Do you listen to music when you're studying/doing some paperwork?

July 30, 2008 5:38pm CST
I love listening to music so much that I even listen to it when I'm studying or doing my homework. I can focus more when I listen to music than when it's too quiet around me. Music keeps me awake and energised. However, I have a friend who can't study while listening to music. She needs to study in complete silence. I understand that people are different, but I'd like to know if anyone here on MyLot is like me. I can even do calculations while listening to hard rock music! Can you? :)
8 people like this
29 responses
@debu004 (182)
• India
31 Jul 08
Yeah i too love to listen music during my school days while i was solving any kind of problematic questions or while doing any paper works.It helps me to concentrate on the subject more.Music helps me to separate my mind from external environment. In short i can say music increases my problem solving capability.
• Malaysia
31 Jul 08
You're so much like me! Lol!! And the first 3 letters of your nickname is actually half of my name. :) Very well said and thought out. I don't think I can ever live without music, okay maybe I'll survive but I won't be as happy and I will definitely not function well! Lol!! Thanks for your response. :)
• Malaysia
1 Aug 08
Are you from Malaysia, by any chance? I haven't got the chance to view your profile yet. Thanks for adding me, by the way. :)
@debu004 (182)
• India
1 Aug 08
Ohh really??? Well Debu is my nick name. By the way whats your real name?? Well maybe we have nearly the same name so we are so similar....LOL!!!(kidding!!) But i too can't stay without music...... Anyways, Nice meeting you !!!
@ladyjava (1184)
• Malaysia
31 Jul 08
I can't do anything when I'm listening to music, coz I would tend to sing along to it lol... I prefer peace and quiet but I am getting the hang of it coz my husband love to listen to music as he works... and what is it they say about women adapting easier to the situation? That is me..:)
@ladyjava (1184)
• Malaysia
31 Jul 08
Yeah I finally made it! My internet connection seems to be stabling now.. so yahoo!!! lolzz!! Hmm instrumental? I'll go straight to sleep but really now.. it's much better..even with a familiar song in the background.. i can still my post yippee for me!!
• Malaysia
31 Jul 08
LJ, you're finally here! Yay! I believe women does adapt easier to any kinds of situation or environment. :) If you tend to sing along to the songs that you listen to, I know the perfect solution! You can listen to songs that you've never heard before, or songs with lyrics in another language other than English. Last resort, listen to instrumentals! But instrumentals tend to make people fall asleep too. Hmm..avoid classical music then. Lol! Thanks for your response, dearie!
1 person likes this
• Malaysia
1 Aug 08
Yay! My connection is improving too. Doesn't get disconnected much today. :)
@austere (2812)
• Philippines
31 Jul 08
I prefer to study without music or sound in the background. I can easily understand and concentrate that way. When I am reading and I love the music that is being played, I have the tendency to sing the lyrics, which will lose my concentration on the reading, or on the math problem, so when I am really serious, I do it without music. But When I paint or draw, it’s alright to have mellow music in the background since that lightens up my mood.
@austere (2812)
• Philippines
1 Aug 08
painting and drawing is really not hard. you can practice it.. it's a nice way to express the feeling. and the finished product is really overwhelming!:)
• Malaysia
31 Jul 08
I wish I can draw or paint! :) I love to sing along to the songs too, but for me it doesn't affect my concentration. Not much anyway. Maybe now it will, since I'm older and have shorter attention span. Lol!! Thanks so much for your response.
• Philippines
31 Jul 08
Same here, I can't really work or study well when i don't hear any music. When I'm in our house at our province I do really clean our house when i'm alone. Because as I clean it, my component really sounds so LOUD and even the whole house is quite shaking. And our neighbors would say that I'm the only person in our house. And also when im studying before, I do listen to fast musics in order for me to study well. I can't study or work when the music is mellow or love songs.
• Malaysia
31 Jul 08
That's really interesting! When I'm doing my house chores, I love to put on my music loud too. :) I hate it when it's too quiet especially when I'm alone at home. Thanks so much for your response, hindichinese. I really appreciate it. :)
• Philippines
31 Jul 08
You are very welcome. I just write what is right. Because that's what i really do. I really love Music,But the music doesnt love me. LOL
@kbjunior15 (1309)
• United States
31 Jul 08
Always. I am a teacher and I always have music playing on my computer when I am grading papers, working on lessons, entering grades, etc. It helps to pass the time.
• United States
31 Jul 08
No problem. Thanks for the compliment. I think that being a substitute teacher is more difficult than a regular teacher:) I love my profession, though, and enjoy changing and molding lives.
• Malaysia
31 Jul 08
I must agree, I think being a substitute teacher is more difficult than being a real teacher. A substitute teacher needs to be able to adapt to different environment/classrooms and most of the time being given different tasks! I enjoyed myself when I was teaching, though. I love the fact that somehow one or two if not more of those kids I taught saw me as a role model and I help in influencing them to be better students.
• Malaysia
31 Jul 08
Hi, you have one of the most noble profession ever and I envy you. I've worked as a substitute teacher and I had to cover for a class teacher. I had so many things to do and I'd hate to enter my students' marks wrongly. You're right, music does help to pass the time. Thanks for your response, kbjunior15. :)
@Gorcon (320)
• United States
31 Jul 08
I definitely listen to music while studying and doing paperwork, it actually inspires me, I might here a really good line from a song and be like "oh that's a good idea!" and like you said keeps me energized and awake when studying something really boring.
• Malaysia
31 Jul 08
Oh yes, it helps me start some interesting discussions here on MyLot. :) Music is a great inspiration for so many people, it's a form of art that I love the most. Thanks so much Gorcon for your respond.
@Gorcon (320)
• United States
31 Jul 08
yeah music's gotten me through some tough times and made me understand stuff better that's happened in my life
• Philippines
31 Jul 08
Hi there phatelara! I love listening to music! I listen to good music when I drive. I also listen to good music when I am working. I choose good music that can help stimulate my mental faculties. When working on some papers, I would choose a music that would not let me feel sleepy. Otherwise, I might not finish or accomplish my tasks.
• Malaysia
31 Jul 08
Hi there dolce_vita78! :) It's nice to see you joining my discussion. Music is a must when driving, right? I wonder what kind of music you listen to when you drive. I know of some people who have certain genre that they listen to when they're behind the wheels. I also love the lyrics of certain songs, they can be very meaningful. Those kind of songs inspire me to write and help me improve my vocabulary too. Thank you for responding! Have a nice day! :)
• United States
31 Jul 08
I love listening to music while I am doing things, whether it is writing letters, paying bills, cleaning the house or whatever! When I was in school, I always turned on the stereo when I was doing my homework. I've had a lot of people tell me that had to have absolute quiet when they were studying. My oldest daughter is like that. Complete silence distracts me! lol I don't see how people work in public if they have to have absolute quiet to concentrate. My office was always noisy. It never bothered me at all. :)
• Malaysia
31 Jul 08
I wonder if people with different personalities can tolerate different level of noise. Perhaps the way we were brought up and other external factors affect it too. :) For example, some people have noisy or talkative relatives, so they tend to get used to it easily. Lol! Nevermind me, it's my overly active brain talking! :) Thanks so much for responding.
• Jamaica
31 Jul 08
I am like you. I will have the radio, stereo or TV on. I cannot study in silence. When I went to university, my room mate could not believe that I did this. We just have to remember that the garden does not have roses alone
• Malaysia
31 Jul 08
That's cool that you're like me too. :) I like your last statement. In fact, the garden has daisies, gardenias, sunflowers, butterflies and bees! Just joking, I know what you mean. :) Thanks for your response. Happy Mylotting to you!
@bangwin29 (147)
• Philippines
31 Jul 08
yes, i love listening to music when i have things to do, especially paper works, it makes relax on the things that i'm doing when there is music in my ear and like it loud so everyone can also relax just like i am.
• Malaysia
31 Jul 08
The degree of loudness of the music I listen to depends on the genre of music itself and the mood I'm in. If I'm feeling angry or pissed off, I'd listen to loud and noisy music whereas when I'm feeling sad or mellow, I'd listen to slow, love songs. Better be careful, not everyone enjoy loud music. :) Thanks for your response.
• Philippines
31 Jul 08
Yes, I listen to music when I am doing some paperwork. It helps me relax while doing some work and entertain me as well. I get bored in complete silence.
• Malaysia
31 Jul 08
I'd be bored and sleepy in complete silence, especially when I need to read up on lengthy texts for examinations. It's a pain to study in silence! That's why I don't like to go and study at the library. Humans distract me more than music. Lol!! :) Thanks for your response and happy mylotting. :)
• Philippines
31 Jul 08
Hi! :D I love listening to music to while studying. I can't stand silence when I'm doing something because it gets boring and I end up very sleepy. While studying, I sing along with the music whether it's mellow, rap, rock, jazz, etc. Singing along keeps me awake even better. It's harder to concentrate but helps me try to focus on what I'm doing more. But there are times that I lessen the volume of the music so I can really focus in case I'm not in the mood to rock away, lol :P
• Malaysia
31 Jul 08
Hi EnslinPorter! I agree with you on everything. Thank God for volume tuner, right? Lol! I do that to, lowering the volume when I need to read on something but not turning it off. :) It's nice to know that there are people here that share similar likes and dislikes with me. Thank you very much for your response. :D
@Jenaisle (14078)
• Philippines
3 Aug 08
Music while working/studying is fine for me as long as it's not loud. When it's too loud, it distracts me instead and removes my focus on the task at hand. Music is the language of the soul and as such, it should be soothing and relaxing. Some music nowadays is just noise.
• Malaysia
3 Aug 08
Yup, I agree with you on that 'some music today is just noise' part. :) Yesteryears' music were more meaningful and poetic. Although the lyrics might sound corny and makes me cringe sometimes, I still like them. Thanks Jenaisle for your response. :) Hope you're having a great weekend. :)
@Mady_gia (20)
• Ireland
31 Jul 08
i can only clean the house while i listen to music
• Malaysia
31 Jul 08
I always do that too! It keeps me energised because housework takes a lot of patience and energy! :) Thanks for your response.
@apsara60 (6610)
• Israel
31 Jul 08
Yes me too, I just love music and it does not disturb me if I am doing any kind of paper work. Specially when I use to solve maths problems , I enjoyed music and never made a mistake. Now a days I put loud music on weekends while I am cooking in the gives me lot of energy and I can cook more Nice discussion.
• Malaysia
31 Jul 08
Oh yes, I found myself doing calculations better when I'm listening to music. Music keeps me in the right mood to study and keeps me hyped up. When taking a break off studying, one can stop and listen to music that's been playing to relax and unwind. That's what I did when I was a student. :) Really? You cook better when the music is on? That's awesome! See, it does make you feel the mood for cooking, right? Thanks for your response! Happy posting. :)
• Philippines
31 Jul 08
I am a music lover too. I usually plug my headset whenever I am working. It helps me release my tension over my paperworks and allows me to reflect as I work. It's really helpful to me.
• Malaysia
31 Jul 08
I'm like you too, though I prefer not using headset. Lol! I think it helps almost everyone here to focus on their work better and when needed, for us to relax and ease the tension of doing our work. Thanks for your response. :)
@tivonshi (110)
• China
31 Jul 08
yes,i do,but not often. music can make u feel relax,but sometimes you can not pay attention to your work,especially the work is very hard!
• Malaysia
31 Jul 08
Hi, I guess different people have different ways of enjoying music and doing their work. :) Some enjoy music while working, and some cannot work with the music playing. Thank you very much for your response. :)
• India
31 Jul 08
Hey i belongs to the same category.. Music is the food for my soul...I believe in the energy music imparts to me... When i feel frustrated i would go for some melodies and they keep me happy... I can't think of a day without my ipod.
• India
31 Jul 08
I am an avid music lover and like to spend my entie free time listening to music. the genre of music that i like include blues,heavy metal,hard rock,rap. some of the artists i listen to ,include avril lavinge,enrique igleias, eminem,bryan adams , bon jovi , green day , breaking benjamin and the likes. these are talking about the music I listen in my free time. talking about the music i like to listen to during work includes instrumentals (especially stringed instrumentals) of kennyg , yanni , enya. now although i like to listen to music but hard rock music simply weakens me when i am concentrating on something else. on the other hand instrumentals add to my efficiency and i can continue with my work for endless hours while listening to enya or yanni. and the interesting thing is that u dont even get bored while doing this again and again.
• Malaysia
31 Jul 08
Yeah I don't think I'll ever get bored listening to music, though sometimes, once in a while I do need to lay off music to sort of refresh my mind before listening to more. Lol! I love the genres that you mentioned, except blues. You have great tastes in music too and I have songs sung by all the artists you listed. :) I love it that you have different genres that you prefer to listen to when doing certain things. I think that make sense. :) Thanks so much for your response. Happy posting!
• United States
31 Jul 08
I definetily listen to music while working ect., simply because it makes it less boring. I could sit doing homework for like 2 hours with music but only 1 hour without it :P
• Malaysia
31 Jul 08
It does make working less boring, doesn't it? :) Especially calculations and technical papers! Doing homework or working in silence makes me sleepy quicker than when music is on. Thanks for your response. :)