Fast food ban, do you agree?
By mommyboo
@mommyboo (13174)
United States
July 30, 2008 10:32am CST
Yesterday I heard a blurb on CNN about a fast food ban. I usually dislike news channels but this perked my interest. Apparently this is really happening in south Los Angeles, which based on studies contains the highest concentration of fast food restaurants AND a higher percentage of obese adults and children.
My first reaction to a proposal like this is outrage. I live in California, less than 100 miles from LA. Although I don't often travel into the city, I simply don't like the idea of government involvement in the availability of my food choices, it doesn't matter whether they are good or bad. In my opinion, if you want people to make healthier CHOICES, then support healthier options, do not REMOVE other options.
Upon further investigation (I popped open my cell and started googling for articles on this), I found out that it wasn't as bad as I thought, the 'ban' would prevent new fast food places from opening in a certain area, it wouldn't actually cause the existing ones to close down or actually stop people from eating at them. HOWEVER! I am worried about this direction. I do not want to ever live in a world where the government who is supposed to keep this country safe starts to meddle in what choices are available in various places to eat, or remove things from stores or restaurants that I want. I happen to be relatively healthy and I usually make healthy choices, but to hear something like this almost drives me down to the local greasy spoon to eat 12 burgers on camera and send it to CNN and tell them what I think of their proposed ban.
Do you agree? Do you believe the government should have any say about the eating choices available for the citizens of your country? I say if somebody wants to eat themselves to death, let them. I won't stand in their way, but you better not stand in the way of my burger with everything!!
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33 responses
@34momma (13882)
• United States
30 Jul 08
LOL! i know that's right girl. cause i love me a nice slice of pizza with chicken and mushrooms with a little extra cheese. I get where they are coming from. I think that there are so many fst food places and most of them are not doing what they are suppose to do and that is putting healthier choices on the menues as well as letting you know how many calories are in each item.
we should be able to eat what we want when we want where we want. and i am not comfortable with anyone telling me different.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
31 Jul 08
I think instead of trying to institute some type of silly ban, they should make the fast food places add healthier options in addition to their normal fare. I don't always get the healthier things either, yesterday for instance I got a salad when I went to Jack in the Box but I was on my way to a friend's house and due to traffic I was already late. Sometimes I'm craving a double cheeseburger, so on a day like that, sorry, I'd pass on the salad lol. Most of the places I have been lately offer nutrition information either on a large board on the wall, or in little pamphlets which are available at the counter. Even Starbucks has a pamphlet like that.
You said it all - we should be able to eat what we want when we want where we want. Amen!
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@reckon21 (3477)
• Philippines
30 Jul 08
I agree with you. If the government is concern
of too many citizen getting obese. They should
educate first in the school. Explained in details
why eating too much in fast foods had side effects.
What foods to avoid. The problem is people lies
heavily in the foods sold out in the fast foods.

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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
31 Jul 08
I think the problem is that people eat TOO MUCH. Portion sizes are inflated, especially in fast food and restaurant meals. With proper portion sizes, we would have a much smaller obesity problem than we do. Plus people are not exercising or moving or working out, most people drive to work, take elevators, sit sit sit all day, park close to stores, etc.
I have learned that you can build in fast food and larger meals into any diet, even if you try to be healthy. You have to adjust for your calorie intake though, by eating smaller secondary meals, exercising more, etc. Also, it does not matter what type of food you're eating, it could all be healthy but if you eat too much and don't burn off enough, you would still gain weight.
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
30 Jul 08
I read something about that just the other day. What they want to do is have a healthier choice of restaurants open in the poor neighborhoods and not allowing new fast foods to open any more places there. In my opinion what they need to do is start educating people how to shop and cook better meals. How to shop better with their foodstamps. I know that I don't always make the best choices with my grocery shopping. They also need to have cooking and shopping classes before a person is allowed to get the food stamps. But I still want to go to my favorite fast food when I so chose.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
31 Jul 08
This brings up another problem for me, the foodstamp program. People do need to learn how to shop and cook better, especially if they are using money from the government that comes from taxpayers - but healthier foods are more expensive. People have to try to think 'cheap' in order to make their supply last.
I think it would be great to have the classes or maybe in addition to prevent some processed products from being bought with foodstamps.
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@anawar (2404)
• United States
30 Jul 08
mommyboo - hi. Why does the government get involved in things best left alone, rather than concentrate on areas and issues where we need help!
California has always been ahead of the rest of the nation in making sensible policies. I heard last week that no one can build anything in your state, unless they can prove there will be a twenty year supply of water.(a generalized summary) Smart!
Fast food ban? The news was a bit inflammatory, (surprise, surprise) and then after your further investigation, the ban made a bit more sense. But I still don't like it.
Remember that Sylvester Stallone movie where the government banned salt because it was bad for us? What was the name of that movie? I can't remember. GGRR.
Fast food bans sound too close to the truth portrayed in futuristic (or predictive) movies.
Did you know that the president controls the amount of commercials we are subjected to in between shows? Ridiculous.
Now, I'm really going to take a hit, especially because a seat belt saved my daughter's life.
But, there was never a law, we used common sense and buckled up.
Now, we can't smoke in public buildings. Again, a touchy issue. I see both sides, but did we need the government to enforce the "correct" healthy choice?
What about car seats, and mandatory helmets for kids riding bikes? All good ideas, but do we need more laws that seem to protect us? At the same time, they steal away our human rights, bit by bit. Aren't humans capable of protecting their own bodies without laws?
They start with small things that we fret over, but eventually accept. They get us accustomed to conforming, then they hit us with the big stuff. Big Brother here we come.
I'll be with you eating those burgers for CNN, except I'm vegetarian, but maybe no one will notice the difference.
Please, all mylotters, no offense intended. I'm not arguing the points of safety, I'm questioning the government's authority to enforce them.
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@anawar (2404)
• United States
1 Aug 08
I'm with you all the way. It's the same with everything. Twist us around a little bit and then a little bit more and we don't notice the small increments until uh-oh. We're drunk.
Burger King has veggie burgers, but the burgers are always hard around the edges. I get the fish meal instead. I eat veggie burgers at home too much to enjoy eating them anywhere else.
Okay, gotta go. My shoulder is on fire because I spent too much time yesterday on this computer.
@petiksmode (2983)
• Philippines
30 Jul 08
if this will happen here in manila, philippines independt living individuals with a hectic sched everyday will die very soon...i mean i dont have anybody that will cook for me, i am to tired to do it myslef plus i am not good at it..and since restaurants are more expensive fastfood is a good alternative...
hey i hope this wont do in here...and no fastfood means no burger!!no way!!hehehe
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
31 Jul 08
Exactly. I think that all the fast food restaurants that opened up there opened up due to supply and demand! If there are lots and lots of people who go there daily, then there is definitely a demand. The costs of nicer sit down places are prohibitive for people who only can budget say $3 a day towards a meal, so the dollar menus at fast food places are the best they can do. To me it doesn't matter if it's 'not healthy'. People do many many many 'not healthy' things like drink too much, smoke too much, not get enough sleep, work more than 40 hours a week, go in the sun without sunscreen, not drink enough water, eat too much, not eat enough, I mean seriously it's much more interesting to just let people do what they will do and then sit back and watch the entertainment.
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@mobilecubie (820)
• Philippines
30 Jul 08
I think that the government is just doing that to level the playing field for healthier food. But I really can't agree that banning is the right thing to do because by then you are invading other people's rights and preference. I like to eat healthy food but form time to time I also need to eat some fast food because of certain circumstances. Perhaps the government should just make healthier food more available or set examples of eating healthy food during some government event or holiday. But what I think would be the best thing to do about this is to remove the lobbyist of the fast food chain. LOL
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
31 Jul 08
Heh. That's why I said that instead of trying to BAN anything, the government could give a certain amount of money to BENEFIT the fast food chains who showed they were adding healthier options to their menus. They could also benefit by adding play areas for kids, and making sure that some of the healthy options (like soup, cold cut type sandwiches, fruit, or salads) were also available in smaller sizes on the value menu so if you have say two dollars, you could get a small sandwich and some fruit for your money instead of only being able to get a burger and fries because the healthier option cost twice as much.
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@debjit (339)
• India
30 Jul 08
Hi friend. I didn't know this news before. Thank you for this information. If you told that you heard it from your friend, I'd consider it as a rumor then. But as you said, you learned it from CNN, which is no doubt a very reliable source, draw my attention.
We all know that fast food is not healthy to our health, but it is the only thing we get when we are out of our home. So, it'll not be very wise to ban them. And I feel it is quite impossible task too. The choice of having fast food should be given to public itself.
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
31 Jul 08
I"m with you in this one. I don't like the path yhe government is taking not only with this fast food trend but also in many other things where I feel like big brother is watching. As you say if they want people to make healthy choices support healthy options, but don't remove other options, babysitting for the masses is not the way.
I am am not a big fan of fast food. Both us and the kids eat it very rarely, but I do not take it lightly that the government decides for me if I should eat it or not. I am an adult, I have a brain and I can use it. What do they want, a population that can't think or make decisions and needs the government to decide for them? FOr that they might as well populate the country with sheep.

@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
1 Aug 08
I really don't want them telling me anything. All I want is for them to keep my country where I live safe by keeping out terrorists and people who are here illegally, try to negotiate decent prices for anything we need to import and put money toward producing everything we can HERE instead of importing. There is nothing else they need to do, other than provide 911 and emergency services. I don't want them interfering in anything else thank you very much.
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@rowantree (1186)
• United States
31 Jul 08
If the government is going to ban new fast food places from popping up all across the country (not just in low income areas) then fine with me. But they had better be building healthy, low cost alternatives instead!
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@kingcrapper (1536)
• United States
31 Jul 08
A ban on fast food places? I think this is something out of the Karl Marx book of Economics! At wht point in time did the government have to step in and say 'you're too fat so we are going to put a ban on this'? Too funny. I think the government is getting too much like Big Brother and needs to be put back into its place.
The real reason why people are too fat? Because they lack the discipline to control themselves. And they need Big Brother to help them to it. The real reason why Sallie Mae got into trouble? Because it lacked the discipline to control themselves. Here comes Big Brother to help and bail them out! What ever happen to 'make a choice and face the consquences'? It is same reason why children are failing today.

@kingcrapper (1536)
• United States
2 Aug 08
how about if the government itself has enough discipline not to waste our tax money on nonsense like this!

@blackmantra_x (2732)
• Philippines
31 Jul 08
Good day.. I think that Government should do what they are suppose to do without bias or self interest. If fast foods prove to be detrimental to the health of our future generation, then banned it, I'm with that. The problem I see is there are too much freedom and very poor responsibilities. Obesity no offense) came to be because of improper nutrition, increase input, decrease output, exacerbated if the input are fatty in nature which we can see in fries among other things. I want my future kids to be healthy and if by banning fast food can help them attain that why not? and together with they should also banned smoking. Just my 1 cent.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
1 Aug 08
I don't want things banned just because somebody or some research decides it's bad. People do a lot of things that are not good. I do not think this means they need to be removed. Not everybody is going to make wise decisions and that is the nature of being human. It bothers me to see a child the same age as my daughter who is like twice as big (not tall, heavy) as my daughter but I still think those parents have the right to feed their child how they want. Oftentimes, parents of obese kids are heavy too, and arguing with them does little good.
One other thing to share with you - growing up as a kid I hardly ever got junk. When I started earning my own money, I bought junk whenever I could. When I moved out, I ate SO MUCH JUNK. My kids have always had treats in moderation. I have treats in the house but it doesn't mean everybody snarfs them down immediately. I think they have a much more responsible take on junk food - it's there but it's not to have all the time. It's not taboo but it's not what you head for first. Because of that, none of them eat very much junk. I eat some now and then but most of the time it's just a piece of chocolate or some chips and salsa. I guarantee, if someone tried to ban something from me, I'd get it all on the black market and LOADS of it just because. I hate having someone tell me I can't have something.
@Valenas (1507)
• United States
30 Jul 08
I think that fast food should not be banned. I will say that I understand their intentions. They think that, if they eliminate fast food options, it will help in the "Battle Against Obesity." Perhaps it will. But, Fast Food businesses are not making people eat there. People are pulling into their parking lots or going through their drive-thrus and ordering meals from their own will.
ALSO, fast food establishments offers paying jobs to a lot of people. Finding jobs is hard enough, and fast food businesses are always hiring, and most are not that picky about who they give a chance to. A lot of other businesses require a good amount of experience in the work force before they will hire, and places such as McDonalds give people a chance to get it.
@lixiaos77 (1030)
• Shijiazhuang, China
31 Jul 08
It should not be baned. Fast food doesn't merely give us nutrition, most important is the convenience it offer to us. People have the right to choose what they eat. If there are better choice, people will turn to it. But there are not other better time-saving choice.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
1 Aug 08
That's the problem, if there's no other options, then CREATE or encourage other options. Don't take away the current options without making sure there's other ones established FIRST. This reminds me a little bit of the whole alternative energy thing. If you want people to use alternative energy sources like solar and wind, then make it affordable and easy to use. If everybody could use solar and wind power and it was the same cost or cheaper than relying on gas or electricity, then people would use it. AFTER people have easy and cheap access to alternative sources of power, THEN and only then would it be okay to start cutting down on the use of gas and electricity. I don't understand why I seem to be one of the few who gets this concept. No, I don't want anything to do with government unless I could force them to do it this way!
@movicont (494)
• United States
31 Jul 08
Yeah, I agree, it's not right for the government to interfere with what we choose to eat. Certainly they can fund groups of people to try and educate us and suggest we eat certain things, but banning is just going down the wrong road.
It's also slightly scary what the government could do if they took this too far...Though, personally, I foresee a lot of outrage if they do take it too far, so I'm not too worried right now.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
1 Aug 08
I was pretty outraged just seeing 'fast food ban' on CNN before I started reading the captioning outlining exactly what that meant. The government needs to back off, if anything they can encourage or suggest things, but I draw the line at them trying to control things by making laws and/or bans. It smacks of communism or something similar.
I sure do hope that people band together and prevent this from going any further.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
1 Aug 08
A lot of places provide nutrition information if you go to their websites. They also have paper pamphlets inside if you ask, or a board on the wall with nutrition info posted in the establishment. I have asked for this information before if it wasn't right out in the open and I've never had any trouble getting the information.
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
31 Jul 08
In honesty, I think if they made the healthy choices more affordable more ppl would eat them. Most of their dollar items and lower priced things are the really bad for you things. I think ppl need to take responsibility for their own actions. By taking away the options, your taking away the responsibility too. Before you know it ppl will DEPEND on the government to tell them what to eat, what to wear, what to say and what to think.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
1 Aug 08
Ugh. I don't know about you but I never want the government telling me anything. I don't even like the people who get involved in government because they are all sell outs, they all have an agenda, and none of them actually care about what the citizens WANT, which is why the government is there. They are supposed to serve US. They are supposed to keep things safe for us by keeping the borders shut and keeping threats and people who are threats out. They are supposed to keep things affordable so people are not jobless, homeless, and bankrupt. I think somewhere in the last decade or so they have completely forgotten why they exist and instead they feel that citizens are here to SERVE THEM. They think we are stupid or something.
@ryzach (1544)
• United States
31 Jul 08
I agree with you. I very rarely eat at fast food restaurants any more and I have made that decision. But to have the government make that decision for me is not right. Eating fast food in moderation is probably ok for you, it is when someone chooses to eat frequently that it might be a problem for them but it is their choice whether right or wrong. Plus I don't think the government should be telling the buisness they are putting on a ban. They use the reason that it is for the safety of Americans, can we not think for ourselves? Do we really need protection from ourselves? What will be banned next?
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@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
31 Jul 08
Does the government know what's good for everybody? I would think that these people making the proposals are people who never got elected. They never had their ideas tested in an election. I suspect if they ran for office they would lose.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
1 Aug 08
Of course they don't know what's good for everybody, and neither do idiot people who try the same thing. There was a guy who got media attention for trying to ban OREOS. I'd like to shove some oreos up his nose just for that little stunt lol. People (and the government collectively) need to remember that just because they feel one way about something does not give them the right to use their opinion to control other people. If you don't like fast food, don't eat it, but I don't feel that any person or entity has the right to tell someone they should or shouldn't eat it.
I generally do eat healthy and I have some friends who do and some friends who don't. I don't try to influence or force my opinions on my friends. They are free to eat what they want, work out or not, know what I mean? I care about them but I also care about their right to live their lives the way they want to.
@meiyeec511 (405)
• Malaysia
31 Jul 08
I will agree. Actually fast food are quite expensive, some more not healthy.
But I don't think it can be banned cause there are a lot of people like the fast food. It's easier for them.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
1 Aug 08
It can definitely be easier. For me it works in a pinch if I don't have any time but I have to stop and grab something. Drive-thrus are my friend, I wish that places like subway and other places with healthier offerings had a drive thru window. I don't honestly do it very much but it really bothers me that there might come a point in time when I can't easily find a place to drive thru.
@mimico (3617)
• Philippines
31 Jul 08
Oh my I hope it stays a proposal forever! Fast food is unhealthy but there are some healthy options to choose from now. It's also affordable and convenient, which is why I eat fast food sometimes. I seriously hope that instead of banning fast food chains, they'd promote exercise by building more parks, basket ball courts, tracks for running, etc.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
1 Aug 08
See, that's what I think too! Encourage exercise and other healthy habits! Make it easier for people to GET healthy food or ways that somebody can exercise free. A lot of choices people make are unfortunately influenced by money. If you can't afford something, you can't, and you have to find a cheaper option even if it isn't healthy.