A Big Battle

United States
August 11, 2008 9:23pm CST
a huge battle that someone cant do alone but needs you. your love,your friendship,your strengh..just to be there that one person that wont let you down..thats my mother..i battled cancer 13 years ago and thought it was so horrible and why me kicked in..so why me?? why anyone?? it doesnt pick or choose who gets it..its not wrote down in a book..you can be healthy and get cancer and not make it..so whos right or whos wrong?? who do you listen to?? where do you turn?? MY STORY: like i said i had cancer 13 years ago HODGKINS in the lymph nodes.it was first detected in my neck and thanks to knowing my body and how it is supposed to be i was able to get to it quick than some. I had surgery on my neck for the byopsy to be sure(ok that was fine)HERES the KICKER..i was working at the time and the surgen called me at work and told me the bad news YOU HAVE CANCER!! Wow how do you respond to that question or even try to think that this is happening to you..I got no sorry,no compastion or anything from this man..i went home and told my mother,my rock,my friend,my world..she was there when i needed her the most. The next day i got a hold of my family doc. and he told me to go see a specialist who then send me to a cancer doc..so between all the docs..there were tons of x-rays so many i cant even count anymore,i had several other surgerys in between and before my radiation treatments began..lymphangigram(cut into the tops of feet.to open up the veins and put in dye)as well as needles poked in between each of my toes to add more dye(that was so much pain and i wouldnt wish it on anyone),my spline was removed to be on the safe side that it didnt go there..lucky for me it only stayed in the neck and half of my chest..3 months of radiation and some hair loss along with the weight loss and getting sick and beening tired all the time(my mother was there for me).I lost a boyfriend over this mess because he couldnt deal with it..why?? i ask that alot..maybe it was to much responsiblity for him to be there and just listen and comfort..i still have to go once a year for check-ups and all the routine stuff but i thank god that im here. On the other hand why is one person spared from this horrible thing and loved ones die?? I lost my father last year to 2 types of cancer and my grandmother 6 months ago from it as well. was i supposed to be the strong one in there time of need or just someone who understood what they were going threw or was it getting me prepraid for something else?? who knows nobody knows and no will..just thank god that your hear and still alive to live your life and enjoy your family..if you know someone who has cancer mother,father,sister,brother,girlfriend,wife,husband and the list goes on..be strong and dont give up on them they need you more than you think..also listen,listen with your heart and leand that shoulder becuase it will see a lot..good luck to all,god with you all and remember DONT GIVE UP!!
2 responses
@angelia286 (2029)
• Singapore
12 Aug 08
Thanks for sharing your story with us. That is such a sad thing to have happened to you. Not to worry, besides your family, you still have us Mylotters to give you the support and encouragement that you need! Cheer up and have the will to fight on! I am sure you will conquer this disease You are lucky to have your family supporting you in the times of need. In the period where everything seems to be going downhill, this is a silver lining in the clouds. I remember the time when I was 9, and my dad was diagnosed with lung cancer. He has no people around to encourage him and support him besides my mum. Others are just after his money. When he's down, there is no one around. There's a reason for everything that is happening. And that includes the reason why your boyfriend had left you. Perhapes it was never fated to e and you are fated to be with someone more suitable for you. Cheer up, battle on and you will find a better guy the next time round. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!! You can do it!!
• Singapore
12 Aug 08
No problem. Glad to be of some help. I am really glad that your life turned out great for you. You must have really felt very blessed Your husband is lucky to have you for his wife. And you are also lucky to have him by your side. Your previous boyfriend is just not worth it!
• United States
12 Aug 08
i found someone during the treatments and married him..weve been married for 13 years and have 2 wonderful children..ty for your response and the scars are there everyday to remind that something like didnt take my life but made me stronger for it..ty again
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@rsa101 (38248)
• Philippines
12 Aug 08
I can pretty well relate to this one as I have my mother battling this disease for sometime. It is true that you're really get drained of everything when you have this disease. Physically, emotionally and financially everything would be drained from you. But so far, all her battles may still win coz the spreading has stopped and she is regaining back her strength and is improving but her health is so uncertain that it may very well return back so were keeping our fingers crossed for that one.
• United States
12 Aug 08
i hope all the best for your mom and pray that things will look up and it will be gone..strengh for you and your family and just to let ya know your not alone..if ya dont mind can you give me an update on hows shes doing? may god be with you all
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@rsa101 (38248)
• Philippines
12 Aug 08
She is doing good actually she is under clinical trial since the meds are just to high we enrolled her to a clinical trial medicines called lapatinib. I know if you would buy this it would cost us the fortune but luckily she got enrolled and qualified for the test. So far so good her lump in her lung has stopped growing and has significantly reduced. Our doc said that it might just be a scar left and there no more cancer cells in it actually but they could not proved it yet.