ISLAM a religion of PEACE

July 31, 2008 12:39am CST
What do you dislike about Islam? Islam is the only religion which respects and makes a pillar of Faith to believe in all the Prophets , Is alm teaches Universal brotherhood, Teaches how to live a peacefull life. no other religion makes to believe and respect Jesus(PBUH) except islam. other then christianity. Islam teaches peace " if you kill a single human it is as if you have killed whole of the humanity"
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19 responses
@Adoniah (7513)
• United States
1 Aug 08
You should always phrase your Post in the positive. What do you like the most about Islam?, is a more positive statement is it not? By the way, your quote, "If you kill a single Human, it is as if you have killed all of Humanity." is origionally a Hebrew saying, did you know that? It is one of our very important beliefs. I do not dislike Islam. I have read several translations of the Qar'an, and find it quite interesting. As with any religion, the human element can change and distort an otherwise beautiful religion with fanatacism. Every religion must deal with its fanatics. It is only when they get out of control that there is a problem. Such as the christian Crusades when they slaughtered the Muslims and the Jews and The Inqusition when the same thing happened. There are many incidents throughout history when various religions have lost control of parts of their group and problems have arisen. When they regain control, all is well again. Salaam
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@Gorcon (320)
• United States
1 Aug 08
excellent post Adoniah, I never knew that about that phrase...there are similar trends in all three Abrahamic faiths of peace, justice and equality.
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@Gorcon (320)
• United States
31 Jul 08
Thanks for making this discussion, I think in this discussion you should work on dispelling rumors/lies/misinformation about Islam: terrorism, women's rights, etc.
• United States
11 Aug 08
The only comment I have to add about the entire discussion is to live and let live! We all need to have open minds and some diversity training to live with others in peace and harmony. People are too quick to judge and knock other people. We are living in a diverse world and it requires a liberal education or an open mind to be able to accept people different from ourselves.
@bilel7 (7)
• Tunisia
2 Aug 08
Islam is a religion of peace...You (people that think islam is terrorism...)shouldn't judge a whole community of 1.5 billion persons just because a few hundred people kill people for politics and control over land and cover behind islam.... And islam emphasizes on good behaviour NOT "terrorism" as people sadly think...
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@Gorcon (320)
• United States
11 Aug 08
dude, we're losing this battle, these people are too bent on being ignorant about Islam. No matter what you say, they'll believe what they want to believe. They have no argument, evidence to support their claims/accusations, they haven't brought any evidence, facts or quotes from anywhere to support their claims.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
31 Jul 08
I am answering on the virtue of my Christianity and not to offend you or anyone. This is my belief and no arguments from anyone will be entertained. I dislike Islam because it rejects the concept of the Trinity. Islam only accepts certain portions of the Bible, such as parts of the Law and the Gospels, but rejects the majority of it as slanderous and uninspired which is a big contrast to the reality stated in verses like 2 Timothy 3:15-17, which say, “. . .from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” I dilike Islam because it claims that Jesus was a mere prophet—not God’s Son (only Allah is God, Muslims believe, and how could He have a Son?). Rather, Islam asserts that Jesus, though born of a virgin, was created just as Adam—from the dust of the earth. Muslims believe Jesus did not die on the cross. These are all false doctrine because the Trinity and Christ’s redemption on the cross are central to Christianity. Islam teaches that the Qur'an is the final authority and the last revelation of Allah which certainly is NOT. The Bible was completed in the 1st century with the Book of Revelation. And as the Lord himself warned anyone adding to His finished Word (Revelation 22:18- For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book." Therefore the claim of Islam that the Qur’an is an addition to God’s Wordi is contrary to the word of God itself. Finally, Islam teaches that paradise is gained through good works and obedience to the Qur'an. This is a direct contrast to the truth reveals by the Bible that man cannot measure up to the holy God. Only because of His mercy and love can sinners be saved through faith in Christ, who fulfilled the Law in the place of those who would believe in Him (Ephesians 2:8-9; Matthew 5:17). Therefore, Islam is dealing on false beliefs and doctrines. Therefore I dislike Islam. Related verses I now attached as follows: “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God; and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, and now it is already in the world” (1 John 4:1-4).
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@Gorcon (320)
• United States
31 Jul 08
Forgive my ignorance, but could you please show me in the Bible where it says Jesus is the son of God and also the concept of the trinity?
@Harley009 (1416)
• India
2 Aug 08
In your main reply to this discussion you says you dislike Islam because it conflicts with Christian theory of the same. If you think Christianity as a source to claim Islam is wrong, it is not the right way. In such a way everyone is able to dislike other religion, i.e Muslims can say we dislike Christianity because they spited one God in to three persons, they made prophet to a God, they pray prophet and others, etc. Jews can Say we dislike Christianity because Jesus claimed as Messiah while he was not, and they made him to son of God, They rejected the law of God. Pagans can say we dislike Christianity because they are saying God is one, while God is 3 or 10 of natural inspiration. So there is no point in reasoning dislike in that way. In your later comments, you were saying about trinity, Bible says about Father, Son and Holy Ghost. But Where it says they all are same? or they all are God(s)? Where it says they are different part of One GOD? That verses says that these three are different personalities only. How three person can be One God? If that united one is Called God, how every three personality in it again be Gods? No worries. Peace
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@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
1 Aug 08
And to Mr. Gorcon's question about the concept of Trinity, here below is my humble reply: Trinity" is not found in Scripture. Of course. There is no single verse that states there that God is three Persons" or "God is a Trinity." This is all quite evident and true, but not because it is directly written... Trinity is not at all true. To prove this point let me remind you that there are many words and phrases that Christians or non-Christians use, which are not found in the Bible and yet we do believe because they are indirectly suggested by the word of God. For one very clear example, the word "Bible" is not found in the Bible, but we do believe in the Bible. "Trinity" is not used in Scripture. Also consider this: the word grandfather is not used in the Bible either. Yet, we know there were grandfathers in the Bible. Abraham was the grandfather of Jacob. So those who are trying to dispute the word "Trinity" itself should better review their argument. Trinity is a term that is used to attempt to describe the triune God, the fact that there are 3 co-existent, co-eternal persons that make up God. Understand that this is NOT in any way suggesting three Gods. The Trinity is one God made up of three persons. And as explained earlier I find nothing wrong with using the term "Trinity" even though the word is not found in the Bible. It is shorter to say the word "Trinity" than to say "3 coexistent, co-eternal persons making up 1 God." Now let us discuss in full the word Trinity. The New Testament cleary brings God (Father), the Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit together in such a way as to strongly mean the Trinitarian nature of God. I've chosen to quote three Scriptures below to summarize all the other biblical passages that when brought together prove the three Persons of God. One Scripture is from the Gospels, another is from the apostle Paul and a third is from the apostle Peter. The words in each passage referring to each of the three Persons. All of them emphasize the Trinitarian implication: All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit [Matthew 28:19]. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all [2 Corinthians 13:14]. To God’s elect. . .who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ and sprinkling by his blood [1 Peter 1:1-2]. Another three passages in Scripture, one staight form my Savior's lips and the other two from His apostles, each unmistakebly bringing together the three Persons of God: 1 Corinthians 2:2-5; 6:11; 12:4-6; 2 Corinthians 1:21-22; Galatians 4:6; Ephesians 2:18-22; 3:14-19; Ephesians 4:4-6; Colossians 1:6-8; 1Thessalonians 1:3-5; 2 Thessalonians 2:13-14; Titus 3:4-6. The reader is encouraged to read each of these passages and note how God (Father), Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit are brought together as instruments of our salvation. Similar implications can also be found in Romans 14:17-18; 15:16; so you can find them yourselves in the Bible. None of these passages say directly that "God is a Trinity but all the above passages clearly show that the New Testament faith is implicitly Trinitarian. This is the Trinitarian doctrine. These sriptures and other scriptures in the Bible speak easily and without any self-consciousness of God the Father), Jesus the son and the Holy Spirit working together. The totality of God’s saving presence and power is be expressed in the three elements. If we will just look at Scripture and use understanding it is very, very it’s clear that God is shown to be Triune in nature. And so I could confidently and with all certainly declare that the Trinity has always been a reality. It may not be completely clear in the dim ages of man, including even in the Old Testament. But the incarnation of the Son of God and the coming of the Holy Spirit revealed that God was Triune. I may not be able to fully explain Trinity because my human capacity is limited. But I am certain that I can fully understand and explain Trinity when my appointed time to go home to heaven comes. Meanwhile no matter, whatever, or however, disputed by the unbelieving people... I will remain steadfast and unmoved in my belief that my God is a triune God and hence Trinity is true. CHEERS to all Christians!!!
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• Pakistan
31 Jul 08
Yes of course Islam is the religion of peace. In Islam their are rights for enemies yes how to deal with enemies, Islam tells you how to treat your neighbors, Islam respects other religions, Islam respect other Prophets, Islam respects other holy books. The Quran is holy book to guide the Muslims on every part & path of life.
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• Philippines
12 Aug 08
^_^ yes it tells how to deal with the enemies.. it stated their that "kill them wherever ye find them" Islam respects other religions.. but why they force people to pray on Allah?? The Quran is holy book to guide the Muslims on every part & path of life. Yes like the Jihad..
@Gorcon (320)
• United States
14 Aug 08
You've taken that verse out of context...just as I could easily take Matthew 10:34 of the Bible out of context. Also God=Allah, all three monotheistic religions pray to the same God, they just have a different concept of Him.
• Philippines
15 Aug 08
^_^ same God.. then if it is the same.. since you believe in Torah or the Five book of Moses.. then you should believe that God did not establish his covenant on Ishmael instead on Isaac.. its in Genesis 17:19
@seraj143 (75)
• India
31 Jul 08
I to believe in ISLAM to be a marvelous religion which teaches universal brotherhoodnes and peace. more than that it is a religion which has a very scientific and socio-cultural approach in carrying out your day to day life. It is an icon when compared to all other faiths of the universe.
• United States
2 Aug 08
There isn't enough bandwidth here for me to list everything I dislike about Islam. "Universal brotherhood"? "How to live a peaceful life"? Lol! Islam doesn't respect Jesus, if it did then Muslims would worship Jesus instead of Muhammad.
• United States
3 Aug 08
Awapak wrote: ****************************************************************************** Thanks for giving a long list of our "crimes"........I think we should compare killing score of Christians with that of Muslims.Let's see who have killed more innocent people in this world? you will have to include all wars,nuclear attacks on Japan and your latest attacks on Iraq and Afghanistan......How many women raped?....How many children killed?......Please get these figures from your State's office and then tell me who has a bigger score and who should be called as real terrorists?? ******************************************************************************* Awapak, Use logic for a minute. Think. Reread your comment above. Do you not realize you have not defended Islam at all? What you have done is merely say Christianity is as bad as Islam. You are not providing any rational of any kind that WhatsHerName is wrong. Do you not realize it does not matter whose 'killing score' is greater? By your arguement, both Christianity and Islam are very bad. You are merely making the argument one is worse than the other. What does that matter? You have failed Islam miserably. Please, talk to your Imman or Muslim spiritual adviser for guidance. Pray to Allah for clarity. While I am not Muslim or Christian, I do believe in prayer and it can help you with this logical confusion.
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• United States
3 Aug 08
By contrast, Islamic terrorists staged nearly ten thousand deadly attacks in just the six years following September 11th, 2001. If one goes back to 1971, when Muslim armies in Bangladesh began the mass slaughter of Hindus, through the years of Jihad in the Sudan, Kashmir and Algeria, and the present-day Sunni-Shia violence in Iraq, the number of innocents killed in the name of Islam probably exceeds five million over this same period. In the last six years, there have been perhaps a dozen or so religiously-inspired killings by people of all other faiths combined. No other religion produces the killing sprees that Islam does nearly every day of the year. Neither do they have verses in their holy texts that arguably support it. Nor do they have large groups across the globe dedicated to the mass murder of people who worship a different god, as the broader community of believers struggles with ambivalence and a radical clergy that supports the terror. Muslims may like to pretend that other religions are just as subject to "misinterpretation" as is their “perfect” one, but the reality speaks of something far worse.
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@awapak (1275)
• Pakistan
2 Aug 08
Thanks for giving a long list of our "crimes"........I think we should compare killing score of Christians with that of Muslims.Let's see who have killed more innocent people in this world? you will have to include all wars,nuclear attacks on Japan and your latest attacks on Iraq and Afghanistan......How many women raped?....How many children killed?......Please get these figures from your State's office and then tell me who has a bigger score and who should be called as real terrorists ??
• United States
1 Aug 08
you asked What do you dislike about Islam? my answer everything!!!!!!! including the blatant lie that was your last sentence for the koran itself says its ok to kill christians and jews and even muslims themself who convert and yes i do have a copy of the koran and have read and studdied it I even have an aquantance who lived in pakistan and was killed by her own father as she converted to Christ !At least due to that conversion I knoeshe now resides in paradise with her Lord!
• United States
1 Aug 08
i am not interested in your evil religeon
@Gorcon (320)
• United States
1 Aug 08
where does it say it's ok to kill Jews and Christians in the Quran...obviously you're not reading the same Quran I am...and "honor killings" in Pakistan and in third world countries are purely cultural and have nothing to do with Islam. Maybe you should "study" the Quran a little more closely before drawing unsubstantial conclusions. Again you probably (as most anti-Islam and Muslim people do is read the Quran out of context),it's not merely a book you can pick up and read, every verse in that book was revealed at a particular time, place and event. Without knowing those three, you can't really draw conclusions. So please "study" the Quran again if you can and also include in your "studying" the hadith (sayings/actions of Muhammad).
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@Gorcon (320)
• United States
2 Aug 08
lmao, "my evil religion," do your research please...people fear that which they don't base your so-called facts on what you "studied," check your sources...perhaps the reason you have a warped vision of Islam and Muslims. That's such a glib statement, you didn't even respond to what I said, I doubt you even considered it. This type of mentality and refusal to understand the other side is causing the conflict we see today. Extremists on both sides are not allowing peace and stability to occur. Refusal to understand the world around you will only lead to further misunderstandings, conflicts, and violence. It's time that Americans got out of their bubble and educated themselves. Only through education and dispelling of myths on both sides will we solve this conflict. Extremists amongst Muslims need to realize that America is not evil and differentiate between government actions and normal Americans. Likewise, ignorant Americans need to differentiate betweeen extremist Muslims and moderate Muslims (which you refuse to do it seems). If we fail to do this this cycle of bitterness and hatred and mistrust will only continue. We only have one world to live in let's learn to get along. I merely told you to take a more educated look at what events have taken place and also read in context the Quran. You can't merely pick up the Bible and not think about the context,much like any other religious text.
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• India
12 Aug 08
I don't dislike Islam, but I dislike Bin Laden. I like the idea of universal brotherhood of Islam. I also find it hard to accept the way Muslim treats women in general. Taliban's treatment of women was worst! I shall have much respect for Islam if all Muslims give up bombs and truly embrace peace!
• United States
13 Aug 08
"I shall have much respect for Islam if all Muslims give up bombs and truly embrace peace!" So would I HeadHunter
• Pakistan
13 Aug 08
thanks for this nice comment.
@Gorcon (320)
• United States
13 Aug 08
Taliban's treatment of women is deplorable and un-Islamic. Just as I have Repeatedly as I said before, a minority of Muslims does not represent the whole. But for history sake, let's remember we didn't care about women and the Taliban, when we supported them during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Why the care all of a sudden? It's funny how we drop our former allies at the drop of a hat and then demonize them the next(and then point out all their flaws for political reasons). But that's a moot point. As for your statement "I shall have respect for Islam if Muslims give up bombs and truly embrace peace": There's a difference between practice and scripture/religion/belief. I could say the same about Christianity: "I would have far more respect of Christians, if their priests wouldn't have molested little kids" OR "I would have far more respect of Christians if they hadn't colonized and murdered the Native Americans(Manifest Destiny/White Man's Burden)" (I could go on and on and on----not to mention the rape of Africa, due to Christian/White supremacist ideology) But hopefully you get my point.
• India
8 Aug 08
I don't dislike Islam as such. But I am happy I was not born a Muslim. If I were a Muslim, I would have to wear burkha, and I hate burkhas. I would also have to keep quiet if my husband married another woman. And I would have to sit at home, being obedient to my husband, and only have kids. It would have been a horrible life for me. And yes, I don't like the terrorism part of Islam too. I see no sense in planting bombs in metropolitan cities and killing innocent people. Cheers and happy mylotting
• India
11 Aug 08
Your definition of the word "Muslim" is fine. A Muslim is one who submits to the will of God. But your statement "In Islam, everyone is born a Muslim, but their parents raise them as Jews or Christians" sort of confounded me. A Muslim is a person who submits to the will of God. Now, if Jews or Christians also submit to the will of God, they too should be Muslims, according to your definition. Only the name "Jew" and "Christian" is different, unless you claim that the Power Jews and Christians pray to is NOT God. You say, "Islam encourages the involvement of women in society." I don't disagree. Unfortunately, many Muslim husbands don't encourage the involvement of women in society. This accounts for the relatively lesser number of women actively involved in society. You say, "Islam does not support terrorism at all." Again, many Muslims don't follow this statement. There ARE several Islamic terrorist organizations in this world, and they say they are Muslims, even if you say they are not. So what Islam says and what Muslims do are two different things. Now, you might say that the reasons for these terrorist groups is political, social, economic, and not religious. But since these are Muslims, they should be, according to you, in the way of peace, not war. "Burqas are cultural" you say. Why only in Muslim culture? I see all around me women in burqas. Not all women, true, but many women. And even the women love it! Even while exercising in the gym they wear these burqas. (Check previous version of Indian magazine "The Week.") And if Muslim women love burqas, they can wear them. It is not my problem. But that would be the number one reason I would give for not turning Muslim. Cheers and thanks for your lovely response.
@Harley009 (1416)
• India
11 Aug 08
Positiveminded, I born to a Muslim family, and later I realized more about Islam, which encouraged my faith and gave confidence in my faith. Muslim woman don't have to wear burkha, but Islam suggest a modest dress, that conceal body excluding face & fore-arms, that protect woman from any bad eyes. About the marriage, Simply marrying just two and three is not always justified, it is preferred only for proper reasons, and if one marry more than one, that should not harm his existing relationship and he should treat them equally in all aspects, other wise he should not marry or if he marry he will not be eligible to enter in Paradise/heaven even. Islam don't say to woman to sit at home and to be a kid factory. Islam allows woman to work as men. I don't like terrorism part of any group or religion. And it is big crime to plan bombs in cities and killing innocents as well. Islam says killing a human is equal to killing all humanity. Cheers peace.
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@Gorcon (320)
• United States
11 Aug 08
thank you.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
3 Aug 08
Hi moon, I'm afraid that I don't know a lot about Islam, but I certainly don't dislike the things that I have heard. I realize that all religions have it's extremists which give it a bad name. People have always feared what they did not understand, and many refuse to listen. I believe that there is good in all religions, but cannot accept that there is only one way to God. Blessings.
• United States
12 Aug 08
Key words here "make them understand". You're right, you can't "make" me understand with your belittling opinions, something I already understand. Na, na, naner.
@Gorcon (320)
• United States
6 Aug 08
yeah, some people you just can't deal with and make them understand, racism/bigotry/prejudice all stems from misinformation, lack of education,etc. Remember once upon a time we once thought African Americans were not even human? Yeah, we're repeating that same mentality with Muslims, unfortunately.
@Gorcon (320)
• United States
6 Aug 08
yeah, some people you can't deal with and make them understand. They just refuse to listen. Remember, not too long ago we thought African-Americans weren't even human? Yeah that same mentality is still here in America. And right now Muslims are the victim of this racism/hatred/bigotry/prejudice. Racism, prejudice, and hatred all stem from lack of knowledge as my good friend WhatsHerName has so aptly proven.
• Philippines
12 Aug 08
^_^ can't help my self.. first of all see who is the real Christian.. to start.. Muslim reject Christ as God.. and said that the Bible is False..
• Philippines
14 Aug 08
^_^ let us set it aside for a while.. then how can you clean yourself of your sin?? coz look at the Ten Commandments can you follow it?? it is God Standard.. then how can you connect yourself to God??
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@Gorcon (320)
• United States
13 Aug 08
Muslims believe just as Christians do that Christ was born miraculously by the Virgin Mary. Muslims don't believe that Christ is the Son of God, as according to the Quran, God does not need "partners" or "helpers." God is All-Powerful, All-Knowing, etc. He needs no one to help Him. As well, the concept makes no sense to Muslims, because the trinity concept is so similar to the Roman gods concept and God begetting a son is attributing human qualities to a non-human entity.
@Gorcon (320)
• United States
18 Aug 08
In Islam expiation of sins is through repentance and sincere turning to God. There is no clergy, no intermediates between the Muslim and God. The Muslims pray directly to God for salvation.
@awapak (1275)
• Pakistan
1 Aug 08
Yes,you are 100 % right in writing these words.Islam is surely a religion of peace.People donot see that old imperial powers had created big IRRITANTS for them as Palestine,kashmir,Algeria etc.Then big powers invaded Iraq and Afghanistan.We know what invaders do in the invaded countries ?There is no justice and int law in the world.Big powers have double standards.These are the causes of unrest in Muslims today.We cannot welcome and garland invaders in our countries.Even a small rate will attack you in self defence if you ever try to corner it.....The world should at least give this right of self-defence to us.We want to live with peace and justice.
@dreamssri (1796)
• India
31 Jul 08
ISLAM a religion of PEACE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!! I JUST CANNOT UNDERSTAND... forgive me for asking this question... "DONT YOU KNOW THAT MOST OF THE TERRORISTS IN THE WORLD ARE MUSLIMS?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????" well i agree that there are also some very very good people like you also in Islam...but whats the answer for my above question???? Just think of those people who die because of terrorism..... Goodday, Sri
@Gorcon (320)
• United States
31 Jul 08
Well it depends on what your definition of "terrorism" is and those who perpetuate it are not Muslims as they kill innocent people, which is forbidden in Islam. Those so-called "Muslims" who perpetuate violence are not following Islam at all. They're following some distorted version or interpretation of Islam. Also, terrorism can be perpetuated by governments as well, not just individuals (i.e. China, Russia, North Korea, etc.).
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@Gorcon (320)
• United States
31 Jul 08
Is that a fact that "all Muslims are terrorists?" I think I heard that on FOX News...great source I might add(real fair and balanced)...check my answer to this question in my Islamaphobia discussion.
@dreamssri (1796)
• India
31 Jul 08
well,thats not a convincing reason at can say a reason like "they are not muslims"..?!?!?!?!?!?!? [b] you are just trying to escape[/b] as you dont know how to answer or accept my pomt.... try something better,LL...
2 Aug 08
Islam truly is the religion of peace. Infact most other religions. Bible was revealed on Jesus who is also a messenger of God. It also teaches the same lessons as Quran. I don't think that there is a religion which says that you are to kill another human being. But unfortunately hypocrites are responsible for the misconceptions which have developed against any religion. Hypocrites for personal or no reason at all act in peculiar ways and instead make life diffucult for millions others whom they say to share a common belief with. May God help us and show us the right way.
• Philippines
5 Aug 08
^_^ in general all religion do human effort to be save.. i prefer grace.. which is the work of God in order to be save..
@NrgDfenZ (1810)
• Belgium
5 Aug 08
Well I don't mean to be rude or so, but lately all you hear is terrorist attacks from Islamic people... I don't know why but to me it doesn't seem that peacefull.. HAve a good day. And please do not be offended :D
• United States
12 Aug 08
islam and chrstianity both preach for peace but somehow the greatest wars in this world have been started by religion
• India
28 Sep 08
quoting this one verse does not prove that islam is a religion of peace. this particular verse and few others are quoted by muslims to fool others. those who have read koran knows the truth. authoritative transalation of koran are available and no muslims can say it is fake. accepting a personality of another religion and respecting him does not make your religion peaceful. muslims generally are violenc prone. small issues are enough for them to hit the street and start rioting and issuing threats. many here will agree with me on this. question should have been: are muslims peaceful?