BB10: Will it work?
By babyangie27
@babyangie27 (5176)
United States
August 10, 2008 8:49pm CST
SPOILER You know the drill!
OK so lets talk about Dan. After seeing his behavior in the Diary Room I must say i can't stand him. I think this will backfire on him. The blow up was not a surprise,however how April jumped on Libra was. April is a shady person and a threat if you ask me. I am a bit stunned that Dan wasn't placed on the block.
Libra needs to go,been saying that for a while. But i don't know if it will work this time around. Michelle has sealed her fate and should be gone next week,unless one of the key players from the other alliance is taken out this week.
So if the nomination stay the same who should go? How long can Renny fly under the radar?
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7 responses
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
11 Aug 08
My hubby is with you. He doesn't like Dan anymore either. I am on the fence about him. I like him...I don't like him...and back and forth that goes. I feel the same way about Memphis. I like him, I don't like him...back and forth. LOL!
As for Libra...she deserves everything she gets. That girl starts trouble but manages to double talk and manipulate her way out of it every time. She is the one who, more often than not, talks the HOH into putting someone up that will benefit her. For that fact alone, she is a threat because, for whatever reason, people listen to her.
It looks to me like she will be leaving because, it looks like it might be a split vote and then Michelle will cast the deciding tie breaking vote and that will be for Libra.
As far as Renny goes...I have no idea how much longer she can fly under the radar. I am impressed that she managed to get herself out of the target zone. Bravo and hats off to her for pulling that off. I don't entirely like her but, I don't entirely hate her now either.
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@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
12 Aug 08
cortjo73 here is the problem that lies with a split vote. It may not happen since I beleive Dan is still AP which means he ahs to do what America tells him. Which if we have learned abything from the Evel age America tend to like pople like him and Libra. But we will see I can't wait!
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@livintx49 (245)
• United States
11 Aug 08
I like Dan, but he could have handled it different. I have a question-I guess I missed a show.What has Memphis done that everyone is against him? I neither here nor there with him.But Libra-whew she needs to Go!!!!
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@nicholejade (2430)
• Canada
11 Aug 08
No question Libra has to go. She is up on the block and needs to be on her way. I can't stand the woman to be honest. What a lousy person if you ask me. She has even said verbally out loud that she wants to be sent home. She said that she wants to go home. Apparently the next person is going to the jury house and she even has voiced that she doesn't want to go and wants to go to her family. However Jerry is going to listen to Michelle and do what she wants. Guess we will have to wait a bit yet before we see if Jerry takes Keesha off as I know he won't take Libra off.
@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
11 Aug 08
When did Jerry win POV????? Do we have a spoiler or something?
Anyhow I haven't heard Libra express her wanting to go home but I sure would love to see her go.
@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
12 Aug 08
No i don;'t and many other don't as well so next time please don't tell us,unless we asks lol. I mean no harm in it just don't like to know beofre hand what happens.
@nicholejade (2430)
• Canada
11 Aug 08
I take you don't have the live feeds or are reading about the live feeds. Yes Jerry won the POV. Libra stated 2 or 3 nights ago that she wanted to go home. They blew up in the house and that is what she said.
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@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
12 Aug 08
Id rather see Keesha go but Libra is someone I dislike as well so I will be glad to see her gone as well. I missed the last BB episode so I have missed a bit but im starting to like dan just a bit I mean hes better then the other choices lol. As for Renny I think she can stay under the radar for while unless Jerry gets HOH then i think shes up.
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@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
12 Aug 08
Yep if jerry wins HOH Renny is at leats going up,whether he can get her out I am not sure,I am sure all the housguests think they can win against her in the end since so far she hasn't won anything.
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
12 Aug 08
I guess I don't know what you mean about how Dan behaved in the Diary Room. I love Dan and think he is so funny!
I hope that Libra goes this week and I am also sick of Michelle, so won't miss her if she leaves next week.
I wouldn't mind seeing April go too.
Renny is so funny. She plays under the radar and then all of the sudden she is in a yelling match with someone about nothing. I like Renny more and more when I see her. I use to really dislike her, but she is very entertaining.

@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
12 Aug 08
I think it is great that he could convince Michelle that he felt bad. I don't think that anyones line of work should play a factor in this game.
@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
12 Aug 08
What I mean by Dan is he was bragging about how well he faked being upset liek he was happy he lied and got away with it. I think that is wrong of a man to do in his line of work.

@capirani (2840)
• United States
11 Aug 08
Libra has been pretty bad at competitions so I don't expect her to win POV. I don't know about Keesha or if she will win it. I think whoever wins it if it isn't one of the nominees, will keep the nominees the same. Well, maybe except if Renny wins it and pulls Keesha off the block. If that happens I suppose Dan will be put up. I like Dan at this point although I think he could have and should have done the America's Player in a better way which is why he got into such trouble. He shouldn't have made promises to either side about Jesse because he didn't know who America would choose to evict. It would have been better for him to not side with anyone at that point rather than to side with both sides. He just didn't think things out well there. At this point, I haven't decided what I think about Renny. I didn't like her in the beginning, but that has changed over the past weeks.
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@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
11 Aug 08
Yea Dan could have handled the whole thing better by not saying what he would and wouldn't do. Guess he thought he knew that America would vote to kep Jesse,who knows.
@samijo719 (1052)
• United States
12 Aug 08
I think Libra has got to go! I cannot stand that woman! The way she talks and the FAKE smiles she gives drive me nuts. Am I only the only one who noticed the evil fake smile she gave after winning the Hawaii trip? Agh, she annoys me.
I know Renny has flown under the radar but I like her. She is probably one of my favorites right now. Which hard for me to say. This season has been different for me, it's the first season it's taken me a long time to like someone and didn't have faves. From the beginning I kind of disliked everyone in a certain way. Now the only people I dont dislike are Renny, Dan and Mephis. Libra has to this week though. I cant take another week of her! lol
@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
12 Aug 08
Lol yea it took me a while to kind of like anyone,and I used to liek April but she is a flip flopper and now I don't like her either. Libra sohould have been gone a while ago,too many people were showing their cards too early in the game yet Libra has manged to run the house despite who HOH is.
@nicholejade (2430)
• Canada
11 Aug 08
Libra needs to go no questions asked on this girl. I cannot stand this woman. She just erks me the wrong way. If they were smart they would vote her out now as well. She is a force to be reckoned with. She has said that she wanted to go home. Apparently this weeks eviction whoever it maybe will be going to the jury house. Libra has also voiced she wants to go home and not to the jury house. I can honestly say that Jerry will do whatever Michelle wants. He will not go back on Michelle.