boyfriend fall in-love with a gay

August 2, 2008 3:40am CST
I just had a talk with one of my closest friend. She is confused. Her boyfriend is in-love with a gay. In fact, they are living-in.But her boyfriend doesn't want to end their relationship. They are still very much on. But my friend is already thinking of letting him go. Is it right or she should hold on?
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6 responses
@suzu12345 (470)
• India
2 Aug 08
ohh man that suckss,,boyfriend falling inlove wth a gay,,means that he himself is a guy ,no doubts,,i think she must proceed further nibbling the facts of life,,i dont think she would like to ever accept his mate as gay,,will she?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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• Philippines
2 Aug 08
That is why she is confuse.
• Philippines
3 Aug 08
Very well said. :)
• India
3 Aug 08
well in that case tell her wat we in majority thinks,,me says let that guy be put off,,let him enjoy wth that gay ,,lolzz
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@johnson3 (152)
• United States
3 Aug 08
First of all, how can he expect for her to hold on to a relationship that really doesn't exist in a sense. How can you love two people. One is lust and one is love. She needs to let him go because it shows his real feeling toward her. She cannot be first priority because he has someone else in the relationship. He wants his cake and ice cream at the same time. That's just like saying I am married, but the last relationship I had with another man, I can still have after marriage. If I don't want my marriage to end in divorce I have to end that relationship. Why do people play so much when it comes to matters of the heart. He has already disrespected her in a way that's hard to take and now he wants her to partake in the matter as well. Tell her to be wise and pick up and go on. Yes it may be hard, but life is about choices don't choose something that you don't want to live with for the rest of your life. johnson3
• Philippines
4 Aug 08
Playing with the heart is really hurting.
• Philippines
4 Aug 08
I agree.
@johnson3 (152)
• United States
4 Aug 08
I know that's why we shouldn't be so careless. Our feelings and emotions are so fragile, but we think that its okay to be careless. People don't understand that a lot of murders, assaults, and physical harm result in the carelessness of emotions and love. At least that's my opinion. johnson3
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@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
2 Aug 08
Just dump him-he is going to make you relationship some kind of a mockery-you ant be sharing you boyfriend with another man-I rather you share him with anothe girl, that would prepare you better for conquest-how would you compete for him with a man?!
1 person likes this
• Philippines
2 Aug 08
That is what she actually feels.
• Philippines
2 Aug 08
Good day.. Why would she still with him? Obviously he didn't love or need her. If her BF's is living - on with a gay then that's pretty much said it. She has to move on and leave this nightmare behind. Her BF is not obviously for her, she has to accept that and move on.
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• Philippines
2 Aug 08
Acceptance of the fact.
@hiteshrup (270)
• India
2 Aug 08
I think she helps him, if she end up their reliationship then both person are not be happy. she has to understand him and also try to give love to him, so he can understand love and start good relationship
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• Philippines
2 Aug 08
Thanks for such a positive outlook.
@dhevasena (144)
2 Aug 08
WEll if her boyfriend is in lovewith someone who is gay, chances are he might be too. And he probably only wants to hold onto her to prove to the society that he s not gay and is just using her to cover up his preference i guess! I think the couple should really talk this through!
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• Philippines
2 Aug 08
She thinks it also.