Big Brother 10: Just some observations...
By cortjo73
@cortjo73 (6498)
United States
August 8, 2008 9:13am CST
Ok so, I loved last night's episode! I am thrilled that Michelle won! I do think she should have kept it a little less boastful after her win because, she is only safe this week while she is HOH. If she thinks that people won't remember how boastful she was after her win, she is wrong. That will stick in some HGs craws and it might bite her in the butt later.
So, I had a few observations that I wanted to share. I touched on them in responses to other responses in some other discussions but, since not everyone reads everyone elses responses, I thought I would share them with the general Big Brother Fan base here on myLot.
At first I was puzzled about why April was so dang excited that Michelle won HOH until I remembered that, along with April's promise not to put Michelle and Jessie up for eviction this past week while she and April were standing up on the ledge fighting for last week's HOH, Michelle apparently promised April that she and Ollie would be safe should Michelle win last week's HOH. But, ummm...I am going to guess that April at least halfway negated that deal when she broke her word and threw Jessie up on the block and, consequently got him evicted. Yea! Think twice beyotch! Michelle might not be putting you up there but, and eye for an eye...maybe she will take your best friend and bump buddy from the house and put Ollie up on the block! I kind of hope that Michelle does do that.
And, now my next observation. Keesha and Libra were all about the snide beyotchiness while calling Jessie out for sleeping and eating a lot. Basically saying that is all he does. Ummmm...first of all, what more, other than the competitions, is there to do in that house? Sleep, eat, compete, maybe work out, sleep, eat and do it all over again. But, that being said, every time I read anything about Keesha on the live feed updates, she is stuffing her face with food. And, I have read that she is a noisy eater too. But, that is beside the point. She shouldn't talk about others and their eating habits when she is guilty of the same thing. Then, let's address Libra and how she and Keesha called out Jessie for sleeping so much. Every single time they show Libra on the show, she is tucked into her bed. Well, unless of course she is stomping around the house looking for the next person she wants to yell at and clap her hands at. So, what is with calling Jessie out for eating and sleeping so much when the two of them seem awfully guilty of the same kinds of behavior?
Anyone else notice the hypocrisy of that and the fact that April was all kinds of excited for Michelle to win HOH when she probably shouldn't be?
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11 responses
@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
9 Aug 08
I know i'm repeating April needs to learn that she and ollie might be split this week..but i don't think she really cares..its just something for her to do since they can't do anything else in there...
Now for Libra to explain herself over the Hawaiian vacation was so lame..all think she's a bad mother anyway for leaving babies for months..I'm sorry but unless you have been discharged in the military or are a single working one should leave babies for months
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
9 Aug 08
I agree with both of you! That craptacular explanation from Libra did not help me like her any more.
I can't remember just how young Libra's kids are but, I know they are pretty young. She really has no business leaving them...regardless of the fact that she is leaving her kids in the capable hands of her hubby and her mother. Screw that! I really don't like that girl at all. There is not one redeeming quality about her. The sooner she is gone, the happier I will be! LOL!
@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
9 Aug 08
Can't remember the older child's age..I think its like 3 maybe, but the twins are like 3 or 4 months old..and they made a big thing about that remember since one is white and the other black..
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@Reesers (1387)
• United States
8 Aug 08
There are a lot of things I need to read and respond to but I've gotta go somewhere so far now, I'll just respond to this one.
I thought it was extremely stupid of April and Ollie to jump all over Michelle after she won HOH. When they haven't been bumping and actually talking about the game, April and Ollie were discussing what the four of them could do. So there was some kind of alliance there and I think they gave that away by showing their excitement.
I was trying to think of who Michelle would put up because just about everyone has a reason.
April - they made a deal, she went back on part of it, and now Michelle's best friend in the house is gone.
Keesha - went after Angie, another one of Michelle's friends. And I'll throw in another reason for just being annoying.
Libra - who doesn't want her out? One she's gone someone else can finally use the massage chair since she's always parked in it. Well, when she's not in bed.
Dan - pretty obvious there. "He" didn't vote to keep Jessie and went back on his word.
Here's my question regarding Dan. Last night Jerry was telling Keesha that Dan was in an alliance with him, Ollie, and April. He said that Dan gave his word and if he went back on it, he would quit his religion. I've always read or heard that he would quit his job. So is Jerry just an old fart getting things twisted around?
I know I thought of other things but I've lost them for the moment. I'm sure they'll come back to me! LOL
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
8 Aug 08
LOL! I can not find any fault with any of your suggestions! And, thank you for taking the time to respond to my discussion before you had to run off! I feel honored!
That was a bit stupid for her and Ollie to jump all over Michelle showing their new alliance but, then again, given what Libra, Renny and Keesha did by stabbing April in the back and going against her HOH wishes, it really couldn't do much harm at this point. They threw the first on now.
I have no idea what Jerry was saying. I did read once that Dan's boss asked him to stay out of the fights and anything damaging to his reputation so that he would have a job to come back to but, I don't know about this thing Jerry said. That is a little overboard. Sorry I can't be of any help there!
@Reesers (1387)
• United States
10 Aug 08
I am definitely keeping my eye on Jerry and I see that you started a discussion about him so I'll save those comments for that one.
cortjo, I was ready to dive into mylot and go through all the discussions, but then I realized what time it was and had to put it off. So I thought since you had already started a good, general discussion about BB, I would throw whatever thoughts were at the top of my head out at the time. I'm catching up.
@capirani (2840)
• United States
9 Aug 08
You have to keep a close eye on Jerry. You can't trust him. He is very likely to twist something to his advantage. He is slipping under the radar right now....but watch him...he is not the nice mr respectable military man or grandpa figure he is pretending to be in the house.

@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
10 Aug 08
Yeah Michelle was a bit over the top on her win. I like her but at that moment i wanted to smack her. April better be careful and not get so comfortable with peoples word this is BB after all your word means nothing in that house. But I think April and everyone else pretty much new who was gonna be on the block this time as Michelle was very clear what her goal was .
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
10 Aug 08
I do like how honest Michelle was. That has served some people pretty well. Just two examples: Dr. Will and ED.
And, I agree that April, and really no one, should get to comfortable with people's words. No one can be trusted on BB. But, then again...let April get all comfy cozy with people's words! All the easier to pick her off!
@Rose7179 (217)
• United States
10 Aug 08
I thought April said she would not put Michelle up and she would keep Jessie safe? Maybe I heard her wrong, but i thought that is what it was. That really doesent matter tho because she didnt keep him safe so I really don't see why April was so happy either. I don't understand why they have not thought about breaking April and Ollie up yet?
I agree with you about the eating and sleeping thing, they are locked in a house for pete sake lol. what else are they to do. I think on a few episodes they did show Keesha eating and she does eat like a pig lol.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
11 Aug 08
Both April and Michelle made deals with one another to keep each other and Jessie and Ollie safe. But, as we know, April went back on her word about Jessie.
But, for some weird reason, simply because April says that Memphis was her target, not Jessie, Michelle doesn't hold April responsible for Jessie leaving. Very curious!
@nicholejade (2430)
• Canada
8 Aug 08
I can honestly say that I don't know why April was so excited that Michelle won HOH. Yes they have a deal but do you think that Michelle is going to follow through on that when April was the one that put Jessie up there in the first place. I think not. An eye for an eye remember that one April. It's hard to say who Michelle is going to put up on the block. April, Ollie, Dan, Libra, Keesha. Who really knows. Just remember Libra was the one that made her wear that unitard for the week. She tursted Dan to be in their alliance and that totally backfired. It sure will be intresting to see who she puts up anyway. And maybe there is alternate motivates. Who will win POV and if a replacement needs to be made who will that be? So many questions and so many possibilites. Guess we just have to be patient.
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
8 Aug 08
I did get to see a little bit where her thought process is right now from the updates on the live feeds. I will spell them out for you below but, if you don't want it spoiled, don't continue to read. as of last night, it looks like she is aiming for Libra's eviction this week but, the other person she might throw up there is Dan. She feels betrayed by him on behalf of Jessie and she is out for revenge. She laid into him last night about being so religious and giving his word about not voting out Jessie but doing it anyway. She questions everything he has ever told her. She questions his girlfriend's existence and even whether he really is a teacher. So, I think that she might throw Libra and Dan up together. But, Memphis, Keesha and Libra are all trying to get her to toss April up there. So, she is a bit torn.
@nicholejade (2430)
• Canada
9 Aug 08
Your not spoiling anything by any means. I read the live feed reports. I don't get to watch them as watching them with no sound is not fun at all. Need to get that looked at so that I can get them live feeds fired up.
@capirani (2840)
• United States
9 Aug 08
I didn't notice how excited April may have been about Michelle getting HOH. I was too focused on Jerry's reaction. I think Jerry is at least a bit scarey and I truly hope Michelle puts him up on the block this week along with Libra. Jerry was looking pretty angry that Michelle won. And each episode I think Jerry gets more and more angry. I think he is a loose cannon in that house and he needs to be gotten out. At first I had some respect for Jerry for being his age and trying out for the game. But it is not age that is his problem. It is his attitude. I didn't like Jesse's outbursts of temper, but Jerry wears his anger and it is building. He kept saying he is really enjoying himself in the house, but I didn't believe any of that. He is angry. I lost my respect for him right away the first night when he so willingly copped a feel when it was offered. The younger men had better taste than to accept that offer. If he were my husband he would be coming out of that house with seperation papers at the very least, if not divorce papers waiting for him. But as time went on, and his outbursts of temper continued to grow, I lost even more respect for the man. What a poor example he is setting.
I couldn't stand Renny after that first week, but I have come to like her a lot better than I did at first.
I still feel the same way that I did from the beginning about Libra. And I don't see her doing anything to change my opinion of her. She is very pretty, but her actions show a very ugly side. She is not trustworthy, conniving, manipulating and everyone in there should doubt everything she tells them, including her alliance. She is a user and she is using every one of them and she will stab them in the back first chance she gets when it suits her purpose. Granted...they are all using each other to a point. But she is vicious
I always try to look at the players behavior in the house, knowing it is just a game and that they know it is just a game, but also knowing that living together in such close proximity can bring out the worst or the best in people. Libra and Jerry are showing their bad sides to the extent that I am not sure they even have good sides. And I can even imagine someone down the road getting hurt if Jerry is in that house much longer because I can see him heading for a big explosion and I would hate to be the one that gets in his way when that happens.
Back to Michelle. I am glad she won HOH. Her alliance has been picked off one by one and she needs to regroup and get herself a chance here. I think Dan needs to find an alliance and it better not be with one is safe around Libra, including her so-called alliance. If Dan can outlast the HG's thoughts about him being America's Player with everything else that happened last week overshadowing all that, he has a chance to keep playing for awhile. So, if Michelle gets Memphis and Dan, it's a start. I know Keesha is having doubts about Libra. What Jesse thought he was doing last week by getting them all fighting backfired. Keesha was already realizing that she should have put Libra up on the block. If Michelle plays it right, she might be able to get Keesha to switch sides. Then Renny might follow Keesha. With Keesha and Memphis becoming friends, it could really turn things around for Michelle...if she plays it out right and gets Libra out of there. If Libra goes, that alliance could crumble as they all start talking and figuring out how she has been playing them.
That's my observations anyway.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
9 Aug 08
I pretty much agree with everything you said here.
I gave you my thoughts on Jerry in the other discussion so I won't repeat myself! LOL!
Dan taking AP was possibly one of the worst things he could have done for his game. The HGs already had him on their radar before he was ever even offered AP. He didn't know that, of course, because his HGs discussed him behind his back. But, it was still not the best idea for him to have taken the AP.
I really hope that Libra goes this week! That would be magnificent!
@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
9 Aug 08
Hey Cap..I agree about Jerry that he needs to go since he's very angry and makes all the people think he's doing this for his sick why feel out April?
He has no game plan except thinking he can trust these players..there is no trust in BB game except making others think that you are..instead of him thinking well they are playing pretty good, he gets angry and wants to stop talking to them..instead of watching that person and getting they say hold your enemies closer..he might make them think he's changing sides and stay in the game longer to finally play the game..instead its this MY WORD ATTITUDE..oh please..
@awonderfullife (2893)
• United States
8 Aug 08
Excellent observations, cortjo. I hope Michelle goes back on her word to April. April totally negated that deal when she put Jessie up. Like him or hate him, April shoudln't have put him up. She blew it. I'd love to see April or Ollie go, as well as Libra. Wish they'd have a triple eviction. LOL.
Michelle seems very vengeful, so let's just say I think whatever she does will be good!
I don't know if I can wait until Sunday's episode to find out who gets put up. I may have to read your Cortjo Report! LOL
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
8 Aug 08
Thank you awonderfullife!
I hope that Michelle goes back on her word too since April went back on hers. But, I kind of think she is leaning towards putting Dan up next to Libra. Her main goal is to get Libra out. Which I am fine with! But, I would love to see April tossed out on her overly pampered, bleached blond butt! LOL!
I will be happy to give you the scoop when I know it! Keep and eye out if you want!
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
8 Aug 08
I noticed how excited April was too and couldn't figure it out. Thanks for pointing that one out. I am guessing that Michelle will go after Keesha and Libra or maybe even Dan. I hope not Dan.
I think that they were commenting on how all Jesse did was eat and sleep because for the whole week while on the block that is what he did. I think they are stating this because Jesse thought he was safe, but too bad for him!
I do notice that everytime they show Libra she is in bed! What is up with that?
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
8 Aug 08
I have a feeling she will put Libra and Dan up because she really ripped Dan a new one last night. She is very mad at him and seeking revenge. But, her target this week is Libra so, we'll have to see. She did ask that people make it a tie so she can seal Libra's eviction. I hope they give her what she wants! I want Libra gone. And, I am not ready to see Dan leave yet either so, as long as it isn't him leaving, I am pretty much ok with everyone. Libra being my first choice. But, if it is Keesha, April or even Ollie, good riddance!
As for Libra in her bed...I have no idea what is up with that but, she really shouldn't be pointing fingers at anyone else for immobility! She is even less mobile than Jessie was. LOL!
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
8 Aug 08
Thus far, it sort of looks like Michelle's revenge is aimed at Libra. She really wants her out. And, she took after Dan last night pretty hard for being the 4th vote that provided the nail in Jessie's coffin. So, I don't really know what she will do. If I had to guess right now, I would say she is set to put Libra and Dan up there. But, Memphis, Keesha and Libra are all trying to get her to put April up so, we'll have to see. I think Memphis might have a chance of talking her into putting April up but, Michelle would likely think twice about listening to anything that Libra and Keesha say to her.
@littleowl (7157)
8 Aug 08
Hi cortjo-I live in the UK so don't have the same big brother as you have at the moment-also am not a fan of it so don't follow what is happening over here either-littleowl
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@jlcook (166)
• United States
9 Aug 08
I think the main reason that April was so excited about Michelle winning is that Keesha and Libra went against Aprils wishes and voted out Jessie. But what I want to know is why Keesha would do this. She as HOH last week told her alliance that they had to vote off who She wanted and they did just that. So when April said she wanted Memphis out why did they go against her? This season has been a roller coaster and I honestly do not even know who I want to win. Last season was almost a bore and now It is chaotic. Can't wait to see the old houseguest make a return for a day, should be interesting. Wonder if they would let us kick out some of the current houseguest to bring back some past ones.......Have a great Day!
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
9 Aug 08
LOL! The reason that Keesha did what she did is because she is a hypocrite! LOL! What's good for that goose is not necessarily good for the gander. LOL!
I am looking forward to seeing the other HGs too! That would be awesome if we could vote in old ones and vote out some of the others! I would love that. Out with Libra, in with Janelle! LOL!