where did u prefer to believe; Science or Bible?????????
@JAN_yuanjia33 (108)
July 31, 2008 7:54am CST
In the exitence in our wold of nature, where did u prefer to believe in the theory of the origin and the begining of all the RELIGIOUS theory which has no proper explaination of the process of the world? or in the SCIENTIFIC theory which is more detailed and evidence to study the very begining until the late process will exist, and has the explaination of every content that are going to established.
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27 responses
@baileycows (3665)
• United States
31 Jul 08
I prefer the Bible it just makes more sense.
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@JAN_yuanjia33 (108)
• Philippines
31 Jul 08
so it means u more trust bible than science?? bt its not the key of more sense, cuz its like an imaginary situation
@carloLL2004 (376)
• Philippines
2 Aug 08
The problem with the wise is they are so filled with doubts while the dull are so certain.
@Jacki87 (44)
2 Aug 08
I ask myself that question a lot. I don't really know the answer because on the one hand everything that I have ever been taught contradicts everything that I know about the Bible. I have a lot of trouble believing the Bible and all of it's many 'stories' and 'lessons'. Most of it is just too far-fetched. Many of the things talked about in the Bible can easily be explained by Science. I have a problem with faith. It's not that I don't believe in God and his wonders, but I just don't believe that the Bible is the 'word' of God and that EVERYONE must read it and abide by it. Not likely. My logic tells me that a bunch of heretics cooked up the whole thing to scare a bunch of martyrs. You just can't believe most of what you read even if it is one of the oldest books in print. Simple as that. It's not really a question of "do you believe the Bible?" or not. It's whether you believe in the Lord or not. I love science and all that it can, has, and will teach us about EVERYTHING. I believe whole heartedly in the Big Bang theory. As to the theory of evolution...not so much. You just don't see half human/monkeys walking around, do you? The point of evolution is to EVOLVE past the hardships and move on to a different race, not SOME of us evolve and leave others to remain monkeys...nope, don't buy it. The idea that maybe the Earth was already in existence and God came and gave it life works much better for my phych. So...as for me I believe in God, not the Bible, and I also believe in Science. Much easier to sleep at night knowing that the Lord as we know him, or WANT to know him, is not creator of ALL things. You think about this...How often have babies been born with birth defects and it's blamed on Science for not being able to catch it and fix it? And how often has Science intervened and it's "Thank the Lord for this perfect child?" If you're laying in a hospital bed dying of something unknown, how do you decide if you want God to help you, or Science?

@AshleyHasan (1024)
• India
31 Jul 08
I beleive in Bible. I dont beleive in science at all because that is not correct. What is written in Bible is correct and we have all the proofs as well!

@spiderlizard22 (3444)
• United States
31 Jul 08
I go with science. Science actually has explanations that make sense and can grasp your mind. With Religion I think it is meant to be taken figuratively. With Science a person can experiment and find out the outcome once they grasp it. In the present there is a explanation for every single phenomenon. I don't need religion to be happy or to have morals. In the present we don't need religion to explain the origin of the universe since we have science. I don't see the point in worshiping anyone or anything. Sure I appreciate the sun but I am not going to worship it. I am surprised they don't fear that some deity can easily ruin their life just for fun of it. Would you want someone or something even a deity to choose whether you live or die?
1 person likes this
• India
1 Aug 08
I PREFER bible because in the bigining of the world i think that GOD has come the first and make the world because we read in religious books shows that in the world eve and adm are the first people and they made the world after the relligious theory i think that scintific theory has come and it gives the resion behind the each & every matter
@a3sachin (531)
• India
31 Jul 08
I have deep respect towards god and all religion. But personally i prefer to go with Science... i live in a practical world. Its hard for me to just believe something thats had no evidence.... i believe in being true to myself. respect everything around you (including yourself) n be true at heart... thats my religion... n the smile on your face is god to me.
@JAN_yuanjia33 (108)
• Philippines
14 Aug 08
ahmm so youre in a neutral desicion?? its also nice to be in knowledgeable idea, but god is also mysterious faith in mind
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
3 Aug 08
Hi JAN, I respect both sides in this realizing that people think differently. Personally, I have great respect for the teachings of Jesus, but I cannot accept the Bible literally, nor do I believe the creation story. By the same token, science doesn't have all the answers either, and I'm sure that most scientists would agree with that if they were being honest. Life itself is a great mystery, and we must learn as we go along. I feel strongly that we are not our bodies, that there is more to life then what we know here. Blessings.
@shewolf52002 (1214)
• United States
1 Aug 08
I take it you believe in science? Well I choose to believe that the bible is true. However I am curious at your thoughts on intelligent design? You do know that even science admits that all this just happening is unlikely? An explosion in space and a world is born, then it progresses into growing plant life that just happens to make oxygen? Then an ameoba decides to come out of the water to walk on land and all other life begins to evolve? Move forward and a group of monkeys decide to walk upright... but not all monkeys? Hmmm.. I think your science takes more faith than my God does.

@duttmyneni (198)
• India
1 Aug 08
I believe in science not in bible. Because for everything in this universe there is a scientific reason. I think religion says how a man should live and there is no need to relate science

@tikiselene (129)
• United States
1 Aug 08
And guess what everyone...no one was around to even see the creation of the universe. While I believed strongly for many years about creationism, my knowledge of science increased so much that I cannot deny the facts. Since no one was there we have to "reconstruct the event" as best as we can, like we are at a crime scene. What will people say who poo-poo science and then they need their TVs fixed, or their doctor to tell them what kind of disease they have and if it can be cured, or they can't get on the internet or want an alternative to gasoline or their kid has zits that won't go away, or Uncle Harry got murdered and they need to investigate the crime scene with a little bit of evidence? Wake up everyone! Science is everywhere and it is NOT going away! (ps I am not getting down on religion...we need morals and everything. But peole need to realize that science and religion are both important) Thanks
@Vaper1 (53)
• Australia
1 Aug 08
Alot of religions just teach people how to live and there is no problem with that but when religion attempts to credit itself in the name of science or when there fundamental set of beliefs entail the origins of the earth which are in clear contradiction of science then that is where the problem lies.

@nguert (8)
• Philippines
1 Aug 08
I prefer to believe in the Bible coz what is written in the written is being discover in Science. Like what is written in Daniel 12:4 many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased. I believed with what our preacher thought us that this many shall run to and fro is related to the transportation we are using now a days. Like the car, airplane, ship. And the knowledge shall increased is the technology we are having right now like the cell phones, the internet and all the advance technology that we have. This is just one example of what is written in the bible is actually being applied now a days
@Jhordie (5115)
• Philippines
1 Aug 08
There is what we say...
BELIEVING IN THINGS WHICH WE DO NOT SEE OR FEEL but still BELIEVING ON IT WITH ALL OUR HEARTS... that is what we call FAITH! And I do have FAITH in what the BIBLE says more than what SCIENCE tries to prove.
Isn't it that science believe that WE CAME FROM MONKEYS?!
If I will believe that theory, THERE SHOULD BE NO MORE MONKEYS NOWADAYS and all should have turned into HUMAN BEINGS! And How can Science explain the EARTH we live in... DOES IT POPS OUT FROM NOWHERE? Of course not... everything on earth has its own creator like the house we live in created by the architect and engineers... and this WORLD and the ENTIRE UNIVERSE created by the NUMBER ONE ARCHITECT which is GOD!

@Vaper1 (53)
• Australia
1 Aug 08
IMO Faith is just an excuse to deny knowledge.
If i had a dollar for everytime i heard this argument.......
1. The theory never said we evolved from monkeys to start with
You need to understand allopatric speciation to understand the answer to this question. We have outstanding evidence that a small group of creatures split off from the main population when allopatric speciation occured.
@JAN_yuanjia33 (108)
• Philippines
1 Aug 08
but the relity question is????? u dont beliv in scientist because its only a human creation?? but who also created the BIBLE????????????????

@ramangill (1479)
• India
31 Jul 08
about the existence. i wud prefer to go wid science.
but even science don't have full explanations.still they make more sense.
but still i believe, spirituality is the fastest way to know about existance.
m talking about spirituality not religion
I hate Religions because they are the shity political systems started by the followers,not by the real enlightened souls.

@JAN_yuanjia33 (108)
• Philippines
1 Aug 08
so u beleve in god because of being a CATHOLIC?? what if u place in a room wid diferent religion?? otherwise get out yur religion? can u still manage it?? i respect ur deicions bt dont use the religion because its a man made organization only, believe in god not because of ur religion bt because of your faith!

@thayes1106 (156)
• United States
1 Aug 08
I believe the Bible because of my faith. I know that God is not a liar. Everything he has said has fit together perfectly. His word has instructed us how to live every day of our lives. Also, the truth be told....real science reinforces what the Bible has stated. Anything else is fabrications.

@carloLL2004 (376)
• Philippines
2 Aug 08
I agree with you thayes1106, Christianity is not a message which has to be believed, but an experience of faith that becomes a message
@JAN_yuanjia33 (108)
• Philippines
1 Aug 08
so what kind of god do u believe?? if all religion are in a one placed?? who s the real one??

@elshaddai123 (3981)
• Kottayam, India
2 Aug 08
I was going to be a naxalite and almost ready to kill people, but Bible has changed my life dramatically, now child of God working for betterment human beings.

@carloLL2004 (376)
• Philippines
3 Aug 08
if you are deluded and full of doubts, even a thousand book of scriptures are not enough, but if you have realized understanding, even one word is too much.
@lebi82000 (56)
• India
2 Aug 08
I believe in Science.I also have faith on GOD .These two things are almost same if we see them. Both are good if we follow the rule and both are dangerous if we break the rule.So i believe in both but preferably science. God has no limit so we can't ignore the truth that some Divine power regulate the whole world.
@exziit (35)
• Philippines
2 Aug 08
I prefer to believe in Science. It gives you straight out proof than the Bible and its much more objective compared to the Bible which hardly provides any evidence/s. Secondly, the Bible tend to be more moralistic, and authoritative. However, at the end of the day, I'd like to see Science and the Bible get to agree on something.