Those little things that irritate us...
By cinnnamon
@cinnnamon (17)
August 9, 2008 9:49pm CST
I was at work the other day and a few of us were sitting around outside having lunch and the subject of little things that irriate us personally and probably go totally unnoticed by another person. It was an interesting and amusing discussion. We all admitted to 2 or 3 things each that really bug us. Personally the 2 I spoke about were 1. When someone is a passenger in my car and they change the radio station without asking and 2. My son leaves those little stickers off the apples all over the place ie. stuck to the bin lid, stuck to the floor, stuck to the carpet (he's 17yo). These seemingly inconsequential things REALLY bug me! A couple of other things my co-workers admitted to were 1. Hates cats rubbing up against him. 2. Hates it when people put milk or juice bottles back in the fridge when there's only a few drops left. 3. Hates it when family members do't put the cordless phone back in it's cradle. There were some explanations for these "pet-hates" and no explanation for others, they "just were"... What's your pet hate?
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11 responses
@spoiled311 (5500)
• Philippines
10 Aug 08
oh wow! hehehe cinnamon, let me see...i have quite a lot of those, but let us see if i can remember them off hand.
i hate people who talk loudly, i get indigestion if i am eating.
i hate people who smoke in public vehicles like jeepneys in our country.
i hate people i don't know who push me around just because i am small.
i hate people who step on my toes when i am riding the jeepneys, just because the person across me has spread his feet on the aisle.
i hate it when people rub themselves on me while queuing to pay at the grocery or mall. I mean, can't they respect my personal space?
i don't really hate, but don't like people who leave much of the food that they ordered in restaurants. i mean, they can have them packed and brought home to their dog or given to beggars on the streets, if they really didn't want recycled food or if they didn't really like the food. usually, beggars are not choosy.
i hate the smell of food in my hair and clothes when i walk out of a restaurant.
i hate it when someone shocks/surprises me. i get really jumpy and nervous.
anyway, those are what i can remember now. i am sure that there are more. lol
good day and God bless you! :)
@cinnnamon (17)
• Australia
10 Aug 08
haha... I know what you mean! There are lots of little things like that that bother me too. I don't like it when people talk really loudly either and as for the supermarket/grocery store, the list of pet-hates there seems almost endless at times... (can you tell I loathe doing the groceries?)I especially don't like it when friends bump into each other and decide to have a chat in the MIDDLE of the aisle. If I bump into a friend or aquaintence and want to have a chat, I always move to the side, it's a simple courtesy.
@eadolfson (7)
• United States
10 Aug 08
i hate it when people get really close to your face when they talk to you and when somebody taps your shoulder and pretends it wasn't them and when people slurp when eating cereal
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
10 Aug 08
grrrrrrrr yes. Why not kick them in the trousers and pretend its not you? It seems to cure them in my experience
blessed be
@guybrush (4658)
• Australia
10 Aug 08
Cinnnamon, I know EXACTLY where you are coming from with the car radio thing! Our car doesn't seem to have one of those tuners where you can lock it in - so every time our son moves our car out of the driveway (which takes two minutes, tops!) he feels it necessary to fiddle with it in order to have HIS channel just for the short journey up the driveway! Then we have to stuff around to get ours back, which takes ages because I can never remember the frequency for it! GRRRR! The same culprit sticks the fruit labels on his work esky AND on the handle of the spoon he takes to eat his yoghurt with ... MORE GRRR! They might be little, inconsequential things, but having to put right a minor annoyance can start your day in a very bad way! I also hate the way my husband refuses to use a plate when he takes toast or other snacks down to eat in front of the telly. He puts the toast down on the tablemat, which leaves a horrible, greasy mark and crumbs. I've told him a million zillion times it's easier to wash up a plate ... but he won't listen! Buttery knives in the jam/vegemite are another horrible thing - fortunately I like ginger jam which everyone else hates, so mine is spared the horror of butter and crumbs all through it. Yuck.
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@cinnnamon (17)
• Australia
10 Aug 08
haha guybrush... seems like I'm definitley not alone with the apple sticker thing... and here I was thinking it was just me! As for the butter-in-the-vegemite-in-the-butter thing, I always thought that was an essential ingredient to enhance the taste or something. Rarely have I seen it any other way... anywhere! I have my own vegemite and sao's in the fridge at work and someone used my vegemite and left a big smear of marg in there... now THAT, I didn't appreciate, apart from the fact that they didn't ask to use it (it has my name on it). I also don't like it when it is wiped back onto the edge of the jar... how hard is it to just rinse it off the knife down the sink... sigh! Some things will never change I suppose. I know I do things that irritate people also, but all the complaining in the world hasn't changed me. My Mum hates it when I eat spaghetti out of the tin, personally I don't see the big deal, and I only do it in front of family members or my own friends and one of my co-workers hates it that I spread out stuff on my desk and it looks untidy during the day, even though I pack everything up and leave it perfectly neat and tidy at the end of the day..? wha??
@mscott (1923)
• United States
10 Aug 08
I hate it when people say me and him, or me and my friends. maybe it is just me but it is grammatically wrong. It is called the courtesy rule in English. When speaking you always put the other person first. My friends and I went to the store. They gave the box to my friends and me. People always say me and my friends and that isn't even proper English, even if it wasn't for the courtesy rule. Me went to the store, how does that sound. When you are the person doing it is I. I went to the store or my friends and I went to the store. When you are the receiver it is me. They gave it to me, or it was given to my friends and me. That concludes my English lesson for the day. 

@cinnnamon (17)
• Australia
10 Aug 08
I understand where you're coming from. My Mother drilled it into my siblings and I all our lives and was forever correcting our grammar. So much so that I find it really noticeable when others speak as you describe. I also hate it when I'm called "her" or "she" in a discussion when I am sitting right there. My name is Tracy, but instead of someone saying "...that belongs to Tracy", they will say "...that belongs to her".... HATE that!
@hllywdprncss76 (179)
• United States
10 Aug 08
I understand your peeves, here are some of mine.
1. People that I dont know that stand practically on me when im standing in line checking out
2. People who clink metal spoons in their coffee cups
3. Deadbeat dads
4. People who pretend they dont understand english just so they can get help faster at hospitals & at other state/county places. (Ive seen this done in the ER & when i went to file for child support)
5. Stupid people lol
Those are my main ones lol
• United States
11 Aug 08
It really annoys me when I'm in the store and people put their cart on one side of the aisle and then stand in front of it looking at something on the other side. No one can get through there when they do that. Why can't they put their cart on the same side they are standing on?
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
10 Aug 08
Its petty, i know it is, but people breaking silly rules to get an advantage really irritates me. I see people go to the ten items or less queue in a supermarket, with a trolly full of things just because it is quicker for them. Car drivers, cutting you up because it saves them a few seconds, such selfishness really annoys me. I blame the parents, must be in their upbringing
blessed be
@CinderInMySoul (4717)
• United States
10 Aug 08
I hate it when ppl interrupt.
I hate it when ppl leave wrappers or empty packaging on the kitchen table or counters instead of just putting it in the trash that isnt more than 2 feet away.
I hate it when ppl leave food in the dishes and when i have to scrape away or clean out the little strainer thing when i wash them.
I hate it when i am trying to watch something on the tv that EVERYBODY in the house knows ive been waiting to see..and then they think its the time to start a conversation.
I hate it when ppl take their shoes off and leave them sitting right in front of the couch..why dont they just take their damn shoes off where they belong and then come sit on the couch?!
I hate it when SOMEONE doesnt make sure EVERYTHING gets flushed!!!!
hmm...seems to be a lot about my family LMAO!
@CherylsPearls (1269)
• United States
10 Aug 08
I hate it when people leave doors and drawers open.
I hate it when people leave trash on tables; I don't care if it's in my house or somewhere like McDonalds!
I hate it when people throw trash out of their car windows. Litterbugs!
I hate it when people bump against you in line; I've been know to not turn around, but stab them with my elbow. lol
I hate shoes and coats or bookbags littering the floor; put them up!
I hate it when people drink out of cartons or bottles from the refrigerator. Yuck.
In the office, I hate people who use the last sheet of paper in the copier and don't replace it. This goes for the ink cartridges, too!
I hate it when co-workers want to borrow my pen. Get your own! lol
I hate it when co-workers leave food in the refrigerator to spoil. These types of people also never clean up the breakroom or anything in it.
I'm retired. I love that. No more office gripes! Yay.
@lazeebee (5461)
• Malaysia
10 Aug 08
Pet hate - yup, my hubby often leaves his cups or dishes unwashed at the kitchen sink. I don't understand why he can't just wash that one cup or plate! No matter how I "nag", he still does it! Sometimes I wonder if he does it to irritate me - see how far he can push me before I throw the d**n dishes at him!