Why do people post?

United States
July 29, 2008 9:21pm CST
Such ridiculous posts like how do you eat an apple,and do you use coasters in your house?I really don't understand why anyone would care.I like most of the discussions on here,and I know I can chose to skip the posts I am not interested in and I do.I was just wondering what their purpose is?Does it promote more responses,or is it just that they can't think of a good discussion to start.Just wondering,not trying to offend anyone. Jas
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4 responses
@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
30 Jul 08
Hey Jas!! I don't get it either hun. I think people that do that think that the more posts they make the more money they make. What they don't understand is that just by posting lots of short posts their earnings won't go up much. I have been part of mylot over a year now and I am a very active member but you can't tell by my post count. The funniest part though is that I have made over $50 for everything I have done here on mylot. (I was away for 8 months) I have tried to tell peopel who complain about their earnings how to increase them, to no avail. Noone ever listens to me lol. I even wrote an AC article about it! I have tried to explain what I have done to help people, oh well lol. Ok now I am babbling, I just got off work so forgive me please! I am just trying to get my last hour on mylot before i have to be away till Friday :(
• United States
30 Jul 08
Well you must do something right to have made that much with less then 400 posts,kudos to ya.I have done alright here myself,I enjoy posting some discussions on what is going on in my world.Or I like answering others posts hoping I can help,or perhaps make a friend.I think this is a great place to chat about anything and get some helpful info from others.There is such a wide diversity of people on here I think it is wonderful.I am a pretty unique person ,been through a lot,and yet I still find on here no matter what I learn something from other people.I love it.I am not here just to earn,it is nice but I enjoy learning more about different people ,cultures,lifestyles.I especially like if I can chat with young parents who are looking for advice I have a lot of experience with children,I work now with behaviorally difficult kids,but I have worked with a wide range of different types of things with kids so I like to think I have some helpful info.I get a real big charge out of getting a best response,lol. Jas
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
30 Jul 08
Aww thank you fir the BR hun!! If you want to read the article and see what I have done and continue to do to earn you can check out the link in my profile here. I really enjoy the conversations I have with other people, even if they go way off topic! I hate discussions that could be really great conversations if the poster would only respond!! The reason my post count itself is so low for as much as I post is becasue I tend to post more comments to responses in having discussions with people than anything else!! There are VERY few responses in any of my discussions that I didn't answer lol. And i do enjoy the back and forth that a great conversation can have. You learn so much about other people that way!! I think it is the best way to learn about your friends!!
• United States
30 Jul 08
Yes, I agree with this tooo!!! that is why I like staying in the making money section or sports or stuff like that. I can not spend too much time in the 'life' or 'me' section because I cant stand stupid discussions like : "why do you think grass is green?' Who CARES? see, I thought I was the only one who thought about this but I'm glad you think the same.Anyways, thanks and have a nice day.
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• United States
30 Jul 08
Yeah,I stay away from those posts to.I was just wondering why they do it,what a waste of time. Jas
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
30 Jul 08
I mostly agree and don't tend to answer the odd and ridiculous discussions on here, but sometimes when I just want to veg in front of the computer (that's what Mylot is for me, vegging time or a quick cure for writer's block when I'm working on a more complicated project) I find myself answering those pointless post.
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
30 Jul 08
OMG! I hate them too! Sometimes if the person is my friend I will respond but geeze I don't have time to explain which way the wind is blowing across my yard! I thought I was the only one! Thanks for sharing in this with me!
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