Calling all Conversatives (and Liberals if you can help too)!! I Need Your Help
By ZephyrSun
@ZephyrSun (7381)
United States
August 4, 2008 9:22am CST
I need you to help me understand a few things, since I do not listen to talk radio. This morning the newspaper was laying on the table opened to the political section, now honestly I don't read this part of the newspaper but I did because my husband said there was something in there about autism.
I have never heard of this man, Michael Savage but I was reading an editorial explaining about how he said that autism was a "fraud, a racket", I tried to find his original radio broadcast of this message and/or his website but was unable to find anything, mostly what appearred to be opinions and I don't want to read/hear opinions, I would like to hear/read what was actually said. I was also wondering where Mr. Savage received his medical degree if anyone would also be so kind to pass that information along .
I was also wondering if Conversatives believe this as well, that autism does not exist, that it is just out of control children without fathers. Thank you in advance for any information about this. And, please be nice, I am not insulting anyone, I am just asking about a subject that I don't know about and can't find factual information about it.
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14 responses
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
4 Aug 08
I think you'd be hard pressed to find anyone on mylot, regardless of their political affiliation, who would be so ignorant as to believe that autism is a fraud. I'm conservative and I've known way too many people with autistic children to ever believe someone so ignorant as Michael Savage.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
4 Aug 08
I've seen a lot of your posts/discussions and you seem what I would consider conservative plus I have seen you post mostly in the politics interest and I know we don't usually see eye to eye but I would like to ask you this, who does listen to Michael Savage? Is he sort of like a Rush? Honestly, I have only listened to Rush a handful of times and since I am a liberal I didn't agree with most that he said, and like all of talk radio I found it very boring. Thanks for responding I appreciate it.
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
4 Aug 08
Micheal Savage, like many political commentators, is a nitwit. Yes, he said those words, and he stands by his opinion. Here's his exact quote:
-"Now, the illness du jour is autism. You know what autism is? I'll tell you what autism is. In 99 percent of the cases, it's a brat who hasn't been told to cut the act out. That's what autism is.
What do you mean they scream and they're silent? They don't have a father around to tell them, "Don't act like a moron. You'll get nowhere in life. Stop acting like a putz. Straighten up. Act like a man. Don't sit there crying and screaming, idiot."-
I don't think this is a matter of conservatives and liberals, so much as a matter of those who actually understand this problem and don't. Savage is an idiot, not an expert in medicine. His opinion on autism is as valuable as a Creationists opinion on evolution. Just because you have an opinion, doesn't mean it's valid.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
4 Aug 08
Thanks latrivia for the quote. I know very few conservatives and they hang on Rush's words almost as if he is speaking the word of God, I didn't know if conservatives were hanging on Mr. Savage's words as well. I really like to know all of the facts before I make a judgement on a subject such as this. Thanks for responding.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
4 Aug 08
Kennyrose, I just had this conversation the other day. Someone had said that shots do not cause autism and we debated it for a while. My son has autism, my two cousins have autism, no other generation in my family has had autism. These three boys were all born in the 1990's they all appeared to be "normal" children then as they grew older they were diagnosed with autism. So I fully believe that these children all developed it as a result of their shots. You're correct we will probably never see a study that supports the claim and I'm sure that the government will never admit any of it as well. Thanks for your comments you are very correct.
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
4 Aug 08
I am a conservative. I listen to Michael Savage sometimes. I was not listening when he said that. I do NOT agree with it. I have not listened since. I wish I could hear the clip, so I know what the context was. I think if he believes that, he is not speaking for many people. Mr Savage is a "shock jock" and so by saying such stupid things, he gets free publicity! Please don't think that he speaks for all conservatives.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
4 Aug 08
Hopefully someone will have a link so we can listen to it, I searched youtube since they usually have that sort of thing on there but there wasn't anything that was actually him, just people making fun of him and I really want to hear him say it. I didn't believe that conversatives could believe this way but I did ask because I wanted to make sure that it was untrue. I truly believe that everyone has reasons for believing the way that they do, and believe that most people are intelligent until they prove me wrong. Like I said in the post I really do not listen to talk radio mostly because it boring and well of course because I tend to be very liberal, but I don't listen to the liberals either. Thanks for responding.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
4 Aug 08
Thanks mcat19, it's so sad when people do that. Thanks for responding.
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@fluffnflowers (1594)
• United States
4 Aug 08
Try this site:
There appears to be a written transcript of the infamous rant. As someone who is conservative and living with autism and someone who has friends that are conservatives (even some with autistic children!), I think it's safe to say that Mr. Savage's opinions are very individualized. I'm sure there are people, conservative and liberal alike, who don't believe in autism, but I have a very hard time believing that it's a widespread belief.
Mr. Savage is not a doctor and does not have an MD. He's got a couple of degrees with 'medical' in them, but is not qualified to comment, as a medical authority, on anything but herbal medicine.
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
4 Aug 08
That link was even more interesting, I have a child with autism and I have two other children with asthma. I think it's funny how he also made light of asthma since there is a test to determine asthma, it's so accurate that the US military uses it. My son had it done to test whether or not he had asthma and it induces an asthma attack. Thanks for responding and sharing your views with me.
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@Vladilyich1 (1454)
• Canada
4 Aug 08
I read the original of this article and also responded to several discussions here dealing with his bulls##t opinions. This man is a very dangerous lunatic because, since he is on the radion, people might actually believe him. I do believe in free speech, but when you are in a place of assumed authority, there should be restraints. Everyone now knows to take Rush Limbaugh with a major spoon of salt, but this guy is new and they think he actually has something to say.
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
4 Aug 08
Michel Savage is not a new person on the radio, he has been around a long time. But I agree with you, people like Savage, Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Hannity, Beck. Youshould never get all of your info from one person. I listen to these guys for entertainment. They make good points, but I do not base my opinion or beliefs on what they say.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
4 Aug 08
I have not seen his name on mylot yet but really I do try to stay out of politics unless I have a question or my friends start discussions in there. Thanks for responding, I've been researching him all morning and haven't found anything that I have agreed with.
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@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
5 Aug 08
Autism does exist..
I think the comments that Mr. Savage made were really ignorant. How can he explain the non-verbal Autistic children that sit in the corner and don't even speak up for themself?
My son is Autistic, he also has a father that lives in the same home as us, so what Mr. Savage said about Autism being fake and saying the children don't have fathers around, is wrong in my case.
I think people are just ignorant and open their mouth to soon... Mr. Savage opened his mouth about something he knows nothing about... but this is what he does for a living...
As for hearing what he said myself, yes I heard it on TV and you can find it on youtube as well...
Here is a few links...
There is a lot more you can find on him...
He has tried to speak out about his comment, but he can't justify what he said...
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
5 Aug 08
Thanks Foxxee for commenting. My son's father has also been involved in his life. Thank you for providing the links, when I searched youtube I came up with people making fun of him. There was one part that actually made him sound intelligent and that was when he said something like, let the children that truly have autism get all the help they need. If he only knew the biggest help that children with autism could get is understanding and kind words, not hate and ignorance.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
4 Aug 08
It looks like you got the information you were asking for but, you know me, I can't resist adding my two cents. Michael Savage is an idiot! Like Al Franken's book about Rush Limbaugh, "Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot" there should be a sequel trading limbuagh's name for Savage's and dropping the "Fat". He had a show on MSNBC for about five minutes a few years ago. As I recall it was a weekend show where viewers could call in and he called a caller a "f*g" along with other choice insults. I've heard bits and pieces of his radio show in the car. I have my one radio button set to the local news and talk station because I like the local talk-show that's on from 3 to 7 PM so sometimes if I'm in the car at other times I don't bother to change it if I'm just on a short trip. Savage is a shock-jock in the worse sense of the word. No matter what anyone says I get very angry when people who have no medical degrees take it upon themselves to give their opinions about medical conditions! There has been enough evidence to show that ADD is over-diagnosed and over-medicated but for people whose only agenda is of a political nature to start "picking on" autism, I think that's going too far. I've known families with autistic children and I also know a man who is autistic and this isn't something to be made fun of. I suppose since it has been in the news lately with the concerns raised that it may be caused by vaccines there may be increased cases of misdiagnoses but that happens with every disease or condition. When you have one group trying to raise awareness as well as funding and research on something you can be sure there will be other groups to fight them and cry foul because they don't want any of their tax dollars to be spend on helping others. Sorry, but that's what I've come to believe about some conservatives.
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@coolseeds (3919)
• United States
22 Aug 08
I am not even going to waste my time researching this bull. LOL
No one in their right mind would say that autism was fraudulent. I think he does it for ratings. Look at how many people you got to go watch his videos and read websites. It is what he wants and he is getting it.

@coolseeds (3919)
• United States
22 Aug 08
I like the "when you try to show them actual proof" they just ignore you. LOL That is people and most of them will believe what they want regardless of how ignorant it is.
There are people who say "My grandfather said..." Just because someone thought something doesn't make it true. But it gets set into stone. On the same premise they say that 2 animals can breed without the same number of chromosomes because their grandfather said. People can be ignorant not willing to find the truth.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
22 Aug 08
Being a parent of a child with autism I wanted to know more about this. I do not listen to any talk radio except for the few second I get into my huband's truck and he has on but again I quickly shut that trash off. I wanted an unbias opinion of this man and how people feel about him. I got the general idea that Mr. Savage isn't loved by all. I actually found through this and my own that he really isn't that bad, he just goes about getting point across the wrong way. But, I have seen certain members here repeat all that is said on the shows that are like this (Rush, Hannity, Savage sorry those are really the only ones that I know) as if the words were fact and if you try to show them actual proof they just ignore you.
Thanks for responding.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
5 Aug 08
First, to Mr Savages political affiliation. He is neither Democrat or Republican. He is a staunch libertarian and states this frequently. I'm not a fan of his in truth, he's a little over the top for me on quite a few things. I am a conservative and believe we have as a society become to obsessed with labeling bad behavior as a disorder. That being said, My son has a form of autism. However, it still does not excuse bad behavior.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
5 Aug 08
Thank you for the clarifaction on Mr. Savage, as I have repeatedly stated I do not listen to talk radio, I would find more entertainment in cutting my eyes out than listening to people (shock jocks) talk. Please let it be known that it is all forms of talk radio, I am not bias, I do not like any of them.
My son as well has a form of autism, Asperger's, and I in no way excuse his behavior because of his autism. He is punished for his "crimes" and I have also taught him to make amends for said behavior. Thanks for commenting and also for sharing your personal opinions.
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@frankiecesca (2489)
6 Aug 08
I have not heard abou thtis interview either but if true it seems sucha silly statement for somebody to make! I guess from the last bit you mentioned that he has said that children who apparently have autism are just out of control children without fathers? How does he work that out then for children who are autistic and have fathers? Very confusing and I hope you find the interview so it can be cleared up! x

@frankiecesca (2489)
6 Aug 08
As much as I hate to say it there probably is a lot of people and doctors who are ever so slightly playing the systme but there are also a lot who aren't so maybe he should have thought about it more before commenting! x
@nupats (3564)
• India
5 Aug 08
hi dear i really dont know much about this guy...but i do have a friend who has a one year old autistic child...they have a very happy and complete family no issues and the kid was 10 months old when they detected that he was autistic..i think this guy is actually crazy to pass such insensitive and brainless comments on autism
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
5 Aug 08
hi nupats,
I'm sorry to see that your friend has had this happen to them, it's very good for them and the child that they were able to find out so early. You're so correct with this man, he and the other "shock jocks" are such idiots and shouldn't have the listeners that they do. Thanks for commenting.
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@zeny_zion (1283)
• Philippines
4 Aug 08
autism is inborn. it cant be acted or not existing. its an illness not fatal that a person can have since he/she was born. its an abnormality. autism has a category. just search it in the internet. im not a doctor, you know.
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
4 Aug 08
LOL Nar anyone that can shed some light on ignorance lol. Thanks for stopping by.
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