lunch or dinner or supper

@shymurl (2765)
United States
August 2, 2008 5:13pm CST
I have heard people call lunch time, dinner time. and I have heard people call supper time dinner time as well. I just say lunch and supper. What do you call it??? when people are talking about lunch time and they say dinner instead of lunch I think they are talking about supper. it gets confusing sometimes. lol I know its a wierd discussion, but I would like to know what you call it.
7 responses
@snowy22315 (176745)
• United States
3 Aug 08
I call it lunch and supper my self. I have also heard like a mid afternoon meal called dinner like sunday dinner for instance. My grandparents used to eat their main meal at lunc time and called it dinner. There supper was just light snacks and or desserts. This is typical of what families used to do like one hundred years ago when everone worked on a farm.
@shymurl (2765)
• United States
3 Aug 08
thats interesting. thank you for responding.
@dhevasena (144)
2 Aug 08
Well, i have always called it lunch and dinner. I never heard of people referring to lunch as dinner though.. maybe it was just a slip of the tounge!
@shymurl (2765)
• United States
3 Aug 08
everyone seems to say it around here where I live. thank you for responding.
• United States
2 Aug 08
You are so correct cause I know of people that say the exact same thing. Normally I just call dinner (dinner) instead of supper and I call lunch (lunch) but I hear alot of people calling it what you say.
@eagle_f15 (1827)
• Malaysia
6 Aug 08
Well my husband and I only have lunch as in eating the main meal of the day - rice and dishes. For dinner we just have bread or biscuits. - light dinner or sometimes we just drink a glass of milk each hat's all. So I think for our case I would call our meals : brinch !!! LOL - breakfast + lunch + dinner = brinch
@Emiese (994)
• Sweden
2 Aug 08
In Sweden we call it lunch at lunchtime and dinner in the afternoon/evening. However, I saw this discussion and thought of someting funny regarding this. I am from Sweden but was travelling in Australia a couple of years ago. I there met my current boyfriend, who is Australian (but that is another story). Since I was travelling I only met him for a few days before I had a scheduled flight to my next place. Every day though my boyfriend called me, about 6-7 pm in the evening to chat. Every time the call ended with him saying he was going to have tea. The more calls the more I got so wondering about this tea. I mean he was living with another guy, both in their 20ies, in the middle of the warm weathered east coast. I just could not understand what was up with having tea all the time. I saw in my head old English ladies setting out their china for teatime, and could not at all understand these guys fascination in tea. One day I had it and I asked what was going on, why did they drink tea all the time.. Then I just heard a big laughter in the other end of the phone before I could get out of him that they called having dinner "tea". So, now you know, at least in some parts of Australia dinner is called tea as well :)
@shymurl (2765)
• United States
3 Aug 08
That is really interesting. thank you so much for responding.
@baileycows (3665)
• United States
2 Aug 08
I call it lunch and dinner. I say supper sometimes.
@fwidman (11514)
• United States
2 Aug 08
Here it is lunch and supper (or dinner). I have never understood why people would call lunch as dinner. I think they are either confused or they are trying to confuse the rest of us