what kind of pet do you like?

@izhuce13 (158)
August 9, 2008 10:33pm CST
i know nowadays, many people like to keep a pet,and many people treat their pet as their pet as their own family member. i still remember when i was a little boy, i was very afraid of the pet. take adog for example, when i saw a dog, i will get a tremble. because when a was in my 9year old, a dog chase after me , and i all but be bited by the dog ,and i also withness two of my friend were bite by the dog.this made me have great dread of dog. in my eye, cat is a mystic anima.it is say that cat have nine lives.and they also live a mystic live. in a dark still night, when you hear "mew,mew,mew" is will make you willies.everytime i hear this i will have gooseflesh. ialso do not know why i dare not to watch the cats' eyes, i think their eye is very evil. but know, my family keep six dog, one is dog mother, and the other were her children. so ,do you have a story with a pet?or what kind of pet are you keeping?or do you like pet?
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