You had love Mariage?-How did you propose/were Proposed to???

@manu619 (450)
August 4, 2008 1:34am CST
hi friends.. Friendship day wishes to all. Well.. I find that as soon as a person says he/she is or is going to be married - the FIRST question seems always to be --"LOVE MARRIAGE or ARRANGED MARRIAGE" So it will be interesting to know have any people in Mylot "proposed" as males or were "proposed to" as females. Even more interesting would be what the females said when accepting the proposal. Just YES or any ADD ONS? Hopes you will reply
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3 responses
• United States
4 Aug 08
My husband proposed to me.... he proposed to me with a taco bell hot sauce packet that said will you marry me which i thought was a cute waay to propose to me.. I love taco bell no i just love food... I thought it was a sweet and cute way to propose.. I didn't say anything negative about it..
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• United States
4 Aug 08
I would go for a love marriage... That it the way to go.
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• Philippines
4 Aug 08
i'm just about to propose at 08/08/08 and i'm excited.. were currently at singapore right now.. and i'm hiring some musicians to serenade us.. i'm planning to do it at the rooftop of the hotel that we're in.. and i wanna decorate it with pink silk (as her favorite color) to be romantic.. so yea just sharin my idea.. the hint is: follow the girl's favorite color when it comes on designing the place where you wanna propose..
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• Canada
21 Oct 09
My husband proposed to me when we were sitting in the living room in our apartment in Arizona, in June of 2007. We were married by September. We didn't have a really big wedding, we just wanted to get married as soon as possible, since w elived in two different countries (him in the USA, me in Canada).