Big Brother 10: The winner of the POV for August 9th...Cortjo Report
By cortjo73
@cortjo73 (6498)
United States
August 9, 2008 7:39pm CST
Look! Don't look! You are about to read a spoiler! Tread at your own risk!
Jerry won the POV today. Pretty impressive for him to have won it for the second week in a row. I don't know all the details yet. I just wanted to let you all know. And, from what I read last night, Jerry already promised Michelle that if he won it, he would do what she wanted with it. What that was last night was to leave the noms the same. I don't know if she has since changed her mind.
Hopefully, this will mean Libra's eviction! That would give me something to cheer about for the first time this entire season as far as evictions have gone! The only other time I have cheered was when Michelle won the HOH this week! Thus far, I have not had a lot to celebrate with this batch of HGs.
So, what do you all think? Are you glad that Jerry won it, possibly meaning that the noms will stay the same and Libra will likely be going home? Or, do you wish that Libra or Keesha won it?
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10 responses
@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
10 Aug 08
WOW!..I'm shocked..2 weeks in a row..not that last weeks really was that hard to do and i feel some were not playing to win cause I've played Minature golf and croquet and its not that hard to hit the ball straight....but i'm glad it wasn't either of them winning and could care less if both do prefer libra even though she's a conniving person,now Keesha flip flops and you never know what to think about her so maybe she might be better this week to go???
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
10 Aug 08
LOL! I will never want Keesha gone before I want Libra gone! LOL! That being said, either of them gone is fine with me. But, I really want it to be Libra first! LOL!
And, that game they played last week didn't look that hard to me so, I couldn't figure out why everyone was so bad at it either.
@pam210 (344)
• United States
10 Aug 08
I am glad that Jerry won it because I would be happy with Libra or Keesha leaving. I also cheered when Michelle won HOH. I just got done watching some of BBAD from last night and Keesha and Michelle were having a long talk about Libra and why Michelle wants her out. It doesn't suprise me that Jerry would do whatever HOH wants he is loyal. I was afraid if Libra or Keesha got off that Michelle would put up Dan and he would of been voted out. For some reason I like Dan and it would be too bad if he had to go because of the America's player thing.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
10 Aug 08
As long as Jerry sticks to his word not to use the POV, I will be happy he won it. But, I did read that he was sort of thinking that he might like to use the POV because than he can take Keesha down and he wants Michelle to put up Dan. But, Michelle does want the noms to stay the same so, we'll have to see if Jerry continues on with his trend of bowing down to the current HOH and doing what Michelle wants him to do. I am still on the fence about Dan but, I kind of think I like him. Most days, he is ok with me. LOL! And, I don't think he should have to pay for being AP either.
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
11 Aug 08
I agree! Not so much about the fact that she already won a trip to Hawaii. Big Brother is a game show where the object is to try to win stuff so, I can't fault anyone for having already won something and that being the reason they need to leave. I hate when the other HGs give that for a reason why someone should leave. Someone is going to win the prize in each prize competition...if it isn't you, you can't hold it against the person who did win it. That is just my opinion on that. But, I also don't like how she took it from Michelle. She has twins that are only 4 or 5 months old, as well as other children. You would think that she would have wanted the letter from home over a trip to Hawaii. Again...just my opinion! Either way...she needs to get gone! LOL!
@lilviolet (20)
• Canada
10 Aug 08
I would love to see Libra leave this week. I haven't had the time to keep up with the live feed updates as I have with other seasons so I feel like I don't know the houseguests as well.
From what I have seen, Libra seems to be so quick to fight back and jump down people's throats. I'm just tired of it. I need to see more scheming, not more screaming! LOL
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@lilviolet (20)
• Canada
12 Aug 08
When Keesha was HOH I was really hoping she'd give in to everyone's wishes and put up Libra.
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
11 Aug 08
You have seen pretty much everything you need to see to know what Libra is about. She has a tendency to get called out for stuff and, somehow, she manages to turn it around on someone else and make them look like the bad guy. She has done it time and time again and, I can't wait to see it come to an end. I am tired of her getting her way. I am tired of her being able to talk the HOHs into who she wants put up for nomination and, I am tired of seeing her manipulate her way out of trouble and into passing the blame off on someone else. It is infuriating! LOL!

@Reesers (1387)
• United States
10 Aug 08
I'm just happy Libra didn't win it! Or Keesha but more so Libra. LOL
He better not use the POV. If he wants revenge on Dan, then he better win HOH and do it himself. I think there are bigger threats to get out of the house first, one of them being Libra. But this is Jerry. He's always attached to the HOH and willing to please.
If he did use it, Michelle could totally surprise him and put up April instead.
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@Reesers (1387)
• United States
11 Aug 08
Before all the mind boggling conversations took place in the HOH room last night, Jerry was telling Ollie he probably won't use it because then there's a chance that Michelle would put April or Ollie up, which would be smart of her. And then came the conversation about Dan, but even then they were talking about they'll see what happens this Thursday with the vote and what Dan does, if he votes to keep Libra or not.
It's really risky for Jerry to use it but I'm all for seeing his alliance crumbling. Guess we'll have to wait a bit longer to see. I just checked to see if they've had the meeting yet but I didn't see anything.
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
11 Aug 08
LOL! Same here! I really hope that Jerry doesn't use it. There was a big fight Saturday night between April, Keesha, Libra and Michelle. Huge! It was ugly and, basically, they all agree that they hate one another. One thing though, Jerry was outside with Keesha pledging his allegiance to her at one point after the biggest, loudest, nastiest part of the fight so, I have to wonder now, after having seen it, if he might use the POV to take her down off the block because he is so far up her butt right now he is probably tickling her tonsils with his nose. I really hope he leaves the noms alone though and just keeps it at a promise to not vote out Keesha as a show of solidarity with her. I have decided that I don't like Jerry.
But, if he did use the POV, it would be nice to see Michelle put April up. I just don't think she would. I really sort of think that she would be more apt to put Dan up instead.

@nicholejade (2430)
• Canada
10 Aug 08
WOW! Way to go Jerry. I sure am giving this guy credit for being a tough competitor. Now the question is what does Michelle want Jerry to do with it? I am thinking that it will be the nominees staying the same. I am hoping so anyway. I really want Libra out of the house and the other houseguests better see that as well. She needs to go and go this week. Since the favour of the house has voiced on many occasions they want her out. GET HER OUT NOW!!!! She is a threat and a loose cannon. Send her home packing. Better yet just throw her stuff out on the front lawn. I really couldn't care what they do with it. But she needs to go.
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
10 Aug 08
Michelle wants Jerry not to use the POV but, he sort of wants to use it to take Keesha off and have Michelle put Dan up. That was earlier this evening though. I don't know if he has had his mind straightened out since then. He really holds Dan responsible for Jessie's eviction and wants revenge for it.
As for Libra, if the HGs don't get her out this week, they are even bigger idiots that I already think them to be. LOL! They have all wanted her gone for a very long time. Now is the time to get her out. And, I agree...throw her crap out on the front lawn! LOL!
@nicholejade (2430)
• Canada
10 Aug 08
Exactly! If they don't get Libra out now they will have a harder time getting her out later. If they were smart this is the time to do it. Jerry holds Dan responsible of Jessies eviction but if Dan goes up on the block they have to think who is the bigger threat L-I-B-R-A! They should get her out now that they have the chance. I think it might be best to keep Keesha up to ensure that Libra goes home.
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
10 Aug 08
First off, I am so sick of Jerry and mephis as of late. Both are now to the point in "their game" that whomever is HOH they go along with no matter what. I wished that Keesha had won it personally. I want her to continue raising cain in the House. Get Jerry, Memphis, and Libra out dad house please?
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
10 Aug 08
I am ok with Memphis. I am still on the fence about him. I have slowly been coming to the conclusion that I really don't like Jerry. As for Keesha, I don't like her but, she could be useful to have around as far as raising cain! LOL! But first...Libra must go! LOL!
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
10 Aug 08
I am also very impressed that Jerry won the POV! I am positive that he will respect Michelles wishes. He is playing as a team player and doesn't want to rock the boat to make him a target.
Hopefully they do keep Libra up. I am wondering if April and Ollie will vote to evict Libra or if they will go after Keesha since April and Keesha hate each other. I can see everyone else going after Libra.
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
11 Aug 08
There was a big old nasty fight Saturday in which April, Michelle, Libra and Keesha were screaming at one another. So, pretty much, none of them like each other. LOL!
I really hope that Libra leaves and, I sort of think that will be what will happen. I know that Jerry supports Keesha so, he will most definitely be voting out Libra. I think Memphis will support Keesha. Renny will support Keesha and that is half the votes. So, even if the rest support Libra and vote to evict Keesha, as long as Jerry doesn't use that POV of course, Michelle will have to break the tie and she will definitely vote to evict Libra because she believes that Libra...and rightfully the cause of every fight in that house and, was the mastermind behind getting the majority of the evicted HGs put on the block. That was what part of the fight was about Saturday night. Libra got called out on a lot of her crap. It got very ugly!
@hopejordan (3561)
• Australia
10 Aug 08
hi there cortjo73
don't like watching big brother we have it here in Australia as well i dont know why people like it i think they do alot of wrong things in that show but each to there own how long have you watched it for i think you will like my friend she loves it she watches it every night take care happy postings.
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
11 Aug 08
Hello hopejordan!
I am sorry to hear that you don't like it but, it is one of those shows that you either love fanatically or you don't like at all. I have watched it since the beginning...10 seasons! I just love to watch the people in it get up to some bad behavior and make fools of themselves! LOL!
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
10 Aug 08
Hey Brain Twin! Of course I'm happy!
I'm going to
do the "happy dance" when Libra goes!
I can't wait!
That big mouth beotch has gotta go! She is nasty! I better be
able to watch this one. Now I still have to wait until Thursday.
They better not schedule another football game! I should be able
to watch tomorrow's show with no prob, but during the week I
never know what time I'll get home and if I'll remember what
the times. I get so confused! Well, star reporter brain twin,
keep me posted on all the happenins' on BB10!

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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
10 Aug 08
Hey Brain Twin! I am there doing the Happy Dance with you! Whew! I'm getting all out of breath with this happy dance! I'm just putting it all out there and leaving it on the floor! LOL!
I hope you will be able to see it Thursday! But, until then, I'll keep you posted! LOL!