Where do you keep your wallet - in front pockets, back pockets or r u walletless

@rajeshfgh (1629)
August 9, 2008 9:26am CST
I always keep my wallet in the back pocket with my father always shouting at me to keep it in the front pockets to make it tougher for pick-pockets. But, I get the uncomfortable feeling if it's in my front pant pockets. How do you handle your wallets. Front pockets, back pockets or are you the walletless types. Some keep loose cash in the shirt pockets too. So, what kind are you?
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14 responses
@reckon21 (3479)
• Philippines
10 Aug 08
I don't bring pockets. Pick-pocketers can easily spot it because it's bulging in your pants, especially at the back of the jeans.
@rajeshfgh (1629)
• India
11 Aug 08
Hey, I didn't get you. What do you mean by 'bring pockets'. Yes, bulging spots in your trousers are very attractive to pick-pocketers, not quite literally though
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@sharie16 (2212)
• Philippines
11 Aug 08
as woman do, we keep it on our bags- shoulder bags...but sometimes since our wallets are different from men, i mean our wallets are more bulky...LOL..due to stuffs inside the wallet and not money..LOL...i tend not to bring sometimes, especially when i know i'll be going to crowd places, i just put my money inside my front pocket jeans...
@rajeshfgh (1629)
• India
12 Aug 08
Yup, front pockets are safer and reliable as far as cash is concerned. Just out of curiosity, what can a wallet hold other than cash and cards
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@rajeshfgh (1629)
• India
14 Aug 08
I know, people have a habit of keeping their loved one's photos in their wallets. I am on the lookout of one though...
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@sharie16 (2212)
• Philippines
12 Aug 08
haha..like pictures, little notes, receipts and whatever stuffs we treasure that we value much from friends, love ones or family...which i think men dont have those...
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• United States
10 Aug 08
I generally keep mine in my fanny pack or purse. I heard that you should never keep cash in your wallet and that it should be in your front pocket. But, I rarely carry cash and my wallet has all my cards. I don't like carrying my cards around separately as I am afraid I'm going to lose them or not put them back in the right place.
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@rajeshfgh (1629)
• India
11 Aug 08
Yes, you're right. I think cards are more risky than cash as a thief can easily use it somewhere and dispose it off before we realise that we have been robbed. We need to be vigilant at all times against these petty thieves.
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@howard96h (11640)
• New York, New York
9 Aug 08
I keep my wallet in my back pocket, I do not feel comfortable when it is in the front pocket. When I am in a crowded place then I will put it in the front pocket until I am away from the crowd.
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@howard96h (11640)
• New York, New York
10 Aug 08
Yes only temporary, I could never keep it in my front pocket all the time, it makes me feel like I have a brick in my pocket.
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@rajeshfgh (1629)
• India
10 Aug 08
Back pockets are the best . If I keep them in the front pockets then, I get very uncomfortable while sitting down especially with tight pants on. Your idea is nice to put it in the front pocket for some time, I guess, being uncomfortable for some time is better than losing your wallet.
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• Indonesia
9 Aug 08
hi rajeshfgh, i keep it in the back right pocket, as it is the quite safe and easy to pick. when i wear clothes for exercising, i will keep my wallet in my bag. well i also keep some cash not in my wallet but in the front pocket of my trousers.
@rajeshfgh (1629)
• India
10 Aug 08
Hey, that's a good thing. It surely is the easiest place but surely not the safest as I know some people who have been pick-pocketed from the back right pocket.
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@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
10 Aug 08
Any other plans to make money ....ha ha ha ha lol...pls dont mind just joking..... Thanku Ganesh
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@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
10 Aug 08
not exactly walletless butyes u should have enough money in it ha ha ha ha lol......yes I m finding some best online ways all end on gettig referrals and I m weak on getting referrals....but one day I will learn to get referrals also Thanku Ganesh
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@rajeshfgh (1629)
• India
11 Aug 08
I am on the lookout for some sites too but for the time being I am very happy in Mylot.
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@rajeshfgh (1629)
• India
10 Aug 08
Plans to make money... then I guess you're in the category of walletless people. Anyway, members in Mylot will give you a range of ideas to make money easily, why not start a discussion on it?
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@alokn99 (5717)
• India
17 Aug 08
The wallet is always in the right rear back pocket of my trousers. Although there is very little cash that i carry in it. Most of the cash is always in my front pockets. It's probably because i find it a little painful to pull out my wallet every now and then.
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@rajeshfgh (1629)
• India
18 Aug 08
The same with me. I too have very little cash with me whenever I am outside , but the cards and other important stuff is what I am concerned about. Robbers may use the cards somewhere and also your I-cards and other stuff needs to be remade, it's quite a pain.
@mone101 (138)
• India
17 Aug 08
generally men put their wallets in the back pockets only,as they feel comfortable,even i do... well a day before ..my friend lost his wallet or may be some one stolen it.. poor guy..
@rajeshfgh (1629)
• India
18 Aug 08
Yeah, the comfort is surely there but it comes at a price, sometimes, which is the case with your friend. It kinda becomes easy target for pick-pocketers.
@rosedust82 (2066)
• Philippines
19 Aug 08
I usually put my wallet in my bag but ever since I was held up, I basically stopped using one(even if I have several at home.) I just don't want to lose my id's anymore and cash. What I do now is I just stick my money in the front pocket of my pants. That way, if anything untoward happens again, I wouldn't have to go through the hassle of filing for lost stuff.
@rajeshfgh (1629)
• India
20 Aug 08
You were held up, that must be one hell of an experience. I am sorry for that. Yeah, the id's and cards hurt more than the cash . You can always stuff cash in your front pockets but it's kinda a systematic way to put it in your wallet. But, there's pros and cons to everything. In the end, I think it's all about one's own comfort.
• Philippines
19 Aug 08
since I am a woman and usually not wearing clothes with pockets, I put my wallet in my shoulder bag or hand bag. I always have a small handbag or shoulder bag with me when I am out. I don't usually put my wallet in the pocket. My hubby usually put his wallet in the back pocket. I think it is safer in front pockets.
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@rajeshfgh (1629)
• India
20 Aug 08
Yeah, front pockets are surely safer but at the same time very uncomfortable especially when you sit down. It's a big bulge and also if you're wearing something tight then you won't be able to sit down at all. Back pockets are comfortable but risky at the same time. You've got to take your pick. In this matter, I think, gals are luckier as they have a bag with them at all times.
@misty99 (736)
9 Aug 08
I think we ladies would prefer wallet/purse in our bag.For men...i'd speak for my husband.He places his wallet on his back pocket.He doesn't have any worries because he wears fitting jeans.He can easily feel his wallet being taken out-i don it sometimes jokingly.He has also loose cash on his front pockets.At times if he has to bring big amount he usually put it on his front pocket.
@rajeshfgh (1629)
• India
10 Aug 08
Yeah, it's a lot easier for ladies . As for men, it's risky because when in a crowd or you're busing taking on cellphone you don't tend to think much about your wallet. Yeah, wearing tight jeans makes slipping it out that much harder for thieves.
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@zhaosonghan (1039)
• China
9 Aug 08
I keep my wallet in my NIKE bag,and cell phone,other things were in.My father also shout me to put it into pant pocket,he said,if you don't do like this,your wallet would be steal,all parents are the same.
@rajeshfgh (1629)
• India
9 Aug 08
I bet they are. But they always say from experience. I guess we'll all learn it the hard way
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• Philippines
19 Aug 08
I am not used of having wallet. I only have a coin purse where I put my exact money when going out and I put it inside my bag.
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@rajeshfgh (1629)
• India
20 Aug 08
Yeah, it's common for girls to have wallets/purses to put it in the bags. For the guys, though, wallets are common as they don't normally have any bags with them. So, it's kinda where to put the wallet and the rear pocket seems to be the most comfortable place and at the same time risky too.
@pkraj111 (2458)
• India
9 Aug 08
Back pockets usually and change it to front pockets when travelling for a long time. I may fall sleeping when travelling for long and back ocket is an easy attack
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@rajeshfgh (1629)
• India
9 Aug 08
It's very uncomfortable for me with the wallet in my front pocket. It seems as if somebody has put a stone in my pocket. I agree with you on the easy-target thing but it's very uncomfortable for me atleast.
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