heard of Dog protest? its true...

July 30, 2008 9:45am CST
Recently saw and item in the news channels and papers that some students have killed a stray dog near the university area for what ever reason it is( here when i say stray dog they are seriously ferocious and cruel this i say cos i ve seen a stray dog biten few of my frens) the next day the animal activist held a big protest near the university protesting that the police should file and FIR and so on n so forth. they seriously had a big time protest and i think its still going on. One thing that disturb me is that as i ve said i saw stray dogs biting my frens and i am sure it would have done to many as well and my question is where were this animal activist those time when the stray dogs were biting people on the streets where as when one stray dog is been killed in a big city they are protesting so much... is it for fame? earnin money? or good will of the stray dog community? please put your piece of mind here...
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3 responses
@sunshinecup (7871)
30 Jul 08
I have seen strays become great pets, I have one now that never offered to bite. I have seen dogs that were pets, that bite people. My friend is going to court over this now. I think if they were truly afraid of the dog, they should have reported the dog to the pound or called the police and have them come get it. We as a society can not condone random killing of animals in the streets.
30 Jul 08
jus for discusion purpose: the issue here is not stray dogs becoming great pets but the issue is rather for the animal activist...what do they actually do for stary dogs? i mean it would be reasonable even on the part of the animal activist to do something for this poor stray dogs if they really care. maybe my ignorance but i ven't heard amy of such steps taken for stray dogs... any injection campains? any farm to give shelters? or do they have any particular place feeding this dogs on the street area wise? if so it would sound reasonable.. but seriously if not why to protest so much to that extend? your comment please. *note: this not to hurt anyone's sentuients but for positive discusion as such positive reponse would be appreciated.
• Philippines
30 Jul 08
In our country, local governments have a policy for stray dogs. They are caught and placed in a dog pound. I admit that not all places here are implementing this. In the area where i grew up, veterinarians and other pet lover societies coordinates with the local government to give free anti-rabies vaccines every summer to avoid such incidents. I am a dog lover myself and my heart breaks for every stray dog i see that nobody cares for. My friends say I pamper my dog so much. I am not a vegan though. I don't think they do it for money or fame, could be it is just something important to them.
30 Jul 08
thank you for your response. to the context that you talk i will say yes to that and i think it make sense even if the so called activists protest i think it makes sense. so obvious but may be the context to which i started is kinda different where you don't hear such thing. so this discusion is to raise a sense of respect even to animal at the same time if there is the so called animal activist than why only time such this( only when they heard of KILLING of one)we should ve heard of them doing some good work as you ve mentioned prior to their protest as well right? what say?
@reckon21 (3479)
• Philippines
30 Jul 08
I would like to know the reason why the dog was killed in the first place? If they killed it because the dog is going to bite them then they have every reason to protect their selves.
30 Jul 08
hey buddy i am sorry in this regard that i couldn't do my research on why they killed tat. but hey do you know anything or steps taken by animal activist for stray dogs? wat do you think of them ( m not trying to condem them) jus to raised an issue maybe... do they really help the stray dogs in the city in any area? what about a piece of bread or taking care of them of giving shelter to stray dogs?.. jus for discusion purpose