Obama 08 or McCain 80
By lanlan011
@lanlan011 (701)
United States
10 responses
@sataness (321)
9 Aug 08
Isn't Obama the guy whose familys verbally insulted America as being a place they hate? Isn't he the guy that's planning to take over 1500 children from their families into a government ruled school? Isn't he the guy that doesn't seem to understand how to respond to a 7 year old girl asking him a question? Wow yeah sounds like an amazing guy to run for presidency. It's not about age it's about what you bring to the countries table.
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@ClarusVisum (2163)
• United States
9 Aug 08
"Isn't Obama the guy whose familys verbally insulted America as being a place they hate?"
Uh, no.
Of course Obama is going to sound like a bad guy if you make up bad stuff about him, lol. But your straw man isn't running for President, so it's irrelevant.
@sataness (321)
10 Aug 08
If i'm making up stuff then half the articles on here have been spreading fake stuff to? Because this and including the newspapers, news and other sources are where i base my facts. Again, it's not age it's the capability to do a job which should get you the place. Also i suggest you look up the questions debate on Obamas answers, which were recent discussions posted.
No bad stuff made, i comment on what i hear and see and to me? I don't think he has what it takes, America needs someone for them, someone to stop the soldiers getting killed unnecessarily and someone who can form a peaceful breach before we turn into a destruction scene. Does he really have what it takes? And on the family scene, uh yeah they did say that.

@bdugas (3578)
• United States
9 Aug 08
Good thing you are not old enough to vote, do you think just because Obama is younger that makes him capable of running our country. McCain has been a senator for a long time, he was a prisoner of war for 7 years, Obama is green, 3 year senator and he has no plan and will show how green he is in the debates when he can not answer the questions given to him. He thinks the ways to end the high gas prices is to have your tires in flated to the proper air level. Now that took a real wiz to think up that, I believe we learned that in school.
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@missybal (4490)
• United States
10 Aug 08
WoazMM, do you know anyone in the military? Any connection to tell you what it's like over there? You know a lot of American's were for the war. It took more than Bush and McCain to send us there. And McCain has disagreed with a lot of the way the war was handled by Bush. Then Obama says he was against the surge in Iraq that really made America gain the most ground, but now the man everyone thinks is going to end the war is suddenly in favor of a surge in Afganistan? His new best friend Hillary previously gave this statement to reporters during their campaign battle...Obama's anti-Iraq intervention speech was in 2002; by 2003 it was down from his Web site; by 2004, he "was saying he really didn’t disagree with how George Bush was conducting the war;" from 2005 to 2007, he voted for war funding and didn’t go to the floor to condemn the war for 18 months and wasn’t for timelines initially.
@lanlan011 (701)
• United States
9 Aug 08
there was a certain incident that concerned obama when he was speaking. there were people out in the audience that held up a question for him. it took hilary the next day to respond but OBAMA responded in 40 minutes. he is very prepared and it is not just his age but come on he is more suitable for president and he belives in change for the people. but really is McCain in good shape to run this country. plus obama can play b-ball. i want to challenge him some day. but obama is going to be the coooooolest president.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
9 Aug 08
First, welcome to mylot, your gonna love it here. Second, welcome to the political section,your gonna love/hate it here, lol. It truly is a bloodsport arena. In this section, bring your numbers, facts, specifics because you can be sure others will have and will happily club you over the head with them. It's great fun, lol.
I notice though, you say your not old enough to vote yet your profile claims you are 18?
All that aside, now, what is it about Obama you find makes him qualified in your eyes? Please be specific. Not, "he's young", Or "fresh", or "he will bring change" or "he's not republican". what policies, again be specific. If you say, "he'll end the war in Iraq", please say how and what the exit strategy is. If you say, "hell improve the economy", state how and what.
Again, welcome to mylot, have fun.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
10 Aug 08
"In this section, bring your numbers, facts, specifics because you can be sure others will have and will happily club you over the head with them. It's great fun, lol."
Well said xfahctor. With all the people who have posted lame blogs and bogus emails here we've become extremely skeptical and demand proof even if the post is over what McCain or Obama ate for breakfast.
@leftyrules2008 (74)
9 Aug 08
I am voting for Obama. I hope he wins. If McCain gets elected we will have four more years of another Bush like administration. God help us if that happens. We need a fresh change from the last eight years. Obama 08!!!
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
10 Aug 08
71 years old isn't what I'd call "Nearing his 80s". He would have to serve 2 terms just to hit 80 and even then just barely. If age is your sole criteria for supporting Obama, then it's clear why people your age are too young to vote.
LANLAN011:"there was a certain incident that concerned obama when he was speaking. there were people out in the audience that held up a question for him. it took hilary the next day to respond but OBAMA responded in 40 minutes."
Did you just make that up or did you hear it from a friend who heard about it on the Colbert report? Without so much as a real example this is meaningless.
WoazMM:"He graduated from the 5th from the bottom of his class, and I've heard from Arizonians that he doesn't do much for them(including before this election)."
He graduated from a great school. In the real world nobody cares about your GPA. They only care that you graduated. If he didn't do much for Arizonians than perhaps you would like to explain why they reelected him so many times? It's not exactly easy to convince a state to let you represent them for 4 years as a representative and another 21 as a senator if you aren't doing much for them. Sounds to me like you made that up.
WoazMM:"Yes, Obama is young and arguably inexperienced, but foreign leaders want to work with him, and foreign countries and our own people are embracing his ideas."
This is the best and one that completely makes sense. See, these foreign leaders think the way I do. When I go out to buy a new car, I ALWAYS want that young inexperienced guy. That increases my chances of taking advantage of his inexperience to get the best deal for me. I don't care about the dealership or their salesman when I'm making that deal. I just want it to be good for me. I can assure you, that is exactly how the leaders of other countries are and that's exactly how they see him. When I'm buying a new car the last thing I want is to haggle with a 30 year veteran of sales. It's not even worth trying to pull one over on him.
@fwidman (11514)
• United States
9 Aug 08
All through the campaign I wanted Hilary. But, now it's Obama but he will not get my vote. It's easy to continuously tell folks that we need a "change" but he hasn't shown me anything that leads me to believe he has a clue about anything. Yes, McClain is up there in age, but age is only a number once you get past 21, so you cannot judge a candidate purely on age. Look at the guy we have now. Dubya is only four years older than me, so he's 61. Probably about the average for the Presidents of this country. Look what disaster he has caused. Nope, can't judge from age.
Since the longer he campaigns the more the people (other than the newspeople) are tiring of him, I think Obama will lose the election.

@lanlan011 (701)
• United States
9 Aug 08
actually i believe Obama has a great chance of winning the election. u may be right about age but we need someone fresh and new but who has been around a little while and i believe it is NOT McCain. Obama has his stuff together unlike other candidates and if i were old enough to vote, he would definately have my vote
@lanlan011 (701)
• United States
9 Aug 08
thanx i really apreciate it. come next presidential election i'll be old enough. most people my age dont care much but ive always been into politics and i enjoy watching presidential debates. im just at that time in life where im realizing people have different opinions from me and ive come to accept that

@danimalhite (141)
• United States
9 Aug 08
Well...where should I start?? I thihk if we were to elect McCain in 4 years he would definaltely be gone. McCain in the past has supported every single one of George W. Bush's failed policies. Not only does his tax plan give nearly 75% of the benefits to the rich but he also has lost site of this election. It is clear to me that the only thing McCain has going for him is that the fact he has someone playing dirty on his team. In the past 3 months you have herd McCain do nothing except bad talking the other canidate.
When can we get back to the issues?
Obama did a great job in the middle east. He showed the world he has what it takes to become president.
McCain is part of the filthy rich. He has no idea what the middle class is going through in this country. McCain is pushing so hard for this off shore drilling but it is not going to effect the price of gas for about 4 years after we start. We can not wait 4 years.
I am 29 and have voted every year possible. If we left it up to McCain we would grant amnesty to a huge amount of aliens from South of the border. This would drive the Social Security to heights we have never seen before. I am worried when I go to retire there will be nothing left.
The truth is we are ready for some type of change. I am affraid that McCain represents this corporate call girl type of politics.
I could keep going and going also but it does not go anywhere. The truth is that I am sure that who ever wins will do a fine job. A lot of people do not relize that the canidates promise all these things but the truth is they can not do anything without congress, and we all know congress is a joke.

@danimalhite (141)
• United States
10 Aug 08
That is obserd to think his overseas trip went bad. I have herd Republicans say that he did a wonderful job. McCain has forced Obamas hand to playing dirty. For instace look at McCain and those tire gages he made that said Obamas energy plan. That is an obvious hit below the belt. He soes not take it serious. If we had the proper air preasure in our tires it would lower our nations oil use by 4%. That is a large amount of gas just because of air pressure but McCain fails to recognize that.
As for the immigrants McCain is the one that wants to grant them all ammnesty. He wants to give them citizenship but then he does not want give places like hospitals the funds to have translators. He wants to keep giving big oil all these tax cuts. McCains tax plan is the one that is going to give us a bigger national deficit. You know that it does not even matter, congress will never pass either one of there tax plans. They are both way to expensive.
McCain wants us to be a bi-lingual country as well.
@trisha_nava82 (1379)
• United States
10 Aug 08
From the start I wanted Hillary to win. Since she got out of the running I was truely disappointed, because I did not want Obama to win, but I believe he will win. I do not plan on voting for him though, so I guess I would be voting for McCain.