P700,000.00 cost of restroom... WHAT???

@juliefaye (1214)
July 31, 2008 5:12am CST
Last time, we discussed here the cost of renovation of the Batasan Pambansa in preparation for the SONA which was budgeted roughly 1B and co-sponsored by the office of the president in the amount of 200M. We are wondering how come that they able to do that just for renovation alone when the nation is in crisis. The Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism (PCIJ) reported that the project included the improvements on 30 comfort rooms with an estimated cost of P700,000 for each restroom. OMG! is the toilet bowl made of gold? Well I was thinking that the congressmen need to sit in a very expensive bowl because of the very expensive food they eat in a very expensive restaurant. Ironically amid the grandeur of this renovation project, Nograles, the house speaker, convene the second regular session of the House with a strong pitch for the values of hard work, simple living, transparency, and integrity in use of public funds. Part of his speech reads: “Let us give back to the government and to our people every minute of the hours paid for by our salaries and other compensation in hard work and the performance of our mandated tasks. Let us ensure that public funds are used only for public purposes. Let their use be transparent and those allowed to use them, as well as those who authorize their use, be fully accountable to the people.” Does he knows what he's saying? Is your blood boiling? Share your thoughts while I am taking my blood pressure.
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9 responses
@alena824 (376)
• Philippines
31 Jul 08
I'm actually thinking of taking a nap inside one of the restrooms. I happen to work at the Batasan, and it just wasn't my blood boiling when they decided to undertake the construction without taking precautions to protect the people who work there. And never did they call a break when they were tearing down everything, so woe to you as you inhaled all the dust, paint fumes, and caught extra powder as you walked down the main corridors of the complex. And what do these comfort rooms look like now? Well, think of 3 or 4-star hotel comfort rooms with elevated sinks, a bidet and proper cubicle locks. You would probably appreciate it if: 1) you did not know they cost P700,000 and you saw the state of other comfort rooms in the upper floors, which are decrepit, peeling and smelly.
@alena824 (376)
• Philippines
1 Aug 08
har!har!har! each time you look at the place, all you can think about is the extravagance.
• Philippines
1 Aug 08
That was very unsafe of them..no wonder our government are full of danger.
@juliefaye (1214)
• Philippines
1 Aug 08
You can really see it for yourself alena. They said that the restrooms looks like from that of a 5 star hotels but you estimated it just like 3-4 star. Is it true that the staff now become more productive because of the modern design that is conducive to work?
@kaezy_kulet (2465)
• Philippines
31 Jul 08
what the heck?! 700,000 for a restroom?! they must be joking! here we are very agitated on the high prices of our basic needs and they are spending a big amount of money for non sense renovation! what are they thinking? or are they really thinking?! that is stup!d they should think of the countless people who have nothing to eat because of the soaring prices of our basic needs..why not spend this money on much more valuable things? this is really a case of stup!dity
@juliefaye (1214)
• Philippines
31 Jul 08
Oh KC! watch your blood pressure too!
• Philippines
31 Jul 08
no need to worry about my BP it is in control..i hate them they are stup!d
@juliefaye (1214)
• Philippines
31 Jul 08
Very lavish! I pity those public schools who has one restroom for 400 students, and some don't have any. you're right! they are more than stupid!
• Philippines
1 Aug 08
Whatta a fu***g nonsense is that.. are those officials know the real situation of the general public. Do they know that food scarcity is spreading even in rich households. Do they know that there are only one (maybe) usable restroom in public schools of today... I would probably have a hearth attack if I continue on this. Maybe they thought, with a good and a look a like five star hotel restroom can suppressed the unpleasant odor of our government.... such a waste.
@juliefaye (1214)
• Philippines
1 Aug 08
Of course, they very well know the scarcity of food in every table and that the nation is in crisis. The question is, do they know the feeling of hunger? Did they even experienced a skip in meals? Of course not!
@rsa101 (38115)
• Philippines
1 Aug 08
Well what do you expect from them. They have lived their lives being like kings and queens in there and they sure think they deserve that kind of a treatment. Well for as long as the present administration would approve of it we cannot do anything but expose them in public.
@juliefaye (1214)
• Philippines
1 Aug 08
To hell with the king and queen. The fairy is sleeping when I wished that the walls of batasan may fall on their heads.
@allen0187 (58582)
• Philippines
2 Aug 08
i don't mind the cost of the restrooms as long as gma and her cohorts can drown in those toilet bowls. incidentally, nograles is involved in the swine fund controversy. pigs!!!! oopps!!! sorry to the pigs in the house, pigs don't deserve to have their kind tarnished with an association to a good for nothing politician.
@juliefaye (1214)
• Philippines
2 Aug 08
He he he.. leech is more appropriate than pigs. They are the giant leech who is sucking the taxpayers blood. I wish they can be flushed out in those toilet bowls.
@casper27 (134)
• Philippines
1 Aug 08
What did he or they think of Filipinos? Stupid? They are too stupid to think that amount was just enough for toilets. They should be the ones who were being flushed in those toilet bowls so that they will know how to value the money that Filipinos work for. What they only knew was to spend and not work for they spend.
@juliefaye (1214)
• Philippines
1 Aug 08
Yah! how I wished those sh!ts were that easy to be flushed out.
• India
7 Aug 08
30 comfort rooms with an estimated cost of P700,000 for each restroom Hi Juliefaye.. What they said is correct.. i feel that they have made the statements very clear.. Just watch the statement of them.. " It is only the ESTIMATED COST, and the cost that is ACTUALLY SPENT, for the construction of the rest room.. The corollary: Higher the estimated cost, the more the chances for the "officials" to swindle. Simple logic.
@neildc (17239)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
31 Jul 08
if only i have a nurse beside me, i will ask her to take my bp right now. my goodness, these are the people we put in position? how can they talk about transparency? how can they spend such a huge amount of money for a single restroom?
@juliefaye (1214)
• Philippines
1 Aug 08
for more info neil, you can follow it at http://www.pcij.org/stories/2008/house-facelift3.html
@magojordan (3252)
• Philippines
1 Aug 08
What?! It's really a trend for these officials to overprice a lot of things at the expense of the taxpayers money. A lot of people are suffering because of their corruption and what do they say? There was improvement I mean where?
@juliefaye (1214)
• Philippines
1 Aug 08
Yah! I can't even see any improvement.. oh yes, there is! the Batasan's casilyas!