHS answer sheets and i found that a boy got 2 marks less than required marks for passing.I can easily give him 2 grace marks. But if i fail him then he will study hard next time and get good marks. But at the same time i feel that he will be disheartened and may loose confidence. What should i do, give him grace marks or fail him???
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29 responses
@vikram3101989 (684)
• India
29 Jul 08
mam if the exams are the final exams then i think you should give him 2 grace marks but if the exams are monthly one's then try finding out the marks of his other subjects and look for his attendance percentage to the school and then give him suitable marks
@vikram3101989 (684)
• India
29 Jul 08
mam actually i am a student and i am studying LAW i am in the third semester and i am just 18 years old.
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@Linda4ualways (2282)
• United States
29 Jul 08
I work at Thornton High School here where I live and being that I am a secretary, I have access to the grades. You know what bothers me about some of the grades that the students receive, when I see a student receive a "63" for a final grade. I am like, okay, why couldn't this teacher just give him two more points?
What's two points? Now I could see if they were 5 points away....that would be pushing it but two? Failing a student by 2 grace marks can definitely cause a negative affect on that student. I don't see why it would hurt and of course I know you wouldn't make a habit out of it right? Take care karjyo and God Bless!.

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@Drumman (305)
• United States
29 Jul 08
Maybe the kid with the 63 didn't deserve a 65. Maybe he did horrible all year long and he just got lucky on the final test to get him up to a 63.
If you were having brain surgery done would you rather get the doctor who just got pushed through the system because they gave him 2 extra points or the doctor who passed by himself?
Why shouldn't we have the same expectations of our high school students that we do of our doctors. The high schoolers are no less smart, just not as educated yet.
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@Linda4ualways (2282)
• United States
30 Jul 08
That is so true, and no I would not want the doctor who barely made it through. 

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@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
29 Jul 08
Hi karjyo,
How about giving him a removal test so it is fair? If he do good then he deserved to get a passing grade but still if he fails, it means that you really have to fail him in fairness to the rules! But, still the final decision will be yours, just consider his participation and activities if he deserves that grace!

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@Drumman (305)
• United States
29 Jul 08
He failed right? So fail him. Would you give a B student 2 points to bump him to an A or a C to a B? How about a salutatorian who needs 2 more points to beat the valedictorian?
Just give the kid what he earned. If he becomes disheartened then maybe he'll think about that next time you're trying to teach him some math, he'll get over it.
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@angelia286 (2029)
• Singapore
29 Jul 08
I was a student once too, and I would say to give him the grace marks if it's the final year exams. Why do I say this is because when I was in high school in my teens years, there was a change of principal who goes for the ranking of schools. As such, she clamps down very hard on those who don't hit a 80% grade at least. What she did was that if you score below 80% you are forced to drop that subject. As a result of that, many students rebelled and chose to hand blank scripts of paper.
Of course, our wake up time was when she decided that all of us should repeat an entire year in school to teach us a lesson. Our teachers pleaded with her to give us a chance as they knew our grades ability and knew that the results that we had obtained in the end (0/100 for all subjects) was not our real results. She refused to let us retake the exams, and we had to repeat another year.
Needless to say, our dreams of becoming doctors/lawyers were all dashed that year (even if we did not rebelled, it would still be dashed anyway as we would be forced the subjects that we were taking), and many became so disheartened by it (they were high scoring students before the rebel took place, and were designated to score a scholarship) that they just dropped out of school and many decide that if a principal like this, it is just not worth the trouble of studying.
We went for our GCE 'O' levels with minimal efforts and barely just scrapped past it. Many futures were ruined as a result, no doubt it was our fault to begin with.
However, I would just like to share this story as I do not wish to see another student give up on himself just because he fail an exam and lose the confidence to study and give his best shot in the future.
I hope that I had not offended anybody with my post.
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@karjyo (830)
• India
9 Aug 08
How could a principal do such a thing!!!!! She does not deserve to be a principal. Some action must have been taken against her......Teachers or principals are there to make a students future bright and not to ruin it. It is really disgusting!!!!! I hope the same thing happens to her children in future, then only she will understand!!!!
@bieke81 (1067)
• Belgium
29 Jul 08
I think it depends. If you, as a teacher, feel that he had a bad day I should give him the grace marks. If he just doesn't studie, I wouldn't and I would hope he would study harder. It all depends on how he was the rest of the year, that's my opinion.
Have a nice day 

@nupats (3564)
• India
29 Jul 08
hi dear give him grace marks and pass him poor kid..i am sure he will not repeat it again after a firm it is with the huge syllabus nowadays kids are overburdened with studies..forgive him once and dont make him loose one full upto you..have a nice day
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@chej18 (915)
• United States
29 Jul 08
Hello madam,
I think you should give him grace marks if you think he did all the best he can and he didnt passed.But if you give grace mark let him know and tell him that next time you are not going to allowed giving grace marks anymore so he need to study really good.
greetings from Che!
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@Wizzywig (7847)
29 Jul 08
Do you feel that he deserves the grace marks? You know your pupil so willbe in a better position to judge whether a fail would dishearten him or spur him on to work harder. If I gave someone grace marks in that situation, I think I would point out that he had only just scraped a pass and would need to work harder to achieve a 'safe' pass next time.
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@acgarvz (19)
• Saudi Arabia
29 Jul 08
For me much better if you give him grace marks..because i know he do his best and study but maybe for some other reasons hi did not make it especially in math subjects which some other students are not by giving him a grace marks he will develop a self confidence and he will review what is his mistakes..i know next time he can make it....
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@crunkyjens (463)
• United States
30 Jul 08
I would look at his past work and see how he has done. Is he generally a good student and he just had a little bit of extra trouble with this exam? Or has he generally not done very well throughout the year? I would definitely go by previous course work to see if he deserves those 2 grace marks. But you have to think, if there were 10 kids in your class that needed those grace marks would you give them to ALL of the students? If you give it to one kid you should give it to them all, ya know?
@mansa3986 (74)
• India
29 Jul 08
hi ma'am. since i am student, i would suggest that u give him grace marks and pass him. but if u know the student, please speak to him and him that u have given him grace marks and passed him. also tell him that another teacher who may evaluate his answer sheets in future may not be as leanient as u. if u tell him about this,then he will surely work hard in future.
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@LAKHI86 (4)
• India
30 Jul 08
its nice to see that u r concerned for ur students.i have an out of the way alternative.ask the boy to meet u and explain him how he has fallen two marks short of required.just ask him wht is to be done.than olny he may realise where hes been wrong and what he will do to improve.and i think u can give him grace marks if he promises u to improve in surely will have a psychological impact on him explain him how important it is to focus on education at this stage of life indeed maths is such a subject that has widespread application throughout education process and after .without it man is crippled .also maths studied at nursery will finds its application till his lifes end .ask him to ponder over that?
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@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
30 Jul 08
I am a primary school teacher and so I know that students feelings count for a lot. The boy might not mind getting a low grade but if he fails he might give up trying. If your school allows grace marks I would give these to the boy. However if this is not allowed I would not do this. Some schools are more flexible than others. Good luck deciding.
@kisanchhantyal (420)
• Nepal
31 Jul 08
You must pass him you should not be strick because the mark he is not able to get is not mean that he doesn't know . These two mark may be lengthen from other question. You may look up his performace and hand writing and slightly behaviour also.
Another thing is that you have to evaluate the other subjects too.
@msedge (4011)
• United States
4 Aug 08
Its hard to be a teacher,isn't it?If theres still a chance that he could pass it within the school year then you might give him a lesson by failing him and telling him that he could still be able to recover his grade if he will study hard for the next exam.If its not yet the final grading period yet thats what i mean.If it is then i don't know, i always feel pity for students not only for them but for the parents who work hard to support their studies and to be able them to graduate would be the happiest moment in their parents life.We should not stop their happiness right?Well, its your profession.You know whats best to do.I once was a student and my goal was to finish my degree to make my parents happy and as a teacher i think you understand that.
@bajahranks (33)
• Saint Lucia
30 Jul 08
As a pass teacher myself i would give him the bonus 2 points if and only if throughout the school year he has been participating in class, doing his homework and doing well in class exams, his relationship with you and the other teachers or his involvement in some society in the school.
Otherwise in my opinion he doesn't deserve it.
@leojennyzi (82)
• Philippines
30 Jul 08
ohh.. its really hard to decide u know.. so do I, I am a student and don't know more about math even though I study for it, it makes me crazy.. all I can say about that is hmm, If you see that he his studying so hard and still fail u can give him grace and teach him sometimes and If you haven't you must fail him so that he can realize that he must study hard to get a higher score
@gabbana (1815)
• China
1 Aug 08
I have a new idea here !!! Neither fail him nor give him a disgrace mark, give him a full mark! :) why? give him what he needs. i bet he'll be shocked. As long as he is a student with dignity, he will realize his fault and study harder in private. Couragement helps a man better than criticise. and the power of couragement is unbelievable ! he may turn to a brand new him !