3 Doors Down: New Album, What Do You All Think About it?

@Gorcon (320)
United States
July 31, 2008 1:28pm CST
What do you all think about 3 Doors' new album? I think it's amazing, alot of their songs I can relate to and are extremely deep. Their lyrics complement the music so well and is very well composed.
2 responses
• India
31 Jul 08
The new album is good. I like some songs of it. But It's not as affective as the old ones. I loved Better Life and Seventeen Days better than this one. Although I have to say that the songs Train and Let Me Be Myself rock and they are the best on the album. The music on them is very cool. bourne
@Gorcon (320)
• United States
1 Aug 08
I like Pages and These Days. The lyrics are amazing on both of them.
@GemmaR (8517)
2 Sep 08
I love that album it is just really really amazing. I love its not my time and runaway, those two tracks are amazing. Citizen soldier is good as well. I usually put that album on when im listening to my ipod as I just think the music and the lyrics are amazing!