I think I need professional help
By Bethany1202
@Bethany1202 (3431)
United States
July 31, 2008 8:27pm CST
I am with a wonderful man and have a decent job, although it doesn't pay enough right now and I am struggling a bit to pay my bills, but I have just lost interest in so many things. I have been depressed before and even tried killing myself, but that was quite some time ago. Now, I feel like I am slipping back into that void and I am scared. I never wanted to get professional help because I don't really think it would help me all that much for some reason. I've had counseling before and it never helped, but maybe I should try to talk to a counselor now and try to be put on anti-depressants, but I don't want to take pills. However, if it will help, I might be willing to consider it.
How many people are feeling this way or have ever been in my shoes? Did you not want to take pills but, in the long run, started taking some type of anti-depressant and it helped? Please offer your opinions. I'm in a pretty bad place right now, but I know things will get better -- THEY HAVE TO!!!
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31 responses
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
6 Aug 08
I hope you will feel better. I am the wrong person to ask about professional help. I don't trust doctors and i would Never tell my secret thoughts to a shrink because then I would have to killl him/her. I just learned how to swallow pills a few years back and U would refuse to take the pills out these days. If I wanted to be " happy" chemically, I would smoke p*t.So as you can see I am the wrong person to ask. You have to trust your gut feelings. Don't be afraid to get help.Take Care.
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@rsa101 (38323)
• Philippines
5 Aug 08
Yes i do believe that you need to consult to a professional and maybe could help you on your problem. I have read in one of the post in here that what he usually does it to get his Bible and read it and somehow it worked on him. I do not know in your case if it will work, I guess it will depend on the person's faith.
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@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
4 Aug 08
I would definitely try to seek medical advice. Someone you can unload on that you feel comfortable with can help things greatly. I went through some similar times and things get better but you have to talk about them instead of internalizing which can bring about a whole mess of physical problems. It happened to me and trust me you don't want to let it get that far. Take care of yourself hun!
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@latriciajones (846)
• United States
2 Aug 08
there are times when i get depressed about my bills or things that i cant buy or do because i dont have enough money. but then i realized that some things are much more important than those materialistic things, becuase honestly if i had nothing but food and water and my kids i would be okay. we can live without half of the things that we worry so much about and i just look at it like i have enough and some others may have more. but it is nothing to worry yourself about especially if you are not going to do anything about it. whenever i get depressed i just think about how happy i am going to be when i finally do get everything i want and that is because i know that i am going to do something about my situation. plus just think about all the people that would miss you and cry over you if you werent here everyday of their life. i think about my kids and how much my mother loves me and i wouldnt dare put her through the pain of losing me. but just think positive and things will get barrier all this is just a test, god is trying to see if you are strong. and show him that you are.also he would never put more on you then what you can bare. so whatever you are going through obviously you are going to come out of it a survivor.good luck and i hope your days are much brighter!
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@super_jj (1416)
• Philippines
1 Aug 08
Hmm... maybe therapy will help. I know some people dont believe in therapy, but i's just a case of choosing the right kind of therapy. I'm a spychology graduate and i've learned that there are a lot of new developments on therapy. You can try your local psychologist and maybe take some tests so he/she can try to figure out on what therapy prgram to put you in. It also depends on what activities you're most comfortable doing. I know some people who do sports therapy or music therapy. You're getting therapy and having fun at the same time.
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@cher8558 (425)
• Canada
1 Aug 08
Hi friends,
Hey Bethany. I think I have talked to you before.
Depression is certainly something I know about. Do you know since I was about 8 years old, I always had people saying to me, "Cheryl, why don't you ever smile. You always look so sad". And indeed, I guess I was depressed, but certainly didn't know what that was then.
As I got older, I did start to understand that I didn't have the interests other kids had. I thought it was laziness, but I just didn't have any desire to get out there and socialize or do things. I did what I had to do in a day. Went to school, did my homework, watched TV and did it again.
Well after many, many years of this (I am 47 now) I was finally diagnosed as having a depression problem. I was put on Prozac. The difference was unbelievable. And the funny part was, it wasn't me that noticed the differences. It was friends and family that pointed it out to ME. You seem so much happier. Wanted to know my secret. Prozac was brand new then and believe me, it wasn't a word you threw around. The "P" word. Well it worked wonders for me. I will have to take this for the remainder of my life.
If taking an additional pill to my vitamin every day makes my life worth living, then I will definitely stick with it.
You have to make sure that this is the right medication for you. There are so many different brands of anti-depressants today, there has to be one out there to suit your needs. You have to be patient. It is a magic pill to a point. But it takes a good six weeks to get into your system and you don't mess around with medication like this. You don't take it one day and then miss two and so on. You need to keep a steady amount of the medication in your body.
Think of it this way. If you had to take medication to make your heart beat properly, you would take it. Its the same thing.
So have some patience and never, ever give up. If you take the other route, you never again get to see and smell those first days of spring or have fun with your family and all the other things that we do that do make us happy.
I want to say though, I am not a doctor. I am simply someone suffering the same thing as you and that is my resolution to the problem.
If you need someone to talk to while the medication is trying to work, by all means, cheryl_little1@hotmail.com Feel free.
I hope to hear from you soon and I hope you'll be feeling much better and more able to cope with life. No one ever said life was easy. But I look at my children and family and always think..... LIFE is the answer.
Take care you.
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@Bethany1202 (3431)
• United States
2 Aug 08
Thank you sincerely for your words of encouragement. I am seriously considering seeking treatment, and I will keep your email handy.
@roberten (3128)
• United States
1 Aug 08
Having a good life is no match for having too little money. You could benefit from having someone to talk things through with but know you are not alone, lots of us are a bit depressed right about now. If you can't focus on anything else just know that it will pass eventually. Seek help, try B-Complex if you do not want to go on meds. A professional can help you come up with an alternative to regular meds. Although it is normal to feel down sometimes, it isn't natural to feel down all the time. You know yourself better than anyone else, follow your own promptings and seek help if you think you need it. Oh, yes, there is a lot to be said for having a good ole' fashioned dose of "girl/guy-talk"; talking in a way to cleanse and mend the soul. Keep us posting on your progress, we really do care and hope that you feel better soon.
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@Bethany1202 (3431)
• United States
1 Aug 08
Thank you so much. You offer some good ideas. I do appreciate the kind words.
@snowy22315 (186971)
• United States
1 Aug 08
I had problems with depression for the past two or three years. I've actually been depressed before that but it was really bad about six months ago. Basically I kind of worked my way out of it by engaging in things. social forums and things like my lot have really helped alot plus I had to let go of things I had no control over.
I did not take pills or seek professional help because it really didnt help much in the past, but some antidepressants are wonderful, and a therapist at least gives you an objectivie person to talk to about your situation. I would recommend both. It cant hurt. You need to find what will work the best for you.
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@Bethany1202 (3431)
• United States
1 Aug 08
Thanks for the support. I just don't even know where to start.
It's always good to vent to a person who is objective as well as skilled in such areas...
@Linda4ualways (2282)
• United States
12 Aug 08
Well bethany, what brought you back to that place? Are you sure you're not Bipolar. People who suffer from Bipolar have their up and down moments. The reason why I know this is because my sister suffers from it. I can always tell when she is in her down state because she becomes withdrawn and very depressed. Not so long ago, she had a temporary breakdown and it was bad. There is nothing, absolutely nothing wrong with getting counceling. It takes a lot for one to say that they need help. Don't go so far into the abyss where killing yourself wouldn't look like a bad idea. Get some help Bethany.....please! My heart goes out to you. I have been depressed before over certain situations that occured in my life and there were many times where I felt like running away but I couldn't so I just had to deal. But never have I ever thought of killing myself which let's me know that your level of depression goes way deep and needs attention fast.
I truly wish you the best Bethany and can I ask you a question? is God in your life? If not, start developing a relationship with God. God knows of all of our struggles and fears and is waiting for us to call on him so call. May God Bless you!
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@momiecat (997)
• United States
12 Aug 08
Hi Bethany, I have and many times do feel like you. The thing that keeps me from wanting to end my life is the fact that I have cats to take care of and they need me. It can be very tough most of the time. Not much makes me happy except the kitties. I take an antidepressant and it does help. You would just need to get on the right medicine. I think you should try it. Counseling did not work for me either. Try to find one thing that makes you happy and focus on that. I also sleep as much as I can, keep hydrated and eat well. You are not alone. Please take care of yourself. Carolyn
@philjas (1134)
• United States
1 Aug 08
I am an advocate of anti-depressant medications, they DO WORK. Counseling never worked at all for me, but medications have worked and I am SO much better off since I finally got on them. You can talk to your regular medical doctor about this, I myself have never actually been to a psychiatrist. Sometimes even just a small dose of something helps.
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@Bethany1202 (3431)
• United States
1 Aug 08
My friend told me the same thing.
... I am really considering trying it, but I have had problems with being addicted to pills before and I am scared it will happen again. I suppose if I talked to someone about this such as a doctor or therapist they might be able to further help me.
My friend knows me very well and thinks I should definitely go on some anti-depressants. She's one of my closest friends so I know she knows me well and wouldn't try to steer me in the wrong direction. Thanks for your suggestions. It's greatly appreciated.
@AYM9982 (3)
• United States
1 Aug 08
I have a very strong history of depression and also have bi-polar disorder than runs in the family. Though the hardest and most unpleasant part is admitting that something is wrong, I think you already realize you're showing classic symtoms of depression. Counseling can help, but it's a tricky situation as there are SO many crappy counselors out there. Medications can really help, though. They aren't a cure all, but the came bring you mentally up to a "normal/stable" level so you can concentrate and be able to focus in on therapy. I would never recommend taking meds unless you follow it through with therapy because without it, you're not actually working on the issues that have caused the depression in the first place.
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@Bethany1202 (3431)
• United States
2 Aug 08
That's a very good point. I've had counseling before but never really thought it would work for me.
As others have stated, and I know it's true, depression is a chemical imbalance and there are many ways to treat it. Maybe I am one that would be better off with both pills and counseling in tangent. I am just scared to take pills while I am depressed because I have had problems before in that area, however, if I was seeing a therapist at the same time they might know what's best and help me with that problem as well I suppose.
@expertqtp (17)
9 Aug 08
You can either try meditation as my friend suggested you or you should definitely take professional help. See killing yourself is no solution. And for your information, every individual in this universe has its own problems but the most smart individual is the one who fights for his survival and takes up the challenges.
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@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
1 Aug 08
Hi Bethany,
I'm sorry about that but I guess you have to be brave to talk to a counselor and follow their prescription to avoid that depression..
Then, it will be better I guess if you will not stress yourself a lot this time..take time to break and walk in the park with your man so to breath a fresh air!
If you want to do some exercise I guess it will be healthy and helpful too..
I have not tried that feeling but when I am stress from work, I will just go to the gym and workout, I will feel good after and ready to face again my daily routine!

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@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
1 Aug 08
Hi Bethany,
I'm very sorry to hear that you feel this way.I've been throught these depressions too and even tried to kill myself.
The thing is people wanted me to go to a pro and i never went because i knew i didn't needed it do i have been down so bad.
If you really don't want to feel this way try to look for the good things and feel how happy you feel with those things.
It might help you out.
I don't know what happened with me.I went on holidays and when i got back i felt good no more depression as if i turned off the switch.Ofcourse there are days when i feel bad,but not depressed.I won't let i happen,because i know can think future brings something good and keep thinking that way.
You will go through a big black hole but you will get out stronger than the hole ever was.
Hope you will find out your way.If you think a pro can help you please find one,maybe it's what you need.
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@meltem28 (15)
• Turkey
1 Aug 08
You don't have to worry.Things will get surely better believe me.I was once like you are now and i know that it is not easy but you should keep trying to make your life better.Determination is the key to succsess both at work and in your personal life.In my opinion you should combine the medication and the counselling because only taking pills or only going to the counselor may not work.Depression is related to brain chemicals also it is an emotional and physcological problem so do everything for yourself and for your life cos this is your life and it is very important in my opinion the most important thing in the whole world cos if you have problems other things in your life will be effected by that.Everything is possible in this life so your life will change and get better.All you have to do is trying to think in a positive way and to be determined.You can do this for yourself,right?
@ashleecook (199)
• Canada
1 Aug 08
i will comment more on this later, i promise. i have to go to work soon but believe me i can relate SO MUCH. i will be back later and will share my experiences with you. i know how hard it is. xo.
@mdalia (22)
• United States
1 Aug 08
There is a saying "Tough Time Never Last But Tough People Do" . Every human being have problems in life and these problems never stay for a long. Dont forget that problem comes with the solution. Only problem with us is when it comes we lose our patience and we take inexpedient decisions and pay for whole life.
Dont surrender yourself to this anit-depressants pill, they will drive you crazy.
Read some good books on Positive thinking and keep faith in GOD!!!!!!!!!