I could use some advice or thoughts on this please...
By TessWhite
@TessWhite (3146)
United States
August 3, 2008 1:38pm CST
Three years ago I moved to Texas to be near my Mom and care for her while she battled cancer. I lost her a year ago to cancer. My Stepdad is still here and I am his only "family" locally. He also has some health issues and may one day go blind. I myself am disabled and have been struggling on my current income. Because I live in a hurricane zone many expenses are twice as high as other places it seems.
My biological Dad as well as my son and grandchildren live in the midwest. We all talk several times a week on the phone. I haven't been able to afford to go up to see them for two years now and miss them terribly. Well today, totally out of the blue, my real Dad broached the idea of me moving back home - to my home state. He said he would be willing to help me financially and would also help me get set up in a new place. I'd only be about two hours from my son and grandchildren if I did this, instead of three states away.
Here is the problem. My Stepdad has been wonderful to me. I do like my little town, even though I don't often get to the beach thanks to my health. I can't imagine how this might affect my Stepdad since we just lost Mom last year. I must admit the winters here are much better than all that snow up north. Also, I can't imagine the struggle of moving again. The move three years ago was a disaster I swore I'd never repeat. But yet I've known all along that I didn't plan to stay in Texas for the rest of my life since the midwest and family are "home."
What would you do if you had to choose between your StepDad and your real Dad and the rest of the family? My mind is running in circles here now thinking about it all. And it feels like the never ending soap opera of my life is throwing me a new ball to juggle.
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19 responses
@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
3 Aug 08
Hi Tess,
Wow, I understand your dilemma. I lived out in Ca. and moved back to Fl. with my second husband because he was ill and his only sister was in Fl. I had to leave my only Son behind with his dad( my first husband). My Brothers and sisters all live here but one.
This is what I think. Listen to your heart. You are still relatively young. Being with your family means everything. It seems that your Step Father is also family to you. Does he have other family some where? Your loyalties have to be to yourself first. You took care of your Mom and now it's time to take care of you. If you aren't well, then you will need your family for support eventually if not now.
Moving is rough but you can handle it if you decide to. One word, sell, sell, sell. When you have sold all you can, then call Savation Army and they will come get the rest. Make it simple for yourself. Lots of luck!!!! I wish you all the best.

@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
3 Aug 08
Thank you Leenie. Luckily I'm still in the early exploring stage with this. But I have the funny feeling I'm gonna be moving. My guy and I have discussed several times before today that if money was no object we would go back north to be closer to family. Well money is still an object, but maybe an answer is still out there. We'll see.
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@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
3 Aug 08
After reading Shelly's and ellie's I see that your Step Father doesn't want to move with you. Well, again go with your heart. His choice should not keep you from making the right choice for you. Honey, we all have our limits. Take care of yourself.
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@ellie333 (21016)
3 Aug 08
This one is a difficult choice for you as obviously you are very emotionally involved in it. If your step-father is the only family in the area you are now living why not suggest he moves back to the mid-west too with you, that way you can be near to your family and wouldn't feel like you are abandoning him, if however his has close friends in Texas he may urge you to go be with the rest of the family if you did broach the subject. Good luck with this, a very difficult one for any one to advise on, but go with what your heart is telling you. Ellie :D
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@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
3 Aug 08
Hi Ellie, Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately Stepdad wouldn't move with me. He's made his views on living with snow clear. LOL He doesn't have any really close friends here - he works too hard and too often to make any. Hmmmm not sure what I'll end up doing.
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@jbrooks0127 (2324)
• United States
4 Aug 08
The first thing that I would do is go to your step dad and tell him this and ask his opinion. Then you may ask what he would think of moving back there with you. Now I know it would be leaving where he is familiar and I know nothing about his situation but if he would do this you would have the best of both worlds....your family and you would not have left your step dad.
You may find that he would be okay with you going back and take any guilt off of you.
Regardless however it seems you are not completely sure that move would be a good one for yourself.
If you do nothing else make sure you do what is right for you. If your health problems would worsen when you head north that may not be a good move. Of course you miss your family. But is it possible they could come see you once a year?
You are being torn between two family’s and that is a very tough place to be. All of them want what is best for you I am sure but have their own interest at heart too.
Please only consider this move if you can do it without guilt. That means you have to have input from everyone concerned after you have decided exactly what you really want to do.
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@jbrooks0127 (2324)
• United States
5 Aug 08
Okay....when it is all said and done there is really only one person that you need to respect and answer to. That is YOU!
Ask yourself if no one were putting the pressure on you what would you do.
We all go through this world once and it doesn't take that long. While we are here we need to be able to enjoy our life. No one else, no matter how much they love you, is going to look out for you the way you should look after yourself.
Of course you promised your mother. Of course now you feel obligated. But consider this. Was your mother looking after your welfare when she made that request or was it her husband? Clearly she made you promise to look after him not for your sake but only for his. So what are you going to do with the rest of your life?
If going north to your family will cause you more pain than it's worth then is that really the thing to do?
While staying south may be better for your health will taking care of your step dad be fulfilling?
Family's on both sides use guilt, even though they don't see it that way, not for your benefit but for theirs.
Please ask yourself…..what do I really want for me.
I knew a woman that was a teacher. She was raised to be very religious and very family oriented. In her 20's she had an opportunity to marry but her obligation to her family kept her from doing so. Her family objected to him so she gave him up. While she would never say it I could tell that was a big regret for her because she spent a major part of her life looking after one and then the other parent. Finally it came to a point where the only family left was a sister in which she did not get along well. She had many friends but in her 70’s she passed away alone. Her niece, my wife at that time, was the only family close and even she was not with her.
You may have no desire to have a family I know not your case but please do not let your family dictate your life for you. When you get old and all the rest are gone all you may have left is your regrets. I do hope not.
May the Lord be with you.
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@shell1986 (405)
• United States
3 Aug 08
I don't exactly know what I would do in your situation but have you ever thought of having your step-dad move with you? I'm not sure how you would feel about that but its just a thought. Also, it sounds like you really want to be close to the rest of your family so I would definitely consider moving back to the Midwest. However, I can understand not wanting to go through the trouble of moving with your health but I'm sure your family would help you as much as possible. Good luck with whatever you decide, I'm sure it will be a great choice for you!
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
3 Aug 08
My stepdad and I have discussed him moving back to the midwest before - ALL of his family is up there. But he says he doesn't ever want to live in a snow area again. And really his kids drive him nuts so I think he wants to avoid that. So no, he wouldn't be willing to move with us. Nice idea though. Thanks for the reply. :)
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@shell1986 (405)
• United States
4 Aug 08
No problem! This may be something that would work or something you are against but have you ever considered an assisted living facility? My great aunt lives in one and she actually enjoys it. The people there are very caring and I know that she has several visitors everyday so she's never lonely. I don't know if your step-dad would consider that or not.
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@CharRay7 (1549)
• United States
4 Aug 08
Hi Tess,
My dear friend, you do know that you are the most important person in your life. You have to do what you want and need to do. I realize that your stepfather has become a part of your family, but you also have your own dad and family to think about. Since your dad has made such a sweet offer to help you both move back home and set you up, I would think it would awfully hard not to take him up on it.
And you never know, you might be moving closer to me.
You say midwest but that is a large area. I live in Illinois and that's in the midwest, so you never know..... lol
[i]Happy MyLotting,

@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
4 Aug 08
I almost wish my real Dad hadn't made his offer. All day long I've been torn two different directions. I don't really know what his offer of "help" entails so it might not be something I can do anyway. Part of me loves the shore here. Its so peaceful and Mom loved it so. Oh, and I'd be moving to north central Missouri. :) Thanks for your reply Char.
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@lifeistrulyshort (73)
4 Aug 08
Pray and meditate on your dad's offer. Follow your heart, because it's usually God whispering to you. I believe we make the best decisions when we let our hearts do the thinking for us. You will know what the right decision is when you feel it, even if it will be a hard one to make. Sorry about my earlier post giving advice about moving your stepdad with you. I am new here and didn't see the earlier postings about how he wants to stay in the south. Take care, and best of luck with whatever you do!
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@veejay19 (3589)
• India
4 Aug 08
Hello Tess,hi, how are you? You really are in a catch 22 situation having to choose between your real and step fathers.When you moved to Texas to be with your mom you did a very noble thing and the fact that your step father and you get along very well means that he must have loved your mother too. I am sorry to hear that you are disabled, i am too with muscular dystrophy, and also not financially secure, which is also my condition.
I know how hard it is for people like us to keep moving back and forth from one place to another but you will have to decide for yourself and make this difficult choice.Since you have lived most of your life in your home state and you would also be close to your biological family it would be worthwhile for you to shift there.As far as your stepdad is concerned you will have to somehow convince him that your real desire is to stay in your old hometown. If he really likes you then he should be willing to subject himself to this small sacrifice of not being with him.Why don`t you ask him also to move to your home state along with you? Is he a retired person or working still? If he is retired then it would not cost him much to move in with you and you would have the double delight of being with both your dads.Ask him and see what happens and let me know? By the way i live in Mumbai in India.
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@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
4 Aug 08
Hi, thanks for the kind thoughts. Stepdad won't move with me. So I have to decide if I can/want to move without him.
@Tetchie (2932)
• Australia
4 Aug 08
If you could take all your emotional pulls and ties and put them aside. Sit down and ask yourself what you want out of life, where you would like to be and what you would like to experience, void of anyone else - then make your choice. It still won't be easy but it is always best to put yourself in the middle of the pie, make yourself the reason for your decision.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Aug 08
tess your own dad is your flesh and blood whats to'choose from really as you owe your dad life, and though you love your stepdad too hes not your real dad.you havehelped your stepdad, now its your turn to do something for you, Your dad wants to help you and you would be closer to your family,if it were me I would opt'fo got to my dad.of course its your final decision anyway. I know
moving is hell, I do agree on that, but i think you would be glad you did.
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@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
4 Aug 08
Thanks Hatley. Yea I have alot to think about before I decide. Glad I don't have to make a fast decision.
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@RhythmWalker1 (825)
• United States
4 Aug 08
Think about what is really best for you. Your post shows that you have a good heart and are considering everyone involved in this situation. Moving is a hassle and I sure don't blame you for not really wanting to go through that again.
I moved back to NC to be near my family and if I had it to do all over again,
I'd still be in Kerrville, Texas.
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
4 Aug 08
LOL The good thing would be if I really knew what was best for me. Three years ago I thought it was the warm Texas climate. Now I don't know. Thanks for the reply.
@RhythmWalker1 (825)
• United States
5 Aug 08
It's not always easy to know what is best for yourself. Ask your heart about it. Would you feel better being close to you "real" family? If so, thats where your heart will take you. Maybe it's time for you to put you first.
Good luck with whichever path you choose to take.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
4 Aug 08
Oh, you poor dear Tess. I feel really bad for you. You make
such good points for both sides. Is there any way your
stepdad would consider going with you or is that too weird?
I know it's just a crazy thought. It would solve alot of
problems, but I don't want to make new ones. It is such a
tough decision. Only you can decide where you'd rather be.
Which state are you happier in? Where would you be happier?
Would being nearer to your family be easier on you? It's
your life Tess, you need to make the choice that's going
to make your life easier. You can't stay in a place just
for one person. If you're not well you need to think about
you. You have to search deep down in your heart and with
your mind and then you will know what you have to do.
Just be true to you Tess. You owe it to yourself. I will
be praying for you. Your friend, Opal
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@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
4 Aug 08
StepDad won't move, so he would be here by himself if I move. I really don't know what I want to do. I guess I'm lucky I don't have to make a quick decision on it. I do miss the mid-west, but I also like the shore and watching the boats and birds out in the bay. Thanks for the reply... :)
@Jade13 (262)
• Malaysia
4 Aug 08
Wow, this is complicated. I don't know what should I say. I was thinking, instead of you move only, leaving behind your stepdad, why not ask him to move along? ask him to find a place nearby. Where you can still visit. But I am not sure how will your dad thinks of the idea. But to me, its like the best way, you can stay close to both.
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@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
4 Aug 08
LOL So many people are suggesting he move with me.... sure wish I'd thought to put in my original post that I already know he won't move! Thanks for the reply.
@trishasantos (1297)
• Philippines
4 Aug 08
Okay here goes. If I were on your shoes and have the same situation. I will ask both dad if it is okay to live in one place. Both are part of my life and I do not want to choose. So I will ask them if it is okay to live together. If not, I will first find a place near my biological father where my step father can live. So I can visit him if I want to, when I want to and when I needed to. Moving may be difficult but it will only take you a week (I wish). You can then sell your step father's property and use the money to buy him a place to stay which is near your biological father. In that way, you will be able to help yourself, help your step father and be with your family. If your step father does not want to move, try explaining to him why you should, maybe that could help him move on with your loss.
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@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
4 Aug 08
Thanks for the reply. Stepdad won't move, so I'd have to leave him here alone.
@memorable (114)
• United States
4 Aug 08
Well if you are caring for your stepdad and want to be near your kid's and father then you should consider asking your step dad if he minds moving to another state with you to be near family he will probably agree and then everybody will be happy end of story.
@lifeistrulyshort (73)
4 Aug 08
I would first discuss it with his other family members, starting with the closest (in the heart, not distance) relative. Share your dilemma. Share your feelings about missing him and not wanting to leave for his sake. Maybe it's time for one of them to pitch in and offer to take him in, move him to an assisted living place in their immediate area...maybe your stepdad would be interested in coming with you, if that's an option. As far as moving yourself, sure, the winters here in the midwest are cold, summers are short, but nothing will warm your heart more than being around your family, especially those grandbabies!
@1grnthmb (2055)
• United States
4 Aug 08
This is a real hard decision. Your Dad is willing to help you move and get established and you would be back to being close to your son and granddaughter. But then your Step Dad has been so good to you in the last three years and you are really his only family. Would he be willing to move north? That would solve some of the problem if he is. But then will the colder weather affect you. I know with my disability cold weather makes me hurt really bad. I myself would stay in Texas where it is warmer and my health would be a little more stable.
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
4 Aug 08
Yes, part of my initial decision to move south three years ago was because the cold is hard on me and my doctor suggested I move to a warmer climate. Stepdad won't move, so he would be here by himself if I did move. Not sure what I'm going to decide. Just glad I don't have to make a hasty choice. Thanks for your reply.
@ghidz142126 (534)
• Philippines
4 Aug 08
Before making any decision ask the guidance of God and tell him that you need peace of mind to decide on that matter and include some parayers on it.that will help you to decide easier and it will help you a lot.
@only1shi (404)
• United States
4 Aug 08
i was going to ask if you thought about having your stepdad move with you. its quite obvious that you care about him and that you would feel awful for leaving him behind. but, with you, yourself being disabled, wouldn't it be far better to have a support system around you. as someone that lives in texas, the weather alone is enough to make me want to leave!!!! ;0
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
4 Aug 08
LOL Yea, it is rather hot down here isn't it? Stepdad won't move, he has said soin the past. Lots to consider here.
@duttmyneni (198)
• India
4 Aug 08
I prefer you to go to your real dad and family. you said you have problems financial first try to overcome them. You said your real father is ready to help to setup. earn enough money even help to stepdad. First try over come all the financial problems then you can take care stepdad too.
@lonelyfloyd (226)
• India
4 Aug 08
Dear TessWhite
Your dilemma is understandable .... I think you should consider moving to your real dad after a year or so .... cos its your stepdad who really needs you now ...
besides in this era of easy communication ( via email, phone etc.), one can always stay in touch with loved ones regardless of the geographical distances.
Another piece of advice would be to not unduly see this as a problem and leave things to destiny and relax !!! ... God Bless You