Obama Is Just Like You And Me
By gewcew23
@gewcew23 (8007)
United States
July 30, 2008 7:14am CST
Who cares about Barack's perilous lack of foreign policy experience? Who cares about his longtime associations with left-wing radicals and domestic terrorists? Who cares about his business dealings with Chicago mobsters? Who cares about his lack of respect for anyone that does not fit into Obama's perfect society? People magazine brings you the scoop on what really matters in this critical presidential campaign, Michelle hula-hoops with her daughters. The kids have slumber parties. Barack does laundry, but he doesn't fold it. The kids get small allowances. The Obamas wear normal clothes while doing normal things. I am waiting for the reality show on E! Keeping up with the Obamas. Of course the same magazine would like you to believe that Brad and Angelina are just like you and me too.
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23 responses
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
30 Jul 08
Actually, Obama is not like me in that:
1) My parents were married.
2) I've never attended a Muslim school.
3) I served in the military.
4) I'm not ashamed of the white part of my heritage.
5) I understand the interactive dynamic of how socialism promotes mediocracy and dulls the human spirit.
6) All of the above.
Which of the above is the answer?
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@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
30 Jul 08
My answer would be 6 and I believe that gives me a 100 on the test!
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@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
30 Jul 08
It just goes to show you that, just like spouses that are abused tend to enable the abuser by always excusing him/her, the press/media is not quite ready to be real with their "new born messiah"!
If McCain or any other republican presidential candidate had the same shady relationships in their past the media would be all over it night and day until the election. Just out of curiosity though I wonder what is considered a "small allowance" in the Obama household?
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@morethanamolehill (1586)
• United States
15 Aug 08
His daughters aren't too young to listen to Ludicris.

@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
30 Jul 08
Obama obviously is not an ordinary folk-when you say "you and me" to mean he is just like any Tom and Harry, then you are making a politically subjective understatment! Obama is a philosopher king, the guy studied Law in Havard-and that is not any ordinary University-He was the first black students President at Havard, and I can assure the whole world cares about this man except perhaps you, but I know soon you will whethr you like it or not because he is a Philosopher King who will become th first black American to resonate with all colours in the race for the Presidency of the United States-he can deal with any situation, just leave everything to the Amercan people who are dying for change.
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
30 Jul 08
"Obama is a philosopher king."
To some people, the term 'philosopher king' refers to those who are true elites in their own imaginations. 'Philosopher kings' are to be avoided and kept out of power if the people are to continue to live free and be prosperous.
The USA does not need or desire any 'Philosopher King'.
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@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
30 Jul 08
Count me in the column that doesn't care for this man!
One question or maybe two; just what is a philosopher king and exactly who bestowed this honor on the "messiah"! Doesn't the "messiah" have his plate full enough trying to be king of the world without someone else adding to his responsibilities? (Oh my, that's three questions, sorry!)
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@katty0004 (386)
• United States
31 Jul 08
I have a question ? Who's his daddy? Where did his daddy come from ?
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
31 Jul 08
I do owe Katty an apology. But, that doesn't reduce that she, too, is questioning someone's parentage - particularly a parent who wasn't in his life from early on. Believe me - I wish my father had disappeared early on - I'd have been free of his negative influences and teachings and name-calling (at me, not others). Who Obama's father is or was plays no part in any of this and was an unnecessary question, I think.

@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
30 Jul 08
AMEN on Angelina included!!
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@gitfiddleplayer (10362)
• United States
31 Jul 08
Funny! I think its the other way around for most of the dumocrats, they want to be close to the man with all the power, what a bunch of lemmings. The problem with everybody trying to identify with B.O. is that he doesn't want to lower himself to our level. I would love to see a show on E! about the most puppeted man in Washington, as you know, when somebody does those shows they always get divorced.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
31 Jul 08
Hello Gewcew,
Is Obama just like me? Nope, I have no problem if someone wants to poke fun at my ears! I guess that means that my skin is a bit thicker. Plus, I fold the laundry. Oh, and I have no personal relationships with terrorists (Wm. Ayers), convicted crooks (Rezko) or, radicalized, hate-filled clergy (Wright & Pfleger).
So ... I guess that People Magazine has their work ahead of them in convincing Americans that B.O. is "just like you and me".
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
31 Jul 08
LOL The only way I wouldn't care about those things is if he wasn't attempting to get a spot running the country
Redyellowblackdog left out one other major difference between normal ppl and Obama...most of us don't need a teleprompter to open our mouths. I'm more than capable of talking for hours, especially about something I believe in, without someone spoon feeding me the words
I'm definately a 6 too

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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
31 Jul 08
If you believe that the Obama's are normal ppl your going to be in for a rude awakening if he gets in office...as for me, he's the farthest thing I've seen from normal in my entire life...and that's saying alot.
At least I know when President Bush speaks it's his own words, thoughts and feelings. Not those of some speech writer. So what, he's made a few errors in his speeches...I've never had to make speeches to huge crowds but I can imagine it's nerve wracking...at least he's willing to get up there and do it on his own, human flaws and all, and not mimic some writer that doesn't know the first thing about being President. Personally I like President Bush...but then that's me.
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
30 Jul 08
Obama and his family do normal things? Are you sure about this? Hmm...I know Obama and Brad are related. Brad offered his support and Obama said no, thank you. Not to worry, he has the support of Paris and Britney!
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@Ldyjarhead (10233)
• United States
30 Jul 08
That may be true, but if he's 'just like you and me', then maybe one of us would be more qualified to fill the seat that he's in line for?
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@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
30 Jul 08
How funny, gewcew23. In reality, no politicians are just like me. Not when the average net worth is something like $2.3 million. It's no wonder that none of them can relate to us!
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@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
30 Jul 08
Look up the words "satire" and "sarcasm" in the dictionary.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
30 Jul 08
Hello Hector,
First, I just missed your 100th post, so please allow me to welcome you to MyLot.
Second, I wanted to lend a bit of support to you, and perhaps a bit of an explanation. Being from Indonesia, you are probably subject to just media and second/third hand perspective on our upcoming Presidential election, as opposed to first-hand voter perspective. To provide a first-hand glimpe, this is as contentious an election as ever has occurred in our nation. So, sarcasm and a facetious wit are pretty prevalent right now. That is what Gewcew was doing in her original post -- being sarcastic.
Her point is that a gossip magazine (People Magazine) is trying to convince the American voter that the Obama's are just like any other American family -- and that is very far from the truth. To exemplify Gewcew has offered a few of the many ways that Sen. Obama is different from the average American voter. For example: the average American voter has never even seen a Chicago mobster, let alone been close friends with one for twenty years. Specifically, Sen. Obama has been close friends with Tony Rezco, the convicted criminal, for many, many years. Where, according to Sen. Obama, he and Michelle and Tony and his wife would regularly have dinner together, their children played together, and they colluded in shady, corrupt, real estate deals together.
Anyway, if I or anyone else has come across harshly to you for not being familiar with our political satire, I will aplogize. There is much riding on this election, and in all of my life I never recall the passions being any higher than they are today.
I also wanted to comment on the Tari Piring video on your website. Very cool! As part of my yoga routine, I regularly perform a variation of the plate maneuvers to exercise my wrists and shoulders. The dancers on your video make it look sooooo easy, though it absolutely isn't. Thanks for sharing that. I've wondered what the origin of plate dancing is -- and now I know thanks to you and your website!
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@danrunsfast614 (1396)
• United States
31 Jul 08
"Who cares about Barack's perilous lack of foreign policy experience?"
I wonder how many of you guys talk to actual foreigners for their opinions on the possible new president's policy ideas for abroad. I know many people from South America, France, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, India, and Pakistan. Not one of them wants McCain there, and most are scared that McCain will be elected.
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
31 Jul 08
That's gewcew's problem - he doesn't want to know both sides of any issue because only his side matters. Plus, gewcew - it's COULDN'T care less. Most people who have eyes and the ability to think and reason like Obama. Gewcew is filled with so much hate for him that I can't help wondering if he's jealous.

@laglen (19759)
• United States
21 Sep 08
Well thats a relief. But I do fold laundry, I do want a small allowance, and I could really use some new normal clothes! But if Obama wins, we will become a socialist country so then I will get the same as my neighbor! Yay! Here is to not workin for it!
@bdugas (3578)
• United States
31 Jul 08
I can only hope that what I read here is a joke, so Obama does laundry, and Michelle hula-hopes, now that is real reason to elect someone to the whitehouse that is there to make sure that we are protected from another 911. Who cares about his lack of foreign policy, his business dealins with Chicago mobsters, orwith racicals or domestic terrorists, what is wrong with you, is this what you want in the white house. Oh yes deary he is way different than us, he is a snake in the grass as the way that I see it, he has no experience in handling foreign policy,and as far as domestic terrorists, I guess another 911 would suit you just fine as long as you know he is helping out around the house with laundry, like I said at first this has got to be a joke or one of the stupidest posts I have ever read, we are fighting for our lives here and you want to say we should compare the next leader of our country with someone that does laundry, who cares if they have any insite as to how to run a country or keep us safe, it is people like you that will cause us to become what he is after and that change my good person is not going to be a change you like, I say an article earlier about a new fresh man running for office, a man that offer change to what they had now, change that was going to be great, well they got their change and it came in Cuba with communisiam and apparently that is what might be coming to us if this man gets in, but all I can see you interested in is laundry. What a stupid post to say he is no different and we should not worry about what kinds of people he hangs with or if he has any experience.
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@bdugas (3578)
• United States
1 Aug 08
ok you tell me where he is more experienced, what has he done to show experience, I agree with what one person said in her reply if he is just like me and you then I am as capable of running the united states as he is. He has done nothing and he also voted for the war when it was first put to them so don't come across with that lie. What is wrong with you, just anyone who does laundry is capable of running this united states if he gets in I hope you get just what you deserve because I got a feeling we all going to end up living the same way they do in Cuba, Castro was at one time a young with change, oh yes he gave them change, but it wasn't what they wanted. I can't imagine that he is tided to all these shaddy people, ones that bombed the pentagon, the NY police department, one that serving time in prison, that you say it doesn't matter what or who he knows, but that he does laundry, WOW what a thing to go into the whitewhite with, some really intelligant smarts you got there. It's people like you that don't give a damn what happens to this country that put it the way it is.
I don't have to worry because they said when they stand on that stage side by side in the debate and he doesn't know the answer to the questions put to him, it will show just what he is made of, and i'm sure the americans that do care will see they got a nobody trying to get into office. he is a Rockstar, personally who wants the camera on him, he wouldn't even go to see the men in the hospitals overseas cause he couldn't get a camera to go with him, what a hero, he's a snake in the grass and it people are as smart as I think they are he isn't going anywhere. But you keep on rooting for him and I will be right here when you crying, too bad the rest of us would have to cry with you. Why don't you try using some common sense or do you have any, NOT! And I will say it again what a stupid post.
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
31 Jul 08
Oh, please. The FIRST 9/11 happened under the "watchful" eye of the Republicans. If they want to attack us, they will, no matter how long it takes to plan. Obama is just as capable if handling that office as anyone (and anyone is more capable than GWB, our coward-in-chief)!

@cjgrooms (4456)
• United States
31 Jul 08
Obama is nothing like "normal" people. However i don't think all of his shady dealings, the fact that he is ashamed of and ADMITS that he is ashamed of the U.S.A. or anything else is going to stop democrats from voting for him because they (like Republicans) are so party indoctrinated to vote for who ever has democrat in front of their name REGARDLESS of all of the evidence that points to it being a huge mistake that they are going to blindly vote for him, then when we are under his rule (sitting in prison for not conforming to his rules) they are not going to understand how it happened!-- Just for the record i am registered as a republican but this year i will not be voting that way.
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@cjgrooms (4456)
• United States
1 Aug 08
Excuse me, but i am not a bigot or two faced. I state MY opinion and the color of the mans skin has nothing to do with it. If he was pink and lavender (my favorite colors) i still wouldn't trust him. And to my way of thinking apologizing to France because the majority of Americans do not speak French sounds like he is ashamed to me. I myself don't waste time hating anyone, at my age it would be foolish to squander the time i have left with something as useless as hate.
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@kisanchhantyal (420)
• Nepal
31 Jul 08
ya you are exactly right and evey man are same. I have not different openion with obama as you. His speech and style attracts me and his confident make me attention. He is so comfident man that he get what he wish I mean he does what he like to do and promises
I hope he will be the next predent of USA.
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@piasabird (1737)
• United States
16 Aug 08
Aw, that's nice. Too bad you can't vote here. But thanks for your opinion anyway.
@bombshell (11256)
• Germany
20 Sep 08
and Obama will change the world.means no more war

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@babyfirefighter (568)
• United States
30 Jul 08
To be down right honest with you I can care less with weather or not Obama is like a regular ordinary person or not. I personally do not like him. I hope to GOD that he dont become president because he will mess up everything here in the states. White people do a lot better in office then black people. Everyone knows that all the black people in the contry wants him in because he is black and refuse to listen to his responses to the issues.
@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
31 Jul 08
"White people do a lot better in office than black people. Everyone knows that all the black people in the country wants him in because he is black and refuse to listen to his responses to the issues."
I read this statement yesterday and waited 16 hours before replying to it.
Am I the only one here at myLot who thinks this statement is highly offensive, boardering on racist?
The reason I am voting for Barack Obama is because I believe he is the best candidate to lead the American people into the 21st century
I believe he was right in opposing the war in Iraq. The American taxpayer has forked over near a half a trillion dollars because of this war. We are currently spending 10 to 12 billion dollars a week on this ill-advised attempt to bring democracy to people who would rather kill each because they belong to opposing sects or tribes.
I support Barack Obama because I believe he cares more about middle and lower class Americans. As president, Barack Obama will implement a 21st century economic agenda to help ensure that America can compete in a global economy, and ensure the middle class is thriving and growing.
I support Barack Obama because his economic plans show fiscal responsibility. He wants to end Wasteful Government Spending. Obama will stop funding wasteful, obsolete federal government programs that make no financial sense.
Obama has called for an end to subsidies for oil and gas companies that are enjoying record profits, as well as the elimination of subsidies to the private student loan industry which has repeatedly used unethical business practices. Obama will also tackle wasteful spending in the Medicare program.
Don't you believe this sampling of Barack Obama's policies are in the best interest of everyday average Americans?
Aren't these policies something that both Black and White people can support?
Did all your Black friends tell you that they were voting for Barack Obama because he's Black?
Where did you get your information?
@Annie2 (594)
• United States
31 Jul 08
I have a question, and in not way do I intend to be racist, because I am not. It is truly a question from my heart. I know where you come from, you've made your point clear, thank you. But, here is my question: Do you think that few, or many, black people will vote for Barak Obama simply for the reason that he is black and will not take other issues into consideration? After all, this would be the first black president. Do you think they will vote just to get the first black president? To be a part of history? There have always been white presidents, so it wouldn't be a big deal to whites to vote in a white president, but for blacks, what an amazing thing.
Personally, I do believe there will be some blacks who will vote for Barak for that very reason, but I don't believe the majority will vote for that reason. Truthfully, I stood in line for two hours for tickets to see Barak Obabam. I looked around and was surprised at how few black people were in line in comparison to the numbers of white people. The same for the event . . . very few blacks were in attendance. I had expected to see many more. That proves to me that they are not voting for him just because he is black and it is going to be their first black president.
Again, I mean absolutely no offense or attempt at racism. I truly want to know.