Toilet training tips please for a child who is scared to use a toilet.

@cokyjazz (429)
August 8, 2008 12:23am CST
I am at my wits end.My little girl is still not toilet trained and she will be 3 in December.When i put her on the toilet(i have one of those step up toilet seats that you put on the toilet),she just cries and holds it in.As soon as i let her off,she wets.I know that if she just does it once properly,then she will be fine. I never leave her there alone.I act all excited when she's on there and say 'Oh wow,my big girl is on the toilet'. Any ideas are welcomed.I had no trouble really with toilet training my boys and i was told that girls are luck for me though.
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10 responses
@rsa101 (38115)
• Philippines
8 Aug 08
I really don't know if this would work for you as I have a son. what I did was every time I go to the bathroom I let him watch what I am doin in there. First thing I taught him was to sit so even though I am a man I show to him that i can pee sitting down like a girl does. I showed him that there is nothing to be afraid of then I let him sit and tell him to just do his thing and after every peeing I congratulate him for a job well done. Until it came to a point that I also teach him that its not only for peeing but for bowel movement of course I could not show him how I do it. I just taught him to do it via a toilet when I see him he is about to dump I encourage him to remove his pants and let him sit down. it took some time too let him but eventually constant dare on him made him do it and eventually he realized that its better to dump it there that in his diaper. Now he is six and is very independent already. He does not even want us to be in the CR when he does that.
@cokyjazz (429)
• Australia
9 Aug 08
I very often show her what i'm doing and she tells me what it is.When i take her nappy off,she tells me 'ewww wee' or 'yucky stink' so she does know what it's all about..i think that's what is making it much more frustrating because that's a sure sign that she should be able to do it on a toilet.
@rsa101 (38115)
• Philippines
9 Aug 08
Well it's patience that pays in the long run. different kids have different ways of coping with the pressure of being a grown up. You should also let her realize that she is growing up and as a girl that is growing up eventually her diapers would not fit her in time and she would need to pee on a big girls toilet like mommy. Just don't coerce her. Talk to her and explain to her and eventually she'll get it. Make the environment like play time with her and she might appreciate it also. I taught my son to make his poops vy trying to seat and pretending I am making one. Then I would always encourage him to follow after me, it took me some time but it worked with patience.
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
8 Aug 08
That's exactly how we went about teaching our son, by showing him and letting him sit on the toilet (we bought a kiddies toilet seat that sat on top) so it didnt' seem like the toilet hole was so big. Constant encouragement and showing him worked for us.
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• United States
8 Aug 08
YEP! Lots of advice, first of all remember every kid moves at their own paste, she is not your other children she just revel in her individuality, one day this will be a GREAT story to tell grand children!! Alright having her stand on the toilet and squat she might be afraid to fall in, or that something is down there. Kids that age do fall in, it is a whole in which they feel like they are falling into. The other is make the water a blue color with those cleansers and let her put it in, and flush so she can see it change colors. Make it fun to go potty. This will ease the fear. Also you can hold her up and let her use a flash light to look into the potty when she uses it, sometime when they see it is not dark and it is still water down there they are fine. Let me know if it works! Good luck.
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@cokyjazz (429)
• Australia
9 Aug 08
Hi,i have one of those child toilet seats with the steps that you place on the regular toilet bowl and the hole is much smaller so no way she can fall in.She never is scared to sit down.That's not a problem.The more i think about it,it's the act of actually letting herself do the deed in there.The blue toilet cleaner thing is a pretty good idea.I will see how it all goes.Also,the toilet is always well lit and she can see the bottom no trouble.Knowing her,she's more likely to want to put a flashlight into the toilet...she can be a bit of a monster,haha.
@kate635 (126)
• Philippines
9 Aug 08
Buy one of those colorful little potties. Put it in the toilet and have your child sit on it on a daily basis at the same hour so she will be used to it. You can also give her some toys just to distract her and so she won't be afraid. I did that to my son and it worked. Every time he is afraid, I just talk to him even when he cannot still talk, they need the assurance and by just talking to them, they would understand. Good luck.
@cokyjazz (429)
• Australia
9 Aug 08
Hi, the potty seat i have for her is brightly coloured in red,yellow and blue.She knows it's just for her and i always talk about it in an excited way,she doesnt feel any of my frustrations because i know that wouldnt help.I cant give her any toys to distract her or she plays the game 'put the toys in the toilet'!I dont think she's afraid of the toilet itself,but doing her business in there.My youngest son was scared to do a number 2 in there until he did it just once,then it was ok.It was the funniest thing..the look on his face was 'What on earth is that coming out of me???'Unfortunately my girl wont do anything in there and i have even given her water while shes sitting there to fill up her bladder so she cant hold it in..but she just gets off and does it on the floor..she's a puzzling girl,thats for sure.
• United States
8 Aug 08
I used the sticker method with my son. We went and brought stickers and I told him that every time he used the toilet ( i used one of those swats that went right on top of the toilet) he would get a sticker. I told him that after he got so many stickers that we would go to the toy store and buy a toy. It because a game sort of. And he was more than willing to use the toilet because he wanted that sticker to get one step closer to the toy store. We didn't have no problems with him and the toilet after that
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@cokyjazz (429)
• Australia
8 Aug 08
I am actually trying a reward thing at the moment.My daughter loves those pez lollies so i'm trying to get her with those but so far,no luck.
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@heidibur (310)
• United States
8 Aug 08
Try letting her be there when you go to the bathroom and tell her what you are doing and when you are done have a big party maybe even have a piece of candy.
@cokyjazz (429)
• Australia
9 Aug 08
hello:) All great ideas and i have done them all-she is so stubborn like her father!She knows exactly what the toilet is for and tells me what she has in her nappy and yet,i am still having problems.If she just did something in there just once,i think it would be on track from there.
@heidibur (310)
• United States
12 Aug 08
let her Know what she is sitting in., then letg hrr how great it is to be a big girl, and that big girls go TEE on the potty anxd have a big party.
• United States
22 Aug 08
My daughter is 3 1/2 and we are still going thru the same situation. We have even bought the little potty. I think if she would go just once it would take care of the whole situation, but she refuses. I am exactly in the same boat as you and have tried everything I can think of. Let me know if you figure something out. But you are not alone. We are struggling with the same exact thing.
21 Nov 10
Gosh I'd *love* to know how you guys got on. After all, your childrem will be 6 years old by now and surely the whole toilet drama is now over. For you anyway. Now it's our turn. Our 3 year old is exactly the same as you have described, he'll go and hide in a corner and poo his pants rather than use the toilet (or potty) and has at least once said he's 'scared' of pooing (or maybe the toilet, he was upset and didn't make it clear). The odd thing is his twin brothet is 100% potty trained and even wakes us up in the middle of the night if he needs to pee. Twin one however still has to wear a nappy... Any help would be appreciated =)
@Theresam (1177)
• United States
8 Aug 08
She may not be ready to use it. Do you offer any rewards if she uses it? Such as a piece of candy. Maybe some visuals such as stickers and larger rewards if she uses it and has no accidents for a few days.
@cokyjazz (429)
• Australia
9 Aug 08
I have shown her what rewards are on offer IF she uses it but she hasnt actually used it-not once.She shows all signs that she's ready though.
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
8 Aug 08
Have you thought of buying here the child size one that sits on the floor? Maybe if you start with that you can move her up to the big girl one next. I know my son was scared of sitting up high, so we got the child one that sits on the floor. He was much more comfortable with that. Might be an idea...
@cokyjazz (429)
• Australia
9 Aug 08
It is looking like we might need to do that.I will try all the other things that have been mentioned first in the hopes that,i dont have to buy another toilet training thing.
• United States
8 Aug 08
Has she told you why she is scared to use it? I mean, is she scared that she will fall in or that something will come up and bite her? I know that sounds funny, but i have actually seen snakes come up through the toilets. It was on cops one were scared out of their she had seen something on tv that makes her scared enough to not want to go..If that IS the case, do you have the kind that you can just sit on the floor? That way you can show her she won't fall in or nothing will come out of it.
@cokyjazz (429)
• Australia
8 Aug 08
She hasn't actually said she is scared but when i know she really needs to go and do a number 2,she cries and holds it in.As soon as she steps off,she does it on the floor.Same with her wetting,she will hold it in until she is off.I can only guess that she is scared to use it.She does know what it's for because i have taken her with me many times.She also has a dollhouse and family that she plays with and she'll put the baby on the toilet and say 'wee' or 'yucky'.Hehe,snakes in the toilet..i dont think she has seen anything like that on tv!
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• United States
8 Aug 08
I think my daughter learned to use the toilet either right before or right after she turned 3... my memmory is horrible... anyway, I *do* remember how much trouble we went through to potty train her... we tried the child sized toilet. that didn't work for her. we tried the stickers and rewards, but that didn't work either. we resorted to mind games. my grandmother started it. she told my daughter "big girls go in the toilet, not in their pants"... and we kinda kept it up. there was a period of about 2 days where she decided more and more to go to the restroom until finally we just quit putting diapers on her. and just like that she learned to use the toilet... we've had very few problems with her and the toilet since then... **OH just a note, we DID have to buy her a seat that goes on top of the regular toilet seat AND a small stool so that she could get herself up and down on her own. I almost wonder if she didn't like the idea of potty training because so many people were interested in what she was doing in the bathroom, and she thought it was private?? anyway, good luck! hope I was of some help.
@cokyjazz (429)
• Australia
9 Aug 08
The problem i am having right now is that it's winter,or i'd be having her without a nappy on.When it starts heating up again,i will definately be doing that and taking your advice about big girls going to the toilet,not in their pants. I have considered the whole privacy thing and have tried to leave her for a few minutes and then checked on her again to find that she has gotten off and done her business on the floor right next to the toilet!Oh,the joys of parenting!