When did your Child stop needing Ba-Ba (Bottle), Binky (Bo-Bo)...?
By nanciem
@nanciem (1105)
United States
July 29, 2008 9:34am CST
Hi everyone!
My son is just a little over 2 years old, he really (OMG I AM HAVING DEJAVU), weird! Anyway my son is so attached to his bottle (ba-ba) and his pacifier (bo-bo) his Dr says it is time to let these things go.. But he hugs his ba-ba at night and looks for his bo-bo... how can I wean him off of these items... or don't I?
I can remember with my first son (20 years ago LOL) he gave them up when he was ready.. what should I do?
4 responses
@mykaylala (214)
• United States
22 Apr 09
My daughter is going to be 2 in June. She is hooked on her "binky"
I took her bottle away once she turned 12 months. I had to get up a lot of times through-out the night and give her the formula she was used to in a sippy cup but after a week or so she forgot all about the bottle.
The "binky" however seems impossible to take from her... I have tried to hide it several times but she don't forget about it!!! She won't sleep with-out, It's either the bink or no sleep for me!
@mykaylala (214)
• United States
22 Apr 09
I forgot to mention, Now every night before going to bed she must have her sippy cup with chocolate milk, her bink and her "boo bear" lol. Toddlers are quite demanding!!!!!
@little_momma (198)
• United States
29 Jul 08
I have 3 kids ages 7, 4 and 19 months....my oldest wasn't a binki baby but my 4 year old and my son were/are. With the bottle, I just bought a tippy cup and gave the kids milk in it before bed so their belly's were full and they fussed a little but after a few nights they were used to not having their bottle and enjoyed their cups. My son still has his binki and its a bit harder to get him off of it than his sister. With my daughter, she lost them on her own and if we found them before her, we would toss them out. When she ran out she cried for one for a while but soon got over it. My son is a terror without his though and my husband has made several late night trips to the store because he doesn't like to hear the crying....I'm currently working up the courage to have him throw them in the garbage. Someone told me that having their kid throw the binki away made them feel like a part of the decision and her daughter didn't want a binki after that. I'm hoping it goes so easy for me. Well, good luck with it all and hope I helped a little.
@nanciem (1105)
• United States
29 Jul 08
Hiya lil' Momma! ounds like Elvis!
i tried the cup, he wants his ba-ba, he really doesn't drink it, he hugs it mostly.. usually it drips out of the nipple and all over the bed, OMG he may even smell like sour milk in the AM.
I am trying to take it away, it's just hard.... And yes you have helped! Thank you!
@Gargoyle0134 (1257)
• United States
29 Jul 08
Hmm.. I think my kids never had a pacifier, as I heard it could mess wth their teeth coming in straight later? but the bottle..I nursed, but we did let them have a bottle for juice unit around two. but brished their teeth right after having one? (Thye have beautiiful teth now/no cavities and they are all grown!)
I would say about two is a good bet! The child is ready now for a sippy cup@! I woudl get one and gradually offer that..stilll let them have an occaisional bottle? but I would work to place them onto a "BIg Boy" sippie cup with a lid! They LOVE to feel grown up!
@nanciem (1105)
• United States
29 Jul 08
We do have a "Big Boy" cup.. he usually uses that during the day, the bottle is at night, he really doesn't drink it, he hugs it when he sleeps, I am worried about it affecting his teeth, we brush 3 times a day, they are beautiful.
I know I need to wean him, but as every mom knows.. I cannot bare to see him cry.. even just a little bit! You know?