Jesus Christ-GOD or SON OF GOD????
By dreamssri
@dreamssri (1796)
July 30, 2008 12:24am CST
im just asking this question,because i heard about this issue in many places and personally i dont have any opinions on this....
im just very interested to know which is true...
now,anybody here can solve my doubt or answer my question...??
im looking forward for your responses...
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11 responses
@awapak (1275)
• Pakistan
30 Jul 08
No,Not at all......Jesus(pbuh)was neither a God nor a son of God but was only a Prophet of one God Almighty.God Almighty does not require any sons,wife or relatives.Please also see can a God can take birth from a woman's womb ?? No,not at all.In fact,in Bible,God Almighty has addressed his prophets as sons like Jacob,Solomon,Ephraim,Adam.So there are tons of such sons in Bible..........Then common people are also sons of God,"You are the children of the Lord your God."(Deut 14:1)............So it is a great misconception that Jesus was a God or son of a God as it leads to the concept of three Gods(Trinity)which is Polytheism,the biggest and only unforgivable sin as per the last divine Book,The Holy Quran.................This book is the final written communication of God Almighty with us.

@awapak (1275)
• Pakistan
30 Jul 08
Thanks for responding and sharing your views.Please read all these Holy books and do comparative study of all religions instead of blind-following your parents and elders.we all are here to find the real Truth and select the path which our Creator Almighty likes the most..........We have to remain away from Polytheism,which is the biggest and only unforgivable sin as per the last divine Book,The Holy Quran.
@dreamssri (1796)
• India
30 Jul 08
i haven't red Quaran or Bible or Bhagavath Gita or any other Holy books...and as already said i dont believe them but i really respect them...
it seems like you're telling,Islam is the only true Cate in the whole world...but friend,its not like that...
everybody,has got their own ideas and beliefs...we should respect them..
@shahzadafzal (51)
• Pakistan
30 Jul 08
Yes your 100% right i agree The HOLY QURAN is the Final complete Book on every topic by Allah. In Quran its written clearly that Jesus (PBUH) is Holy prophet.
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@clamrnguy (38)
31 Jul 08
i have to agree with you that he is both. if i had to make a single guess though, i would say he was a part of the spirit of god, called his son so that we could understand where he came from. however, what shocks me is how many people don't beleive or are not aware of what the bible says about jesus, especially in the gospels. are we really that ignorant of a nation? what do most religions teach if it is not the scriptures? Jesus is real and he is coming very soon. better get ready!

@moon317318 (692)
• Pakistan
31 Jul 08
Jesus is Not GOD:in the old testament God says Isaiah 43:10 "before me no God was formed nor will bw there one after me"
now for the son of God...
Jesus is son of man not God
Mathew 9:6 "the son of man"
some one may say that Jesus said FATHER to GOD so he is his son...
but in bible if we read other propets are also called sons of God, not only Jesus.
the word "son" is used for PROPHET.
in JOHN 3:16 they say that it is written "...that He gave his only Begotten son... " this translation is wrong. many other translations except the english version, the editors hae used the word" his unique son"
John 3:16 has a word "monogenes" in greek which means of A SINGLE KIND(UNIQUE)
[u][i][b]BUT in John 20:17 Jesus said to marry " ... go to my brethren , and say them , i ascend to my Father and Your Father.."
so does this mean that every person at that was son of GOD?[/b][/i][/u]
@markrobb (76)
• United States
31 Jul 08
Isaiah 43:10 delares God has always existed.... and nothing was FORMED (an idol is formed) For Son of Man see my comment above to understand that term.
Monogenes can be translated according to which root you intend to use GINOMAI or GENNAO so it could be (to become) or (to begat)
@dreamssri (1796)
• India
31 Jul 08
many a thanks markrobb,thanks for explaining in detail....this is really a great job...
Hearty Thanks,

@dowhatyewill (15)
• Australia
31 Jul 08
I believe Jesus is neither God, nor son of God. I believe he is a man. A great story-teller, and a great leader, but still a man. I also believe the bible is a wonderful story. It has some wonderful advice, but it is still a story, a work of fiction written by many men over many years and edited and translated by many priests along the way to the point where it is no longer recognisable from the original texts.
of course many people will be upset by this theory, and let them be. It is what I believe.

@Kellyann627 (342)
• United States
30 Jul 08
Jesus Christ is the son of God. Have a wonderful night!
@WhatsHerName (2716)
• United States
31 Jul 08
"Man born of a woman cannot be a God."
Why not? God can do whatever he wants.

@Gargoyle0134 (1257)
• United States
31 Jul 08
The son of God. God was around a LONG time before Jesus was born. And it is said Mary was impregnated by God, so Jesus was his son. How could you get a person pregnant with your OWN SELF?
Frankly..I feel Mary was pregnant by Joseph and that this is the most likely father of Jesus? But otehr wise..even if it was God that she said got her pregnant..Jesus would have to be his son. You cannot make a baby that is your own self.
@dreamssri (1796)
• India
31 Jul 08
well thats some what a funny explanation really..."one cannot make a baby....own self"....
but what according to Bible??is He God or son of God...some people say that He is son of God and some tell that He's the God Himself....and of couse both had given some references from Bible...
its a total confusion

@edgyk8inmomma (2157)
• United States
31 Jul 08
In the very first chapter of the bible, you can read, And God said, Let US make man in OUR image. Who was he talking to???
This scripture tells us that God was not alone when he began creating the earth. That is because he had his first creation...his son, and through his sone he(they) created the world and its inhabitants.
If they were one in the same, ie oart of a trinity, then in heaven they would have no use or purpose to talk to each other. They are definitely two seperate beings.
For further reading, John chapter one says in the beginning was the Word(Jesus is referred to as the Word several times), and the word was WITH God.
@Cley_CJ (105)
• Malaysia
1 Aug 08
I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I don't want to explain further because some of the previous posts (READ THEM) have already explained in great detail. I just want to mention to those that find it hard to understand or believe, that you cannot limit God to the confinement of our reality. God is beyond what we see and hear, one cannot relate God to all the stuff that we know, because God is. "I am that I am" (Exodus 3:14). Everything that God does cannot be confined to what we perceive as logical, because He is beyond that. So that's why when questions about how impossible the stuff that God did pops out, the answer is just simply 'Why not'.
One other thing that pops out in the previous posts, is about Christianity & Islam. I believe that we are worshipping the same God, it's just that the way we perceive Him is different. We Christians do not worship 3 gods. He is the One Almighty God and He is a Triune God. This page won't be enough to explain in detail, go read about it somewhere, and remember what I've written above.
To dreamssri, I've re-read your first post and you mention that you don't have your own opinion on this. You should have a pretty good idea by now from reading all those post, because in the end it's personally between you & Him, and how you yourself see Him.
@fuzzywuzzy (8)
30 Jul 08
Jesus Christ is both. Of course, all of this depends on your personal definitions of the God head. Jesus Christ was the literal son of God. This makes him a God as well. So, he is both the Son of God and a God himself, because he has actual God-like qualities. My personal views are based on The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You can check out their web site at:

@dreamssri (1796)
• India
30 Jul 08
i will surely check that out friend...thanks for the link....

@shahzadafzal (51)
• Pakistan
30 Jul 08
No!!!!!!! Not at all!!!!!!!! Jesus is not son of GOD...... He sun of Man but his birth is with the help of Man by God's will.... i mean to say ALLAH ALMIGHTY send and angel in shape of Human as real human that cause birth of Jesus.... their so no possibility that Jesus is Son of GOD. He is human and son of human just like us and other human beings on this earth.