Esty 101- Add your suggestions/discuss your issues....
@creationsbyrobin (3071)
United States
August 12, 2008 12:54am CST
I've been a member of the Etsy community for just over 1 year. And by no means do I consider myself to be anywhere near an expert on this subject. But I think I know a little bit about getting the most out of Etsy... I hope the other myLot members with positive experiences can offer suggestions to this thread and maybe help out some members that are considering trying Etsy as an outlet for their craft creations and the sellers that aren't finding Etsy easy.
With that being said, let me start off by saying that ETSY is NOT easy! Making handmade creations is really the easiest part of Etsy. Getting them sold, that's a different story. If you think you can open a store, place a few items in the store and sit back and wait for sales... well, I'm sure we all heard the saying about a needle in a haystack. That's about the % of selling an item w/o promoting.
Etsy tip #1- PROMOTE. I try to force myself onto the site to promote at least 15 minutes everyday and sometimes I'm on the site for an hour or two each day. When you spend enough time promoting, you'll notice that there are many sellers spending a lot of time on the site promoting.
The way to promote on Etsy, is to go to the forums. Find the promotion forum and see if one of your items can fit into an existing thread. (you'll find threads for "just listed", threads stating a specific color, items that begin with a certain letter, etc) Just go into the thread, maybe make a positive comment about the item the thread-starter posted (yes, look at it-maybe even "heart" the item) and then leave a link to your item.
Disclaimer- don't leave a link to your item in a thread with the subject Blue, if your item isn't blue!
Try to look at a couple of items that have been posted, make comments in the thread (always positive) and leave your link to your item. It's always nice to stop back to see if you have any comments on your item.
When you are a fairly new Etsy member, it's very important to get your shop and items in front of other members and potential buyers. The only way you'll do this is through promoting as often as you can.
This is exactly what I told by more than one Etsy member when I first started...
Promote, promote, promote and when you think you've promoted enough, Promote some more!!
Tip 2- Listing your items
The trick to listing your items is.. be very happy with the images you are going to use in your listings. Etsy allows you to list 5 images of your creation with ea listing...use them all every chance you get.
If you have 5 or 6 items to list, don't list them all at the same time. Spread your listings out over the course of the day. I like to add one in the morning and one or two in the evening.
The reason is very simple. When you list an item, it eventually goes onto the category page. The top category page! As other members add listings, your item will move down the list. If you add all 5 or 6 of your listings at one time, say in the morning, they all be 4 or 5 pages down the category list by the evening. People overseas would have to search the category for awhile before coming across your listings.
But if you spread them out during the day and even over the course of a few days, you keep your shop name on the 1st page for awhile and give all of your listings a shot of being looked at by potential buyers. The more that your items are on the first few pages of your category, the better the chance of your items being found...all of your listed items!
Tip 2A- Don't be afraid to re-list your items. If you have an item that isn't being viewed or maybe you feel it's buried on one of your back pages, spend the 20 cents and relist the item. It takes an item that is buried in your shop and puts it right back on the front page! Maybe switch your lead image to another in the listing (hint- I've switched out some pictures, revised the description and raised the price a few dollars and sold the item that same day!... it's all a matter of getting the item in front of the buyer... of course this doesn't work all the time, but it has happened for me)
Tip 3- Promote outside Etsy.
MyLot is just one place where you can promote your items. Add an Etsy mini to your profile page. Start a blog, write about your creations, add an etsy mini to the blog and promote your blog on Etsy. There are many threads about blogging where you can add your blog link. Have business cards made with your Etsy shop address and hand them out at craft shows. You can hang them up on the bulletin boards that many grocery stores have up near the exits. They can be left in coffee shops, (but get permission from an employee)I know people who leave them when they go out to eat. When the check comes they pay and add a business card for the waitress. Join a few social networking sites and promote there.
These are just a few simple tips to get this thread started. I know there are several other myLot members that have great ideas for increasing your chances of success on Etsy and I hope they chime in with there suggestions.
Later today (after some much needed sleep) I'll list how Etsy helps members maximize their stay with Etsy...and they really work!!
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6 responses
@lovespecialangel (3632)
• United States
2 Sep 08
Those are some really good tips. I have some items in etsy and they aren't doing so well. Of course I haven't been there in a bit to promote them either. So, basically we just post a lot in the forums and that's a way of promoting?
1 person likes this
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
12 Aug 08
Wow, this is such a helpful discussion. I see why you've been successful. You know the ropes! I was a member of Etsy for over a year. I did not do the things you recommend in this discussion. I sat back, watched and waited. Nothing sold as a result. I did send a link to my store to our kids and asked them to forward to others. Again nothing happened therefore no sales. I do feel Etsy is for the better qualified crafter who is willing to take the time to place their items on the site and turn their store into sales. Plenty of others have done well with Etsy even though I was not one of them. It's a good site.
I've actually sold more items at craft fairs. I make and sell the kind of items that look much better in person. Photos don't do them any justice.
Thanks for posting this discussion. I found it to be interesting and helpful. Your details are remarkable.
@creationsbyrobin (3071)
• United States
12 Aug 08
Thank you Carolbee! Some of my success may be from working in retail for, well let's just say several years
, but I do have several Etsy member and Etsy administration to thank also. They have shared secrets that have been successful on the site and allowed me to incorporate them into my shop.
Believe it or not, the first items I listed in my shop were August. 90 degrees outside everyday and I'm trying to sell I started making jewelry, but found my little digital camera couldn't capture the detail of the pieces, so I had to scan the images, to capture the detail (and at the expense of the vivid colors) I had to photoshop the items trying to add colors to the washed out look from the scans. It took about 4 months before I decided enough was enough and I purchased a decent camera...and it's really made all the difference!
I still believe that your items are of the quality to sell on Etsy. I also sell at shows and have now incorporated another little tip into my listings... a tip that helps others find my items through the maze of sellers in the mess called the Etsy search engine.
Tip #4- Listing tips-
Etsy allows you to add up to 14 tags per listing. For simplification, I'll use my medium as an example. Let's say I'm listing a bracelet. My first tags will be the obvious- jewelry, bracelet, ea color, ea component (sterling silver, antiqued copper, glass beads, sea glass, etc) when using sea glass, I'll add beach, ocean to the list. Always, always add your shop name to the tags!!
Etsy's search engine has a drop down box and in this box there is a sub category for sellers name. But if a friend comes to the site, one that has never been on Etsy before, they may not realize this and may never find you. By adding your shops name to your tags, they don't ever need to use the drop-down box. The engine is set to search for tags, so all they need to do is enter CreationsByRobin and all my listings with my shop name in the tags come right up... and from there it's easy for them to see my entire shop.
A very simple tip and doing this is okay with Etsy (they know their search engines are a difficult maze to navigate)
Now when you promote your items/shop outside of Etsy, everyone will be able to find you with ease because you've simplified Etsy's difficult search engine for the new users!
Thank you Carolbee for your kind comments and for your response!

@carolbee (16230)
• United States
12 Aug 08
Thank you for listing your additional tip. I can understand why you do well on Etsy. I just don't have my heart and soul into crafts right now. Am knitting an afghan that needs to be done in less than 2 months. Will be a grandma again and want it done before the baby is born. It has only taken me 3-4 months to get about half finished. Decided to do an afghan that is 150 stitches wide. What was I thinking! lol Maybe in terms that we were going to have a 40 pound baby.....duh me!
@rosettaresearch (1285)
• United States
12 Aug 08
Thanks for the tag tip. I never knew you could put your shop name in there. have to go do that. Also need to add the mini to my blog.
@venshida (4836)
• United States
12 Aug 08
Your posting is very informative. I am not on Etsy right now, but thinking about starting up again. I did like a lot of folks list a couple of items and did not promote. I now understand I need to promote.
Your tips were excellent.
@creationsbyrobin (3071)
• United States
13 Aug 08
Thank you! Actually, it was a tip you gave in one of the craft threads that inspired me to start these threads.
I think understanding the importance of promoting your shop and items is huge. Once you know that it is a very necessary evil of Etsy (I call it an evil, because it really is a grind for me, but a much needed one)it becomes easier to do.
Of course, when you've done a bunch of promoting and find you amde a sale or two, it becomes much easier to hit the promoting forum or to make a blog entry.
Let us know if you open your shop again!!
Thanks for your response!
@creationsbyrobin (3071)
• United States
6 Nov 08
You are very welcome. If I may, check out Etsy's virtual labs. They have a tremendous team that holds live sessions for new members. It covers everything from listing items, taking pictures, pricing, etc. Everything you want to know has probably been covered and written about. They'll post links to articles on many of these subjects and they really do a wonderful job (I head over to the sessions from time to time, just to pick up some new ideas)
Feel free to ask if you have more questions!
@kymommy72 (588)
• United States
6 Nov 08
Great post and great advice for a newbie like me. Pics and descriptions are my biggest problem. I don't have much in my shop yet, but I am working on some items to list. As I am making them I am trying to think of how to describe them and come up blank. Some Etsy sellers have such wonderfully descriptive and color listings and I can barely come up with a title. Creative hands, yes...creative writing...ummm no. Photos is another big problem for me. Sellers use such wonderful backgrounds and lighting. It's really hard for me. My house is no palace, so it's hard for me to use that as any kind of a back drop and I have a choice between a lamp or natural light from outside.
@creationsbyrobin (3071)
• United States
6 Nov 08
Thanks! I prefer to use natural light as much as possible. Interior lighting always seems to dull colors and sometimes there's a glare on my silver items. Most of the backgrounds I use are sheets of scrapbooking paper that I bought pretty inexpensively at Michaels or AC Moores.
If you get a chance, try going to one of Etsy's "newbie chats" in the virtual labs (they have a schedule posted in the virtual labs)They often go over what works best for images and I know they believe that sticking to similar backgrounds for every item brands your work.
I like using the same 2 or 3 backgrounds for my glass bead jewelry and I usually add a props, like a starfish and sand for my seaglass jewelry. Sometimes I'll shoot my jewelry outside. I often take as many as 20 pictures, switching looks, backgrounds and lighting and then choose my best 5 or 6.
As far as writing, I usually go with a basic description. My titles are often... "Frosty White Sea Glass Copper Bracelet"... nothing special about the title and my description isn't much better. I do try to describe the colors as well as I can and use words like beautiful, stunning, exquiste, etc in my descriptions. Just be honest and say what you feel about your handmade creation. If you are excited by the way it turned out, let potential customers know that by describing what you see and feel about it.
My home is very tiny and my craft room is very small and so very cluttered. I have a little spot in the room, near a window where I take my photos. I did go out and buy a decent camera last year (a Canon Powershot with a macro setting and an optical zoom lense) and it helped my images immensely.
Etsy is a learning process and you'll get better at your craft, images and listings with experience... and I've always said that the crafting part of Etsy is the most fun. Trying to put together a listing that jumps out at the buyers and promoting your creations is the hardest part.
Hang in there, it will all come together for you!
@borneocraft (88)
• Indonesia
17 Aug 08
i joined etsy since march 2008, i sell selections of jewelry supplies and so far i got 10 sale with 404 hearts on my shop. Its not easy at first, i got my first sale after 1 month... but in time as i promote more in and outside etsy,add more items and be active in forum i got more views in my store
there is so many thread and post about low season on etsy and many opinion about there is to many seller than buyer lately... but i found it almost all my buyer are seller on etsy :) hopefully there is increase sales after summer, its makes me sad to see shop closing down or etsian who get desperate on forum, i understand how it feels without sales for some times :(
based on my experience we need to diverse our stuff on etsy or we will be in high competition ( i see lot of jeweler maker with same style) we must to create or sell something unique...
i am still looking for more great tips about selling on etsy :)
@creationsbyrobin (3071)
• United States
18 Aug 08
Oooh! A response from a supplier. As tough as the jewelry category is, selling supplies must be as hard or even harder. Yet, many suppliers are doing thousands of sales a year on Etsy.
To touch on what you mentioned in your post... it is very tough on some crafters (I prefer to call us artists
) when they go on Etsy with high expectations. Some people have awesome creations and they believe all they need to do is place their items, sit back and wait for the items to sell.
In reality, making the item is the fun part (and the easiest part of Etsy). Getting the item sold, is a whole other story. Consistent promoting is needed and often, you'll need to vary your promoting times to make sure you get the "night" buyers.
In your case, you are selling to the sellers. From a few of the sellers of supplies on Etsy, the best way to maximize your listings is to promote often when you list an item and to consider re-listing items that were ignored (or not viewed when you first listed) because the buyers for your supplies weren't looking at the time or re-listing when you feel an item is sitting in your shop for too long.
Another good idea is to start your own thread in the forums, something to let sellers/buyers know it is a supply thread (I've purchased quite a few supplies reading a suppliers thread in the forums)
I think after all the back to school shopping is done and the children return to
school, things will begin to pick up on Etsy. Last year, I noticed quite a bit of selling in October, so you'll probably start getting busy in mid to late September, as the sellers begin planning their holiday items for Etsy and craft shows.
Thanks for your response!