By November21
@November21 (385)
August 5, 2008 10:03am CST
iam a muslim but my question is can a christian mak me get to christianty?
if so i want somebody to convice me about this religion and if i have convised enough i will get to it!
but first of all i have 3 questions about this religion
1- why do God have only one son (chicies) not three or four ?
2- Why its a boy not girl or boy and girl?
3- Why if God wants more than one son didnt marry another woman and get so many children?
4- If God had a son then there is must be a wife or from where did that boy come!
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18 responses
@danimalhite (141)
• United States
7 Aug 08
The original definition of a Christian is one that believes in one god. Through out the years it has come to mean many diffent things.
It does not matter what name you call him by as long as you know his name. It does not matter what path you take as long as you do not litter along the way. It does not matter what religion you are as long as you beleive.
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@November21 (385)
• Qatar
9 Aug 08
Will the two of us are agree about God and Believing in him , so if you believe in God then you have to listen to him and obey his laws in earth. Believing in God only without practising what he says is not a believe. All praise for Exalted Allah (God) who is the most Merciful, for among his creation We created Jinn and men for His worship and obedience,as He has said in the Holy Qur'an:
"I created the Jinn and mankind that they may worship only Me." (51:56)
There is a very clear discription in this verse of the purpose of life. Thus, the most important work of the world consists of acquisition of knowledge and devotion to worship of Exalted Allah. This is also the aim of the creation of the two worlds. It is, therefore very impreative that man should devote himself to these two duties sincerely and diligently in preference to all activities which are vain and useless.
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@kellyjeanne (1576)
• United States
8 Aug 08
The original meaning of the word 'Christian' came from those who accepted Christ as their personal Saviour. Hence 'Christ-ian.
Also, it does matter which path you take.
"Jesus sayeth unto him, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
John 14:6
Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under Heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
Acts 4:12
Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat.
Matthew 7:13
Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Matthew 7:14
It's also important to note that even Satan and his cohorts believe in God and tremble at the sound of His name, but believing isn't enough. If believing were enough Satan and his cohorts would be in a far better state. Obviously he is not.
Have a great day and an even better one tomorrow!
Catwoman=^..^= & Mija
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@danimalhite (141)
• United States
8 Aug 08
I think you might have mis-understood what I was trying to say. When I said "It does not matter what path you take as long you do not litter along the way" I meant that as you live your life and make good decisions --not litter-- then you are on the right path.
It also depends on how you translate the bible. Just because you do not practice your religion does not mean you don't believe. What means something to one means nothing to another. So what I am saying is that yes the bible has many great passages in which to help you along your way, but is a sad man that can not think of 2 ways to spell a word.
Question: Do you really think that because someone calls their god by a different name, even though they lived there life good, that we will not see them in heaven??
Just remember along your journey that God made us each individuals. So even though some people make bad decisions and just because they seem to struggle more does not mean we will not see them in the end. There is more than one path to the gates. It is not as a narrow path as we once thought. It is 2008 he wants us to be free and happy.
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@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
7 Aug 08
God sent His son to save man-it the idea of saving did not arise he would have no reason to have a son!
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@WhatsHerName (2716)
• United States
8 Aug 08
Hey guys, here's a really great blog about the Quran.
@November21 (385)
• Qatar
7 Aug 08
Thank you all of you for your answers that may show your knowledge. but for more knowledge this the book about christianity and Jesus Christ i hope you all download it, i hope that you all can read it and its not going to take a long time from you. i think this is the right book for extending and correcting your knowledge about Jesus . its seems that you all were concern to comment on these discusstion whether you know the answers or not and i hope you all be concern in reading this book with the intention of knowledge.:)
this is the Link
Happy my lotting .
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@kingcrapper (1536)
• United States
5 Aug 08
November, I am sure you got many hits on this post and will probably get many more in the days to come. I am very interested in the idea that a person like you, a Muslim, would ask such indepth questions to find clarification. If we were sitting together I would love to go over in more detail who Jesus Christ was and what God's mission was for Him. I would love to show you that it was in the Father's divine plan for the very beginning that his only Son would die for the sins of all men and would be raised again. I would love to tell you about Mary, the virgin who carried and gave birth to Jesus as part of God's plan and was there was He was crusified and gave His life for ours.
I would love to hear more about what you would like to know. You are a very intersting person to me and I would love to share.
@November21 (385)
• Qatar
5 Aug 08
Thanks my friend :)
why wouldnt we keep mailing each other so we could share what we have i really would love to:)
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@djoyce71 (2511)
• Philippines
6 Aug 08
God can't marry a woman because God is the only God, a spirit. Jesus, in our belief is a man. God made Jesus be born through Mary, Joseph's wife. It was God who made Jesus to spread God's words and save the people who believed in the true God. Those people who believed will be in His fold or flock. This flock will be saved when judgement day comes through Jesus, the saviour.
@efc872 (1077)
• Jamaica
6 Aug 08
djoyce, If God is a spirit and we are made of His image then something is wrong. I don't know what a spirit looks like, I don't know if you turned out to be a spirit but I am not a spirit. I also find it strange that God refused a virgin that was free and took on Joseph's wife/virgin.
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@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
7 Aug 08
When God said "Let Us make man in our image", He was not referring to a physical image. He was referring to the spiritual part of us, which we often call the soul. Our physical bodies will die and return to the earth, but the soul lives forever. It is our choice as to whether we will live in heaven with God or in that place of torment sometimes referred to as hell.
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
5 Aug 08
You really should not let discussions on the internet determine what religious beliefs you will follow so I'm not going to *sell* Christianity on you. I will, however, respond to your questions.
1- why do God have only one son (chicies) not three or four?
He is God. It was His choice.
2- Why its a boy not girl or boy and girl?
He is God. It was His choice.
3- Why if God wants more than one son didnt marry another woman and get so many children?
He is God. It was His choice.
4- If God had a son then there is must be a wife or from where did that boy come!
I can give you an answer to this one. God had no wife. An angel came to the Virgin Mary and told her that she would have the Lord's child...and she did. The seed had already been planted so Mary never saw God.
@November21 (385)
• Qatar
5 Aug 08
for the 3 questions you have answered wrong because these questions hav been questioned to a priest or preacher and he didnt know what is the answer.
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
7 Aug 08
Spalladino, your answers were not wrong, but they were incomplete. As to your statement that Mary never say God, according to the scripture, she was visited by an angel. Whether that might have been a form of God, we don't know.
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• United States
5 Aug 08
as salaamu alaykum,
the questions asked seems to be very easy to answer, is this really what you want to determine your religous future or are you just trying to get a rise out of people, if it is just for a rise, then okay, i type things i want people to respond to also, but we both know the penalties for the wrong decision being made. allah guides who he wills and those he doesn't will be leads astray.
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@November21 (385)
• Qatar
5 Aug 08
Salam i will never change my religion no matter what even if somebody try to kill me . i just want christian people to think more about saying that chisice is the son of God . you know in islam we belive in chisice as a prophet not as a son of God. we believe that God is one and nothing but him no sons no grand children no wifes.
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@blackmantra_x (2732)
• Philippines
6 Aug 08
Good day.. It seemed you've already made up your mind, why need the convincing? For me we have our own way of believing and I believe we need to respect one another as Muslims or Christians. Only the true God can judge us if he want to or not that is, regarding our beliefs and how we follow that beliefs.
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@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
6 Aug 08
I don't believe that anyone can make you get to another religion, unless you have a strong desire to change. As for each religion, whatever you are, you have to take from that religion what's most important to you. In my own opinion, we are all God's children and we can all make a difference in this world to change for the better, to make choices to accept each other for who we are, to live peacefully with each other and to respect each other's individual choices. I know this isn't the answer you were looking for in your post, but this is still my belief.
@SandynPaul (171)
• United States
9 Aug 08
Wow! Who wants to talk about a discussion that can boost Your balance? I Am not sure if there was any other point. I don't believe so except maybe to make someone/anyone think. I see that after reading all the responses so far, and all the responses november21 has made to the responses, that the questions were posed. They were a means to a end, both to boost a balance, and create contraversy. I for one just had to inject that it's true, there are answers and like most can attest to the answers are often, a person's personal belief of what the words mean and how they are perceived. Taking Your questions, 1 step further... What color is God? Well no where in the bible does it say God is black, God is white, God is red, yellow or any other color perse. However I believe there is a verse that says something to the effect of what color God is. That being said, I cannot point to the verse or quote it but I recall it, and my recollection is that of My own determination of it's meaning. The meaning I deserned from it was that God was all colors, not one, and very beautiful. So although I didn't answer any of Your questions, I tend to agree with about everything posted in general, basically stating that an answer can't really be wrong because they are opinions and they are not usually wrong or right but exactly that an opinion. I wonder why I didn't think of such a great topic to post first! God Blesses! SandynPaul
@edgyk8inmomma (2157)
• United States
5 Aug 08
No one, of any faith, can MAKE you believe the way they do. Its your choice. However, people can give you answers to your questions, if they are truly answers you seek. What I have seen here though is something different. A person of a certain faith poses questions to call out people of a different faith. Then, instead of being kind and supportive of one another...like most faiths preach...the person posing the question belittles and berates the responders.
With that being said, I will wait a little while to answer your questions, to see if you you are A or B from my response.
Peace and blessings!
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@November21 (385)
• Qatar
5 Aug 08
i dont think so because how come that there are many people entered to Islam the difference here is that God will is to let them be muslims by those people , you know like prophets they come to tribs and nations to let them enter to Islam.About the way of asking these types of question is not what you really think you misunderstood the message wrongly i didnt ment belittles or berates anybody its some kind of question to let people wake up and search for real answers NOT MINOR OR VAGUE answers that doesnt reveal the truth or makes you feel the inner peace inside you, and about the answers i know and i believe that dont have them in your books(vers)or in your heart because if search for every chapter in the Bible you will see that jesus had never said that you shoul worship him all what he was always say our father and he ment the lord God .I acctually will never force anybody to enter Islam because its not forcable religion because its about choosing your gate way paradise or hell. God said that every muslim must send the message of islam that it he will not ask us if the people you send the message to accept islam or not because this is the job of the reciver then.
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@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
7 Aug 08
You asked some very good questions that I, who grew up in the Christian faith, had to give considerable thought.
1. Why only one son, not 3 or 4? It is stressed several times in the bible that God gave his ONLY son. If there were others, the loss of one would have not seemed as important.
2. Why a son and not a daughter? Until a short time ago in the history of the human race, sons were considered more important than daughters because they were expected to work and take care of the parents in their old age. On the other hand, a daughter could be somewhat of a liability. When she grew up and married, she would leave her family and join her husband's family. To top it off, the father not only lost his daughter but in many cultures, he had to provide a dowry for her.
3. Why didn't God remarry and have more children? God is not a man but a SPIRIT. This is the all powerful being that made Adam, the first man, from the dust of the earth and Eve, the first woman, from Adam's rib. God is not a being that needs a wife.
4. If God had a son, from where did he come? In the Godhead, there are 3 entities, God the father, God the son, and God the Holy Spirit. Thus, the son of God always has been and always will be. He came down from heaven to be born of a human mother as a human infant, lived a perfect life as a human and was sacrificed on the cross to compensate for our sin. To get Jesus Christ born as a human, God caused Mary, a virgin who was engaged to a man named Joseph, to be with child without ever having had intimate relations with a man. You can read the account in the book of Matthew, the first book of the New Testament. It is given again in Luke, the 3rd book of the New Testament.
F.Y.I., the Christian bible is divided into two parts, the Old Testament and the New Testament. The New Testament is frequently published separately. There is so much more that I would like to tell, but that would make this answer much too long. In fact, it could be a book in itself. I hope you can find a member of the Church of Christ to help you with your quest.
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@johnson3 (152)
• United States
6 Aug 08
I agree with the first response to your discussion. The bottom line is this, everyone will not believe and some will, but in the end everyone that doesn't believe will sure wish they would have will they had the chance.
We aren't going to live forever in our physical state and our soul (spirit) has to have a home after this life. What we choose on this side will determine where we go on the other side. I don't force what I believe on others because its not right--God speaks for himself through his Word. Christianity isn't a religion--its a relationship that you have with Jesus Christ.
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@Cley_CJ (105)
• Malaysia
7 Aug 08
I'm a Christian living in a Muslim country, so I get these kind of questions a lot, but I wish to get some points accross before I answer your questions.
- Your questions are obviously not a quiz. You are asking for people's opinion & explanation, so there is no right or wrong. You cannot say someone has answered wrongly when there is no definite answer in the first place. If you have your own answer then why bother asking it? How can someone convince you to convert to Christianity if you are not open-minded.
- If you want clarification on Christianity, this is not the proper channel, because here, you get answers from people of other faiths, sceptics, atheist, free-thinkers, non-believers & people who want nothing more than to kick down Christianity, etc. These people may or may not have the proper knowledge on the subject & probably just give opinions based on assumptions. I'm sorry but I don't believe you have consulted any priest or pastor about this matter because they would have given you an answer or at least point you to the right direction, i.e Bible passages. Especially questions 1 & 2. If they can't answer your questions, then they are probably not a priest or pastor, not a Christian one at least. I can't give you a proper answer to those questions because I don't have a deep theological knowledge, which priests & pastors have.
For your questions, I don't want to give a definite answer to each one, because there is one point that you have to be clear about. GOD IS GOD. Humans get married and then have children. Human men needs a wife to bear children. Muslims also believe that God is All-Powerful, right. So, how can human limitations & requirements be applicable to God. God can create things anyway he sees fit, anytime he needs to. That's why your questions are unreasonanble, because you see God as if He's human. God is who He is.
Have a nice day, happy mylotting.
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@iasonriki (33)
• Philippines
6 Aug 08
Hello there
I would like to apologise in advance for not offering answers to your questions because I only want to offer you the other option which is to become an atheist.
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
6 Aug 08
I was born Christian, but gave it all up at an early age. My Life was changed when I began to think for myself. When I refused to allow a Priest, Pastor,or Rabbi to influence my Life, I was better able to connect with God. The Christian Church has many irons in the fire (so to speak) and not all of these are concerned with Spiritual Matters. Collecting Money is One of religion's Top Priorities . Most religions have this same problem. Take some time to educate yourself in Spiritual Matters and leave Religion to those who refuse to,(or cannot)think for themselves.
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@mimico (3617)
• Philippines
6 Aug 08
Hey there, you have some really interesting questions. First of all, you have to understand that Jesus Christ is 100% God and 100% human. He is like us in that He too suffers, works, grieves. But in everything else He is divine. So in order to deliver us from sin, the love of one Christ is enough. Having other siblings won't serve any purpose in God's divine plan. But as "children of God," we are all brothers and sisters of Christ. As for Christs' gender- I really don't know. :( I know for a fact that men and women are equals in God's eyes. But I don't know why Christ was a boy. Finally, Jesus Christ was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born by the Virgin Mary. :) God didn't really need a "wife" like we mortals do.
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@poona_m (336)
• India
6 Aug 08
I believe you have no idea what you have done by posting such a question on mylot. Such questions are the only reason my husband keeps away from the interest religion and keeps me away too.
You seem to be really insensitive to the passion for religion others might have. I have seen you comment in one oif the posting above that the questions you posed were posed to a priest and he could not answer them. well my friend there are million such questions that could be asked to your prophet and even he would not be able to answer.
As far as your questions go the answers are simple all the things are the way they are said to be because the first person to document them found these options to be easier to handle when documenting further as we see there are no proofs of what hapened. A virgin girl giving birth to a child seems highly impossible. just like how parting the see seems impossible too.
I am not here to debate on whether these things are true or not but all I want to say is if you start testing religion on scientific terms more often than not you would end up dissatisfied with the things mentioned in the religious books. SO its better to just have faith in whats said and believe it, as long as its for your betterment.
About converting to islam. I dont think there is any point in changing your religion. All religions basically preach the same thing. Love and peace. But we usually ignore the true message and keep fighting with each other over silly matters like the customs and traditions of each religion.
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@agamer (45)
• United States
6 Aug 08
well, first of all, like other resposes, you should not be letting the internet decide for you, i believe if you want the most accurate answer, you go to church, im a baptist, and i still have some questions about god, i do not think everything that comes out of the bible is totally true, but i do believe there was/is a god, and there was a jesus, and a virgin mary. technically in the bible, everyone is gods son and daughter, according to the bible, god created everything, including himself. another thing is that god didnt not marry a wowmen, jesus was born from the virgin mary, as a sign that christ is here. everything is based on faith, and a little bit of factual history, but mostly faith, church is not only getting in touch with god spiritually, but learning more about the history behind the religion, i suggest visiting a church a few times, or reading the bible before deciding which religion you support the most.
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