Do you really love your life?

August 11, 2008 11:42pm CST
We live in the world everyday, but do you really love yourlife? Are you really "eading" your life or just your life drives you? More and more people become negative and depaired on their life but never think what they can do to improve. They indulge themself in electronic games, gambling, they just follow others' life style and never consider why they are living like that, what the object of their life, why are they there. Are you one of them? Should we just wait for our death since birth? NO!! we should lead our lives, do what we like, travel the places we enjoy, look for a life we dream...
4 responses
@jands1 (835)
• United States
12 Aug 08
Ah now you are speaking my language srainow. Though I will disagree about "electronic gaming". I have been a Gamer Chick for nearly 20 years. I *revel* in being able to outshoot any guy I've run across outside of the tournament circuit. :D But then again, I love video games. hehe If you aren't careful srainow, you will end up like me: Bohemian. :D In the end, life is too short to not live. Most people end up dying when they are elderly with only having gotten through life. To me, that is sad. But then again, to some, that is life lived to the fullest. It is all about perspective. :D
• China
13 Aug 08
i am also staring with :D. I 'd rather believe, everyone owns spirit, after his life ends up, he will not lose everything. :D
@jands1 (835)
• United States
13 Aug 08
I also do not believe we lose everything we learn in each life. Just seems to take a whole lifetime to remember all we learned from a previous life. LOL
@jands1 (835)
• United States
13 Aug 08
Oh wow! I got best response! Thank you so much srainow! *hugs*
@chenee08 (591)
• Philippines
12 Aug 08
i love my life. though there were times that i really wanted to quit and runaway from all the problems that i have encounter.i believe that everything happens for a reason.
• China
13 Aug 08
I agree with you Chenee, everything happens for a reason, we have to face it and become stronger than before. We have to grow up to be an audlt. We can't always run away when problems happen. That sounds a little sad, right? But you have to, this is life, with a cool nature. :D
@shav9292 (928)
• India
12 Aug 08
i don't think about it too often.i am more concerned about the lives of my loved ones. i have a responsibility on my shoulders and i will stand upto it no matter what.just by thinking anything wont what you have to do. anyway good question thou. have a nice day.
• China
13 Aug 08
We all have responsibilities on others and ourselves, to be a strong man. I will also do my best to be a strong lady. Have a nice day too. :D
@anita27 (90)
• India
12 Aug 08
hi!!i love my life.what i feel is if we are happy & content in life we love our life.if u've have positive appoach towards life nothing can go wrong .think positive.god has given life for once why cant we live thoroughly.enjoy life!
• China
13 Aug 08
Right, we have to enjoy our lives, if not, why we came to this world. Nice day :D