I hate to be alone!!!

my friends - Here are my girl friends. I always hang-out with the, sometimes staying overnight in their house.
August 2, 2008 3:27am CST
I love people, I am very sociable and friendly. I have received numerous "Most Friendly" award during my elementary years. It just that I like being with people, to be surrounded with people. I love chatting with them, talking about anything under the sun. Sometimes others get intimidated with me sine I usually do the talking. But the point is I don't want to be alone. Even in my room, I share it with my brother. And it puzzles me why there are people who prefers to be alone, the so-called "loner". How about you? Are you a loner or not?
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19 responses
@skyTears (20)
• Indonesia
2 Aug 08
When you belong to them,in fact, you are not alone but you are lonely. i cant imagine if you still wanna enjoy your lifetime among your friends and your brother.. don't you have your own privacy ? I think everyone ,in certain moment, needs their own privacy, i enjoy among my friends and my family also, but at the certain moment I need to make a distance from them to enjoy my privacy. here I am alone but I am not lonely. for me, my best friend is myself and books. why don't you start to enjoy your own privacy (by reading some interesting books, watch movie, play game) I'm sure you wont feel lonely
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@dhevasena (144)
2 Aug 08
I wouldnt classify my self as a loner, i have loads of friends and only few are dear ones. I love socialising but like having sometime to myself as well. There are times when i prefer to be alone and just enjoy those minutes like having the tv to yourself or reading a magazine and listening to music or just plain hampering yourself in a beauty regimen. I need sometime to myself as well as time for my friends. I guess we all need a healthy balance.
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@alokn99 (5717)
• India
2 Aug 08
There is nothing wrong in being alone, however it does become very difficult if you are the very socialbe type always with friends. It's more to do with your state of mind really. Sometimes I feel alone even when in the company of friends, moreso because my thoughts may be somewhere else, or they are discussing something of no interest to me.
• Philippines
2 Aug 08
You are right. I sometimes feel the same way but I choose to be happy.
@shelly43 (1197)
• Australia
3 Aug 08
hi hun, yes i was once like you its just recently that i like to have just my time, i think because ive always had everyone around and never had a chance top relax, i now have to and i have enjoed it so im guessing im changing to just having my time with just my hubby and friends just not as often as i have in the past.. hugssssssssssss
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@debu004 (182)
• India
2 Aug 08
Yeah the same thing with me.Even I am very sociable person and friendly.I can't stay away from the people.I always want to be surrounded by people so that i can share something with them and can get to learn something from them.We have a group of friends who used to spend some time in the evening by discussing something and anything that comes into our mind. In our local language we call it 'KHATTI'. But there are times when we feel good when we are alone e.g if we are in any sort of depression mind we would prefer to be alone but it's the friends and people arund us who can help us to come out of this depression.So its better if anyone feels bad or in any kind of depression should go and join few peoples to share their views to feel free.
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• Philippines
2 Aug 08
Good for you, debu004! I also hang out with my friends after dinner and then just go home after to sleep.
• United States
2 Aug 08
I think I'm riding on the fence with this subject. Sometimes I like to be alone. Sometimes i don't want to be, but I'm not a social person, I practically speak when spoken to. I'm shy in class I don't need to ask questions about most of what's being taught, but if I do then I try to figure things out alone. I think I am a nice person but I'm also the 1st one to jump up when I'm offended. I don't like to start trouble but I HAVE to finish it. People look@me and think I'm some thuggish gangsta girl but when they get to know me they find out how nice I am, but they still shouldn't test me because I can get mean quick. Other than that, I'm minding my own business and doing what I'm suppose to.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
3 Aug 08
There are times that I can say I do not mind being alone for a bit to have some me time, but I would rather be around people personally as it just gets too boring if you cannot have others around you from time to time. I know there are people that prefer to be alone all of the time, and that is actually dangerous, and not good for them, People I know like this, I am always trying to get them to come out of their shell and mingle with others, as there is nothing reslly to be afraid of,
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@howard96h (11640)
• New York, New York
2 Aug 08
I think it is ok to be sociable and also to be alone too. There are times when I do not want to be around people, I feel that I need some time alone with myself to meditate, also when I have a decision to make about something I prefer to be alone so I have peace and quite to sort things out. If you are to ask if I spend more of my free time with people or alone I would have to say alone.
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@howard96h (11640)
• New York, New York
2 Aug 08
You sound like a very sociable fun person to be around, I think I would enjoy your company very much.
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• Philippines
2 Aug 08
How about spending time with me?
• Philippines
3 Aug 08
Try me!
@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
2 Aug 08
Dear friend, It depends upon my moods and my mental conditions. I do sometimes want to be alone and sometime I do like to be with others. This loneliness sometimes irritates me and sometimes I enjoy it. Hence I feel, for me it is a mix of both and also as quoted before the entire mental mood possessing at that time. Mostly if I want to watch or concentrate on one things I do like to be alone and on other side if I want company I would need someone. Hence for me it is mix according to the moods comes to me.
@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
13 May 09
Thanks for the BR. I hope it is a part of life but not every time.
• Philippines
3 Aug 08
Very neutral! You have given each side with equal weight. Thanks!
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@jtr115 (722)
• United States
2 Aug 08
I sometimes like to be alone. If I don't have anything planned, I'll stay at home and either spend time on the Internet or watching TV or movies. At other times, I enjoy being with a few friends. I tend to become anxious and panicky in large groups, especially if I can't find anyone to talk to.
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• Philippines
2 Aug 08
Few good friends is better than a large group of acquaintance.
@ramangill (1479)
• India
2 Aug 08
yes i love to be alone.And i feel suffocated when i am in a big group. i feel a talkative person may have many friends...but slowly slowly he starts forgetting his most closest friend,,which is he himself.... i love to be alone,,i used to keep silent for the wholeday in my early life. A very great philospher once said "Today's Society is like a telephone network.A man talks to other a lot,but when he tries his own telephone,it comes engaged." todays person has forgotten to talk to him. i advice you to try this practice of being silent for few days. then u will come to know that the joy which is in lonliness is not in being with other people. bye peace
1 person likes this
• Philippines
2 Aug 08
Very well said! Thanks!
@diutay (1327)
• Philippines
2 Aug 08
I am alone right now but I don't think I am a loner. There are times when I like to be with other people but there are also times when I'd rather be by myself.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
2 Aug 08
Okay. I understand.
@ohioboy2 (15)
3 Aug 08
I feel that if you cannot be happy by yourself then you are obviously not satisfied with yourself. You learn a lot about yourself when you are alone. You shouldnt always have to be dependent on someone to be there.
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• India
3 Aug 08
well it depend on the individual actually. u are sociable and friendly. everybody cant be. some people like to be alone cause they feel comfortable like that. it doesn't mean that they can't have friends. they may be shy or have some complex about something or maybe its there instinct to stay aloof of others.
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@msedge (4011)
• United States
6 Aug 08
Well, i hate to be alone too.Its always nice to be with people or someone else where you can talk with.But sometimes i don't have any choice because i always left alone at home specially when classes starts.My daughter will be going to school and my hubby goes to work.
@successlog (3172)
• China
3 Aug 08
hello shintongs23 yea, just talk with your friends on mylot. It is so funny.If you keep your eyes on mylot, i think you will not feel alone.Mylot is a big warm family.I think you should enjoy your time well here.I also feel bored if there is no friend playing with me.But since i join mylot,i feel very meanging here and make my time fully.what a great place it is!! lol good luck to you
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@pkraj111 (2458)
• India
2 Aug 08
It always depends on the mood and time.If I am doing some important work I prefer to be alone and like to socialize only weekends. I get irritated if someone disturbs me at odd timings
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• Philippines
2 Aug 08
You have a point there but sometimes I prefer to work with other. Thanks!
• Sweden
2 Aug 08
Im not a loner,I dont like it..I enjoy talking to many friends,making friends,go in the mall with some group friends..I never try to go somewhere that i am alone..I dont enjoy,if i go some where i want somebody is with me talk to,smile and anything.
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@redchase (347)
2 Aug 08
well, i've never been the social kind of person. i've always loved being alone because i get along with myself just fine. i cannot spend more than a couple of hours with someone a week because it makes me want to slap them in the face. i guess for me it is the "too much of a good thing" bit. i guess thats what makes it hard to be in a relationship like the one im in. my boyfriend hates being alone and i love it. i can see him for 15 minutes and i'll have enough of him to last me the day maybe even 2, but he can spend hours with me, almost entire days, and he complains when he has to go home. he doesnt understand how much i love being alone. to me its just a time for me to decide whats gonna go on. its freedom, serenity, peace. i can sit in silence and read a book or just sit and think of what im gonna do tomorrow. i think the reason i might like it is because when you're alone you really cant bring up any unnecessary drama and arguments.
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