Obama has admitted taking illegal campaign contributions from Mid-East Arabs -
By ladyluna
@ladyluna (7004)
United States
August 5, 2008 10:06pm CST
Hello All,
As many of you know, I have been terribly troubled by what I have repeatedly referred to as Sen. Obama's 'ripe for abuse' campaign contribution website.
I have raised 'red flags' in response to an international participant here, who claimed to be "campaigning and helping" B.O.
In case anyone is unaware, it is ILLEGAL for any USA politician to accept campaign contributions from other than USA eligible citizens. Yet, Team Obama is accepting foreign contributions on their website, and B.O.s infamous trip to the Mid-East and Europe wsd littered with marketing, campaign materials. Including Team Obama flying all over the world on a "Congressional fact-finding mission" in his campaign plane, which lists his web-address, which is inundated with 'how to contribute' messages.
Now, it would seem that someone has done some digging, and yup, B.O. has registered 'dirty' campaign contributions in the Obama FEC filings. Although, this is NOT THE FIRST TIME THAT OBAMA HAS ACCEPTED TAINTED CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS. Does anyone remember Tony Rezko? Obama's excuse for lying through his teeth about how much money Rezko contributed to his many campaigns, over many years is that at that time he didn't have the staff to properly oversee his campaign contributions.
Well, in case no one told the learned B.O., if a candidate cannot afford to pay a support team, it is incumbent upon the candidate to responsibly track their own contributions, and to make sure that they are all legally eligible!!!
So, it turns out that Team Obama (which the last time I heard was more than 300 strong) has submitted FEC filings which include over $29,000.00 from the Edwans brothers, who happen to be citizens and residents of the Gaza Strip!!! Yup, Palestinian Arabs!
Below is the link to the article. It is quite damning, so you might want to read it!
[b]My questions to you are:
1. Obama is allowing non-U.S. citizens to affect our elections! What should the penalty for such a blatant FEC violation be?
1. Obama already got a pass for accepting at least $150k in tainted contributions from Tony Rezko. Should he get another pass on these Gaza, Arab contributions? Or should he be prosecuted for repetitive violations of the FEC, and campaign finance laws?
2. What do you think about Palestinian Muslims giving B.O. over $29k?
3. What do you think about non-USA citizens interfering in USA elections? [/b]
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15 responses
@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
6 Aug 08
I had heard rumors that Hamas was helping to fund Obama'a campaign, now I acutlly have the information to prove it. Why aren't campaign finance officials all over this. Are they all liberals turning their heads to get them into office? I think he should be called on the carpet about this and be given a traitor's punishment for accepting all that money from avowed enemies of the USA
@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
7 Aug 08
Hello Clrumfelt,
Oops! I'm sorry that I inadvertently skipped your response last night.
I would offer the suggestion that we not make the leap from two Palestinian brothers having illegally, financially funded BO to Hamas having illegally funded BO -- yet! At this point, the two brothers are denying any involvement with Hamas. So, unless and until an investigation is launched (by somebody) then unfortunately we cannot prove any Hamas link.
Your second question is a really terrific one! Why aren't campaign finance officials all over this? I'd like to hope that it's because several gov't agencies are arguing a turf war, i.e. which agency will go after this 'crime'. Although, I do not believe that to be the case. Instead, I suspect that campaign irregularities have become so common-place that too many people are willing to simply turn a blind eye.
Your last point deserves serious consideration: If McCain or any other politician admitted on an FEC filing to have been taking foreign contributions, perhaps with a terror link, AND if that politician was found to have knowledge of those contributions, then I would agree with your call for a traitor's punishment. If evidence of knowledge and intent was not found, then I would still insist that that politician withdraw from the current race, and be forever barred from public service. While that may seem a bit harsh, I would argue that any politician who would endanger the USA that way, does not have the judgement, or the willingness to learn and abide by our laws, to lead or represent others.
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
7 Aug 08
I think your idea they be forever banned from public service is on target. Convicted felons who serve time in prison are not allowed to vote, so why should those convicted of political treason be allowed to run for publicoffice?
This crime should be punished severely to send a strong message to other countries that they are not permitted to meddle with our government.
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@WhatsHerName (2716)
• United States
6 Aug 08
No wonder he has the most money in this election. Perhaps money and nothing else is why he beat Hillary. Sad isn't it that even the color of a persons skin their gender or age takes precedence over who has the most money.
It sure looks like hes allowing non U.S. citizens to affect our elections. He should be dishonorably discharged from the race. He should be sentenced to 90 days of walking back and forth on the steps of the White House with a sign that says "I don't play fair".
We will never be able to stop politicization from the temptations of bribes but we need to find a way to stop them from accepting them. He should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
As for the terrorist Muslims, I don't know what should be done about them but the politicians need to stop taking their bribes.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
7 Aug 08
Hello Mona Lisa,
Bingo! That's what first alerted me -- the record breaking contribution rates. I considered that he has urged more 'newbie' voters than ever before. Yet, college student typically have zero cash (been there done that), and newbies are typically deeply skeptical. So, where was all that money coming from????
I like that idea that "I don't play fair". Though, I have to admit that I prefer the sentence of "I got caught cheating". Should he also be prosecuted? Yes, I agree that he should. He broke a law, and he is a lawmaker, which makes his responsible to act within the confines of the law that he participated in legislating, as well as all laws that preceeded him, if those laws are still current.
It's a matter of respect -- and if an elected rep cannot demostrate mutual respect, then they are incapable of performing the duties of their job, and should thusly be terminated!
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
6 Aug 08
These are all deal killers as far as Obama becoming even the nominee, much less President. Too bad, Hillary will be a tougher candidate to beat.
As to foreigners influenceing our elections, of course, you don't want that. Ill intentioned foreigners will back candidates likely to harm your country. Lenin was backed by Germany to weaken Russia. Stalin repaid them later by covertly backing Hitler. The Chinese communists delibrately backed Bill Clinton. Whatever foreigner is backing Obama now is very unlikely to have the interests of the USA at heart.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
6 Aug 08
Hello Red,
They should be deal killers, shouldn't they? They certainly have been in the past. Geesh, Richard Nixon garnered huge bi-partisan support during the election phase. Yet, the public withdrew every ounce of support he had received for much less of an offense than what Sen. Obama has done here. Heck, 'tricky Dicky' was only trying to 'peak' at his politicial competition. Yet, there were laws in place that deemed that 'peaking' as illegal. So, he went down -- hard.
Yet, here we have BO advertizing to the whole world how easy it is for someone to use his website to donate money to his campaign. He's even gone so far as to boldly point out, if you live overseas, here's where to contribute. It's all on his website, in plain sight. Quite frankly, I can't believe that this hasn't already been challenged. I, for one, am looking forward to seeing BO's July campaign reporting -- since he spent at least a quarter of it overseas. Should be interesting!
Excellent point about nation's covertly backing candidates who will serve their, and not the nation in question's best interests. There's a reason why political intrigue has created a string of best sellers all the way from Plato's days.
Oh, and by the way ... Hsu didn't just bundle for Hillary. He also bundled for BO, and turned BO on to his #1 bundler. So, the Chinese don't have a personal preference on who to back -- just a party preference. Does anyone remember the monk donations 'bundling' for Al Gore???
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
6 Aug 08
Hello Lakota,
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this issue.
Since yours is the first response, please allow me to make a couple of corrections here, since there is no 'edit' function.
1. In the 'questions' part of my discussion, I erroneously typed Mid-East Muslims. I have no evidence that the Palestinian brothers are Muslim. So, until otherwise confirmed, we should not assume what their religious leanings are, either that they are or are not Muslim. Although, they are Arab.
2. Uhhh duhhh! Yes, I did learn how to count when I was a wee lass. Yup, the number 2 follows the number 1, and 3 follows 2. I submitted this discussion just before I went to sleep last night. I must'a been tired to list the questions as #1, #1, #2 #3.
Sorry for the big, 'ol oopses, folks!
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
6 Aug 08
Obama is allowing non-U.S. citizens to affect our elections! What should the penalty for such a blatant FEC violation be?
I think the FEC should audit all of Obamoron's contributions, and then appropriate criminal charges be filed against him for soliciting those contributions, as well as charges for running that illegal lottery awhile back... something about selling tickets to one of his functions and the winner and 1 guest would be able to meet him, or some such nonsense. Anyway it violating online gambling laws in EVERY state. Charges should be filed... after the appropriate investigations.
After all, he wants McCain investigated for supposed campaign irregularities, so let's be fair foe a CHANGE.
Obama already got a pass for accepting at least $150k in tainted contributions from Tony Rezko. Should he get another pass on these Gaza, Arab contributions?
Or should he be prosecuted for repetitive violations of the FEC, and campaign finance laws?
Yes, and it should be to the fullest extent of the law.
After all, he is a lawyer and he does not even have the excuse of not knowing the law.
It must be assumed therefore that these violations of the law were deliberate, and therefore the entire brunt of the law should be brought to bear on this sleazy politician as an example to others, as well as just reward for his crimes.
What do you think about Palestinian Muslims giving B.O. over $29k?
It tells me that the Palestinians are trying to buy an American politician and possible president. This does tie in with terrorist groups like Hamas and others who are openly supporting Obamoron, and anyone with any common sense at all should question this aspect and should find it disturbing... they should ask themselves why they think Obamoron would be favored by our enemies.
What do you think about non-USA citizens interfering in USA elections?
They have no business ding so, just as Obamoron has no business encouraging such interference.
None of the candidates should be soliciting contributions from non-citizens for any reason. It smacks of payoffs for favors...outright bribery. It tells me that Obamoron considers the presidency to be for sale, or at least for rent... and that is not a good thing for a candidate to be appearing to be engaged in.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
6 Aug 08
Hello Destiny,
You make a really important distinction in your response: Sen. Obama has actively soliticited overseas contributions. Which is a far cry different from an occassional overseas contribution being sent to his campaign headquarters.
And yes, you're right the illegal lottery is just another in a long line of campaign irregularities. At what point should the FEC and the USA citizens say "enough is enough -- rules and laws also apply to BO". As do the penalties for not abiding by those laws!
Thank you for declaring that charges should be filed after the appropriate investigations. That tells me that you are also refraining from pre-judging this, either for or against. Well done!
Wow! This is some really heavy pondering ... Is the Presidency for sale or rent? That we could even consider such a thing is so far beyond sad!
Why the heck can't today's political parties vet candidates with integrity?
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@ngaspero (851)
• Italy
6 Aug 08
In my country the name of that is diffamation..
is incredible how much sh**t is getting on BO, why are you so afraid about ihm? noone can be worst als GWB, why are you so scared by the new?
Ps(can I remember you all the interference of US government in the election in south and central america?)
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
6 Aug 08
Hello Ngaspero,
To defame is to slander or libel someone's reputation, right? So, how can you equate slander, libel to making public what has already been made public by the alleged victim?
In other words, in the USA a candidate's FEC filings are a matter of public record! If Obama's FEC filing lists a total of $29k in donations from these two Palestinian brothers, then there absolutely is no libel involved.
Why am I so afraid of BO? Because he has demonstrated, in his very short time in the public arena, that he could do untold, and perhaps irrevokable damage to my country. Not yours (Italy), but mine. More specifically, if he is elected he would be empowered to directly affect my standard and quality of living. What's more, I am 100% confident (that's right, not a shred of doubt) that Obama's ideology and policy goals will have an extraordinarily negative impact on my nation. How can I be so sure? Because everything that he has proposed has already been tried before, and has either failed dismally (USSR, Cuba, China) or has been applied situationally (Venezuela, the United Nations) and is dying from a slow bleed.
Over the years, I have studied the political structure of every current government, and most throughout the history of mankind. What BO reprsents is Marxism, which is a failed ideology, everywhere it's been attempted. So, why should I cover my eyes, ears, and mouth to let an inexperienced ideologue, who spouts the most unnatural system of governance in the history of political ideology emerge as the leader of my nation?
Ngaspero, let us not confuse governments with individual citizens. Every government who has any current international agreements with other countries will be inclined to assert their governmental divisions into the affairs of nations with whom they are legally bound on any matter. The USA, Britain, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Israel, Jordan, Pakistan, India, China, Japan, Mongolia, etc... have all inserted their national will into the politics of their fellow sovereign states. That will not change -- nor do I believe it should, if the goal of peaceful coexistence remains front and center.
However, infering that individual citizens should be allowed to inject themselves into other nations elections is so irresponsible, that I cannot imagine that you really even support it. Would you really want Americans to fund one candidate in your next national election? And, what if we poured big bucks into getting someone elected that you were absoulutely certain would negatively impact your homeland. Would it be OK then?
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@ngaspero (851)
• Italy
6 Aug 08
It's really amazing, I always wonder about that, but do you think that they believe in what they write? I hope no, but in the case it's also more bad becouse with poupose they report somethink false..
ps(I really hope no but I see it hard for Obama, november is far away and tons of this thinks will still go out)
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
25 Sep 08
Charged with corruption.
Not too surprised, just a little surprised that this isn't being talked about more.
I understand why foreigners would do it. I just think that our potential president should have a little more restraint and ethics.
@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
25 Sep 08
Hello Laglen,
Thank you for raising the question: in these past two months, I have heard zero follow-up on any F.E.C. action against Sen. Obama. Since Sen. Obama filed his FEC filings to include the Palestinian contributions (this was never a question, as Obama's FEC filings are a matter of public record, and he does not dispute the illegal contributions) I have not read any media follow up. At issue is whether or not Sen. Obama actually returned that money. His campaign stated that it had returned the $30k, yet the Palestinians stated that they never received the money back, and Team Obama could provide no evidence (when last I read about activity in this issue) that it had returned the money.
So, you raise a really terrific point. Is anyone following up on this?
And, has their been an inquiry into the George Clooney's '$10k/plate' Obama fundraiser in Geneva, Switzerland? Uhhhh, how does one NOT question a political fundraiser for a USA politician being held in Switzerland? There is simply too much of an opportunity for abuse.
Below is a link about the Geneva fundraiser:
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
25 Sep 08
Thank you for that interesting link. Another confirmation to my opinion that Obama is not the kind of person that should be leading this country. He has no integrity and blatantly disregards the campaign rules. IMO Obama thinks he is above the law. He must think they only apply to stupid (decent) Americans.
To answer your question number 1 (which IMO takes care of all the rest). As he cannot do something as basic as to follow the campaign rules then he should IMMEDIATELY be removed as a candidate for the presidency.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
26 Sep 08
Exactly! This morning (Friday) I am even more disgusted with what is going on in the election.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
6 Aug 08
This is truly amazing, Ladyluna, and I can't believe you'd actually fall for something this obviously phony. I did a search and even Fox News didn't have anything about this, all I found was this extremist site World Net Daily and numerous opinion blogs. I'm afraid you conservatives are going to have to face the fact that Obama is going to be our next President despite the best efforts of all these people who have obviously devoted every waking hour this past year to making up stories in order to prey on voters' fears and give those who are reluctant to admit they won't vote for a black man other excuses.
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
6 Aug 08
This sure bears repeating.
"If you ever again make obfuscated allegations that I am connected to, linked to, in bed with, or a racist who will or will not vote for a person based on the color of their skin, then I promise you that I will publicly excoriate you for making patently false accusations against me. I will not tolerate these race games, Annie. For the whole of my life, I have walked the talk of color-blindness, to the point where I have made great personal sacrifices in this regard. I will not stand idly by, and allow accusation of bigotry to infuse legitimate political/ideological issues. If you want to cheapen yourself with the race card, then you do it somewhere else -- not in my discussions. For when you debase yourself to capitalize on race baiting, then you infect bigotry into my discussions."
I wish I had said this or something similar to some of the people responding in my posts. Good going.
3 people like this
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
6 Aug 08
As Rush would say... DITTO!
You should be ashamed of yourself anniepa.
By charging racism in your post you have shown yourself to be racist.
Shame on you!
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
9 Aug 08
I think if it's proven he's taken contributions from other countries, he should be kicked out of the race and banned from politics...including his Senator position...for the rest of his life.
I also think they should throw the book at him in fines and jail time. I think the contributions from other countries are nothing more than other countries attempts at buying a President into the White House that will benefit them.
I think they should worry more about their own countries and leave our elections to the ppl that live here legally.
Personally, it doesn't surprise me that B.O. (reminds me of Bad Odor) is up to something like this. I've said for a long time that with all his family ties in other countries, he'd look out for their interests long before ours.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
6 Aug 08
Nice reporting Luna, Excellent work again.
I have a few thoughts on the matter but wish to withhold passionate comment until more comes to light and there is an official investigation.
I guess this is a danger that comes with internet campaigning and fund raising. In many cases, there is no way to tell for sure where the money came from with out a lot of digging. I will try to remain fair and say that perhaps the senator may not be aware initially where the money is coming from. I will say though that steps should be taken to insure that only U.S. citizens can access the fund raising section. The technology exists and is pretty common.
One could have easily have raised this concern with Ron Paul's "internet money bombs". Or Hillary Clinton's for that matter. I would like to see it looked in to and a discussion opened up in congress regarding the laws governing internet fund raising regulations.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
7 Aug 08
Thank you, X!
I honestly appreciate that you are reserving 'judgement' until more data is available. That is reasonable, it is sound, and it is as it should be!
I also respect that you see the inherent risks in 'internet campaigning'. Wow, talk about a potential hornets nest!
(Quote- Xfahctor)
"I will try to remain fair and say that perhaps the senator may not be aware initially where the money is coming from. I will say though that steps should be taken to insure that only U.S. citizens can access the fund raising section"
Again, while it is reasonable to give the benefit of the doubt, it cannot be understated the BO already has a history of taking repeated 'questionable', tainted campaign monies. Add to that the reality that the home page of his web page directs overseas individuals on how to contribute to his campaign. While his overall web page does indicate that only US citizens living abroad 'should' gift their money to him, there is no mention of any evidence necessary to prove one's citizenship. Moreover, his campaign instructions seem to support the idea of giving multiple or scheduled lesser amount donations. If anyone wanted to figure out how to scam the system, multiple, scheduled, automatic credit card contributions would be the most precise way to accomplish such a goal. Lastly, nowhere on his website does it indicate that any contributor will have to prove that they are in fact a United States citizen! None of this should come as any great surprise, since BO has refused to provide any proof of his own citizenship, since before his national Congressional election.
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@twallace (2675)
• United States
6 Aug 08
I'm not saying that what you have stated is wrong but I bet if they did the same thing to McCain who has he received contributions from? I see that there are alot of those that have donated to his campaign. I know that a lot of them are out of the country too. But could it be that they just might believe that he could be a good president? I could be totally wrong with what I have just stated and you might not agree with me. But do you really think that McCain would be a good president or Hillary? Or do you think that Obama shouldn't be president cause of the information that you have provided. There is so much that goes on behind the seens of these campaigns that don't come out til later. Like for instance something like that would be on the news bad mouthing him if it was really true don't you think?
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
25 Sep 08
ladyluna quote from your comment " This is most certainly a 'lesser of two evils' campaign. As such, I am not voting FOR a candidate, I am absolutely voting AGAINST a candidate -- and I have made no bones about that fact!!!"
I could not have put it better your statement is EXACTLY word for word how how I feel about this election and my vote.
@twallace (2675)
• United States
8 Aug 08
I didn't say that you were wrong in anything that you stated. I'm not one that is big on politics. I just know they have all taken money under the table. Proof if it none cause I'm not into politics. Things that should be on the news are not. That was my point if the information was really true that is one thing that would have been on the news. Not saying that what you have brought to the light it not true. When you look on the tv there is nothing about where his money is coming from. If they really wanted to change the peoples mind on voting for him that is something that would be eating up the air waves. I don't see that, No one is perfect and like I have said before I'm sure that all of them have taken money from donators that they should not have. That is all I was say. Don't get all twisted for my opinion. I'm not one of those that really care for politics. I wish that the whole thing would be over and done with. Vote for the president right now instead of waiting til Nov. Again I'm not trying to discredit anything that you have pointed out. Have a good one.

@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
6 Aug 08
Hello Lady,
When I heard Obama say that "If the Muslims made more sense than 'the others' he would side with them", I just stopped listening to campaign retoric. (sort of) It is just getting worse and worse.
Obama should not get a "Pass" for any of the illegal contribuions that he has accepted! He should not even be allowed to continue his campaign. As usual, the Palestinians are trying to influence behind the scenes.
I believe there is a history of other elections being quietly interfered with in years past by those outside of the US. I do not thing either one of the Bushs could have been elected without it. Kennedy would not have been elected either. Roosevelt's second term. Nixon. Most likely Carter. You want more?
All of them had contributions that were shall we say interesting too. In fact, so far, Mc Cain is the only one that I have not "yet" heard a bad contribution story about. Maybe I have not been listening at the right times.
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@jbg45638 (88)
• United States
6 Aug 08
I hate to admit it but Obama does have suspicious connections. Fanatic blacks , Faruk Khan, alot of muslim friends who refuse to comment on him, and alot of Muslim countries are outrightly pro Obama which raises alot of suspicion. He also spent almost a month in Pakistan in his college days. During that same trip intead of touring India he specifically went to Hyderabad, India where alot of Muslims live during that time who have alot of Pakistan connections. The time he visited Pakistan is also when Taliban and Al Queda were starting. Remeber a few years later Taliban took over Afganistan.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
6 Aug 08
Hello Jbg45638,
Please allow me to welcome you to MyLot. I hope that you thoroughly enjoy your time here.
Thank you for bringing something new to this discussion. I know next to nothing about BO's trip to Pakistan/India when he was in college. If I may ask, how did you come by this info? I'd sure appreciate knowing, because I think it is worthwhile to know about that influential time in young BO's life.
@jbg45638 (88)
• United States
7 Aug 08
Actually I heard alot of rumors about it at first so I did some internet searching on my own and apparently found an old news paper clipping of his trip to Pakistan and India. They told he spent 3 weeks in Pakistan and 1 week in Hyderabad, India. It looked like an old college news paper article. It seems rather hard to find that article now since the news is out but if I find it again I'll post the link. That trip was in 1981. I also found an article where a journalist found out about this around the time Obama just started running for president he tracked down the Pakistani friend Obama stayed with in Pakistan for 3 weeks. That journalist specifically asked that person what he thought about his old friend (Obama) running for President. That Pakistani friend refused to say anything.
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@jbg45638 (88)
• United States
7 Aug 08
If I were you I would still vote for Obama or a 3rd/Independent Candidate. McCain will be alot worse for the US economy and international respectability. There is only so much Obama can do and I know Democractic Party wont sit still if he crosses the lines. But how Obama is fairing it looks like he will need to choose Hillary Clinton as his runningmate if that is the case we have nothing to worry about at all. I really don't like either Obama or McCain. I liked Clinton and Ron Paul if either of one of those two run as independent I am voting for them. We all know Clinton and Ron Paul has several interesting policies that will save the government billions that will allow our taxes to be cut in half or more.
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@liscampll (124)
• United States
24 Sep 08
I will ignore all of your posts after reading this heap of trash. You've just proven to me that the truth means nothing to you unless it favors John McCain. This will be the last time I will reply to any of your posts. I think you are just intent on smearing and don't really care about the truth. I'm not going to waste my time or energy on crap like this.

@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
24 Sep 08
I asked myself: Should I have really expected an honorable reaction from you? Nope, I guess it was to be expected that you would tuck tail, and run when you are called to the mat.
I would urge you to refrain from future challenges to members' integrity without a serious review of their contributions, and the hutzba to defend your allegations!
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
24 Sep 08
Let's see if you have a shred of integrity, shall we?
I challenge you to disprove any one of the claims in this original post!!!
When you have failed to disprove any single claim in my original post -- I will expect a public apology from you for having denigrated my ethics and integrity in referring to my researched content as a "heap of trash"!
How dare you, who are too lazy to bother performing even cursory research before flippantly declaring that you won't bother to review provided corroboration until a poster proves or disproves something to you.
You've got some nerve. Perhaps you need to surrender your own laziness and commit to honest research before you challenge another member's integrity!
Bring it on!!!
There may be those who are unaware of Liscampll's confrontationally flippant response (as referenced above) to a discussion titled "Barack Obama, The NEW Kind Of Politician!!!". I would suggest a quick search of the title in the MyLot search feature. It is a violation of the MyLot Guidelines to post a link to another discussion. As such, I will refrain from providing the link. However, the search feature will get you to the discussion.
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@liscampll (124)
• United States
24 Sep 08
Like I said, you wouldn't believe the truth anyway, to you it's all one big conspiracy. Why should I disprove it? You don't believe in factchecking websites, right? You are certifiable. Honest research? Are you even serious?!?!? In your eyes, the only honest research is yours. I will not stoop to your gutter politics so I will kindly bid you farewell!